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Scientific Data Documentation
Health Insurance Supplement, 1996

               1996 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS)
                   Health Insurance Public Use Data File

   1.  The 1996 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Health Insurance data
       file contains a variety of data items addressing health insurance.  These
       data items are essentially the same as in other recent years with a few
       exceptions. The differences are:

            A) All Medicare recipients were asked about "Medicare Managed Care

            B) All Medicaid recipients were asked about "Medicaid Managed Care

            C) For those with private general purpose health care plans,
            coverage of dental care was ascertained instead of coverage for

       The coding scheme for the private insurance plans has changed completely
       from previous years. The new codes are more directly related to newer
       types of managed care. As a result, many of the recodes relating to
       earlier HMO coverage have been deleted. These fields have been left blank
       on the file so that the fields that are consistent between 1996 and
       previous years are retained in the same locations.

       As a result of the Federal government furlough, two weeks of data
       collection were omitted in January of 1996. In addition, in orde to test
       the changing NHIS core questionnaire, for much of the year the sample was
       split between the old (paper) and new (computerized) versions of the core
       questionnaire. This data file includes only data obtained from the paper
       version of the NHIS questionnaire. As a result, the sample size is
       considerably smaller than in the previous year (63,402 vs. 102,467).  The
       weights have been adjusted for these factors to produce national

   2.  The 1996 Health Insurance supplement was administered for the full year
       (except as mentioned above) in all of the NHIS sample households which
       were interviewed using the paper core NHIS. Information was collected
       from a household respondent about all family members who participated
       in the NHIS.

       The 1996 Health Insurance file is structured in the following way:

       a.  The NHIS person record from the core questionnaire (locations 1-189)
       b.  The weight fields (locations 190-335)
       c.  Fields needed for calculating variances (locations 342-358)
       d.  Data from supplement (locations 401-554)

           Note:  All data from the Health Insurance supplement have been
       shifted to start in location 401 in order to accommodate a longer public
       use person record required by the new sample design in 1995.  As noted
       above, fields that are the same as in 1995 are in the same locations, but
       many old recode fields pertaining to private health insurance have been
       left blank as a result of the change in the plan coding.

   3.  In 1996, two types of item non-response were identified:

       (1)  "Not ascertained" (codes 8, 98, or 998) includes blanks when there
            should have been a response or when an impossible code appeared and;
       (2)  Responses of "don't know" or "refused" when the question was asked
            (codes 9, 99 and 999).

   4.  The overall response rate for the 1996 Health Insurance was 89.8 percent.
       This response rate was calculated as follows:

            Household response rate from core of 93.8 percent multiplied by the
            95.7 percent who responded to the Health insurance section yields an
            overall response rate of 89.8 percent.

       Dummy records were created for those with no response to the entire
       section (see file location 401).

   5.  Weights and variances:

       Since the NHIS uses a multistage sample design to represent the civilian
       non-institutionalized population of the United States, weights must be
       used to make accurate estimates based on data from the National Health
       Interview Survey.  A set of weights are included on the 1996 file:

       The first weight listed below (i.e. the Final Basic Weight) will be used
       in most analyses of the Health Insurance data.

       The Final Basic Weight (location 219-227) is the equivalent of the Annual
       Final Basic Weight found on the NHIS Person Record of the Basic Health
       and Demographic component of the survey (i.e. the Core questionnaire).  A
       national estimate of all person level variables can be made using this

       This weight will be used in conjunction with Health Insurance data items
       in file locations 401-554.

       The Final Quarter Basic Weight before age-sex-race/ethnicity adjustment
       (loc. 172-177) is required by some software packages for variance
       estimation for surveys with complex sample designs.  This weight is also
       included on the file.

       As mentioned above, the sample design for the NHIS was changed for 1995.
       Data from 1995 and 1996 can be combined with data from previous years,
       however, variances for 1995 and 1996 must be calculated separately from
       variances of previous years.  In addition, because of the smaller sample
       size in 1996, some of the design elements were combined for reasons of
       confidentiality.  The exact changes are included in explanation below.

       There are a number of computer programs that yield variance estimates for
       data based on complex sample surveys.  Some are based on replication
       approaches and others are based on Taylor linearization approaches.  In
       addition to the Final Quarter Basic Weight before age-sex-race/ethnicity
       adjustment (which is the weight prior to post-stratification), included
       on the Health Insurance file is the collapsed variance stratum (loc. 354-
       357), the variance PSU (loc.358), the substratum for variance estimation
       (loc. 342-343), the secondary sampling unit (344-350), Panel 4 (loc. 352),
       and the NSR status variable (loc. 353) to permit the analyst the
       capability of using such variance estimation procedures.  These variables
       and weights are necessary for directly calculating sampling variances.

   6.  Estimating annual numbers of events or conditions

       a.   To reduce respondent error, the recall period for questions about
            some events is limited to two weeks.  These events are: bed days and
            other restricted activity days, work loss and school loss days, and
            doctor visits.  The two-week variables are found in locations 98-107
            and 120-121.  Estimates of the total number of occurrences of these
            events in the population can be derived as follows:

                 Number of events x 26 (number of two-week
                 periods in a year) x Final Basic Weight

                 =    Total number of events occurring in the population
                      during the annual period, i.e. 1996.

            Example:  Number of bed days (Loc. 100-101) x 26 x Final Basic
            Weight (Loc. 219-227) = total number of bed days reported for the
            population in 1996.

        b.  The recall period for acute incidence conditions is also two weeks
            and a national estimate of the total number of acute incidence
            conditions is calculated using the same procedures as for two-week
            events for the annual period.

                  Number of acute incidence conditions x 26 x Final Basic Weight

                  =    Total number of acute incidence conditions occurring in
                       the population during 1996.

            Note:  An acute incidence condition is an acute condition with onset
            during the two weeks preceding the date of interview.

        c.  The recall period for information on hospitalizations is 12 months.
            However, in calculating number of discharges (Locations 132-133,
            137-138), only discharges occurring in the past 6 months are
            counted.  Therefore, the weighted estimates must be calculated as

                 Number of discharges x 2 x Final Basic Weight

                 =    Total number of discharges occurring in the population
                      in 1996.

   7.  Calculation of rates for events and conditions:

       The number of events or conditions estimated for the population, as
       described in item 6, above, can be used as the basis for calculating rate
       of occurrence of these events (or conditions) per person and per 100
       persons for the total U.S. population and for various population

       Note:  Only rates can be estimated from these data.  The percent of the
       population experiencing a particular type of event during the data year
       cannot be estimated. (The percent of the population experiencing the even
       in the reporting period (i.e. two weeks or 6 months) can be estimated but
       is generally not meaningful.)

   8.  Data on hospital episodes and days, based on a 12-month recall are in
       locations 122-131.  The Final Basic Weight is used for calculating
       estimates of these events in the same way it is used for all other
       person-based variables.  These variables do permit estimating thepercent
       of the population in this annual period experiencing a hospital episode
       in the past year and the percent of that population having a specified
       number of hospital days.

   9.  Guidelines for Citation of Data

       With the goal of mutual benefit, the National Center for Health Statistics
       (NCHS) requests that recipients of data files cooperate in certain actions
       related to their use.

       Any published material derived from the data should acknowledge NCHS as
       the original source.  The suggested citation to appear at the bottom of
       all tables is as follows:

            Source:  National Center for Health Statistics (1996)

       When cited in a bibliography, the suggested citation should read:

       National Center for Health Statistics (1998).  Data File Documentation,
       National Health Interview Survey of Health Insurance, 1996 (machine
       readable data file and documentation), National Center for Health
       Statistics, Hyattsville, Maryland.

       The published material should also include a disclaimer that credits any
       analyses, interpretations, or conclusions reached to the author
       (recipient of the data file) and not to NCHS, which is responsible only
       for the initial data.  Consumers who wish to publish a technical
       description of the data should make a reasonable effort to insure that
       the description is not inconsistent with that published by NCHS.

                     1996 HEALTH INSURANCE PUBLIC USE FILE
                           Outline of Items and Codes

                                 63,402 Records
  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes

   1-2        -                        RECORD TYPE

                           63,402         85.  Health Insurance

   3-4        HH-2                     PROCESSING YEAR

                           63,402         96.  1996

   5-14       Generated                HOUSEHOLD ID

   15-16      -                        PERSON NUMBER

   17-18      -                        BLANK (Record Serial Number on other
                                              record types)

   19-20      -                        SAMPLING WEEK CODE (Numbered within
                                                          Quarter, location 178)

                                          01.  Week 1
                                          02.  Week 2
                                          03.  Week 3
                                          04.  Week 4
                                          05.  Week 5
                                          06.  Week 6
                                          07.  Week 7
                                          08.  Week 8
                                          09.  Week 9
                                          10.  Week 10
                                          11.  Week 11
                                          12.  Week 12
                                          13.  Week 13


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes
    21        Recode                   LATE INTERVIEW (OR LAST ATTEMPT) FLAG

                           36,891        0.  Interview not late
                           18,591        1.  One week late
                            6,372        2.  Two weeks late
                            1,548        3.  Unknown

   22-23      HH-11c,d
                                       Housing Unit = (00-07)

                            1,234        00.  Housing unit; kind unknown
                           58,363        01.  House, apartment, flat
                               37        02.  HU in nontransient hotel, motel,
                                5        03.  HU-permanent in transient hotel,
                                              motel, etc.
                               20        04.  HU in rooming house
                            3,072        05.  Mobile home or trailer with no
                                              permanent room added
                              450        06.  Mobile home or trailer with one
                                              or more permanent rooms added
                               51        07.  HU not specified above

                                              Other Unit = (08-13)

                               39        08.  Quarters not HU in rooming or
                                              boarding house
                                3        09.  Unit not permanent in transient
                                              hotel, motel, etc.
                               14        10.  Unoccupied site for mobile home,
                                              trailer, or tent
                               90        11.  Student quarters in college
                               24        12.  Other unit not specified above
                                0        13.  Other unit; kind unknown

      24      HH-12                    HAS TELEPHONE

                           57,080        1.  Yes, phone number given
                            2,558        2.  Yes, no phone number given
                            3,099        3.  No
                              665        4.  Unknown

      25      A-1                      SEX

                           30,358        1.  Male
                           33,044        2.  Female


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes

   26         -                        AGE IMPUTED FLAG

                           63,400         0.  Age known
                                2         1.  Age unknown, imputed as 34

 27-28        Person                   AGE
                              976         00.  Under 1 year
                           62,241      01-89.  Number of years
                              185         90.  90 years or older

    29        Recode                   AGE RECODE #1

                            4,918         1.  Under 5 years
                           13,210         2.  5-17 years
                            5,568         3.  18-24 years
                           19,974         4.  25-44 years
                           12,598         5.  45-64 years
                            2,213         6.  65-69 years
                            1,928         7.  70-74 years
                            2,993         8.  75 years and over

    30        Recode                   AGE RECODE #2

                            6,008         1.  Under 6 years
                           11,219         2.  6-16 years
                            6,469         3.  17-24 years
                            9,603         4.  25-34 years
                           10,371         5.  35-44 years
                            7,673         6.  45-54 years
                            4,925         7.  55-64 years
                            4,141         8.  65-74 years
                            2,993         9.  75 years and over

 31-32        Recode                   AGE RECODE #3

                            2,905      00-35.  Months
                           60,497         36.  Over 3 years

    33        -                        MONTH OF BIRTH IMPUTED FLAG

                           60,272         0.  Month known
                            3,090         1.  Month unknown, '8' imputed
                               40         9.  Date of birth unknown


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes
  34-39       A-3                      MONTH AND YEAR OF BIRTH

  34-35                                 Month

                                        01.  January        08.  August
                                        02.  February       09.  September
                                        03.  March          10.  October
                                        04.  April          11.  November
                                        05.  May            12.  December
                                        06.  June           99.  Unknown
                                        07.  July

  36-39                                 Year of Birth

                                             1905.  1905 and before
                                        1906-1997.  1906-1997
                                             9999.  Unknown

    40        Recode                   HISPANIC ORIGIN IMPUTED FLAG

                           62,712        0.  Hispanic Origin Known
                              690        1.  Hispanic Origin Imputed from
                                             Reference Person

  41-42       A-6                      MAIN RACIAL BACKGROUND* - Reported
                                       (see notation for locations 43-45)

                           46,996      01.  White
                            9,027      02.  Black/African American**
                              482      03.  Indian (American)
                              325      06.  Chinese
                              455      07.  Filipino
                              987      15.  Other API (includes Hawaiian, Korean,
                                            Vietnamese, Japanese, Asian Indian,
                                            Samoan, and Guamanian)
                            3,797      16.  Other Race (includes Eskimo and
                              181      17.  Multiple Race
                            1,152      99.  Unknown
 * Some categories may be too small to analyze separately and therefore may
   produce unreliable estimates; in addition, counts may not agree with those
   produced by the Census Bureau.

 **  For convenience, the category 'Black/African American' will be shown as
     'Black' in all race recode locations throughout the documentation.



  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes
  43-45       Recode                   RACE RECODES

   43                                  Recode 1*       Persons whose Main
                           51,962        1. White      Racial Background
                            9,065        2. Black      (location 41-42) was
                            2,375        3. Other      "other" or "unknown"
                                                       were classified in the
   44                                  Recode 2        following recodes by
                                                       using the racial
                           51,962        1. White      background observed by
                           11,440        2. Non-white  the interviewer.  Use
                                                       of these recodes is
   45                                  Recode 3        recommended for
                                                       estimating statistics
                            9,065        1. Black      for the groups shown
                           54,337        2. Non-black  here.

  46-47       A-5                      HISPANIC ORIGIN**

                               12        00. Multiple Hispanic
                            1,387        01. Puerto Rican
                              646        02. Cuban
                            3,935        03. Mexican-Mexicano
                            4,391        04. Mexican-American
                               99        05. Chicano
                            1,133        06. Other Latin American
                            1,184        07. Other Spanish
                              338        08. Spanish, DK type
                              114        09. Unknown if Spanish origin
                           50,163        10. Not Spanish origin

   48         L-7                      MARITAL STATUS

                           14,293         0.  Under 14 years
                           28,314         1.  Married - spouse in
                              494         2.  Married - spouse not in
                            3,022         3.  Widowed
                            3,475         4.  Divorced
                            1,102         5.  Separated
                           12,070         6.  Never married
                              632         7.  Unknown

  *This recode is used to define race in the Current Estimates tables.

 **If unknown, the family reference person code was imputed.  A flag
   indicating imputation is in loc. 40 and the relationship to reference
   person is in loc. 63.


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes
    49        L-1                      VETERAN STATUS

                           38,331          1. Non-veteran
                            1,311          3. WW I and WW II
                              800          4. Korean War
                            1,715          5. Vietnam veteran
                              810          6. Post-Vietnam
                            1,070          7. Other service
                              163          8. Served in Armed Forces, unknown
                                              if war veteran
                            1,074          9. Unknown if served in Armed Forces
                           18,128      Blank. Under 18 years of age

    50        L-1                      ACTIVE GUARD/RESERVE STATUS FOR PERSONS
                                       ON ACTIVE DUTY IN ARMED FORCES

                           38,331          0.  Non-veteran
                              363          1.  All service in Guard/Reserve
                              740          2.  Some service in Guard/Reserve
                               36          3.  Unknown if all service in
                            4,159          4.  No active service in Guard/Reserve
                            1,645          5.  Unknown if ever active member in
                                               Guard/Reserve or served in Armed
                           18,128      Blank.  Under 18 years of age

   51-52      L-2                      EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL - COMPLETED YEARS

                            2,628         00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                           36,181      01-12.  Grades 1-12


                            3,321         13.  1 year
                            4,433         14.  2 years
                            1,602         15.  3 years
                            5,424         16.  4 years
                            1,039         17.  5 years
                            2,762         18.  6 years or more
                            1,094         19.  Unknown
                            4,918      Blank.  Under 5 years of age


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes
    53        Recode                   EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL RECODE

                            2,628          0. None; kindergarten only
                           12,480          1. 1-8 years (elementary)
                            7,494          2. 9-11 years (high school)
                           16,207          3. 12 years (high school graduate)
                            9,356          4. 1-3 years (college)
                            5,424          5. 4 years (college graduate)
                            3,801          6. 5+ years (post-college)
                            1,094          7. Unknown
                            4,918      Blank. Under 5 years of age

  54-55       -                        HIGHEST EDUCATION OF RESPONSIBLE ADULT
                                       FAMILY MEMBER (Detail)

                              151         00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                           29,963      01-12.  Grades 1-12


                            4,719         13.  1 year
                            7,364         14.  2 years
                            2,688         15.  3 years
                            9,589         16.  4 years
                            2,073         17.  5 years
                            6,048         18.  6 years or more
                              807         19.  Unknown

   56         -                        HIGHEST EDUCATION OF RESPONSIBLE ADULT
                                       FAMILY MEMBER Recode

                              151          0.  None; kindergarten only
                            3,807          1.  1-8 years (elementary)
                            5,471          2.  9-11 years (high school)
                           20,685          3.  12 years (high school graduate)
                           14,771          4.  1-3 years (college)
                            9,589          5.  4 years (college graduate)
                            8,121          6.  5+ years (post-college)
                              807          7.  Unknown


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes

   57         L-8                      FAMILY INCOME $20,000 OR MORE

                           18,637           1.  Less than $20,000
                           42,177           2.  $20,000 or more
                            2,588           3.  Unknown

  58-59       L-8                      FAMILY INCOME

                              243         00.  Less than  $1,000
                              366         01.  $ 1,000 - $ 1,999
                              319         02.    2,000 -   2,999
                              356         03.    3,000 -   3,999
                              433         04.    4,000 -   4,999
                              694         05.    5,000 -   5,999
                              695         06.    6,000 -   6,999
                              699         07.    7,000 -   7,999
                              701         08.    8,000 -   8,999
                              941         09.    9,000 -   9,999
                            1,132         10.   10,000 -  10,999
                              705         11.   11,000 -  11,999
                            1,304         12.   12,000 -  12,999
                              838         13.   13,000 -  13,999
                              828         14.   14,000 -  14,999
                            1,100         15.   15,000 -  15,999
                              777         16.   16,000 -  16,999
                              810         17.   17,000 -  17,999
                            1,042         18.   18,000 -  18,999
                            1,216         19.   19,000 -  19,999
                            4,786         20.   20,000 -  24,999
                            4,130         21.   25,000 -  29,999
                            4,150         22.   30,000 -  34,999
                            3,179         23.   35,000 -  39,999
                            3,180         24.   40,000 -  44,999
                            2,824         25.   45,000 -  49,999
                           15,137         26.  $50,000 and over
                           10,817         27.  Unknown


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes
   60         Recode                   FAMILY INCOME RECODE

                            1,717         0.  Under $5,000
                            1,389         1.  $ 5,000 - $ 6,999
                            2,341         2.    7,000 -   9,999
                            4,807         3.   10,000 -  14,999
                            4,945         4.   15,000 -  19,999
                            4,786         5.   20,000 -  24,999
                            8,280         6.   25,000 -  34,999
                            9,183         7.   35,000 -  49,999
                           15,137         8.  $50,000 or more
                           10,817         9.  Unknown

   61         Generated                NHIS POVERTY INDEX*

                           48,720         1.  At or above poverty threshold
                            8,572         2.  Below poverty threshold
                            6,110         3.  Unknown

  62-63                                FAMILY RELATIONSHIP

   62         A-2                      Type of Family
                            6,440        &.  Primary individual
                              684        -.  Secondary individual
                           56,152        0.  Primary family
                              126      1-9.  Secondary family

   63         A-2                      Relationship to Reference Person
                            6,048         &. Reference person, living alone
                           18,770         0. Reference person, 2+ persons in
                           13,756         1. Spouse, other spouse NOT in Armed
                                             Forces and living at home
                              151         2. Spouse, other spouse in Armed
                                             Forces and living at home
                           21,000         3. Child of reference person or
                            1,252         4. Grandchild of reference person or
                              645         5. Parent of reference person or
                            1,763         6. Other relative
                               17         7. Child of military family with no
                                             eligible reference person
                                0         9. DK or refused

 *Based on family size, number of children under 18 years of age and
  family income using the 1995 poverty levels derived from the August,
  1996 Current Population Survey.


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes

   64         Recode                   FAMILY RELATIONSHIP RECODE

                            6,048         1.  Living alone
                            1,076         2.  Living only with non-relative
                           28,297         3.  Living with spouse
                           27,981         4.  Living with relative - other

 65-66        Generated                SIZE OF FAMILY*

                                       Unrelated individuals are coded 01

   67         Generated                SIZE OF FAMILY RECODE

                           62,665         1-8.  Number of members
                              737           9.  9+ members

   68         A-2                      PARENT/OTHER ADULT RELATIVE (under 25
                                       years old and never married)

                           13,233          1.  Both parents, no other relative
                            3,521          2.  Mother only
                              324          3.  Father only
                            1,835          4.  Both parents and other 21+ year
                                               old adult relative
                            1,271          5.  Mother and other 21+ year old
                                               adult relative
                              152          6.  Father and other 21+ year old
                                               adult relative
                              281          7.  No parent, but one 21+ year old
                                               adult relative
                              427          8.  No parent, but two or more 21+
                                               year old adult relatives
                              164          9.  Unknown
                              849          0.  Other
                           41,345      Blank.  Not applicable (25+ years old or
                                               ever married)

 *Count includes spouse in military but living at home.


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes

   69         B-1                      MAJOR ACTIVITY (18+ years old)
                           28,283          1.  Working
                            7,516          2.  Keeping house
                            2,504          3.  Going to school
                            6,513          4.  Something else
                              458          5.  Unknown
                           18,128      Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18 years)

   70         G-4                      HEALTH STATUS

                           22,720          1.  Excellent
                           18,116          2.  Very Good
                           15,237          3.  Good
                            4,899          4.  Fair
                            1,697          5.  Poor
                              733          6.  Unknown

   71         Recode                   ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS*- (all ages)

                            3,018          1.  Unable to perform major activity
                            3,343          2.  Limited in kind/amount major
                            2,727          3.  Limited in other activities
                           54,314          4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)

   72         Recode                   ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS MEASURED BY
                                       "ABILITY TO WORK" (18-69 years)

                            2,829          1.  Unable to work
                            1,765          2.  Limited in kind/amount of work
                            1,490          3.  Limited in other activities
                           34,269          4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                           23,049      Blank.  Not applicable (under 18 years,
                                               70+ years)

 *This location is used to categorize persons with limitation of activity in the
 Current Estimates tables.


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes

   73         B-11                     LIMITATION OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (5-17 yrs)

                               81          1.  Unable to attend school
                              438          2.  Attends special school/classes
                               74          3.  Needs special school/classes
                              124          4.  Limited in school attendance
                              282          5.  Limited in other activities
                           12,211          6.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                           50,192      Blank.  Not applicable (Under 5 years or
                                               18+ years)

   74         B-14                     NEEDS HELP WITH PERSONAL CARE (5-59 years
                                       old and limited, or age 60-69 years)*

                              408          1.  Unable to perform personal care
                              822          2.  Limited in performing other
                                               routine needs
                            8,488          3.  Not limited in performing personal
                                               or routine needs
                              404          4.  Unknown
                           53,280      Blank.  Not applicable (Under 5 years;
                                               5-59 years not limited; 70+ years

 *For persons 70+ years, use location 71 to analyze 'Needs Help With Personal
  Care'; codes 1 and 2 in location 71 correspond to codes 1 and 2 in location


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes

   75         D-1                      EMPLOYMENT STATUS IN PAST 2 WEEKS
                                       (18+ years)

                                       In the Labor Force: (1-7)

                                       Currently employed: (1-3)

                           28,767           1. Worked in past 2 weeks
                              494           2. Did not work, has job; not on
                                               lay-off and not looking for work
                               28           3. Did not work, has job; looking
                                               for work

                                       Unemployed: (4-7)

                               93          4.  Did not work, has job; on  lay-off
                                6          5.  Did not work, has job; on  lay-off
                                               and looking for work
                              200          6.  Did not work, has job; un known if
                                               looking or on lay-off
                              960          7.  Did not work, has no job;
                                               looking for work or on lay-off

                                       Not in Labor Force (18+ years): (8)

                           14,726          8.  Not in labor force (18+  years)
                           18,128      Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18  years

   76         L-6                      CLASS OF WORKER

                           14,726          0.  Not in labor force
                           21,596          1.  Private company
                              756          2.  Federal Government employee
                            1,388          3.  State Government employee
                            2,369          4.  Local Government employee
                              789          5.  Incorporated business
                            2,615          6.  Self-employed
                               29          7.  Without pay
                               35          8.  Never worked
                              971          9.  Unknown
                           18,128      Blank.  Under 18

 77-79                                 BLANK


  Locations   Item No.  Frequency        Items and Codes

  80-81       Recode                   INDUSTRY RECODE 1

                                       SEE APPENDIX B

  82-83       Recode                   INDUSTRY RECODE 2

                                       SEE APPENDIX B

  84-86                                BLANK

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007