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Scientific Data Documentation
Core Data, 1988

 With the goal of mutual benefit, NCHS requests that recipients of data tapes
 cooperate in certain actions related to their use.

 Any published material derived from the data should acknowledge the National
 Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) as the original source.  The suggested
 citation, Source:  National Center for Health Statistics, National Health
 Interview Survey, 1988," should appear at the bottom of all tables.  When cited
 in a bibliography, the suggested citation should read:

             National Center for Health Statistics (1989).  Public Use
             Data Tape Documentation, Part I, National Health
             Interview Survey, 1988 (Machine readable data file and
             documentation).  National Center for Health Statistics,
             Hyattsville, MD.  (Producer).  National Technical
             Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce,
             Springfield, VA.  22161 (Distributor)

 It should also include a disclaimer that credits any analyses, interpretations,
 or conclusions reached to the author (recipient of the tape) and not to NCHS,
 which is responsible only for the initial data.  Consumers who wish to publish
 a technical description of the data should make a reasonable effort to insure
 that the description is not inconsistent with that published by NCHS.

 Tape formats, diagnostic recodes, and guidance on weighting and procedures for
 deriving estimates from National Health Interview Survey data tapes are
 included in this volume.  Detailed technical information is also contained in
 the following publications and documents which accompany the NHIS Public Use
 Data Tape Package.  Additional copies of the documentation may be purchased
 from the National Technical Information Service.

         Interviewer's Manual, 1988.  Part II, Public Use Data Tape

         Medical Coding Manual and Short Index, 1988.  Part III,
         Public Use Data Tape Documentation.

         Kovar MG, Poe GS.  The National Health Interview Survey
         Design, 1973-84, and Procedures, 1975-83.  National
         Center for Health Statistics.  Vital Health Stat 1(18).

         Massey JT, Moore TF, Parsons VL, Tadros W.  Design and
         Estimation for the National Health Interview Survey,
         1985-94.  National Center for Health Statistics.  Vital
         Health Stat 2(110).  1989.

         Adams PF, Hardy AM.  Current Estimates from the National
         Health Interview Survey, 1988.  National Center for Health
         Statistics.  Vital Health Stat 10(173).  1989.


 The basic NHIS tape files are created and maintained by Record Type.  The
 contents of these tape files are presented in the Outline of Items and Codes
 for each record type.  Note that Household items in tape locations 3-24,
 178 and 182-186 are repeated in all records associated with a household;
 Person items in tape locations 25-92 are repeated in all records associated
 with a person.

 Users of the tape files should take note of the following tape character-

 1.  Type of Record (Tape Locations 1-2)

     10 = Household Record - The Household file contains one household record
          for each interviewed household and each Type A non-interviewed
          household (see Household locations 28-29).

     20 = Person Record -  The Person file contains one person record for each
          person for whom information was obtained in an interviewed household.

     30 = Condition Record - The Condition file contains one condition record
          for each reported condition.

     40 = Doctor Visit Record - The Doctor Visit file contains one record for
          each reported two-week doctor visit (includes telephone calls).

     50 = Hospital Record - The Hospital file contains one record for each
          reported hospitalization (twelve-month recall).

 2.  File Sequence

     Each file is in sequence by the following identifying items:

               Item                                           Locations

          Quarter                                                 5
          PSU - Random recode                                    6-8
          Week - Census code                                     9-10
          Segment                                               11-12
          Household Number                                      13-14
          Person Number (Blank on Household Record)             15-16
          Record Serial Number (Blank on Household and          17-18
            Person Records)

     File Sequence - continued

     The Quarter x PSU x Week x Segment x Household Number identifies a

     The Person Number identifies a person within a household.  Records
     belonging to a single family within a household can be identified by
     using the household identifiers (specified above) and location 62.
     Unreleated individuals will have an "&" or "-" in this location.
     Persons within a single family will have the same numeric value from
     0-9 in this location on all family records.

     The Record Serial Number identifies multiple records within a Record Type
     for a person; for example, condition records for a person are identified
     with a unique number beginning with 01 for each condition associated with
     the person.  A person may have zero, one, or a multiple number of
     condition, hospital, and doctor visit records.

 3.  Other Tape Characteristics

     .1   Headers and trailers = Standard IBM labels

     .2   Density = 1600 BPI

     .3   Record length = Fixed length of 335 bytes

     .4   Blocksize = 3350 (10 records per block)

     .5   Tape format = All fields are in character format.

     .6   Data Set Names:

          HOUSEHOLD    = HISY1988.HOUSEHLD

          PERSON       = HISY1988.PERSONSX

          CONDITION    = HISY1988.CONDITON

          HOSPITAL     = HISY1988.HOSPITAL


 NOTE:    Metropolitan Statistical Areas are those defined for the 1980
          Decennial Census.

 TABLE OF CONTENTS - PART I                                                                           Page

 INTRODUCTION ...........................................................    1

 REFERENCES .............................................................    3

 COMPARED CHANGES........................................................    5


       Household Record .................................................    7

       Person Record ....................................................   17

       Condition Record .................................................   39

       Doctor Visit Record ..............................................   71

       Hospital Record ..................................................   99


       Recode A.  Acute Conditions ......................................  127

       Recode B.  Diseases, Injuries and Impairments ....................  133

       Recode C.  Chronic Conditions and Impairments ....................  157



 TABULATING DATA FOR CURRENT ESTIMATES TABLES ...........................  171


       Appendix A.  Codes for Types of Special Places ...................  179

       Appendix B.  Industry Recodes ....................................  183

       Appendix C.  Occupation Recodes ..................................  189

       Appendix D.  Description of Class of Accident Code ...............  197

       Appendix E.  Classification of Operations and Non-operative
                    Procedures for HIS ..................................  199


 Since 1957, the National Center for Health Statistics has conducted the
 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) annually.  It includes a "core" set of
 questions on health-related variables which generally change little from
 year-to-year and supplements which can vary annually.  In 1982, however,
 fairly substantial changes were made to parts of the core.  These changes
 reflect different concepts in the measurement of health-related variables.
 Therefore, data derived from these changed concepts, particularly limitation
 of activity, acute conditions, disability days and doctor visits, should not
 be compared to data gathered before 1982.  A discussion of these changes and
 the effect on resulting statistics are contained in the Series 1, No. 18
 report and in a special appendix to the Current Estimates, 1982 (Series 10,
 No.  150).  More information on the survey in general and the 1988 version, in
 particular, is found in the Current Estimates Series report included with this
 public use tape documentation.  The NHIS is a personal interview household
 survey using a nationwide sample of the civilian, noninstitutionalized
 population of the United States.  The sample is chosen in such a way that each
 person included has a known non-zero probability of selection.  These
 probabilities of selection along with adjustments for nonresponse and
 poststratification are reflected in the sample weights which are provided on
 the Public Use Tape.

 Use of Sample Weights

 Since the NHIS uses a multistage sample designed to represent the civilian
 noninstitutionalized population of the United States, it is necessary to
 utilize the person's basic weight for proper analysis of the data.  In
 addition to the design and ratio adjustments included in the person basic
 weight, the person weight is further modified depending on the variable
 selected (e.g., 2-week bed days), the length of the recall period, and the
 period of time for which the estimate is to be made.

 The chronic condition prevalence factor, however, does not incorporate the
 person weight.  It adjusts the sample for distributional variations (age, sex,
 race) within the one-sixth subsample of persons who are asked one of six
 chronic condition lists.  It must be multiplied by the person weight to create
 prevalence estimates of chronic conditions.  Details are given in the
 documentation preceding the condition record tape layout.

 Sample Design, Variance, Estimation, and Hypothesis Testing

 The data collected in the NHIS are obtained through a complex sample design
 involving both clustering and stratification.  Because of the complex design
 and the ratio adjustments applied to the sample weights (see previous section
 on use of sample weights), the direct application of standard statistical
 analysis methods for variance estimation and hypothesis testing may yield
 misleading results.

 There are computer programs available which provide the capability of variance
 estimation for complex sample designs.  The balanced repeated replication
 approach(1) is utilized in &REPERR-&PSALMS-OSIRIS.IV(2) to calculate the
 variance-covariance matrix.  SESUDAAN(3) SURREGR and SUDAAN(4,5) are programs
 that calculate the variance-covariance matrix using the linearization
 approach(6,7,8) (Taylor series expansion).

 In order to provide the user with the capability of estimating the complex
 sample variances in the NHIS data using the above procedures, we have provided
 the Basic Weight Before Age-Sex-Race Adjustment (loc. 172-177 - Person Record
 only), Substratum Identifier (loc. 178), Full Sample Stratum Identifier (loc.
 179-181), and Strata and Pseudo Primary Sampling Unit (PSU) (loc. 187-189)
 codes on the data tapes.  These variables and the sample weights are necessary
 for the calculation of variances.

 Even though the overall number of persons in this survey is quite large for
 statistical inference purposes, subclass analyses can lead to estimators that
 are unreliable.  Consequently, analyses of subclasses require that the user
 pay particular attention to the coefficient of variation for the estimates of
 means, proportions and totals.  In addition, small sample sizes, or a small
 number of PSU's used in the variance calculations may produce unstable
 estimates of the variances using the above computer programs.


 (1)  McCarthy PJ.  Replication: An Approach to the Analysis of Data from
      Complex Surveys.  National Center for Health Statistics.  Vital Health
      Stat 2(14). 1966.

 (2)  Survey Research Center Computer Support Group.  OSIRIS IV User's Manual.
      Institute for Social Research.  1979.

 (3)  Shah BV.  "SESUDAAN:  Standard Errors Program for Computing of Standard-
      ized Rates from Sample Survey Data."  Research Triangle Institute,
      Research Triangle Park, N.C.  RTI/5250-00-01S.  April, 1981.

 (4)  Holt, Mary Margaret (revised April 1982 by B.V. Shah).  "SURREGR:
      Standard Errors of Regression Coefficients from Sample Survey Data."
      Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, N.C.  May, 1977.

 (5)  Shah BV, LaVange LM, Barnwell BG, Killinger JE, and Wheeless SC.
      "Software for Survey Data Analysis."  Research Triangle Institute,
      Research Triangle Park, N.C.  March, 1989.

 (6)  Hidiroglou MA, Fuller WA, and Hickman RD.  "SUPER CARP".  Survey Section,
      Statistical Laboratory, Iowa State University.  Sixth edition.  October,

 (7)  Fuller WA.  "PC CARP".  Statistical Laboratory and Department of
      Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.  September, 1989.

 (8)  Contingency Table Analysis for Complex Sample Designs (CPLX).  U.S. Bureau
      of the Census.


 The 1988 Public Use Tape resembles the 1987 version, with only a few
 exceptions.  These differences are described below:


 Tape Location                      Item

    184                     Blank


 Tape Location                      Item

    184                     Blank


 Tape Location                      Item

    184                     Blank


 Tape Location                      Item

    184                     Blank

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                            Outline of Items and Codes
                            Number of Records = 50,061


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   1-2         -                    RECORD TYPE

                       50,061           10.  Household Record

   3-4         -                    PROCESSING YEAR

                       50,061           88.  1988

    5          -                    PROCESSING QUARTER

                       12,395           1.  Quarter 1
                       12,480           2.  Quarter 2
                       12,436           3.  Quarter 3
                       12,750           4.  Quarter 4

   6-8      HH-5                    RANDOM RECODE OF PSU NUMBER

   9-10     HH-5                    WEEK - CENSUS CODE*

                             01, 21, 41, 61, 81 ... Week 01
                             02, 22, 42, 62, 82 ... Week 02
                             03, 23, 43, 63, 83 ... Week 03
                             04, 24, 44, 64, 84 ... Week 04
                             05, 25, 45, 65, 85 ... Week 05
                             06, 26, 46, 66, 86 ... Week 06
                             07, 27, 47, 67, 87 ... Week 07
                             08, 28, 48, 68, 88 ... Week 08
                             09, 29, 49, 69, 89 ... Week 09
                             10, 30, 50, 70, 90 ... Week 10
                             11, 31, 51, 71, 91 ... Week 11
                             12, 32, 52, 72, 92 ... Week 12
                             13, 33, 53, 73, 93 ... Week 13

 *This code represents the initial week of assignment.  The interview may be
  re-assigned for administrative purposes.  See Locations 19-20 for the code
  which reflects the actual week assigned for conducting the interview.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOUSEHOLD RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   11-12    HH-5                    SEGMENT NUMBER

                                    Week plus Segment Number identifies the

   13-14    HH-5                    HOUSEHOLD NUMBER

                                    Numbered within PSU-Week-Segment

   15-16       -                    BLANK (Person Number on other record types)

   17-18       -                    BLANK (Record Serial Number on other record

   19-20    HH-5                    PROCESSING WEEK CODE (Numbered within

                        3,793       Week 01.
                        3,975       Week 02.
                        3,860       Week 03.
                        3,835       Week 04.
                        3,778       Week 05.
                        3,879       Week 06.
                        3,885       Week 07.
                        3,885       Week 08.
                        3,852       Week 09.
                        3,826       Week 10.
                        3,812       Week 11.
                        3,826       Week 12.
                        3,855       Week 13.

    21                              BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOUSEHOLD RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

 22-23      HH-10d                  TYPE OF LIVING QUARTERS:

                                    Housing Unit = (00-07)

                          715           00.  Housing unit; kind unknown
                       46,215           01.  House, apartment, flat
                           45           02.  HU in nontransient hotel, motel,
                           27           03.  HU-permanent in transient hotel,
                                             motel, etc.
                           55           04.  HU in rooming house
                        2,082           05.  Mobile home or trailer with no
                                             permanent room added
                          325           06.  Mobile home or trailer with one or
                                             more permanent rooms added
                           19           07.  HU not specified above

                                    Other Unit = (08-13)

                           25           08.  Quarters not HU in rooming or
                                             boarding house
                            1           09.  Unit not permanent in transient
                                             hotel, motel, etc.
                           45           10.  Unoccupied site for mobile home,
                                             trailer, or tent
                          427           11.  Student quarters in college
                           64           12.  Other unit not specified above
                           16           13.  Other unit; kind unknown

    24      HH-11                   HAS TELEPHONE

                       42,311           1.  Yes, phone number given
                        1,743           2.  Yes, no phone number given
                        2,946           3.  No
                          485           4.  Unknown
                        2,576       Blank.  Non-interview

   25-26    HH-6                    SPECIAL PLACE (Unedited)

                                    SEE APPENDIX A
                                    Blank.  Not applicable

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOUSEHOLD RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    27      HH-15                   COMPLETED INTERVIEW

                       47,091           1.  Completed interview - non-military
                        2,576           2.  Non-interview
                          394           3.  Completed interview - military

   28-29    HH-14                   NON-INTERVIEW REASON

                                    Type A

                        1,523           01.  Refused
                          516           02.  No one at home
                          339           03.  Temporarily absent
                          198           04.  Other
                       47,485        Blank.  Not applicable (completed interview)

   30-33    HH-15                   DATE OF COMPLETION (OR LAST ATTEMPT) OF
                                    INITIAL INTERVIEW (Unedited)

   30-31                            MONTH

                                        01.  January     07.  July
                                        02.  February    08.  August
                                        03.  March       09.  September
                                        04.  April       10.  October
                                        05.  May         11.  November
                                        06.  June        12.  December

   32-33                            DAY

                                    01-31.  Day of Month

   34-35    Generated               NUMBER OF FAMILIES IN THE HOUSEHOLD -
                                    (Unrelated individuals are considered to be
                                    one-member families).

                                    Blank.  Non-interview

 *Spouse or parent is in the Armed Forces.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOUSEHOLD RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

 36-55      Generated               SIZE OF FAMILY

                                        00. Not applicable or only unrelated
                                        01+ Number of persons in family
                                    Blank.  Non-interview

   36-37                            SIZE OF FAMILY - Primary Family

   38-39                            SIZE OF FAMILY - Secondary Family No. 1

   40-41                            SIZE OF FAMILY - Secondary Family No. 2

   42-43                            SIZE OF FAMILY - Secondary Family No. 3

   44-45                            SIZE OF FAMILY - Secondary Family No. 4

   46-47                            SIZE OF FAMILY - Secondary Family No. 5

   48-49                            SIZE OF FAMILY - Secondary Family No. 6

   50-51                            SIZE OF FAMILY - Secondary Family No. 7

   52-53                            SIZE OF FAMILY - Secondary Family No. 8

   54-55                            SIZE OF FAMILY - Secondary Family No. 9

   56-57    Generated               NUMBER OF UNRELATED INDIVIDUALS

                                        00.  Not applicable
                                        01+  Number of unrelated individuals
                                     Blank.  Non-interview

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOUSEHOLD RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    58      Generated               REFERENCE PERSON PRESENT - Primary Family

                                        1.  Yes or all adult family members in
                                            Armed Forces
                                    Blank.  Household with unrelated individuals
                                            only or non-interviewed household

    59                              REFERENCE PERSON PRESENT -

                                            Secondary Family No. 1

    60                              REFERENCE PERSON PRESENT -

                                            Secondary Family No. 2

    61                              REFERENCE PERSON PRESENT -

                                            Secondary Family No. 3

    62                              REFERENCE PERSON PRESENT -

                                            Secondary Family No. 4

    63                              REFERENCE PERSON PRESENT -

                                            Secondary Family No. 5

    64                              REFERENCE PERSON PRESENT -

                                            Secondary Family No. 6

    65                              REFERENCE PERSON PRESENT -

                                            Secondary Family No. 7

    66                              REFERENCE PERSON PRESENT -

                                            Secondary Family No. 8

    67                              REFERENCE PERSON PRESENT -

                                            Secondary Family No. 9

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOUSEHOLD RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   68-69    Generated               NUMBER OF PERSON RECORDS FOR THE HOUSEHOLD

   70-71    Generated               NUMBER OF CONDITION RECORDS FOR THE HOUSEHOLD

   72-73    Generated               NUMBER OF TWO-WEEK DOCTOR VISIT RECORDS FOR
                                    THE HOUSEHOLD

   74-75    Generated               NUMBER OF HOSPITAL RECORDS FOR THE HOUSEHOLD

     76     A-A2                    CONDITION LIST ASSIGNED

                        7,934           1.  Condition List 1, Skin and
                        7,887           2.  Condition List 2, Impairments
                        7,912           3.  Condition List 3, Digestive
                        7,914           4.  Condition List 4, Miscellaneous
                        7,871           5.  Condition List 5, Circulatory
                        7,932           6.  Condition List 6, Respiratory
                           35           7.  Unknown
                        2,576       Blank.  Non-interview

   77-177      -                    BLANK

    178     Master                  TYPE OF SUBSTRATUM

                        5,110           0.  Permit
                        5,065           1.  Area, oversampled for blacks
                       39,886           2.  Area, not oversampled for blacks

   179-181                          BLANK

    182     Master                  REGION
                       10,518           1.  Northeast
                       12,519           2.  Midwest
                       16,852           3.  South
                       10,172           4.  West

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOUSEHOLD RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    183     Master                  GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION
                                        MSA Size

                       21,737               1.  1,000,000 or more
                       13,011               2.  250,000 - 999,999
                        3,121               3.  100,000 - 249,999
                          812               4.  Under 100,000
                       11,380           Blank.  Non-MSA

    184                             BLANK

    185     Master                  TYPE OF PSU
                       27,559           1.  MSA - Self-representing
                       11,122           3.  MSA - Nonself-representing
                            8           4.  Non-MSA - Self-representing
                       11,372           6.  Non-MSA - Nonself-representing

    186     Recode                  MSA - NON-MSA RESIDENCE

                       16,303           1.  MSA - Centra1 City
                       20,141           2.  MSA - Not Centra1 City
                       10,392           3.  Non-MSA - Nonfarm
                          650           4.  Non-MSA - Farm
                        2,575       Blank.  Non-interview

  187-200                           BLANK

  201-206                           QUARTER BASIC WEIGHT

                                    Adjusted by Segment and Specia1 HH Sampling
                                    Factors (XXXXX.X)

  207-335                           BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                            OUTLINE OF ITEMS AND CODES
                            Number of Records = 122,310

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   1-2         -                    RECORD TYPE

                      122,310           20.  Person Record

   3-4         -                    PROCESSING YEAR

                      122,310           88.  1988

    5          -                    PROCESSING QUARTER

                       30,097           1.  Quarter 1
                       30,883           2.  Quarter 2
                       30,395           3.  Quarter 3
                       30,935           4.  Quarter 4

   6-8      HH-5                    RANDOM RECODE OF PSU NUMBER

   9-10     HH-5                    WEEK - CENSUS CODE*

                                        01, 21, 41, 61, 81 ... Week 01
                                        02, 22, 42, 62, 82 ... Week 02
                                        03, 23, 43, 63, 83 ... Week 03
                                        04, 24, 44, 64, 84 ... Week 04
                                        05, 25, 45, 65, 85 ... Week 05
                                        06, 26, 46, 66, 86 ... Week 06
                                        07, 27, 47, 67, 87 ... Week 07
                                        08, 28, 48, 68, 88 ... Week 08
                                        09, 29, 49, 69, 89 ... Week 09
                                        10, 30, 50, 70, 90 ... Week 10
                                        11, 31, 51, 71, 91 ... Week 11
                                        12, 32, 52, 72, 92 ... Week 12
                                        13, 33, 53, 73, 93 ... Week 13

 *This code represents the initial week of assignment.  The interview may be
  re-assigned for administrative purposes.  See Locations 19-20 for the code
  which reflects the actual week assigned for conducting the interview.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   11-12    HH-5                    SEGMENT NUMBER

                                    Week plus Segment Number identifies the

   13-14    HH-5                    HOUSEHOLD NUMBER

                                    Numbered within PSU-Week-Segment

   15-16       -                    PERSON NUMBER

   17-18       -                    BLANK  (Record Serial Number on other record

   19-20    HH-5                    PROCESSING WEEK CODE (Numbered within

                        9,203           Week 01.
                        9,790           Week 02.
                        9,298           Week 03.
                        9,452           Week 04.
                        9,081           Week 05.
                        9,553           Week 06.
                        9,627           Week 07.
                        9,384           Week 08.
                        9,208           Week 09.
                        9,433           Week 10.
                        9,531           Week 11.
                        9,381           Week 12.
                        9,369           Week 13.

    21                              BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   22-23    HH-10d                  TYPE OF LIVING QUARTERS:

                                    Housing Unit = (00-07)

                        1,002               00.  Housing unit; kind unknown
                      114,388               01.  House, apartment, flat
                           75               02.  HU in nontransient hotel, motel,
                           51               03.  HU-permanent in transient hotel,
                                                 motel, etc.
                           61               04.  HU in rooming house
                        5,022               05.  Mobile home or trailer with no
                                                 permanent room added
                          829               06.  Mobile home or trailer with one
                                                 or more permanent rooms added
                           23               07.  HU not specified above

                                    Other Unit = (08-13)

                           27               08.  Quarters not HU in rooming or
                                                 boarding house
                            2               09.  Unit not permanent in transient
                                                 hotel, motel, etc.
                          138               10.  Unoccupied site for mobile home,
                                                 trailer, or tent
                          597               11.  Student quarters in college
                           73               12.  Other unit not specified above
                           22               13.  Other unit; kind unknown

    24      HH-11                   HAS TELEPHONE

                      109,169           1.  Yes, phone number given
                        4,204           2.  Yes, no phone number given
                        7,867           3.  No
                        1,070           4.  Unknown

    25      A-1                     SEX

                       58,037           1.  Male
                       64,273           2.  Female

    26      -                       BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   27-28    Person                  AGE
                        2,042          00.  Under 1 year
                      120,247       01-98.  Number of years
                           21          99.  99+ years of age

    29      Recode                  AGE RECODE #1

                        9,767           1.  Under 5 years
                       24,178           2.  5-17 years
                       11,980           3.  18-24 years
                       37,958           4.  25-44 years
                       23,302           5.  45-64 years
                        5,208           6.  65-69 years
                        4,078           7.  70-74 years
                        5,839           8.  75 years and over

    30      Recode                  AGE RECODE #2

                       11,701           1.  Under 6 years
                       20,184           2.  6-16 years
                       14,040           3.  17-24 years
                       20,275           4.  25-34 years
                       17,683           5.  35-44 years
                       12,362           6.  45-54 years
                       10,940           7.  55-64 years
                        9,286           8.  65-74 years
                        5,839           9.  75 years and over

   31-32    Recode                  AGE RECODE #3

                        5,923       00-35.  Months
                      116,387          36.  Over 3 years

    33      -                       BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   34-39    A-3                     MONTH AND YEAR OF BIRTH

   34-35                            MONTH

                                        01.  January     07.  July
                                        02.  February    08.  August
                                        03.  March       09.  September
                                        04.  April       10.  October
                                        05.  May         11.  November
                                        06.  June        12.  December
                                                         99.  DK or refused

   36-39                            YEAR OF BIRTH

                                    1800-1899.  1800-1899
                                    1900-1989.  1900-1989
                                                9999.  DK or refused

   40-41                            BLANK

    42      L-3                     MAIN RACIAL BACKGROUND - Reported

                        1,056           1.  Aleut, Eskimo, or American Indian
                        2,740           2.  Asian/Pacific Islander
                       18,642           3.  Black
                       97,198           4.  White
                        1,195           5.  Other
                          191           6.  Multiple race
                        1,288           7.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   43-45    Recode                  RACE RECODES

    43                              RECODE 1

                       99,719           1.  White
                       18,713           2.  Black
                        3,878           3.  Other

    44                              RECODE 2

                       99,719           1.  White
                       22,591           2.  Non-white

    45                              RECODE 3

                       18,713           1.  Black
                      103,597           2.  Non-black

   46-47    L-4                     HISPANIC ORIGIN

                          158           00.  Multiple Hispanic
                        1,192           01.  Puerto Rican
                          553           02.  Cuban
                        1,785           03.  Mexican-Mexicano
                        3,455           04.  Mexican-American
                           69           05.  Chicano
                          981           06.  Other Latin American
                        1,127           07.  Other Spanish
                          272           08.  Spanish, DK type
                        1,344           09.  Unknown if Spanish origin
                      111,374           10.  Not Spanish origin

    48      L-7                     MARITAL STATUS

                       26,516           0.  Under 14 years
                       55,990           1.  Married - spouse in household
                          787           2.  Married - spouse not in household
                        6,807           3.  Widowed
                        6,313           4.  Divorced
                        1,963           5.  Separated
                       23,226           6.  Never married
                          708           7.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    49      L-1                     VETERAN STATUS

                       72,878           1.  Non-veteran
                           64           2.  WW I
                        4,289           3.  WW II
                        2,249           4.  Korean War
                        4,106           5.  Vietnam veteran
                        1,061           6.  Post-Vietnam
                        2,111           7.  Other service
                          348           8.  Served in Armed Forces, unknown if
                                            war veteran
                        1,259           9.  Unknown if served in Armed Forces
                       33,945       Blank.  Under 18 years of age

    50      L-1                     ACTIVE GUARD/RESERVE STATUS FOR PERSONS ON
                                    ACTIVE DUTY IN ARMED FORCES

                       72,878           0.  Non-veteran
                          961           1.  All service in Guard/Reserve
                        1,901           2.  Some service in Guard/Reserve
                           40           3.  Unknown if all service in
                       10,380           4.  No active service in Guard/Reserve
                        2,205           5.  Unknown if ever active member in
                                            Guard/Reserve or served in Armed
                       33,945       Blank.  Under 18 years of age

   51-52    L-2                     EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL - COMPLETED YEARS

                        4,918          00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                       73,400       01-12.  Grades 1-12


                        6,357           13.  1 year
                        7,913           14.  2 years
                        2,898           15.  3 years
                        9,241           16.  4 years
                        1,949           17.  5 years
                        4,583           18.  6 years or more
                        1,284           19.  Unknown
                        9,767        Blank.  Under 5 years of age

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    53      Recode                  EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL RECODE

                        4,918           0.  None; kindergarten only
                       23,349           1.  1-8 years (elementary)
                       15,972           2.  9-11 years (high school)
                       34,079           3.  12 years (high school graduate)
                       17,168           4.  1-3 years (college)
                        9,241           5.  4 years (college graduate)
                        6,532           6.  5+ years (post-college)
                        1,284           7.  Unknown
                        9,767       Blank.  Under 5 years of age

   54-55    -                       HIGHEST EDUCATION OF RESPONSIBLE ADULT FAMILY
                                    MEMBER - (Detail)

                          213          00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                       62,965       01-12.  Grades 1-12


                        9,462           13.  1 year
                       13,298           14.  2 years
                        4,769           15.  3 years
                       16,712           16.  4 years
                        3,865           17.  5 years
                       10,400           18.  6 years or more
                          626           19.  Unknown

    56      -                       HIGHEST EDUCATION OF RESPONSIBLE ADULT FAMILY
                                    MEMBER - Recode

                          213           0.  None; kindergarten only
                        6,753           1.  1-8 years (elementary)
                       11,249           2.  9-11 years (high school)
                       44,963           3.  12 years (high school graduate)
                       27,529           4.  1-3 years (college)
                       16,712           5.  4 years (college graduate)
                       14,265           6.  5+ years (post-college)
                          626           7.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    57      L-8                         FAMILY INCOME $20,000 OR MORE

                       43,640               1.  Less than $20,000
                       75,150               2.  $20,000 or more
                        3,520               3.  Unknown

   58-59    L-8                         FAMILY INCOME

                          747               00.  Less than  $1,000
                          842               01.  $ 1,000 - $ 1,999
                        1,042               02.    2,000 -   2,999
                        1,364               03.    3,000 -   3,999
                        1,743               04.    4,000 -   4,999
                        1,799               05.    5,000 -   5,999
                        1,947               06.    6,000 -   6,999
                        2,010               07.    7,000 -   7,999
                        1,827               08.    8,000 -   8,999
                        1,994               09.    9,000 -   9,999
                        2,537               10.   10,000 -  10,999
                        1,666               11.   11,000 -  11,999
                        2,413               12.   12,000 -  12,999
                        1,637               13.   13,000 -  13,999
                        1,756               14.   14,000 -  14,999
                        2,491               15.   15,000 -  15,999
                        1,749               16.   16,000 -  16,999
                        2,025               17.   17,000 -  17,999
                        2,418               18.   18,000 -  18,999
                        3,081               19.   19,000 -  19,999
                       10,717               20.   20,000 -  24,999
                        9,912               21.   25,000 -  29,999
                        9,319               22.   30,000 -  34,999
                        7,492               23.   35,000 -  39,999
                        6,821               24.   40,000 -  44,999
                        5,072               25.   45,000 -  49,999
                       17,366               26.  $50,000 and over
                       18,523               27.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   60       Recode                  FAMILY INCOME RECODE

                        5,738           0.  Under $5,000
                        3,746           1.  $ 5,000 - $ 6,999
                        5,831           2.    7,000 -   9,999
                       10,009           3.   10,000 -  14,999
                       11,764           4.   15,000 -  19,999
                       10,717           5.   20,000 -  24,999
                       19,231           6.   25,000 -  34,999
                       19,385           7.   35,000 -  49,999
                       17,366           8.  $50,000 or more
                       18,523           9.  Unknown

   61       Generated               NHIS POVERTY INDEX*

                       97,869           1.  At or above poverty threshold
                       14,226           2.  Below poverty threshold
                       10,215           3.  Unknown

   62-63                            FAMILY RELATIONSHIP

    62      A-2                     TYPE OF FAMILY
                       12,756           &.  Primary individual
                        1,358           -.  Secondary individual
                      108,008           0.  Primary family
                          188         1-9.  Secondary family

    63      A-2                     RELATIONSHIP TO REFERENCE PERSON
                       11,735           &.  Reference person, living alone
                       36,564           0.  Reference person, 2+ persons in
                       27,410           1.  Spouse, other spouse NOT in Armed
                                            Forces and living at home
                          333           2.  Spouse, other spouse IN Armed Forces
                                            and living at home
                       40,525           3.  Child of reference person or spouse
                        2,316           4.  Grandchild of reference person or
                          939           5.  Parent of reference person or spouse
                        2,458           6.  Other relative
                           29           7.  Child of ineligible reference person
                            1           9.  DK or refused

 *Based on family size, number of children under 18 years of age & family income
  using the 1987 poverty levels derived from the August, 1988 Current Population


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    64      Recode                  FAMILY RELATIONSHIP RECODE

                       11,735           1.  Living alone
                        2,379           2.  Living only with non-relative
                       55,966           3.  Living with spouse
                       52,230           4.  Living with relative - other

   65-66    Generated               SIZE OF FAMILY*

                                    Unrelated individuals are coded 01

    67      Generated               SIZE OF FAMILY RECODE

                                        1-8.  Number of members
                                          9.  9+ members

    68      A-2                     PARENT/OTHER ADULT RELATIVE (under 25 years
                                    old and never married)
                       26,174           1.  Both parents, no other relative
                        6,472           2.  Mother only
                          495           3.  Father only
                        3,084           4.  Both parents and other 21+ year old
                                            adult relative
                        2,306           5.  Mother and other 21+ year old adult
                          181           6.  Father and other 21+ year old adult
                          460           7.  No parent, but one 21+ year old adult
                          740           8.  No parent, but two or more 21+ year
                                            old adult relatives
                          444           9.  Unknown
                        1,952           0.  Other
                       80,002       Blank.  Not applicable (25+ years old or ever

 *Count includes spouse in military but living at home.


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    69      B-1                     MAJOR ACTIVITY (18+ years old)
                       53,616           1.  Working
                       17,588           2.  Keeping house
                        4,887           3.  Going to school
                       11,570           4.  Something else
                          704           5.  Unknown
                       33,945       Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18 years)

    70      G-4                     HEALTH STATUS

                       46,915           1.  Excellent
                       33,446           2.  Very Good
                       28,621           3.  Good
                        9,108           4.  Fair
                        3,484           5.  Poor
                          736           6.  Unknown

    71      Recode                  ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS - (all ages)

                        5,123           1.  Unable to perform major activity
                        6,767           2.  Limited in kind/amount major activity
                        5,313           3.  Limited in other activities
                      105,107           4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)

    72      Recode                  ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS MEASURED BY
                                    "ABILITY TO WORK" (18-69 years)

                        5,037           1.  Unable to work
                        3,677           2.  Limited in kind/amount of work
                        2,886           3.  Limited in other activities
                       66,848           4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                       43,862       Blank.  Not applicable
                                            (under 18 years, 70+ years)

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes
    73      B-11                    LIMITATION OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (5-17 years)

                           92           1.  Unable to attend school
                          732           2.  Attends special school/classes
                          104           3.  Needs special school/classes
                          255           4.  Limited in school attendance
                          403           5.  Limited in other activities
                       22,592           6.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                       98,132       Blank.  Not applicable (under 5 years or 18+
    74      B-14                    NEEDS HELP WITH PERSONAL CARE (5-59 years old
                                    and limited, or age 60-69 years)*

                          633           1.  Unable to perform personal care needs
                        1,393           2.  Limited in performing other routine
                       17,733           3.  Not limited in performing personal or
                                            routine needs
                          504           4.  Unknown
                      102,047       Blank.  Not applicable (under 5 years; 5-59
                                            years not limited; 70+ years old)
    75      D-1                     EMPLOYMENT STATUS IN PAST 2 WEEKS (18+ years)

                                    In the Labor Force: (1-7)

                                        Currently employed: (1-3)
                       55,139               1.  Worked in past 2 weeks
                        1,226               2.  Did not work, has job; not on
                                                lay-off and not looking for work
                           43               3.  Did not work, has job; looking
                                                for work
                                        Unemployed: (4-7)
                          137               4.  Did not work, has job; on lay-off
                           11               5.  Did not work, has job; on lay-off
                                                and looking for work
                          458               6.  Did not work, has job; unknown if
                                                looking or on lay-off
                        2,002               7.  Did not work, no job; looking
                                                for work or on lay-off

                                    Not in Labor Force (18+ years): (8)
                       29,349               8.  Not in Labor Force (18+ years)
                       33,945           Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18 years

 *For persons 70+ years, codes 1 and 2 in loc. 71 correspond to codes 1 and 2 in
  loc. 74.


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    76      L-6                     CLASS OF WORKER

                       29,349           0.  Not in labor force
                       42,335           1.  Private company
                        1,756           2.  Federal Government employee
                        2,225           3.  State Government employee
                        4,704           4.  Local Government employee
                        1,477           5.  Incorporated business
                        5,140           6.  Self-employed
                          142           7.  Without pay
                           76           8.  Never worked
                        1,161           9.  Unknown
                       33,945       Blank.  Under 18

   77-79    L-6                     INDUSTRY DETAIL CODE

                       59,016       010-996.  Code number
                       63,294         Blank.  Not applicable

   80-81    Recode                  INDUSTRY RECODE 1

                                    SEE APPENDIX B

   82-83    Recode                  INDUSTRY RECODE 2

                                    SEE APPENDIX B

   84-86    L-6                     OCCUPATION DETAIL CODE

                       59,016       003-999.  Code number
                       63,294         Blank.  Not applicable

   87-88    Recode                  OCCUPATION RECODE 1

                                    SEE APPENDIX C

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   89-90    Recode                  OCCUPATION RECODE 2

                                    SEE APPENDIX C

    91      L-R                     RESPONDENT

                       31,885           0.  Under 17
                       55,537           1.  Self-entirely
                        6,684           2.  Self-partly
                       26,849           3.  Proxy
                        1,355           4.  Unknown

    92      Recode                  CONDITION LIST ASSIGNED AND ASKED

                       20,318           1.  Condition List 1, Skin and
                       20,247           2.  Condition List 2, Impairments
                       20,455           3.  Condition List 3, Digestive
                       20,319           4.  Condition List 4, Miscellaneous
                       20,106           5.  Condition List 5, Circulatory
                       20,501           6.  Condition List 6, Respiratory
                          364           7.  Unknown

   93-94    G-5                     HEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES (18+ years)

                                    36-98.  Number of inches
                                       99.  Unknown
                                    Blank.  Under 18 years of age

   95-97    G-5                     WEIGHT WITHOUT SHOES (18+ years)

                                    050-500.  Number of pounds
                                        501.  Unknown
                                      Blank.  Under 18 years of age

   98-99    Recode                  TOTAL RESTRICTED ACTIVITY DAYS IN PAST TWO

                      109,510          00.  None
                       12,800       01-14.  Days

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

 100-101    D-4                     BED DAYS IN PAST TWO WEEKS

                      114,700          00.  None
                        7,610       01-14.  Days

 102-103    D-2                     WORK-LOSS DAYS IN PAST TWO WEEKS (control on
                                    Currently Employed, 75:1-3)

                      119,016          00.  None
                        3,294       01-14.  Days

 104-105    D-3                     SCHOOL-LOSS DAYS IN PAST TWO WEEKS

                      120,219          00.  None
                        2,091       01-14.  Days

 106-107    D-6                     OTHER DAYS OF RESTRICTED ACTIVITY IN PAST TWO

                      116,420          00.  None
                        5,890       01-14.  Days

 108-110    G-2                     BED DAYS IN PAST 12 MONTHS

                       67,380           000.  None
                       53,707       001-365.  1-365 days
                        1,223           366.  Unknown

   111      Recode                  BED DAYS IN PAST 12 MONTHS - Recode

                       67,380           0.  None
                       40,950           1.  1-7 days
                        9,574           2.  8-30 days
                        2,537           3.  31-180 days
                          646           4.  181-365 days
                        1,223           5.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

 112-114    G-3                     DOCTOR VISITS IN PAST 12 MONTHS

                       30,128           000.  None
                       91,739       001-996.  Visits
                            0           997.  997+ visits
                          443           998.  Unknown

   115      G-3                     INTERVAL SINCE LAST DOCTOR VISIT

                          177           0.  Never
                       92,815           1.  Less than 1 year
                       12,558           2.  1 to less than 2 years
                       10,819           3.  2 to less than 5 years
                        4,124           4.  5 years or more
                        1,817           5.  Unknown

 116-117    Generated               NUMBER OF CONDITIONS

 118-119    Generated               NUMBER OF ACUTE INCIDENCE CONDITIONS

 120-121    Generated               NUMBER OF TWO-WEEK DOCTOR VISITS

 122-123    Generated               NUMBER OF SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL EPISODES IN
                                    IN PAST 12 MONTHS

 124-126    Generated               SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL EPISODE DAYS IN PAST
                                    12 MONTHS

 127-128    Generated               NUMBER OF SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL EPISODES IN
                                    PAST 12 MONTHS EXCLUDING DELIVERY*

 129-131    Generated               SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL EPISODE DAYS IN PAST 12
                                    MONTHS EXCLUDING DELIVERY*

 *Based on operation codes and reason entered hospital.


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes
 132-133    Generated               NUMBER OF SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL DISCHARGES IN
                                    PAST 6 MONTHS
 134-136    Generated               NUMBER OF DAYS IN SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL IN
                                    PAST 12 MONTHS FOR DISCHARGES IN PAST 6
 137-138    Generated               NUMBER OF SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL DISCHARGES IN
                                    PAST 6 MONTHS EXCLUDING DELIVERY*
 139-141    Generated               NUMBER OF DAYS IN SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL IN PAST
                                    12 MONTHS FOR DISCHARGES IN PAST 6 MONTHS
                                    EXCLUDING DELIVERY*
 142-171               -            BLANK
 172-177                            QUARTER BASIC WEIGHT BEFORE AGE-SEX-RACE
                                    ADJUSTMENT (Has one implied decimal)
   178      Master                  TYPE OF SUBSTRATUM
                       12,459           0.  Permit
                       12,809           1.  Area, oversampled for blacks
                       97,042           2.  Area, not oversampled for blacks
 179-181      -                     FULL SAMPLE STRATUM IDENTIFIER
   182      Master                  REGION
                       24,845           1.  Northeast
                       31,227           2.  Midwest
                       41,278           3.  South
                       24,960           4.  West
   183      Master                  GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION
                                        MSA Size

                       52,087           1.  1,000,000 or more
                       32,014           2.  250,000 - 999,999
                        7,757           3.  100,000 - 249,999
                        1,821           4.  Under 100,000
                       28,631       Blank.  Non-MSA
 *Based on operation codes and reason entered hospital.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   184                              BLANK

   185      Master                  TYPE OF PSU
                       66,255           1.  MSA - Self-representing
                       27,424           3.  MSA - Nonself-representing
                           16           4.  Non-MSA - Self-representing
                       28,615           6.  Non-MSA - Nonself-representing

   186      Recode                  MSA - NON-MSA RESIDENCE

                       39,852           1.  MSA - Central City
                       53,827           2.  MSA - Not Central City
                       26,810           3.  Non-MSA - Nonfarm
                        1,821           4.  Non-MSA - Farm

 187-189                            PSEUDO PSU CODES

 190-200                            CHRONIC CONDITION PREVALENCE AND INCIDENCE
                                    FACTOR (XX.XXXXXXXXX) - character format with
                                    implied decimal

                                    FINAL BASIC WEIGHT

 201-209                            QUARTER

 210-218                            SEMI-ANNUAL (WT/2)

 219-227                            ANNUAL (WT/4)

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                   PERSON RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

                                    6.5 WEIGHT

 228-236                            QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL, AND ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED RESTRICTED ACTIVITY DAYS IN PAST 2

 237-245                            QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL
                                    ESTIMATED BED DAYS IN PAST 2 WEEKS

 246-254                            QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED WORK-LOSS DAYS IN PAST 2 WEEKS

 255-263                            QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED SCHOOL-LOSS DAYS IN PAST 2 WEEKS

 264-272                            QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED DOCTOR VISITS IN PAST 12 MONTHS

 273-281                            QUARTER

 282-290                            SEMI-ANNUAL

 291-299                            ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL EPISODE DAYS IN
                                    PAST 12 MONTHS

 300-308                            QUARTER

 309-317                            SEMI-ANNUAL

 318-326                            ANNUAL

 327-335                            ANNUAL ESTIMATED NUMBER OF SHORT-STAY
                                    HOSPITAL EPISODES IN PAST 12 MONTHS


 The Condition file contains the following types of records:

      1.  Condition records, either acute or chronic, which are associated with
          disability days, doctor visits and/or hospitalizations in the two
          weeks preceding the interview (location 107=1 or 2 and 111-112=01-14
          or 109=1).

      2.  Chronic condition records when the condition is reported to be the
          main or secondary cause of activity limitation (location 107=1 and
          126=1 or 2) or limitation in ability to work.

      3.  Chronic condition records reported in response to a check list of
          conditions for each body system, e.g., digestive.  The total sample
          was divided into six subsamples.  Each subsample was asked the set
          of conditions corresponding to one of the six chronic disease check

 Use of Condition Records

 NHIS condition records can be used to calculate aggregate estimates and rates
 of the incidence of acute conditions (Recode A), prevalence of selected
 chronic conditions (Recode C), disability days and utilization associated with
 acute or chronic conditions, and chronic conditions causing limitation of
 activity.  Explanations of the procedures used to calculate these figures and
 rates are given below as well as restrictions due to content and reliability

 Included below is a list of special codes in ICD format and tape location
 created by NHIS as well as a list of ICD codes not used by NHIS.

                               NHIS Created Codes

 The codes listed below are ICD-like codes with meanings specific to NHIS.
 These codes and the Impairment X-codes (see Medical Coding Manual for complete
 list of X-codes) are found in the ICD column locations of the Person,
 Condition, and Doctor Visit Records.  The X of the Impairment Codes is in the
 first of the four columns.

 NHIS Code                                     Category Title

 019                                 Tuberculosis, arrested or inactive

                                     Psychic factors associated with diseases
                                     classified elsewhere in specified system:

   316.0                               Musculoskeletal

   316.1                               Respiratory

   316.2                               Cardiovascular

   316.3                               Skin

1                                    - 42 -

   316.4                               Gastrointestinal

   316.5                               Genitourinary

   316.6                               Endocrine

   316.7                               Organs of special sense

   316.8                               Other

   316.9                               Unspecified

 399                                 Rheumatic fever, inactive

 477.7                               Allergies with multiple causes

 693.2                               Skin allergies with multiple causes

 799.5                               Observation with no condition found

 Codes Not Used by NHIS

 These ICD codes are not specifically used by NHIS.  They are usually included
 in the categories specified:

      Unused ICD                               Coded To:

      009.1                          558

      009.3                          558

      137-139                        Impairment, as appropriate

      230-234                        Not applicable (not reported in NHIS)

      235-238                        Benign, malignant or unspecified, by site

      268.1                          Not applicable (not reported in NHIS)

      306.0,6,7,8,9                  Code as if non-psychogenic

      315.0-2                        X14

      317-319                        X19

      326                            Code residual effect to appropriate
                                     impairment or ICD 320-325

      331.3,4                        X93

      342                            X41

      343                            X50

      344.0,2-6,8,9                  Less than 3 months, see Medical Coding
                                     Manual, Appendix III
                                     If greater than 3 months, code as
                                     impairment, by site and extent

      353.5                          X70-X79, by site

      369                            X00-X03, by severity and site

      388.2                          X05-X09, by severity and site

      389                            X05-X09, by severity and site

      391                            Usually 398.9 (see Short Index)

      410-412                        414

      429.6                          414

      436                            437

      438                            Appropriate impairment usually (see
                                     Medical Coding Manual, Appendix III)

      520.0-2,5                      X92

      521.6                          X92

      524                            X92

      718.6                          X85

      728.2                          X70-X79, by site

      728.4                          Orthopedic impairment, by site

      728.6                          X74

      734                            X77

      735                            X76

      736                            Impairment, by type, site and cause

      737                            X70

      738                            Impairment, by type, site and cause

      740                            Not applicable (not reported in NHIS)

      741                            X71.9

      742.0,1,3                      X93.9

      743                            Code to equivalent acquired diseases of
                                     the eye 744.0-3388.9 and/or appropriate

                                     (see Appendix III)

      744.5                          X79.9

      744.8,9                        of face, coded to X90.9
                                     of neck, coded to X79.9

      749                            X91.9

      750.0,1                        X11.9

      753.0                          X31.9

      754.2                          X70.9

      754.3                          X75.9

      754.4                          X76.9

      754.5-7                        X78.9 except flatfoot coded to X77

      754.8                          Appropriate impairment, by type and site

      755                            Appropriate impairment, by type and site

      756.0-3                        Appropriate impairment, by type and site

      758.0                          X19.9

      759.7.9                        X99.9

      761.6                          Not applicable

      779.6                          Not applicable (for fetus)

      781.5                          X74

      783.1                          278.0

      798                            Not applicable

      871.3                          X00-X03

      885-887                        Appropriate impairment, by site

      895-897                        Appropriate impairment, by site

      905.6-8                        X80-89, by site

      905.9                          X20-29, X35, by site

      908.6                          Code to effect

      909.0,1,3,9                    Code to effect

      958                            Code injury only

      960-979                        977.9

      980.987                        989.9

 In addition, the NHIS does not use certain ICD codes, which are conditions
 known to be caused by other conditions.  In the Ninth Revision of the ICD,
 some causal conditions are marked by a dagger and the resulting condition by
 an asterisk.  NHIS codes the dagger and not the asterisk.

 Acute Conditions

 Annual incidence estimates can be calculated by the following:

     1.  Use acute condition records (107:2) and categories from Recode A
         (location 100-103).
     2.  Select those with onset in last two weeks (108:1)
     3.  Use 6.5 weight (228-236) for all four quarters of data.

 Denominators for subdomain rates should be computed by summing the weights for
 the entire domain of interest.

 When associated disability days such as annual bed days are needed, the
 weighted number of bed days in location 246-254 should be substituted for the
 6.5 weight in 3 above).

 For additional examples of calculating estimates associated with acute
 conditions, see the back of this document.

 Chronic Conditions

 Recode C is the list of selected chronic conditions for which NHIS calculates
 prevalence and associated disability and use data.  We feel that the
 collection and coding procedures used do not justify any further breakdown of
 categories for purposes of estimating prevalence from our survey.  These
 categories correspond to questions asked on the six chronic condition lists
 and therefore produce reliable estimates except where the numbers are small.
 In order to obtain NHIS prevalence estimates, use the Recode C categories
 following the Tape Layouts.

 For chronic conditions not specified in the six lists, estimates do not
 reflect prevalence but may be useful in epidemiological investigations.  For
 most of the non-list conditions only those resulting in limitation of
 activity, recent disability days, or doctor visits will be included.

 Because chronic conditions-related estimates are made based on a one-sixth
 subsample, many estimates, especially for population subgroups, may not be
 statistically reliable.

 The weights for the six subsamples have been adjusted to the Census population
 controls using the same age-sex-race cells as were used for the entire sample.
 The most accurate chronic condition aggregate estimates for population
 variables other than age, sex and race are achieved by multiplying rates
 calculated for the one-sixth subsample by the population estimate based on the
 total sample.

 For example, to estimate the prevalence of hypertension in the population with
 income $25,000+, the rate calculated using the entire circulatory system
 subsample and those in the sample with hypertensive disease should be
 multiplied times the population estimate from the entire NHIS sample in the
 $25,000 income category.

 In order to calculate annual prevalence estimates:

     1.  Use chronic condition records (107:1)
     2.  Select on the appropriate list number in tape Location 92
     3.  Select on specified codes in Location 104-106 (Recode C).
     4.  Multiply the chronic condition prevalence factor (Location 190-200).
         divided by 1,000,000,000 (to adjust for the implied decimal) times the
         basic weight factor in location 219-227.

 Rates should be calculated using the population estimates from the subsample
 as the denominator.  Population estimates from the total sample also may be
 used as denominators; however, if rates are to be calculated for groups other
 than those defined by age, sex, and race, it may be preferable to use
 denominators based on the subsample.

 In order to calculate associated disability days, doctor visits, etc., the
 specifications above should be used, substituting the appropriate weight for
 the basic weight factor in 4.  For example, to calculate annual bed day
 estimates based on a two-week recall period, use the chronic condition factor
 multiplied by the weighted bed days in location 246-254.

 Limitation of Activity due to Chronic Condition

 To calculate limitation of activity due to chronic conditions on a condition
 basis, use the entire NHIS sample, rather than the one-sixth subsamples.  NHIS
 recommends that Recode B (Location 97-99) be used to categorize the causal

 Use of Recodes

 Recode A - Recode categories for acute conditions.  It contains the smallest
 categories considered reliable by NHIS for estimating acute conditions.

 Recode B - The recommended recode for limitation of activity.  It corresponds
 directly to Ninth Revision ICD categories.

 Recode C - Recode categories for chronic conditions.  It is used by NHIS for
 estimating prevalence of chronic conditions.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                            OUTLINE OF ITEMS AND CODES
                            Number of Records = 88,345


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes
    1-2      -                      RECORD TYPE

                       88,345           30.  Condition Record
    3-4      -                      PROCESSING YEAR

                       88,345           88.  1988
     5       -                      PROCESSING QUARTER

                       22,884           1.  Quarter 1
                       22,438           2.  Quarter 2
                       20,963           3.  Quarter 3
                       22,060           4.  Quarter 4
    6-8     HH-5                    RANDOM RECODE OF PSU NUMBER
    9-10    HH-5                    WEEK - CENSUS CODE*

                                    01, 21, 41, 61, 81 ... Week 01
                                    02, 22, 42, 62, 82 ... Week 02
                                    03, 23, 43, 63, 83 ... Week 03
                                    04, 24, 44, 64, 84 ... Week 04
                                    05, 25, 45, 65, 85 ... Week 05
                                    06, 26, 46, 66, 86 ... Week 06
                                    07, 27, 47, 67, 87 ... Week 07
                                    08, 28, 48, 68, 88 ... Week 08
                                    09, 29, 49, 69, 89 ... Week 09
                                    10, 30, 50, 70, 90 ... Week 10
                                    11, 31, 51, 71, 91 ... Week 11
                                    12, 32, 52, 72, 92 ... Week 12
                                    13, 33, 53, 73, 93 ... Week 13

 *This code represents the initial week of assignment.  The interview may be
  re-assigned for administrative purposes.  See Locations 19-20 for the code
  which reflects the actual week assigned for conducting the interview.

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   11-12    HH-5                    SEGMENT NUMBER

                                    Week plus Segment Number identifies the

   13-14    HH-5                    HOUSEHOLD NUMBER

                                    Numbered within PSU-Week-Segment

   15-16     -                      PERSON NUMBER

   17-18    -                       CONDITION SERIAL NUMBER

                                    01-99.  Serial Number

   19-20    HH-5                    PROCESSING WEEK CODE (Numbered within

                        6,679       Week 01.
                        7,315       Week 02.
                        6,860       Week 03.
                        6,723       Week 04.
                        6,609       Week 05.
                        6,623       Week 06.
                        7,074       Week 07.
                        6,791       Week 08.
                        6,689       Week 09.
                        6,785       Week 10.
                        6,633       Week 11.
                        6,811       Week 12.
                        6,753       Week 13.

     21                             BLANK

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   22-23    HH-10d                  TYPE OF LIVING QUARTERS:

                                    Housing Unit = (00-07)

                          621           00.  Housing unit; kind unknown
                       82,268           01.  House, apartment, flat
                           69           02.  HU in nontransient hotel, motel,
                           30           03.  HU-permanent in transient hotel,
                                             motel, etc.
                           45           04.  HU in rooming house
                        3,969           05.  Mobile home or trailer with no
                                             permanent room added
                          763           06.  Mobile home or trailer with one or
                                             more permanent rooms added
                           26           07.  HU not specified above

                                    Other Unit = (08-13)

                           24           08.  Quarters not HU in rooming or
                                             boarding house
                            3           09.  Unit not permanent in transient
                                             hotel, motel, etc.
                           71           10.  Unoccupied site for mobile home,
                                             trailer, or tent
                          367           11.  Student quarters in college
                           71           12.  Other unit not specified above
                           18           13.  Other unit; kind unknown

     24     HH-11                   HAS TELEPHONE

                       80,165           1.  Yes, phone number given
                        2,490           2.  Yes, no phone number given
                        5,076           3.  No
                          614           4.  Unknown

     25     A-1                     SEX

                       36,710           1.  Male
                       51,635           2.  Female

     26      -                      BLANK

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   27-28    Person                  AGE
                          759          00.  Under 1 year
                       87,540       01-98.  Number of years
                           46          99.  99+ years of age

     29     Recode                  AGE RECODE #1

                        3,322           1.  Under 5 years
                        8,577           2.  5-17 years
                        4,971           3.  18-24 years
                       22,862           4.  25-44 years
                       24,159           5.  45-64 years
                        7,576           6.  65-69 years
                        6,310           7.  70-74 years
                       10,568           8.  75 years and over

     30     Recode                  AGE RECODE #2

                        4,015           1.  Under 6 years
                        7,061           2.  6-16 years
                        5,794           3.  17-24 years
                       10,895           4.  25-34 years
                       11,967           5.  35-44 years
                       10,603           6.  45-54 years
                       13,556           7.  55-64 years
                       13,886           8.  65-74 years
                       10,568           9.  75 years and over

   31-32    Recode                  AGE RECODE #3

                        2,135       00-35.  Months
                       86,210          36.  Over 3 years

     33      -                      BLANK

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   34-39    A-3                     MONTH AND YEAR OF BIRTH

   34-35                            MONTH

                                    01.  January      08.  August
                                    02.  February     09.  September
                                    03.  March        10.  October
                                    04.  April        11.  November
                                    05.  May          12.  December
                                    06.  June         99.  DK or refused
                                    07.  July

   36-39                            YEAR OF BIRTH

                                    1800-1899.  1800-1899
                                    1900-1989.  1900-1989
                                         9999.  DK or refused

   40-41                            BLANK

     42     L-3                     MAIN RACIAL BACKGROUND - Reported

                          817           1.  Aleut, Eskimo, or American Indian
                          875           2.  Asian/Pacific Islander
                       12,738           3.  Black
                       72,694           4.  White
                          570           5.  Other
                          191           6.  Multiple race
                          460           7.  Unknown

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   43-45    Recode                  RACE RECODES

     43                             RECODE 1

                       73,789           1.  White
                       12,820           2.  Black
                        1,736           3.  Other

     44                             RECODE 2

                       73,789           1.  White
                       14,556           2.  Non-white

     45                             RECODE 3

                       12,820           1.  Black
                       75,525           2.  Non-black

   46-47    L-4                     HISPANIC ORIGIN

                          109           00.  Multiple Hispanic
                          780           01.  Puerto Rican
                          356           02.  Cuban
                          651           03.  Mexican-Mexicano
                        1,525           04.  Mexican-American
                           30           05.  Chicano
                          372           06.  Other Latin American
                          669           07.  Other Spanish
                          183           08.  Spanish, DK type
                          604           09.  Unknown if Spanish origin
                       83,066           10.  Not Spanish origin

     48     L-7                     MARITAL STATUS

                        9,061           0.  Under 14 years
                       45,511           1.  Married - spouse in household
                          753           2.  Married - spouse not in household
                       12,112           3.  Widowed
                        6,801           4.  Divorced
                        2,058           5.  Separated
                       11,720           6.  Never married
                          329           7.  Unknown

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     49     L-1                     VETERAN STATUS

                       62,096           1.  Non-veteran
                           91           2.  WW I
                        5,860           3.  WW II
                        2,302           4.  Korean War
                        2,961           5.  Vietnam veteran
                          544           6.  Post-Vietnam
                        1,554           7.  Other service
                          247           8.  Served in Armed Forces, unknown if
                                            war veteran
                          791           9.  Unknown if served in Armed Forces
                       11,899       Blank.  Under 18 years of age

     50     L-1                     ACTIVE GUARD/RESERVE STATUS FOR PERSONS ON
                                    ACTIVE DUTY IN ARMED FORCES

                       62,096           0.  Non-veteran
                          685           1.  All service in Guard/Reserve
                        1,954           2.  Some service in Guard/Reserve
                           23           3.  Unknown if all service in
                       10,098           4.  No active service in Guard/Reserve
                        1,590           5.  Unknown if ever active member in
                                            Guard/Reserve or if served in Armed
                       11,899       Blank.  Under 18 years of age

   51-52    L-2                     EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL - COMPLETED YEARS

                        2,437          00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                       57,787       01-12.  Grades 1-12


                        4,780           13.  1 year
                        5,966           14.  2 years
                        2,132           15.  3 years
                        6,268           16.  4 years
                        1,435           17.  5 years
                        3,322           18.  6 years or more
                          896           19.  Unknown
                        3,322        Blank.  Under 5 years of age

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     53     Recode                  EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL RECODE

                        2,437           0.  None; kindergarten only
                       18,092           1.  1-8 years (elementary)
                       13,486           2.  9-11 years (high school)
                       26,209           3.  12 years (high school graduate)
                       12,878           4.  1-3 years (college)
                        6,268           5.  4 years (college graduate)
                        4,757           6.  5+ years (post-college)
                          896           7.  Unknown
                        3,322       Blank.  Under 5 years of age

   54-55     -                      HIGHEST EDUCATION OF RESPONSIBLE ADULT FAMILY
                                    MEMBER (Detail)

                          274          00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                       50,087       01-12.  Grades 1-12


                        6,390           13.  1 year
                        8,900           14.  2 years
                        3,185           15.  3 years
                       10,309           16.  4 years
                        2,400           17.  5 years
                        6,473           18.  6 years or more
                          327           19.  Unknown

     56      -                      HIGHEST EDUCATION OF RESPONSIBLE ADULT FAMILY
                                    MEMBER - Recode

                          274           0.  None; kindergarten only
                        8,478           1.  1-8 years (elementary)
                       10,418           2.  9-11 years (high school)
                       31,191           3.  12 years (high school graduate)
                       18,475           4.  1-3 years (college)
                       10,309           5.  4 years (college graduate)
                        8,873           6.  5+ years (post-college)
                          327           7.  Unknown

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     57     L-8                     FAMILY INCOME $20,000 OR MORE

                       41,402           1.  Less than $20,000
                       44,926           2.  $20,000 or more
                        2,017           3.  Unknown

   58-59    L-8                     FAMILY INCOME

                          520           00.  Less than $ 1,000
                          677           01.  $ 1,000 - $ 1,999
                          851           02.    2,000 -   2,999
                        1,518           03.    3,000 -   3,999
                        2,334           04.    4,000 -   4,999
                        2,211           05.    5,000 -   5,999
                        2,371           06.    6,000 -   6,999
                        2,409           07.    7,000 -   7,999
                        2,143           08.    8,000 -   8,999
                        2,155           09.    9,000 -   9,999
                        2,522           10.   10,000 -  10,999
                        1,705           11.   11,000 -  11,999
                        2,203           12.   12,000 -  12,999
                        1,415           13.   13,000 -  13,999
                        1,458           14.   14,000 -  14,999
                        1,933           15.   15,000 -  15,999
                        1,416           16.   16,000 -  16,999
                        1,423           17.   17,000 -  17,999
                        1,888           18.   18,000 -  18,999
                        2,143           19.   19,000 -  19,999
                        7,445           20.   20,000 -  24,999
                        6,240           21.   25,000 -  29,999
                        5,680           22.   30,000 -  34,999
                        4,452           23.   35,000 -  39,999
                        3,906           24.   40,000 -  44,999
                        2,871           25.   45,000 -  49,999
                        9,729           26.  $50,000 and over
                       12,727           27.  Unknown

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     60     Recode                  FAMILY INCOME RECODE

                        5,900           0.  Under $5,000
                        4,582           1.  $ 5,000 - $ 6,999
                        6,707           2.    7,000 -   9,999
                        9,303           3.   10,000 -  14,999
                        8,803           4.   15,000 -  19,999
                        7,445           5.   20,000 -  24,999
                       11,920           6.   25,000 -  34,999
                       11,229           7.   35,000 -  49,999
                        9,729           8.  $50,000 or more
                       12,727           9.  Unknown

     61     Generated               NHIS POVERTY INDEX*

                       68,128           1.  Above poverty threshold
                       12,044           2.  Below poverty threshold
                        8,173           3.  Unknown

   62-63                            FAMILY RELATIONSHIP

     62     A-2                     TYPE OF FAMILY
                       16,605           &.  Primary individual
                          946           -.  Secondary individual
                       70,688           0.  Primary family
                          106         1-9.  Secondary family

     63     A-2                     RELATIONSHIP TO REFERENCE PERSON
                       15,664           &.  Reference person, living alone
                       31,503           0.  Reference person, 2+ persons in
                       22,477           1.  Spouse, other spouse NOT in Armed
                                            Forces and living at home
                          226           2.  Spouse, other spouse IN Armed Forces
                                            and living at home
                       14,975           3.  Child of reference person or spouse
                          691           4.  Grandchild of reference person or
                        1,534           5.  Parent of reference person or spouse
                        1,270           6.  Other relative
                            5           7.  Child of ineligible reference person
                            0           9.  DK or refused
 *Based on family size, number of children under 18 years of age & family income
  using the 1987 poverty levels derived from the August, 1988 Current Population

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     64     Recode                  FAMILY RELATIONSHIP RECODE

                       15,664           1.  Living alone
                        1,887           2.  Living only with non-relative
                       45,496           3.  Living with spouse
                       25,298           4.  Living with relative - other

   65-66    Generated               SIZE OF FAMILY*

                                    Unrelated individuals are coded 01

     67     Generated               SIZE OF FAMILY RECODE

                                    1-8.  Number of members
                                      9.  9+ members

     68     A-2                     PARENT/OTHER ADULT RELATIVE (under 25 years
                                    and never married)

                        9,092           1.  Both parents, no other relative
                        2,613           2.  Mother only
                          136           3.  Father only
                          886           4.  Both parents and other 21+ year old
                                            adult relative
                          682           5.  Mother and other 21+ year old adult
                           39           6.  Father and other 21+ year old adult
                          157           7.  No parent, but one 21+ year old adult
                          192           8.  No parent, but two or more 21+ year
                                            old adult relatives
                          230           9.  Unknown
                        1,058           0.  Other
                       73,260       Blank.  Not applicable (25+ years old or ever
 *Count includes spouse in military but living at home.

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     69     B-1                     MAJOR ACTIVITY (18+ years old)
                       31,647           1.  Working
                       21,616           2.  Keeping house
                        2,290           3.  Going to school
                       20,095           4.  Something else
                          798           5.  Unknown
                       11,899       Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18 years)

     70     G-4                     HEALTH STATUS

                       15,659           1.  Excellent
                       18,929           2.  Very Good
                       24,645           3.  Good
                       17,081           4.  Fair
                       11,589           5.  Poor
                          442           6.  Unknown

     71     Recode                  ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS - (all ages)

                       15,204           1.  Unable to perform major activity
                       16,253           2.  Limited in kind/amount major activity
                       11,970           3.  Limited in other activities
                       44,918           4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)

     72     Recode                  ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS MEASURED BY
                                    "ABILITY TO WORK" (18-69 years)

                       14,762           1.  Unable to work
                        8,264           2.  Limited in kind/amount of work
                        6,107           3.  Limited in other activities
                       30,435           4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                       28,777       Blank.  Not applicable
                                            (under 18 years, 70+ years)

                             NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes
     73      B-11                   LIMITATION OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (5-17 years)

                          176           1.  Unable to attend school
                        1,176           2.  Attends special school/classes
                          162           3.  Needs special school/classes
                          449           4.  Limited in school attendance
                          605           5.  Limited in other activities
                        6,009           6.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                       79,768       Blank.  Not applicable (under 5 years or 18+
     74      B-14                   NEEDS HELP WITH PERSONAL CARE (5-59 years old
                                    and limited, or age 60-69 years)*

                        2,141           1.  Unable to perform personal care needs
                        4,515           2.  Limited in performing other routine
                       29,595           3.  Not limited in performing personal or
                                            routine needs
                           35           4.  Unknown
                       52,059       Blank.  Not applicable (under 5 years; 5-59
                                            years not limited; 70+ years old)
     75      D-1                    EMPLOYMENT STATUS IN PAST 2 WEEKS (18+ years)

                                    In the Labor Force: (1-7)

                                    Currently Employed: (1-3)
                       31,785           1.  Worked in past 2 weeks
                        1,430           2.  Did not work, has job; not on lay-off
                                            and not looking for work
                           29           3.  Did not work, has job; looking for

                                    Unemployed: (4-7)
                           85           4.  Did not work, has job; on lay-off
                            4           5.  Did not work, has job; on lay-off
                                            and looking for work
                          357           6.  Did not work, has job; unknown if
                                            looking or on lay-off
                        1,348           7.  Did not work, no job; looking for
                                            work or on lay-off

                                    Not in Labor Force (18+ years): (8)
                       41,408           8.  Not in Labor Force (18+ years)
                       11,899       Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18 years old)

 *For persons 70+ years, codes 1 and 2 in loc. 71 correspond to codes 1 and 2 in
  loc. 74

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     76     L-6                     CLASS OF WORKER

                       41,408           0.  Not in labor force
                       23,946           1.  Private company
                        1,130           2.  Federal Government employee
                        1,585           3.  State Government employee
                        3,118           4.  Local Government employee
                          879           5.  Incorporated business
                        3,580           6.  Self-employed
                          118           7.  Without pay
                           38           8.  Never worked
                          644           9.  Unknown
                       11,899       Blank.  Under 18

   77-79    L-6                     INDUSTRY DETAIL CODE

                       35,038       010-996.  Code number
                       53,307         Blank.  Not applicable

   80-81    Recode                  INDUSTRY RECODE 1

                                    SEE APPENDIX B

   82-83    Recode                  INDUSTRY RECODE 2

                                    SEE APPENDIX B

   84-86    L-6                     OCCUPATION DETAIL CODE

                       35,038       003-999.  Code number
                       53,307         Blank.  Not applicable

   87-88    Recode                  OCCUPATION RECODE 1

                                    SEE APPENDIX C

   89-90    Recode                  OCCUPATION RECODE 2

                                    SEE APPENDIX C

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     91     L-R                     RESPONDENT

                       11,076           0.  Under 17
                       56,095           1.  Self-entirely
                        5,253           2.  Self-partly
                       15,074           3.  Proxy
                          847           4.  Unknown

     92     Recode                  CONDITION LIST ASSIGNED AND ASKED

                       17,164           1.  Condition List 1, Skin and
                       15,511           2.  Condition List 2, Impairments
                       11,853           3.  Condition List 3, Digestive
                       13,001           4.  Condition List 4, Miscellaneous
                       14,252           5.  Condition List 5, Circulatory
                       16,298           6.  Condition List 6, Respiratory
                          266           7.  Unknown

   93-96    K-3                     ICD/NHIS CODE (DIAGNOSTIC CODE)

                                    (See ICD-9 rubric and NHIS Medical Coding
                                    Manual, Part III of documentation)

   97-99    Recode                  CONDITION RECODE (B) (ICD Recode, modified
                                    for NHIS)

                                    (See Diagnostic Recodes Section)

  100-103   Recode                  ACUTE RECODE (A)

                                    (See Diagnostic Recodes Section)

  104-106   Recode                  CHRONIC RECODE (C)

                                    (See Diagnostic Recodes Section)

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    107     K-3                     CHRONIC/ACUTE CODE

                       74,940           1.  Chronic
                       13,405           2.  Acute

    108     K-5                     ONSET

                        8,806           1.  During the past 2 weeks
                        6,132           2.  Over 2 weeks to 3 months
                        9,973           3.  Over 3 months to 12 months
                       21,090           4.  Over 1 year to 5 years
                       42,344           5.  Over 5 years

    109     K-2                     DOCTOR LAST SEEN FOR THIS CONDITION

                          325           0.  Interview week
                       22,535           1.  2-week reference period
                       26,650           2.  Over 2 weeks, less than 6 months
                        8,539           3.  6 months, less than 1 year
                        5,906           4.  1 year, less than 2 years
                        5,635           5.  2 years, less than 5 years
                        5,925           6.  5 years or more
                        1,376           7.  Doctor seen, DK when
                          886           8.  DK if doctor seen
                       10,568           9.  Doctor never seen

    110     Recode                  DOCTOR EVER SEEN FOR THIS CONDITION

                       77,777           1.  Yes
                       10,568           2.  No

 111-112    K-6                     TOTAL RESTRICTED ACTIVITY DAYS IN PAST 2
                                    WEEKS FOR THIS CONDITION

                       84,045          00.  None
                        4,300       01-14.  1-14 days

 113-114    K-7                     BED DAYS IN PAST 2 WEEKS FOR THIS CONDITION

                       79,636          00.  None
                        8,709       01-14.  1-14 days

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

  115-116    K-8                    WORK-LOSS DAYS IN PAST 2 WEEKS FOR THIS
                                    CONDITION (control on Currently Employed,

                       84,970          00.  None
                        3,375       01-14.  1-14 days

  117-118   K-9                     SCHOOL-LOSS DAYS IN PAST 2 WEEKS FOR THIS

                       86,243          00.  None
                        2,102       01-14.  1-14 days

  119-121   K-10                    BED DAYS IN PAST 12 MONTHS FOR THIS

                       35,661           000.  None
                        5,606       001-365.  Days
                       33,673           366.  Unknown/not a "check-list"
                       13,405         Blank.  Not a chronic condition

    122     K-11                    EVER HOSPITALIZED FOR THIS CONDITION*

                        6,930           1.  Yes
                       34,751           2.  No
                       33,259           3.  Unknown/not a "check-list" condition
                       13,405       Blank.  Not a chronic condition

    123     K-12                    CONDITION STATUS*

                       35,206           1.  Still has condition
                          968           2.  Condition cured
                        3,479           3.  Condition under control
                          295           4.  Other
                       34,992           5.  Unknown status/not a "check-list"
                       13,405       Blank.  Not a chronic condition
 *Use only for check-list conditions.

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    124     K-12                    LENGTH OF TIME HAD CONDITION BEFORE CURED*
                                    (Location 123 coded 2)

                           54           0.  Less than 1 month
                          115           1.  1-3 months
                          181           2.  Over 3 to 6 months
                           53           3.  Over 6 to 12 months
                          121           4.  1 year
                          136           5.  2-4 years
                           79           6.  5-9 years
                           74           7.  10 years or more
                          155           8.  Unknown
                       87,377       Blank.  Not applicable/not a chronic

    125     K-12                    CONDITION PRESENT IN PAST 12 MONTHS*

                       39,330           1.  Yes
                          189           2.  No
                       35,421           3.  Unknown/not a "check-list" condition
                       13,405       Blank.  Not a chronic condition

    126     Recode                  CONDITION CAUSES ACTIVITY LIMITATION
                                    (all ages) (Refer to loc. 71 in all records
                                    except household for activity limitation

                       17,203           1.  Limited, this condition main cause of
                       10,246           2.  Limited, this condition secondary
                                            cause of limitation
                       15,978           3.  Limited, but not caused by this
                       44,918           4.  Not limited
 *Use only for check-list conditions.

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    127     Recode                  CONDITION CAUSES LIMITATION IN ABILITY TO
                                    WORK (for all persons 18-69 years of age)

                        8,714           1.  Limited in work, this condition main
                                            cause of this limitation
                        5,229           2.  Limited in work, this condition
                                            secondary cause of this limitation
                        9,083           3.  Limited in work but not caused by
                                            this condition
                       36,542           4.  Not limited in work
                       28,777       Blank.  Not applicable

    128      -                      ALL INJURIES*

                        9,551           1.  First
                        1,085           2.  Not first
                       77,709       Blank.  Not an injury

    129     Recode                  IS INJURY ADVERSE REACTION OR COMPLICATION
                                    OF MEDICAL CARE

                           70           1.  Yes, adverse reaction**
                          352           2.  Yes, complication of medical care
                                            (therapeutic misadventure)**
                       10,214           3.  No, other injury
                       77,709       Blank.  Not an injury

    130     K-14                    PLACE OF ACCIDENT

                        1,191           1.  At home (inside house)
                          996           2.  At home (adjacent premises)
                        2,473           3.  Street and highway (including roadway
                                            and public sidewalks)
                          205           4.  Farm
                        1,830           5.  Industrial place (including premises)
                          477           6.  School (including premises)
                          597           7.  Place of recreation and sports,
                                            except school
                        1,306           8.  Other
                        1,561           9.  Unknown
                       77,709       Blank.  Not an injury
 *Includes all conditions reported as caused by an accident or injury, conditions
  with ICD codes 800-999 and impairments (X-codes) due to accidents or injuries.

 **Locations 130-132 are coded 'Unknown' for these injuries.

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    131       K-15                  AT WORK AT TIME OF ACCIDENT

                        2,647           1.  Yes
                        4,373           2.  No
                        1,598           3.  Not applicable, under 18 at time of
                          391           4.  Not applicable, in Armed Forces
                        1,627           5.  Unknown
                       77,709       Blank.  Not an injury

    132     K-16                    MOTOR VEHICLE INVOLVED

                        2,551           1.  Yes
                        6,896           2.  No
                        1,189           3.  Unknown
                       77,709       Blank.  Not an injury

    133     K-16                    NUMBER OF VEHICLES INVOLVED

                        1,483           1.  One
                        1,030           2.  Two or more
                           38           3.  Unknown
                       85,794       Blank.  Not an injury/no or unknown if motor
                                            vehicle involved

    134     K-16                    MOVING MOTOR VEHICLE INVOLVED

                        2,226           1.  Yes
                          263           2.  No
                           62           3.  Unknown
                       85,794       Blank.  Not an injury/no or unknown if motor
                                            vehicle involved

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes
  135-137   Recode                  CLASS OF ACCIDENT

                        9,823       111-322.
                          391           400.  SEE APPENDIX D
                          352           500.
                           70           600.
                       77,709         Blank.  Not an injury
     138    Recode                  SELECTED FIRST INJURY*

                        7,357           1.  First
                          663           2.  Not first
                       80,325       Blank.  Not a selected injury
     139    Recode                  CONDITION CAUSES PERSONAL CARE ACTIVITY
                                    LIMITATION (5-59 years old and limited, or
                                    age 60-69 years)

                        2,026           1.  Limited, condition main cause of
                        1,077           2.  Limited, condition secondary cause of
                        3,553           3.  Limited, but not caused by this
                       29,630           4.  Not limited
                       52,059       Blank.  Not applicable (under 5 years, 5-59
                                            years not limited, 70+ years old)
  140-177    -                      BLANK
    178     Master                  TYPE OF SUBSTRATUM
                        7,269           0.  Permit
                        9,722           1.  Area, oversampled for blacks
                       71,354           2.  Area, not oversampled for blacks
  179-181                           FULL SAMPLE STRATUM IDENTIFIER
    182     Master                  REGION
                       16,143           1.  Northeast
                       23,237           2.  Midwest
                       31,107           3.  South
                       17,858           4.  West
 *Limited to conditions with ICD codes 800-999 and impairments (X-codes due to
  accidents or injuries.

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

  183       Master                  GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION
                                    MSA Size

                       34,506           1.  1,000,000 or more
                       23,801           2.  250,000 - 999,999
                        5,507           3.  100,000 - 249,999
                        1,435           4.  Under 100,000
                       23,096       Blank.  Non-MSA

  184         -                     Blank

  185       Master                  TYPE OF PSU
                       44,922           1.  MSA - Self-representing
                       20,327           3.  MSA - Nonself-representing
                           14           4.  Non-MSA - Self-representing
                       23,082           6.  Non-MSA - Nonself-representing

  186       Recode                  MSA - NON-MSA RESIDENCE

                       28,770           1.  MSA - Central City
                       36,479           2.  MSA - Not Central City
                       21,761           3.  Non-MSA - Nonfarm
                        1,335           4.  Non-MSA - Farm

  187-189                           PSEUDO PSU CODES

  190-200                           CHRONIC CONDITION PREVALENCE AND INCIDENCE
                                    FACTOR (XX.XXXXXXXXX) - character format with
                                    implied decimal

                              NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                    CONDITION RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

                                    FINAL BASIC WEIGHT

  201-209                           QUARTER

  210-218                           SEMI-ANNUAL (WT/2)

  219-227                           ANNUAL (WT/4)

                                    6.5 WEIGHT

  228-236                           QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED RESTRICTED ACTIVITY DAYS IN PAST
                                    2 WEEKS

  237-245                           QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED BED DAYS IN PAST 2 WEEKS

  246-254                           QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED WORK-LOSS IN PAST 2 WEEKS

  255-263                           QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED SCHOOL-LOSS DAYS IN PAST 2 WEEKS

  264-272                           QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED BED DAYS IN PAST 12 MONTHS

  273-281                           QUARTER

  282-290                           SEMI-ANNUAL

  291-299                           ANNUAL

  300-335                           BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                            OUTLINE OF ITEMS AND CODES
                            Number of Records = 25,541

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    1-2      -                      RECORD TYPE

                       25,541           40.  Two-week Doctor Visit Record

    3-4      -                      PROCESSING YEAR

                       25,541           88.  1988

     5       -                      PROCESSING QUARTER

                        6,858           1.  Quarter 1
                        6,503           2.  Quarter 2
                        6,052           3.  Quarter 3
                        6,128           4.  Quarter 4

    6-8     HH-5                    RANDOM RECODE OF PSU NUMBER

    9-10    HH-5                    WEEK - CENSUS CODE*

                                        01, 21, 41, 61, 81 ... Week 01
                                        02, 22, 42, 62, 82 ... Week 02
                                        03, 23, 43, 63, 83 ... Week 03
                                        04, 24, 44, 64, 84 ... Week 04
                                        05, 25, 45, 65, 85 ... Week 05
                                        06, 26, 46, 66, 86 ... Week 06
                                        07, 27, 47, 67, 87 ... Week 07
                                        08, 28, 48, 68, 88 ... Week 08
                                        09, 29, 49, 69, 89 ... Week 09
                                        10, 30, 50, 70, 90 ... Week 10
                                        11, 31, 51, 71, 91 ... Week 11
                                        12, 32, 52, 72, 92 ... Week 12
                                        13, 33, 53, 73, 93 ... Week 13

 *This code represents the initial week of assignment.  The interview may be
  re-assigned for administrative purposes.  See Locations 19-20 for the code
  which reflects the actual week assigned for conducting the interview.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   11-12    HH-5                    SEGMENT NUMBER

                                    Week plus Segment Number identifies the

   13-14    HH-5                    HOUSEHOLD NUMBER

                                    Numbered within PSU-Week-Segment

   15-16     -                      PERSON NUMBER

   17-18     -                      DOCTOR VISIT SERIAL NUMBER

                                    01-99.  Serial Number

   19-20    HH-5                    PROCESSING WEEK CODE (Numbered within
                        1,768           Week 01.
                        2 186           Week 02.
                        2,012           Week 03.
                        1,934           Week 04.
                        1,882           Week 05.
                        2,022           Week 06.
                        2,110           Week 07.
                        2,101           Week 08.
                        1,876           Week 09.
                        2,037           Week 10.
                        1,861           Week 11.
                        1,912           Week 12.
                        1,840           Week 13.

     21                BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   22-23    HH-10d                  TYPE OF LIVING QUARTERS:

                                    Housing Unit = (00-07)

                          173           00.  Housing unit; kind unknown
                       23,932           01.  House, apartment, flat
                           15           02.  HU in nontransient hotel, motel,
                            9           03.  HU-permanent in transient hotel,
                                             motel, etc.
                            6           04.  HU in rooming house
                        1,087           05.  Mobile home or trailer with no
                                             permanent room added
                          155           06.  Mobile home or trailer with one or
                                             more permanent rooms added
                            1           07.  HU not specified above

                                    Other Unit = (08-13)

                            3           08.  Quarters not HU in rooming or
                                             boarding house
                            1           09.  Unit not permanent in transient
                                             hotel, motel, etc.
                           22           10.  Unoccupied site for mobile home,
                                             trailer, or tent
                          117           11.  Student quarters in college
                           15           12.  Other unit not specified above
                            5           13.  Other unit; kind unknown

     24     HH-11                   HAS TELEPHONE

                       23,267           1.  Yes, phone number given
                          773           2.  Yes, no phone number given
                        1,320           3.  No
                          181           4.  Unknown

     25     A-1                     SEX

                       10,168           1.  Male
                       15,373           2.  Female

     26      -                      BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   27-28    Person                  AGE
                          885           00.  Under 1 year
                       24,653        01-98.  Number of years
                            3           99.  99+ years of age

     29     Recode                  AGE RECODE #1

                        2,619           1.  Under 5 years
                        3,084           2.  5-17 years
                        1,746           3.  18-24 years
                        7,501           4.  25-44 years
                        5,509           5.  45-64 years
                        1,675           6.  65-69 years
                        1,353           7.  70-74 years
                        2,054           8.  75 years and over

     30     Recode                  AGE RECODE #2

                        2,939           1.  Under 6 years
                        2,479           2.  6-16 years
                        2,031           3.  17-24 years
                        3,911           4.  25-34 years
                        3,590           5.  35-44 years
                        2,638           6.  45-54 years
                        2,871           7.  55-64 years
                        3,028           8.  65-74 years
                        2,054           9.  75 years and over

   31-32    Recode                  AGE RECODE #3

                        1,943        00-35.  Months
                       23,598           36.  Over 3 years

     33                             BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   34-39    A-3                     MONTH AND YEAR OF BIRTH

   34-35                            MONTH

                                        01.  January
                                        02.  February
                                        03.  March
                                        04.  April
                                        05.  May
                                        06.  June
                                        07.  July
                                        08.  August
                                        09.  September
                                        10.  October
                                        11.  November
                                        12.  December
                                        99.  DK or refused

   36-39                            YEAR OF BIRTH

                                    1800-1899.  1800-1899
                                    1900-1989.  1900-1989
                                         9999.  DK or refused

   40-41                            BLANK

     42     L-3                     MAIN RACIAL BACKGROUND - Reported

                          188           1.  Aleut, Eskimo, or American Indian
                          329           2.  Asian/Pacific Islander
                        3,455           3.  Black
                       21,084           4.  White
                          196           5.  Other
                           35           6.  Multiple race
                          254           7.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   43-45    Recode                  RACE RECODES

     43                             RECODE 1

                       21,546           1.  White
                        3,474           2.  Black
                          521           3.  Other

     44                             RECODE 2

                       21,546           1.  White
                        3,995           2.  Non-white

     45                             RECODE 3

                        3,474           1.  Black
                       22,067           2.  Non-black

   46-47    L-4                     HISPANIC ORIGIN

                           25           00.  Multiple Hispanic
                          235           01.  Puerto Rican
                           98           02.  Cuban
                          246           03.  Mexican-Mexicano
                          498           04.  Mexican-American
                           14           05.  Chicano
                          132           06.  Other Latin American
                          233           07.  Other Spanish
                           67           08.  Spanish, DK type
                          273           09.  Unknown if Spanish origin
                       23,720           10.  Not Spanish origin

     48     L-7                     MARITAL STATUS

                        4,751           0.  Under 14 years
                       12,403           1.  Married - spouse in household
                          197           2.  Married - spouse not in household
                        2,331           3.  Widowed
                        1,754           4.  Divorced
                          526           5.  Separated
                        3,476           6.  Never married
                          103           7.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

     49     L-1                     VETERAN STATUS

                       16,481           1.  Non-veteran
                           25           2.  WW I
                        1,310           3.  WW II
                          469           4.  Korean War
                          732           5.  Vietnam veteran
                          171           6.  Post-Vietnam
                          385           7.  Other service
                           47           8.  Served in Armed Forces, unknown if
                                            war veteran
                          218           9.  Unknown if served in Armed Forces
                        5,703       Blank.  Under 18 years of age

     50     L-1                     ACTIVE GUARD/RESERVE STATUS FOR PERSONS ON
                                    ACTIVE DUTY IN ARMED FORCES

                       16,481           0.  Non-veteran
                          173           1.  All service in Guard/Reserve
                          480           2.  Some service in Guard/Reserve
                            4           3.  Unknown if all service in
                        2,300           4.  No active service in Guard/Reserve
                          400           5.  Unknown if ever active member in
                                            Guard/Reserve or if served in Armed
                        5,703       Blank.  Under 18 years of age

   51-52    L-2                     EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL - COMPLETED YEARS

                          869          00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                       14,407       01-12.  Grades 1-12


                        1,383           13.  1 year
                        1,770           14.  2 years
                          605           15.  3 years
                        2,037           16.  4 years
                          470           17.  5 years
                        1,139           18.  6 years or more
                          242           19.  Unknown
                        2,619        Blank.  Under 5 years of age

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

     53     Recode                  EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL RECODE

                          869           0.  None; kindergarten only
                        4,062           1.  1-8 years (elementary)
                        3,323           2.  9-11 years (high school)
                        7,022           3.  12 years (high school graduate)
                        3,758           4.  1-3 years (college)
                        2,037           5.  4 years (college graduate)
                        1,609           6.  5+ years (post-college)
                          242           7.  Unknown
                        2,619       Blank.  Under 5 years of age

   54-55     -                      HIGHEST EDUCATION OF RESPONSIBLE ADULT FAMILY
                                    MEMBER (Detail)

                           71          00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                       12,627       01-12.  Grades 1-12


                        1,965           13.  1 year
                        2,850           14.  2 years
                        1,042           15.  3 years
                        3,641           16.  4 years
                          873           17.  5 years
                        2,373           18.  6 years or more
                           99           19.  Unknown

     56      -                      HIGHEST EDUCATION OF RESPONSIBLE ADULT FAMILY
                                    MEMBER - Recode

                           71           0.  None; kindergarten only
                        1,591           1.  1-8 years (elementary)
                        2,416           2.  9-11 years (high school)
                        8,620           3.  12 years (high school graduate)
                        5,857           4.  1-3 years (college)
                        3,641           5.  4 years (college graduate)
                        3,246           6.  5+ years (post-college)
                           99           7.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

     57     L-8                     FAMILY INCOME $20,000 OR MORE

                        9,987           1.  Less than $20,000
                       14,974           2.  $20,000 or more
                          580           3.  Unknown

   58-59      L-8                   FAMILY INCOME

                          144           00.  Less than  $1,000
                          211           01.  $ 1,000 - $ 1,999
                          217           02.    2,000 -   2,999
                          371           03.    3,000 -   3,999
                          469           04.    4,000 -   4,999
                          518           05.    5,000 -   5,999
                          541           06.    6,000 -   6,999
                          552           07.    7,000 -   7,999
                          432           08.    8,000 -   8,999
                          422           09.    9,000 -   9,999
                          554           10.   10,000 -  10,999
                          397           11.   11,000 -  11,999
                          559           12.   12,000 -  12,999
                          349           13.   13,000 -  13,999
                          394           14.   14,000 -  14,999
                          545           15.   15,000 -  15,999
                          392           16.   16,000 -  16,999
                          382           17.   17,000 -  17,999
                          487           18.   18,000 -  18,999
                          567           19.   19,000 -  19,999
                        2,121           20.   20,000 -  24,999
                        1,935           21.   25,000 -  29,999
                        1,956           22.   30,000 -  34,999
                        1,548           23.   35,000 -  39,999
                        1,363           24.   40,000 -  44,999
                        1,096           25.   45,000 -  49,999
                        3,534           26.  $50,000 and over
                        3,485           27.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

     60     Recode                  FAMILY INCOME RECODE

                        1,412           0.  Under $5,000
                        1,059           1.  $ 5,000 - $ 6,999
                        1,406           2.    7,000 -   9,999
                        2,253           3.   10,000 -  14,999
                        2,373           4.   15,000 -  19,999
                        2,121           5.   20,000 -  24,999
                        3,891           6.   25,000 -  34,999
                        4,007           7.   35,000 -  49,999
                        3,534           8.  $50,000 or more
                        3,485           9.  Unknown

     61     Generated               NHIS POVERTY INDEX*

                       20,446           1.  Above poverty threshold
                        3,009           2.  Below poverty threshold
                        2,086           3.  Unknown

   62-63                            FAMILY RELATIONSHIP

     62     A-2                     TYPE OF FAMILY
                        3,763           &.  Primary individual
                          274           -.  Secondary individual
                       21,467           0.  Primary family
                           37         1-9.  Secondary family

     63     A-2                     RELATIONSHIP TO REFERENCE PERSON
                        3,496           &.  Reference person, living alone
                        7,847           0.  Reference person, 2+ persons in
                        6,636           1.  Spouse, other spouse NOT in Armed
                                            Forces and living at home
                          121           2.  Spouse, other spouse IN Armed Forces
                                            and living at home
                        6,498           3.  Child of reference person or spouse
                          297           4.  Grandchild of reference person or
                          301           5.  Parent of reference person or spouse
                          338           6.  Other relative
                            7           7.  Child of ineligible reference person
                            0           9.  DK or refused

 *Based on family size, number of children under 18 years of age and family
  income using the 1987 poverty levels derived from the August, 1988 Current
  Population Survey.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

     64     Recode                  FAMILY RELATIONSHIP RECODE

                        3,496           1.  Living alone
                          541           2.  Living only with non-relative
                       12,400           3.  Living with spouse
                        9,104           4.  Living with relative - other

   65-66    Generated               SIZE OF FAMILY*

                                    Unrelated individuals are coded 01

     67     Generated               SIZE OF FAMILY RECODE

                                        1-8.  Number of members
                                          9.  9+ members

     68     A-2                     PARENT/OTHER ADULT RELATIVE (under 25 years
                                    old and never married)

                        4,468           1.  Both parents, no other relative
                        1,015           2.  Mother only
                           64           3.  Father only
                          371           4.  Both parents and other 21+ year old
                                            adult relative
                          284           5.  Mother and other 21+ year old adult
                           19           6.  Father and other 21+ year old adult
                           53           7.  No parent, but one 21+ year old adult
                           51           8.  No parent, but two or more 21+ year
                                            old adult relatives
                           89           9.  Unknown
                          334           0.  Other
                       18,793       Blank.  Not applicable (25+ years old or
                                            ever married)

 *Count includes spouse in military but living at home.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

     69     B-1                     MAJOR ACTIVITY (18+ years old)
                        9,498           1.  Working
                        4,975           2.  Keeping house
                          768           3.  Going to school
                        4,426           4.  Something else
                          171           5.  Unknown
                        5,703       Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18 years)

     70     G-4                     HEALTH STATUS

                        5,993           1.  Excellent
                        5,854           2.  Very Good
                        6,875           3.  Good
                        3,929           4.  Fair
                        2,754           5.  Poor
                          136           6.  Unknown

     71     Recode                  ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS - (all ages)

                        3,820           1.  Unable to perform major activity
                        3,032           2.  Limited in kind/amount major activity
                        1,973           3.  Limited in other activities
                       16,716           4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)

     72     Recode                  ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS MEASURED BY
                                    "ABILITY TO WORK" (18-69 years)

                        3,527           1.  Unable to work
                        1,557           2.  Limited in kind/amount of work
                        1,141           3.  Limited in other activities
                       10,206           4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                        9,110       Blank.  Not applicable
                                            (under 18 years, 70+ years)

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes
    73      B-11                    LIMITATION OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (5-17 years)

                           53           1.  Unable to attend school
                          158           2.  Attends special school/classes
                           19           3.  Needs special school/classes
                          130           4.  Limited in school attendance
                          133           5.  Limited in other activities
                        2,591           6.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                       22,457       Blank.  Not applicable (under 5 years or 18+
     74     B-14                    NEEDS HELP WITH PERSONAL CARE (5-59 years old
                                    and limited, or age 60-69 years)*

                          649           1.  Unable to perform personal care needs
                        1,144           2.  Limited in performing other routine
                        6,186           3.  Not limited in performing personal or
                                            routine needs
                           47           4.  Unknown
                       17,515       Blank.  Not applicable (under 5 years; 5-59
                                            years not limited; 70+ years old)
     75     D-1                     EMPLOYMENT STATUS IN PAST 2 WEEKS (18+ years)

                                    In the Labor Force: (1-7)

                                    Currently employed: (1-3)
                        9,104           1.  Worked in past 2 weeks
                          847           2.  Did not work, has job; not on lay-off
                                            and not looking for work
                            6           3.  Did not work, has job; looking for

                                    Unemployed: (4-7)
                           44           4.  Did not work, has job; on lay-off
                            4           5.  Did not work, has job; on lay-off and
                                            looking for work
                          128           6.  Did not work, has job; unknown if
                                            looking or on lay-off
                          319           7.  Did not work, no job; looking for
                                            work or on lay-off

                                    Not in Labor Force (18+ years): (8)
                        9,386           8.  Not in Labor Force (18+ years)
                        5,703       Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18 years old)

 *For persons 70+ years, codes 1 and 2 in loc. 71 correspond to codes 1 and 2 in
  loc. 74.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

     76     L-6                     CLASS OF WORKER

                        9,386           0.  Not in labor force
                        7,236           1.  Private company
                          316           2.  Federal Government employee
                          467           3.  State Government employee
                          948           4.  Local Government employee
                          269           5.  Incorporated business
                          975           6.  Self-employed
                           36           7.  Without pay
                           12           8.  Never worked
                          193           9.  Unknown
                        5,703       Blank.  Under 18

   77-79    L-6                     INDUSTRY DETAIL CODE

                       10,452       010-996.  Code number
                       15,089         Blank.  Not applicable

   80-81    Recode                  INDUSTRY RECODE 1

                                    SEE APPENDIX B

   82-83    Recode                  INDUSTRY RECODE 2

                                    SEE APPENDIX B

   84-86    L-6                     OCCUPATION DETAIL CODE

                       10,452       003-999.  Code number
                       15,089         Blank.  Not applicable

   87-88    Recode                  OCCUPATION RECODE 1

                                    SEE APPENDIX C

   89-90    Recode                  OCCUPATION RECODE 2

                                    SEE APPENDIX C

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

     91     L-R                     RESPONDENT

                        5,418           0.  Under 17
                       14,445           1.  Self-entirely
                        1,374           2.  Self-partly
                        4,033           3.  Proxy
                          271           4.  Unknown

     92     Recode                  CONDITION LIST ASSIGNED AND ASKED

                        4,433           1.  Condition List 1, Skin and
                        4,211           2.  Condition List 2, Impairments
                        4,342           3.  Condition List 3, Digestive
                        4,059           4.  Condition List 4, Miscellaneous
                        4,263           5.  Condition List 5, Circulatory
                        4,166           6.  Condition List 6, Respiratory
                           67           7.  Unknown

   93-96    F-1                     DATE OF VISIT

                            0       6666.  During 2 weeks, DK when
                        1,604       7777.  Last week, DK day
                        1,908       8888.  Week before, DK day

   93-94                            MONTH

                        1,838           01.  January
                        2,030           02.  February
                        2,007           03.  March
                        1,930           04.  April
                        1,855           05.  May
                        1,804           06.  June
                        1,609           07.  July
                        1,864           08.  August
                        1,680           09.  September
                        1,836           10.  October
                        1,733           11.  November
                        1,589           12.  December
                          254           99.  DK month

   95-96                            DAY

                       21,775       01-31.  Day of month
                          254          99.  DK day codes for Unknown in month
                                            and day

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

   97-98    Recode                  DOCTOR VISIT VALUES (Number of days between
                                    Date of Visit and Interview)

                          238       00.  Visit on last Sunday of reference period
                          620       01.  Visit on second Saturday of reference
                        2,330       02.  Visit on second Friday of reference
                        2,043       03.  Visit on second Thursday of reference
                        2,062       04.  Visit on second Wednesday of reference
                        2,181       05.  Visit on second Tuesday of reference
                        2,355       06.  Visit on second Monday of reference
                          224       07.  Visit on first Sunday of reference
                          498       08.  Visit on first Saturday of reference
                        1,879       09.  Visit on first Friday of reference
                        1,676       10.  Visit on first Thursday of reference
                        1,731       11.  Visit on first Wednesday of reference
                        1,865       12.  Visit on first Tuesday of reference
                        2,073       13.  Visit on first Monday of reference
                        3,766       14.  No value (records not coded 01-31 in
                                         Day of Month of Visit)

     99     Recode                  DAY OF WEEK OF VISIT

                        4,428           1.  Monday
                        4,046           2.  Tuesday
                        3,793           3.  Wednesday
                        3,719           4.  Thursday
                        4,209           5.  Friday
                        1,118           6.  Saturday
                          462           7.  Sunday
                        3,766           8.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    100     Recode                  WEEK OF VISIT

                       13,433           1.  Last week
                       11,854           2.  Week before
                          254           3.  During 2 weeks, DK when

  101-102                           PLACE OF VISIT

                        3,232           01.  Telephone

                                    Not in Hospital

                          493           02.  Home
                       14,997           03.  Doctor's office
                          328           04.  Company or Industrial clinic
                        1,669           05.  Other clinic
                          107           06.  Laboratory
                          622           07.  Other

                                    In Hospital

                        1,870           08.  Outpatient clinic
                          927           09.  Emergency Room
                          594           10.  Doctor's office
                          139           11.  Laboratory
                          363           12.  Other
                          200           13.  Unknown

    103     Recode                  PLACE OF VISIT

                        3,232           1.  Telephone
                       14,997           2.  Doctor's office (not in hospital)
                        1,870           3.  Hospital Outpatient clinic
                          927           4.  Hospital Emergency Room
                          594           5.  Doctor's office in hospital
                          328           6.  Company or Industry clinic
                          493           7.  Home
                        2,900           8.  Other place (Loc. 101-102 =
                          200           9.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    104       F-3                   MEDICAL DOCTOR ACTUALLY TALKED TO

                       19,735           1.  Yes
                        5,400           2.  No
                          406           3.  Unknown

  105-106   F-3                     KIND OF MEDICAL DOCTOR FOR THIS DOCTOR

                        1,524           00.  M.D., DK if G.P. or specialist
                        9,936           01.  General practitioner
                           25           02.  Anesthesiologist
                          466           03.  Dermatologist
                        2,766           04.  Internist
                          357           05.  Neurologist
                        1,607           06.  Obstetrician/Gynecologist
                          854           07.  Ophthalmologist
                        1,177           08.  Orthopedist
                          128           09.  Osteopath
                          452           10.  Otolaryngologist
                            4           11.  Pathologist
                        2,315           12.  Pediatrician
                           23           13.  Proctologist
                          510           14.  Psychiatrist
                          426           15.  Radiologist
                          522           16.  Surgeon (not listed above)
                          461           18.  Urologist
                          180           19.  Other M.D. specialist
                          377           20.  Specialist, DK kind
                           45           21.  Family Practice (specialist)
                        1,299           22.  DK if medical doctor
                           87        Blank.  Not applicable; no medical doctor
                                             reported for this visit/contact

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

  107-108   F-3                     TYPE OF MEDICAL ASSISTANT SEEN/TALKED TO

                          113           31.  Nurse practitioner
                           87           32.  Physician's assistant
                        2,529           33.  Nurse
                          208           34.  Laboratory technician
                            2           35.  Paramedic
                          518           36.  Physical therapist
                            5           37.  Social worker
                           20           38.  Pharmacist
                          121           39.  X-ray technician
                          144           40.  Other technician
                           65           41.  Dentist/oral surgeon
                           47           42.  Optometrist/Optician
                          585           43.  Chiropractor
                          191           44.  Foot specialist
                            7           45.  Dietician
                          133           46.  Psychologist
                           11           47.  Nutritionist
                            0           48.  Naprapath
                            0           49.  Orthoptic technician/Orthopist
                          325           50.  Other non-medical person
                          695           51.  Unknown type of medical assistant
                       19,735        Blank.  Not applicable; medical assistant
                                             not talked to (Location 104 = 1)

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

  109-110   F-3                     TYPE OF PERSON TALKED TO/SEEN

                          754           00.  M.D., DK if G.P. or specialist
                        8,301           01.  General practitioner
                           22           02.  Anesthesiologist
                          427           03.  Dermatologist
                        2,137           04.  Internist
                          256           05.  Neurologist
                        1,376           06.  Obstetrician/Gynecologist
                          816           07.  Ophthalmologist
                          920           08.  Orthopedist
                          109           09.  Osteopath
                          391           10.  Otolaryngologist
                            4           11.  Pathologist
                        1,993           12.  Pediatrician
                           21           13.  Proctologist
                          421           14.  Psychiatrist
                          327           15.  Radiologist
                          468           16.  Surgeon (not listed above)
                          376           18.  Urologist
                          136           19.  Other M.D. specialist
                          342           20.  Specialist, DK kind
                           35           21.  Family Practice (specialist)
                          113           31.  Nurse practitioner
                           87           32.  Physician's assistant
                        2,529           33.  Nurse
                          208           34.  Laboratory technician
                            2           35.  Paramedic
                          518           36.  Physical therapist
                            5           37.  Social worker
                           20           38.  Pharmacist
                          121           39.  X-ray technician
                          144           40.  Other technician
                           65           41.  Dentist/Oral surgeon
                           47           42.  Optometrist/Optician
                          585           43.  Chiropractor
                          191           44.  Foot specialist
                            7           45.  Dietician
                          133           46.  Psychologist
                           11           47.  Nutritionist
                            0           48.  Naprapath
                            0           49.  Orthoptic technician/Orthoptist
                          325           50.  Other non-medical person
                          695           51.  Not MD; unknown type of medical
                          103           52.  Unknown if MD

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

  111-161                           CONDITIONS FOR WHICH DOCTOR VISITED

  111-127                           CONDITION NO. 1

  111-112   F-4                     SERIAL NUMBER

                                    01-99.  Condition Serial Number

  113-116   Condition               ICD/NHIS CODE
                          293        0000.  No matched condition record
                       21,242               ICD/NHIS Code (note Unknown = 7999)
                        4,006       Blank.  No condition for this visit

    117     Condition               CHRONIC/ACUTE CODE
                          293           0.  No matched condition record
                       12,945           1.  Chronic
                        8,297           2.  Acute
                        4,006       Blank.  No condition for this visit

  118-121   Condition               ACUTE RECODE (A)
                          293            0000.  No matched condition record
                        7,543       1001-5931.  Acute Recode
                          754            5932.  All other acute conditions
                                                including unknowns
                       16,951           Blank.  Chronic condition or no condition
                                                for this visit

  122-124   Condition               CHRONIC RECODE (C)
                          293           000.  No matched condition record
                        9,791       101-615.  Chronic Recode
                        3,154           999.  All other chronic conditions
                                              including unknowns
                       12,303         Blank.  Acute condition or no condition for
                                              this visit

  125-127   Condition               CONDITION RECODE (B)
                          293           000.  No matched condition record
                       21,079       010-570.  Condition recode
                          163           990.  All other conditions including
                        4,006         Blank.  No condition for this visit


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

  111-161                           CONDITIONS FOR WHICH DOCTOR VISITED - cont...

  128-144                           CONDITION NO. 2

  128-129   F-4                     SERIAL NUMBER

                                    01-99.  Condition Serial Number

  130-133   Condition               ICD/NHIS CODE
                           56        0000.  No matched condition record
                        3,432               ICD/NHIS Code (note Unknown = 7999)
                       22,053       Blank.  No condition for this visit

    134     Condition               CHRONIC/ACUTE CODE
                           56           0.  No matched condition record
                        2,429           1.  Chronic
                        1,003           2.  Acute
                       22,053       Blank.  No condition for this visit

  135-138   Condition               ACUTE RECODE (A)
                           56            0000.  No matched condition record
                          796       1001-5931.  Acute Recode
                          207            5932.  All other acute conditions
                                                including unknowns
                       24,482           Blank.  Chronic condition or no condition
                                                for this visit

  139-141   Condition               CHRONIC RECODE (C)
                           56           000.  No matched condition record
                        1,873       101-615.  Chronic Recode
                          556           999.  All other chronic conditions
                                              including unknowns
                       23,056         Blank.  Acute condition or no condition for
                                              this visit

  142-144   Condition               CONDITION RECODE (B)
                           56           000.  No matched condition record
                        3,416       010-570.  Condition recode
                           16           990.  All other conditions including
                       22,053         Blank.  No condition for this visit


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

  111-161                           CONDITIONS FOR WHICH DOCTOR VISITED - cont...

  145-161                           CONDITION NO. 3

  145-146     F-4                   SERIAL NUMBER

                                    01-99.  Condition Serial Number

  147-150   Condition               ICD/NHIS CODE
                           23        0000.  No matched condition record
                          709               ICD/NHIS Code (note Unknown = 7999)
                       24,809       Blank.  No condition for this visit

    151     Condition               CHRONIC/ACUTE CODE
                           23           0.  No matched condition record
                          583           1.  Chronic
                          126           2.  Acute
                       24,809       Blank.  No condition for this visit

  152-155   Condition               ACUTE RECODE (A)
                           23            0000.  No matched condition record
                           87       1001-5931.  Acute Recode
                           39            5932.  All other acute conditions
                                                including unknowns
                       25,392           Blank.  Chronic condition or no condition
                                                for this visit

  156-158   Condition               CHRONIC RECODE (C)
                           23           000.  No matched condition record
                          474       101-615.  Chronic Recode
                          109           999.  All other chronic conditions
                                              including unknowns
                       24,935         Blank.  Acute condition or no condition
                                              for this visit

  159-161   Condition               CONDITION RECODE (B)
                           23           000.  No matched condition record
                          707       010-570.  Condition recode
                            2           990.  All other conditions including
                       24,809         Blank.  No condition for this visit

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes
    162     F-5                     OPERATIONS PERFORMED DURING THIS VISIT

                          847           1.  Yes
                       21,152           2.  No
                          310           3.  Unknown
                        3,232       Blank.  Not applicable (telephone call)
  163-168   F-5                     OPERATION CODE

  163-164                           OPERATION NO. 1

                                    See Appendix E

  165-166                           OPERATION NO. 2

                                    See Appendix E

  167-168                           OPERATION NO. 3

                                    See Appendix E
  169-177                           BlANK
    178     Master                  TYPE OF SUBSTRATUM
                        2,616           0.  Permit
                        2,500           1.  Area, oversampled for blacks
                       20,425           2.  Area, not oversampled for blacks
  179-181                           FULL SAMPLE STRATUM IDENTIFIER
    182     Master                  REGION
                        4,833           1.  Northeast
                        6,566           2.  Midwest
                        8,442           3.  South
                        5,700           4.  West
    183     Master                  GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION
                                    MSA Size

                       10,907           1.  1,000,000 or more
                        6,943           2.  250,000 - 999,999
                        1,653           3.  100,000 - 249,999
                          343           4.  Under 100,000
                        5,692       Blank.  Non-MSA

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

    184                             BlANK

    185     Master                  TYPE OF PSU
                       13,979           1.  MSA - Self-representing
                        5,870           3.  MSA - Nonself-representing
                            4           4.  Non-MSA - Self-representing
                        5,688           6.  Non-MSA - Nonself-representing

    186     Recode                  MSA - NON-MSA RESIDENCE

                        8,457           1.  MSA - Central City
                       11,392           2.  MSA - Not Central City
                        5,347           3.  Non-MSA - Nonfarm
                          345           4.  Non-MSA - Farm

  187-189                           PSEUDO PSU CODES

  190-200                           CHRONIC CONDITION PREVALENCE AND INCIDENCE
                                    FACTOR (XX.XXXXXXXXX)
                                    character format with implied decimal

                                    FINAL BASIC WEIGHT

  201-209                           QUARTER

  210-218                           SEMI-ANNUA1 (WT/2)

  219-227                           ANNUAL (WT/4)

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                DOCTOR VISIT RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency            Items and Codes

                                    6.5 WEIGHT

  228-236                           QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL

  237-335                           BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                            Outline of items and Codes
                            Number of Records = 13,580

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    1-2      -                      RECORD TYPE

                       13,580           50.  Hospital Record

    3-4      -                      PROCESSING YEAR

                       13,580           88.  1988

     5       -                      PROCESSING QUARTER

                        3,420           1.  Quarter 1
                        3,495           2.  Quarter 2
                        3,322           3.  Quarter 3
                        3,343           4.  Quarter 4

    6-8     HH-5                    RANDOM RECODE OF PSU NUMBER

    9-10    HH-5                    WEEK - CENSUS CODE*

                                        01, 21, 41, 61, 81 ... Week 01
                                        02, 22, 42, 62, 82 ... Week 02
                                        03, 23, 43, 63, 83 ... Week 03
                                        04, 24, 44, 64, 84 ... Week 04
                                        05, 25, 45, 65, 85 ... Week 05
                                        06, 26, 46, 66, 86 ... Week 06
                                        07, 27, 47, 67, 87 ... Week 07
                                        08, 28, 48, 68, 88 ... Week 08
                                        09, 29, 49, 69, 89 ... Week 09
                                        10, 30, 50, 70, 90 ... Week 10
                                        11, 31, 51, 71, 91 ... Week 11
                                        12, 32, 52, 72, 92 ... Week 12
                                        13, 33, 53, 73, 93 ... Week 13

 *This code represents the initial week of assignment.  The interview may be
  re-assigned for administrative purposes.  See Locations 19-20 for the code
  which reflects the actual week assigned for conducting the interview.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   11-12    HH-5                    SEGMENT NUMBER

                                    Week plus Segment Number identifies the

   13-14    HH-5                    HOUSEHOLD NUMBER

                                    Numbered within PSU-Week-Segment

   15-16       -                    PERSON NUMBER

   17-18       -                    HOSPITAL SERIAL NUMBER

                                    01-99.  Serial Number

   19-20    HH-5                    PROCESSING WEEK CODE (Numbered within

                        1,007       01.  Week 01
                        1,161       02.  Week 02
                        1,029       03.  Week 03
                          955       04.  Week 04
                        1,009       05.  Week 05
                        1,034       06.  Week 06
                        1,137       07.  Week 07
                        1,053       08.  Week 08
                        1,012       09.  Week 09
                        1,043       10.  Week 10
                        1,061       11.  Week 11
                        1,052       12.  Week 12
                        1,027       13.  Week 13

     21                             BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   22-23    HH-10d                  TYPE OF LIVING QUARTERS:

                                    Housing Unit = (00-07)

                           91           00.  Housing unit; kind unknown
                       12,592           01.  House, apartment, flat
                           13           02.  HU in nontransient hotel, motel,
                            4           03.  HU-permanent in transient hotel,
                                             motel, etc.
                            9           04.  HU in rooming house
                          698           05.  Mobile home or trailer with no
                                             permanent room added
                          104           06.  Mobile home or trailer with one or
                                             more permanent rooms added
                            0           07.  HU not specified above

                                    Other Unit = (08-13)

                            5           08.  Quarters not HU in rooming or
                                             boarding house
                            0           09.  Unit not permanent in transient
                                             hotel, motel, etc.
                           13           10.  Unoccupied site for mobile home,
                                             trailer, or tent
                           36           11.  Student quarters in college
                           11           12.  Other unit not specified above
                            4           13.  Other unit; kind unknown

     24     HH-11                   HAS TELEPHONE

                       12,048           1.  Yes, phone number given
                          392           2.  Yes, no phone number given
                        1,028           3.  No
                          112           4.  Unknown

     25     A-1                     SEX

                        5,441           1.  Male
                        8,139           2.  Female

     26      -                      BLANK

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 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   27-28    Person                  AGE
                          321          00.  Under 1 year
                       13,253       01-98.  Number of years
                            6          99.  99+ years of age

     29     Recode                  AGE RECODE #1

                          791           1.  Under 5 years
                          860           2.  5-17 years
                        1,289           3.  18-24 years
                        3,934           4.  25-44 years
                        3,037           5.  45-64 years
                        1,062           6.  65-69 years
                          986           7.  70-74 years
                        1,621           8.  75 years and over

     30     Recode                  AGE RECODE #2

                          854           1.  Under 6 years
                          621           2.  6-16 years
                        1,465           3.  17-24 years
                        2,402           4.  25-34 years
                        1,532           5.  35-44 years
                        1,310           6.  45-54 years
                        1,727           7.  55-64 years
                        2,048           8.  65-74 years
                        1,621           9.  75 years and over

   31-32    Recode                  AGE RECODE #3

                          632       00-35.  Months
                       12,948          36.  Over 3 years

     33      -                      BLANK

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 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   34-39    A-3                     MONTH AND YEAR OF BIRTH

   34-35                            MONTH

                                        01.  January      08.  August
                                        02.  February     09.  September
                                        03.  March        10.  October
                                        04.  April        11.  November
                                        05.  May          12.  December
                                        06.  June         99.  DK or refused
                                        07.  July

   36-39                            YEAR OF BIRTH

                                    1800-1899.  1800-1899
                                    1900-1989.  1900-1989
                                         9999.  DK or refused

   40-41                            BLANK

     42     L-3                     MAIN RACIAL BACKGROUND - Reported

                          170           1.  Aleut, Eskimo, or American Indian
                          167           2.  Asian/Pacific Islander
                        2,189           3.  Black
                       10,842           4.  White
                           92           5.  Other
                           28           6.  Multiple race
                           92           7.  Unknown

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 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   43-45    Recode                  RACE RECODES

     43                             RECODE 1

                       11,039           1.  White
                        2,200           2.  Black
                          341           3.  Other

     44                             RECODE 2

                       11,039           1.  White
                        2,541           2.  Non-white

     45                             RECODE 3

                        2,200           1.  Black
                       11,380           2.  Non-black

   46-47    L-4                     HISPANIC ORIGIN

                            9           00.  Multiple Hispanic
                          149           01.  Puerto Rican
                           59           02.  Cuban
                          144           03.  Mexican-Mexicano
                          269           04.  Mexican-American
                            8           05.  Chicano
                           81           06.  Other Latin American
                           99           07.  Other Spanish
                           32           08.  Spanish, DK type
                          112           09.  Unknown if Spanish origin
                       12,618           10.  Not Spanish origin

     48     L-7                     MARITAL STATUS

                        1,254           0.  Under 14 years
                        7,653           1.  Married - spouse in household
                          152           2.  Married - spouse not in household
                        1,632           3.  Widowed
                          844           4.  Divorced
                          366           5.  Separated
                        1,623           6.  Never married
                           56           7.  Unknown

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 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     49     L-1                     VETERAN STATUS

                        9,643           1.  Non-veteran
                           30           2.  WW I
                        1,004           3.  WW II
                          337           4.  Korean War
                          378           5.  Vietnam veteran
                          102           6.  Post-Vietnam
                          231           7.  Other service
                           38           8.  Served in Armed Forces, unknown if
                                            war veteran
                          166           9.  Unknown if served in Armed Forces
                        1,651       Blank.  Under 18 years of age

     50     L-1                     ACTIVE GUARD/RESERVE STATUS FOR PERSONS ON
                                    ACTIVE DUTY IN ARMED FORCES

                        9,643           0.  Non-veteran
                          107           1.  All service in Guard/Reserve
                          279           2.  Some service in Guard/Reserve
                            4           3.  Unknown if all service in
                        1,587           4.  No active service in Guard/Reserve
                          309           5.  Unknown if ever active member in
                                            Guard/Reserve or if served in Armed
                        1,651       Blank.  Under 18 years of age

   51-52    L-2                     EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL - COMPLETED YEARS

                          236           00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                        8,949        01-12.  Grades 1-12


                          747           13.  1 year
                          870           14.  2 years
                          296           15.  3 years
                          908           16.  4 years
                          203           17.  5 years
                          399           18.  6 years or more
                          181           19.  Unknown
                          791        Blank.  Under 5 years of age

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 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     53     Recode                  EDUCATION OF INDIVIDUAL RECODE

                          236           0.  None; kindergarten only
                        2,385           1.  1-8 years (elementary)
                        2,204           2.  9-11 years (high school)
                        4,360           3.  12 years (high school graduate)
                        1,913           4.  1-3 years (college)
                          908           5.  4 years (college graduate)
                          602           6.  5+ years (post-college)
                          181           7.  Unknown
                          791       Blank.  Under 5 years of age

   54-55     -                      HIGHEST EDUCATION OF RESPONSIBLE ADULT
                                    FAMILY MEMBER (Detail)

                           44          00.  Never attended; kindergarten only
                        8,088       01-12.  Grades 1-12


                          971           13.  1 year
                        1,305           14.  2 years
                          478           15.  3 years
                        1,465           16.  4 years
                          293           17.  5 years
                          853           18.  6 years or more
                           83           19.  Unknown

     56      -                      HIGHEST EDUCATION OF RESPONSIBLE ADULT
                                    FAMILY MEMBER RECODE

                           44           0.  None; kindergarten only
                        1,246           1.  1-8 years (elementary)
                        1,720           2.  9-11 years (high school)
                        5,122           3.  12 years (high school graduate)
                        2,754           4.  1-3 years (college)
                        1,465           5.  4 years (college graduate)
                        1,146           6.  5+ years (post-college)
                           83           7.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     57     L-8                     FAMILY INCOME $20,000 OR MORE

                        6,556           1.  Less than $20,000
                        6,631           2.  $20,000 or more
                          393           3.  Unknown

   58-59    L-8                     FAMILY INCOME

                           80           00.  Less than  $1,000
                          118           01.  $ 1,000 - $ 1,999
                          127           02.    2,000 -   2,999
                          298           03.    3,000 -   3,999
                          385           04.    4,000 -   4,999
                          310           05.    5,000 -   5,999
                          364           06.    6,000 -   6,999
                          406           07.    7,000 -   7,999
                          308           08.    8,000 -   8,999
                          272           09.    9,000 -   9,999
                          359           10.   10,000 -  10,999
                          274           11.   11,000 -  11,999
                          370           12.   12,000 -  12,999
                          201           13.   13,000 -  13,999
                          249           14.   14,000 -  14,999
                          255           15.   15,000 -  15,999
                          222           16.   16,000 -  16,999
                          259           17.   17,000 -  17,999
                          316           18.   18,000 -  18,999
                          361           19.   19,000 -  19,999
                        1,114           20.   20,000 -  24,999
                          997           21.   25,000 -  29,999
                          863           22.   30,000 -  34,999
                          634           23.   35,000 -  39,999
                          564           24.   40,000 -  44,999
                          427           25.   45,000 -  49,999
                        1,258           26.  $50,000 and over
                        2,189           27.  Unknown

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD

 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes
     60     Recode                  FAMILY INCOME RECODE

                        1,008           0.  Under $5,000
                          674           1.  $ 5,000 - $ 6,999
                          986           2.    7,000 -   9,999
                        1,453           3.   10,000 -  14,999
                        1,413           4.   15,000 -  19,999
                        1,114           5.   20,000 -  24,999
                        1,860           6.   25,000 -  34,999
                        1,625           7.   35,000 -  49,999
                        1,258           8.  $50,000 or more
                        2,189           9.  Unknown

     61     Generated               NHIS POVERTY INDEX*

                       10,019           1.  Above poverty threshold
                        2,126           2.  Below poverty threshold
                        1,435           3.  Unknown
   62-63                            FAMILY RELATIONSHIP

     62     A-2                     TYPE OF FAMILY

                        2,019           &.  Primary individual
                          115           -.  Secondary individual
                       11,422           0.  Primary family
                           24         1-9.  Secondary family

     63     A-2                     RELATIONSHIP TO REFERENCE PERSON

                        1,954           &.  Reference person, living alone
                        4,784           0.  Reference person, 2+ persons in
                        3,935           1.  Spouse, other spouse NOT in Armed
                                            Forces and living at home
                           72           2.  Spouse, other spouse IN Armed Forces
                                            and living at home
                        2,131           3.  Child of reference person or spouse
                          162           4.  Grandchild of reference person or
                          246           5.  Parent of reference person or spouse
                          292           6.  Other relative
                            4           7.  Child of ineligible reference person
                            0           9.  DK or refused
 *Based on family size, number of children under 18 years of age & family income
  using the 1987 poverty levels derived from the August, 1988 Current Population

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     64     Recode                  FAMILY RELATIONSHIP RECODE

                        1,954           1.  Living alone
                          180           2.  Living only with non-relative
                        7,649           3.  Living with spouse
                        3,797           4.  Living with relative - other

   65-66    Generated               SIZE OF FAMILY*

                                    Unrelated individuals are coded 01

     67     Generated               SIZE OF FAMILY RECODE

                                        1-8.  Number of members
                                          9.  9+ members

     68     A-2                     PARENT/OTHER ADULT RELATIVE (under 25 years
                                    old and never married)

                        1,156           1.  Both parents, no other relative
                          409           2.  Mother only
                           25           3.  Father only
                          136           4.  Both parents and other 21+ year old
                                            adult relative
                          173           5.  Mother and other 21+ year old adult
                           10           6.  Father and other 21+ year old adult
                           38           7.  No parent, but one 21+ year old adult
                           41           8.  No parent, but two or more 21+ year
                                            old adult relatives
                           63           9.  Unknown
                          132           0.  Other
                       11,397       Blank.  Not applicable (25+ years old or ever
 *Count includes spouse in military but living at home.

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                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes
     69     B-1                     MAJOR ACTIVITY (18+ years old)
                        4,465           1.  Working
                        3,357           2.  Keeping house
                          298           3.  Going to school
                        3,705           4.  Something else
                          104           5.  Unknown
                        1,651       Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18 years)
     70     G-4                     HEALTH STATUS

                        2,276           1.  Excellent
                        2,606           2.  Very Good
                        3,651           3.  Good
                        2,626           4.  Fair
                        2,364           5.  Poor
                           57           6.  Unknown

     71     Recode                  ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS - (all ages)

                        2,925           1.  Unable to perform major activity
                        1,781           2.  Limited in kind/amount major activity
                        1,176           3.  Limited in other activities
                        7,698           4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
     72     Recode                  ACTIVITY LIMITATION STATUS MEASURED BY
                                    "ABILITY TO WORK" (18-69 years)

                        2,522           1.  Unable to work
                          778           2.  Limited in kind/amount of work
                          560           3.  Limited in other activities.
                        5,462           4.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                        4,258       Blank.  Not applicable (under 18 years; 70+
     73      B-11            LIMITATION OF SCHOOL ACTIVITIES (5-17 years)

                           29           1.  Unable to attend school
                           61           2.  Attends special school/classes
                            7           3.  Needs special school/classes
                           70           4.  Limited in school attendance
                           67           5.  Limited in other activities
                          626           6.  Not limited (includes unknowns)
                       12,720       Blank.  Not applicable (under 5 years; 18+

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 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     74     B-14                    NEEDS HELP WITH PERSONAL CARE (5-59 years old
                                    and limited, or age 60-69 years)*

                          478           1.  Unable to perform personal care needs
                          728           2.  Limited in performing other routine
                        3,500           3.  Not limited in performing personal or
                                            routine needs
                           25           4.  Unkown
                        8,849       Blank.  Not applicable (under 5 years; 5-59
                                            years not limited; 70+ years old)
     75     D-1                     EMPLOYMENT STATUS IN PAST 2 WEEKS (18+ years)

                                    In the Labor Force: (1-7)

                                    Currently employed: (1-3)
                        4,180           1.  Worked in past 2 weeks
                          420           2.  Did not work, has job; not on lay-off
                                            and not looking for work
                            3           3.  Did not work, has job; looking for

                                    Unemployed: (4-7)
                           22           4.  Did not work, has job; on lay-off
                            4           5.  Did not work, has job; on lay-off and
                                            looking for work
                           83           6.  Did not work, has job; unknown if
                                            looking or on lay-off
                          223           7.  Did not work, no job; looking for
                                            work or on lay-off

                                    Not in Labor Force (18+ years): (8)
                        6,994           8.  Not in Labor Force (18+ years)
                        1,651       Blank.  Not applicable (Under 18 years old)

 *For persons 70+ years, codes 1 and 2 in loc. 71 correspond to codes 1 and 2 in
  loc. 74.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     76     L-6                     CLASS OF WORKER

                        6,994           0.  Not in labor force
                        3,501           1.  Private company
                          139           2.  Federal Government employee
                          204           3.  State Government employee
                          384           4.  Local Government employee
                          114           5.  Incorporated business
                          442           6.  Self-employed
                           12           7.  Without pay
                            8           8.  Never worked
                          131           9.  Unknown
                        1,651       Blank.  Under 18

   77-79    L-6                     INDUSTRY DETAIL CODE

                        4,935       010-996.  Code number
                        8,645         Blank.  Not applicable

   80-81    Recode                  INDUSTRY RECODE 1

                                    SEE APPENDIX B

   82-83    Recode                  INDUSTRY RECODE 2

                                    SEE APPENDIX B

   84-86    L-6                     OCCUPATION DETAIL CODE

                        4,935       003-999.  Code number
                        8,645         Blank.  Not applicable

   87-88    Recode                  OCCUPATION RECODE 1

                                    SEE APPENDIX C

   89-90    Recode                  OCCUPATION RECODE 2

                                    SEE APPENDIX C

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

     91     L-R                     RESPONDENT

                        1,475           0.  Under 17
                        8,463           1.  Self-entirely
                          935           2.  Self-partly
                        2,555           3.  Proxy
                          152           4.  Unknown

     92     Recode                  CONDITION LIST ASSIGNED AND ASKED

                        2,227           1.  Condition List 1, Skin and
                        2,264           2.  Condition List 2, Impairments
                        2,259           3.  Condition List 3, Digestive
                        2,188           4.  Condition List 4, Miscellaneous
                        2,267           5.  Condition List 5, Circulatory
                        2,328           6.  Condition List 6, Respiratory
                           47           7.  Unknown

   93-94    Recode                  HOSPITAL EPISODE NUMBER FOR SHORT-STAY
                                    HOSPITALS IN PAST YEAR

                       13,305         01+.  Number
                          275       Blank.  Long-stay hospitals

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   95-96    J-6                     TYPE OF SERVICE

                       12,525           01.  General
                           91           02.  Psychiatric
                            0           03.  Tuberculosis
                           31           04.  Maternity
                            8           06.  Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat
                          183           07.  Children's
                           20           08.  Orthopedic
                            0           09.  Contagious Disease
                            3           10.  Chronic Disease
                            7           11.  Hospital department of institution
                           88           12.  All other
                            0           89.  In index, unknown type
                          114           90.  DK (entry of DK for hospital name
                                             and Not Reported, less than 31
                                             nights in hospital
                           25           92.  DK (entry of DK for hospital name
                                             and Not Reported - 31 or more
                                             nights in hospital)
                           28           93.  Hospitalized in Foreign Country,
                                             not in index
                            0           94.  Nursing personal, and domiciliary
                                             care homes
                           20           95.  Nursing home, assumed from title
                           21           98.  Osteopathic
                          416           99.  Not identified as a hospital, not
                                             in index

     97     Recode                  RECODE FOR TYPE OF SERVICE

                       13,305           1.  Short-stay hospitals (Codes 01, 04,
                                            06, 07, 11, 89, 90, 98, 99)
                          247           2.  Long-stay hospitals (Codes 02, 03,
                                            08, 09, 10, 12, 92, 94, 95)
                           28           3.  Not in index (Code 93)

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   98-99    J-6                     TYPE OF OWNERSHIP

                                    1.  Governmental, nonfederal
                          286               12.  State
                          561               13.  County
                          278               14.  City
                           27               15.  City-county
                          711               16.  Hospital district

                                    2.  Nonprofit
                        2,479               21.  Church operated or related
                        6,914               23.  Other nonprofit
                            0               24.  Nonprofit, N.O.S.

                                    3.  Proprietary
                            3               31.  Individual
                           44               32.  Partnership
                        1,207               33.  Corporation (profit)
                            0               34.  Proprietary, N.O.S.

                                    4.  Government, Federal
                           55               41.  Air Force
                           55               51.  Army
                           33               61.  Navy
                            0               62.  Department of Defense, N.O.S.
                           26               71.  Public Health Service
                          277               81.  Veterans Administration
                            0               91.  Other Federal

                                    5.  All other
                            0               89.  In index, unknown type
                          114               90.  DK (entry of DK for hospital
                                                 name and Not Reported, less
                                                 than 31 nights in hospital)
                           25               92.  DK (entry of DK for hospital
                                                 name and Not Reported - 31 or
                                                 more nights in hospital)
                           28               93.  Hospitalized in Foreign Country,
                                                 not in index
                           20               95.  Nursing home, assumed from title
                           21               98.  Osteopathic
                          416               99.  Not identified as a hospital,
                                                 not in index

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

  100-105   J-2                     DATE OF ADMISSION

  100-101                           MONTH

                        1,147           01.  January
                        1,154           02.  February
                        1,185           03.  March
                        1,083           04.  April
                        1,107           05.  May
                        1,103           06.  June
                        1,187           07.  July
                        1,117           08.  August
                        1,048           09.  September
                        1,180           10.  October
                        1,095           11.  November
                        1,174           12.  December

  102-103                           DAY OF MONTH

                                    01-31.  Day of month

  104-105                           YEAR

                            0            84.  1984
                            1            85.  1985
                            8            86.  1986
                        6,351            87.  1987
                        7,219            88.  1988
                            1            89.  1989

  106-109   Derived                 NUMERICAL VALUE OF DATE OF ADMISSION

                                    0001-1842.  Date Values

    110     Derived                 ADMISSION RECODE

                          530            1.  Admission in past 2 weeks
                       12,739            2.  Admission 2 weeks to a year ago
                          311            3.  Admission prior to past 12 months

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                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

  111-114   Derived                 NUMERICAL VALUE FOR DATE OF INTERVIEW

                       13,580       1471-1842.  Values
                            0            9999.  Unknown

  115-118   Derived                 DERIVED DATE OF DISCHARGE

                       13,580       0002-1842.  Values
                            0            9999.  Unknown

  119-121   Derived                 NUMBER OF NIGHTS IN PAST 12 MONTHS

                                    000-365.  Number of nights

  122-123   Derived                 NUMBER OF NIGHTS IN PAST 2 WEEKS

                                    00-14.  Number of nights

  124-126   Derived                 J - VALUE

                          111         Blank.  Negative value
                       13,469       000-364.  Value

    127     Recode                  J - RECODE

                          111            0.  Still in hospital
                          653            1.  Discharges past 2 weeks (000-013)
                        6,566            2.  Discharges in 2 weeks to 6 months
                        6,250            3.  Discharges in 6-12 months (182-364)

  128-131   J-3                     TOTAL NIGHTS IN HOSPITAL

                                    0001-1842.  Nights

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                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    132     Recode                  SHORT-STAY HOSPITAL DISCHARGE (based on
                                    6-month recall)*

                        7,082           1.  Yes
                        6,498           2.  No

    133     J-5                     OPERATION PERFORMED DURING STAY

                        6,855           1.  Yes
                        6,588           2.  No
                          137           3.  Unknown

  134-139   J-5                     OPERATION CODES (See Appendix E)

  134-135                           OPERATION NUMBER 1

                        6,855       00-99.
                        6,725       Blank.

  136-137                           OPERATION NUMBER 2

                          640       00-99.
                       12,940       Blank.

  138-139                           OPERATION NUMBER 3

                           64       00-99.
                       13,516       Blank.

  140-144                           BLANK

    145     Recode                  HOSPITALIZATION FOR DELIVERY (Based on
                                    Operation Codes, Appendix E and reason
                                    entered hospital)

                        1,805           1.  Yes, delivery
                       11,775           2.  No

 *Use weight field 210-218 for annual estimate.

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

   146-177                          BLANK

    178     Master                  TYPE OF SUBSTRATUM
                        1,084           0.  Permit
                        1,685           1.  Area, oversampled for blacks
                       10,811           2.  Area, not oversampled for blacks

   179-181    -                     FULL SAMPLE STRATUM IDENTIFIER

    182     Master                  REGION
                        2,552           1.  Northeast
                        3,635           2.  Midwest
                        5,103           3.  South
                        2,290           4.  West

    183     Master                  GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION
                                    MSA Size

                        5,030           1.  1,000,000 or more
                        3,519           2.  250,000 - 999,999
                          874           3.  100,000 - 249,999
                          289           4.  Under 100,000
                        3,868       Blank.  Non-MSA

    184                             BLANK

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

    185     Master                  TYPE OF PSU
                        6,593           1.  MSA - Self-representing
                        3,119           3.  MSA - Nonself-representing
                            5           4.  Non-MSA - Self-representing
                        3,863           6.  Non-MSA - Nonself-representing

    186     Recode                  MSA - NON-MSA RESIDENCE

                        4,514           1.  MSA - Central City
                        5,198           2.  MSA - Not Central City
                        3,639           3.  Non-MSA - Nonfarm
                          229           4.  Non-MSA - Farm

  187-189                           PSEUDO PSU CODES

  190-200                           CHRONIC CONDITION PREVALENCE AND INCIDENCE
                                    FACTOR (XX.XXXXXXXXX) - character format
                                    with implied decimal

                                    FINAL BASIC WEIGHT

  201-209                           QUARTER

  210-218*                          SEMI-ANNUAL (WT/2)

  219-227                           ANNUAL (WT/4)

                                    6.5 WEIGHT

  228-236                           QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL

                           NHIS PUBLIC USE TAPE RECORDS
                                 HOSPITAL RECORD


 Locations  Item No.   Frequency        Items and Codes

                                    ESTIMATED NIGHTS IN HOSPITAL IN PAST 2 WEEKS

  237-245                           QUARTER, SEMI-ANNUAL AND ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED NIGHTS IN HOSPITAL IN PAST
                                    12 MONTHS

  246-254                           QUARTER

  255-263                           SEMI-ANNUAL

  264-272                           ANNUAL

                                    ESTIMATED TOTAL NIGHTS IN HOSPITAL

  273-281                           QUARTER

  282-290*                          SEMI-ANNUAL

  291-299                           ANNUAL

  300-335                           BLANK

 *Use these locations for estimates of hospital discharges and days based on
  a 6-month period.


   Acute Conditions

   I.  Purpose - Recode A consists of 32 4-digit categories of frequently
       reported acute conditions.  The NHIS routinely publishes acute
       condition incidence estimates and other related acute condition data
       using these specific recode categories.

  II.  Format and Content - The first digit of this 4-digit recode separates
       the data into five major condition groups, and the second digit into
       subcategories of these five.  The third and fourth digits are the basic
       units of the recode.

 III.  Definition of Acute Condition - An acute condition is any disease or
       injury with onset in the 3-month reference period prior to the week of
       interview except for certain conditions always classified as chronic
       regardless of onset.  Acute conditions must also have either activity
       restriction or medical attention.  Current deliveries, normal or
       complicated, and current complications of pregnancy and puerperium are
       always considered acute conditions.  The incidence of acute conditions
       is limited to acute conditions with onset in the 2-week reference period
       prior to the interview week.

 This recode is different from Acute Condition Recode 2, used prior to 1982.

 Acute Condition Recode A

 Number              Title                               ICD-9 Codes


 1001       Common Childhood Diseases              033, 052, 055, 056, 072
 1002       Intestinal virus, NOS                  008.8
 1003       Viral Infections, Unspecified          079.9
 1004       Other                                  (001-136, except for


 2105       Common Cold                            460
 2106       Other Acute Upper Respiratory
              Infections                           461-465

 2207       Influenza                              487

 2308       Acute Bronchitis                       466
 2309       Pneumonia                              480-483, 485, 486

 2310       Other Respiratory Conditions           470, 475, 478. ,0-7,9,
                                                   495, 500-508, 510-515,
                                                   516. ,0,2,3,8,9, 518, 519


 3411       Dental Conditions                      520. ,6-9,
                                                   521. ,0-5,7-9,
                                                   522, 523, 525
 3412       Indigestion, Nausea and Vomiting       536.8, 787.0
 3413       Other Digestive Conditions             (520-579, and 787,
                                                   except for above)*


 4514       Fractures, Dislocations                800-839
 4515       Sprains and Strains                    840-848
 4516       Open Wounds and Lacerations            870-884, 890-894
 4517       Contusions and Superficial Injuries    910-929
 4518       Other Current Injuries                 (800-999, except for

 *Excludes ICD codes defined by the NHIS as chronic and ICD codes not used by

 Number              Title                               ICD-9 Codes


 5619       Eye conditions                         360. ,0,3,5,6,8,9,
                                                   363. ,0-2,6-9,
                                                   364. ,0-6,8,9
                                                   368. ,0,2-4,8,9,
                                                   370. ,0,4-6,8,9,
                                                   371. ,0-2,4-9,
                                                   372. ,4,5,8,9,
                                                   373. ,0,2,8,9,
                                                   374, 375,
                                                   376. ,0,1,3,5,6,8,9,
                                                   378. ,0-6,8,9,
                                                   379. ,0,1,3,4,8,9

 5620       Acute Ear Infections                   380.1, 381, 382,
                                                   383. ,0-2,9,
                                                   384.0, 386.3

 5621       Other Ear Conditions                   380. ,0,2-9, 383.3,8,
                                                   384. ,2,8,9, 385,
                                                   386. ,0-2,4-9, 387,
                                                   388. ,0,1,3-9

 5722       Acute Urinary Tract Infections         580, 581, 590,
                                                   595. ,0-3,8,9, 597,
                                                   598.0, 599.0

 5723       Other Urinary Conditions               582-589, 591, 593, 596,
                                                   598. ,1-9, 599. ,1-9

 5724       Disorders of Menstruation              625.3,4, 626. ,0-6,8,9

 5725       Other Disorders of Female              614-624, 625. ,0-2,5-9,
             Genital Tract                         626.7, 628. ,0,2-9, 629

 5726       Delivery and Other Conditions of       630-676
             Pregnancy and Puerperium

 5827       Skin Conditions                        680-684, 686, 690, 691,
                                                   693, (693.2 NHIS code),
                                                   694-698, 700-705,
                                                   706. ,0,1,3,8,9, 707-709

 Number              Title                               ICD-9 Codes

            ALL OTHER ACUTE CONDITIONS (Continued)

 5828       Acute Back, Spine and Neck Pain        723.1, 724.1-3,5

 5829       Other Musculoskeletal Conditions       710. ,0-2,4,8,9, 717,
                                                   718. ,0-5,8,9, 719,
                                                   720.1,2, 722,
                                                   723. ,0,2-4,6-9,
                                                   724. ,0,4,6-9,
                                                   726. ,1,3-9, 727,
                                                   728. ,0,1,3,5,7-9,
                                                   729.  2-6,8,9,
                                                   730. ,0-3,9, 731. ,0,2,
                                                   732, 733. ,1,3-9, 739

 5930       Headache, excluding migraine           307.8, 784.0**

 5931       Fever, NOS                             780.6

 5932       All Other Acute Conditions             (All remaining ICD Codes)*

 *Excludes ICD codes defined by the NHIS as chronic and ICD codes not used by

 **NHIS codes tension headache to 784.0


  Diseases, Injuries and Impairments

  I.   Purpose - Recode B is a listing of diseases and injuries developed by
       the World Health Assembly (WHA) and modified by the NHIS to include
       special impairment codes and residual categories.  This recode, without
       NHIS modifications, also appears in Volume 1 of the International
       Classification of Diseases (1975 Revision).

       The recode is intended to provide data users with a classification
       scheme whereby the NHIS diagnostic categories are more closely grouped
       according to the standard International Classification of Disease
       groupings.  This recode is primarily used by NHIS to classify conditions
       reported as causing activity limitation.  For data users interested in
       producing chronic condition prevalence estimates, see also Diagnostic
       Recode C.

 II.   Format and Content - Recode B is a 3-digit recode that can be tabulated
       in two ways.  The first 2 digits represent more general groupings of
       condition categories and range from 01-57 and 99.  For more detailed
       condition categories, the complete 3-digit number - from 010-570 and
       990 - is used.

       The NHIS has modified this recode in two ways.  First, the NHIS
       diagnostic coding procedure uses an X-code designation for impairments
       instead of an ICD number.  For this recode, the X-codes are reassigned
       to the recode categories that would have been used under the ICD scheme.
       Secondly, residual categories have been added to accommodate all
       conditions coded by the NHIS.  A code with the letter "A" following
       indicates conditions coded by the NHIS only.

                              Diagnostic Recode B

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 01                Intestinal Infectious Diseases         001-009.0,2

         010       Cholera                                001

         011       Typhoid fever                          002.0

         012       Shigellosis                            004

         013       Food poisoning                         003, 005

         014       Amoebiasis                             006

         015       Intestinal infections due to other     007, 008
                   specified organism

         016       Ill-defined intestinal infections      009.0,2

         019       Residual                               002.1-3,9

 02                Tuberculosis                           010-018, 019-A

         020       Pulmonary tuberculosis                 011

         021       Other respiratory tuberculosis         010, 012

         022       Tuberculosis of meninges and           013
                   central nervous system

         023       Tuberculosis of intestines             014
                   peritoneum and mesenteric glands

         024       Tuberculosis of bones and joints       015

         025       Tuberculosis of genitourinary system   016

         029       Residual                               017, 018, 019-A

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 03                Other Bacterial Diseases               020-027, 030-041

         030       Plague                                 020

         031       Brucellosis                            023

         032       Leprosy                                030

         033       Diphtheria                             032

         034       Whooping cough                         033

         035       Streptococcal sore throat,             034, 035
                   scarlatina and erysipelas

         036       Meningococcal infection                036

         037       Tetanus                                037

         038       Septicaenia                            038

         039       Residual                               021, 022, 024-027,
                                                          031, 039-041

 04                Viral Diseases                         045-057, 060-066,

         040       Acute poliomyelitis                    045

         041       Smallpox                               050

         042       Measles                                055

         043       Rubella                                056

         044       Yellow fever                           060

         045       Arthropod-borne encephalitis           062-064

         046       Viral hepatitis                        070

         047       Rabies                                 071

         048       Trachoma                               076

         049       Residual                               046-049, 051-054,
                                                          057, 061, 065,
                                                          066, 072-075, 077-079

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 05                Rickettsiosis and Other Arthropod-     080-088
                   borne Diseases

         050       Louse-borne typhus                     080

         051       Other rickettsiosis                    081-083

         052       Malaria                                084

         053       Leishmaniasis                          085

         054       Trypanosomiasis                        086

         059       Residual                               087, 088

 06                Venereal Diseases                      090-099

         060       Syphilis                               090-097

         061       Gonococcal infections                  098

         069       Residual                               099

 07                Other Infectious and Parasitic         100-104, 110-112,
                   Diseases and Late Effects of           114-118,120-136
                   Infectious and Parasitic Diseases

         070       Non-syphilitic spirochaetal diseases   100-104

         071       Mycosis                                110-112, 114-118

         072       Schistosomiasis                        120

         073       Echinococcosis                         122

         074       Filarial infection and dracontiasis    125

         075       Ancylostomiasis and necatoriasis       126

         076       Other helminthiasis                    121, 123, 124,

         079       Residual                               130-136

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 08                Malignant Neoplasm of Lip, Oral        140-149
                   Cavity and Pharynx

         080       Malignant neoplasm of lip, oral        140-149
                   cavity and pharynx

 09                Malignant of Neoplasm of Digestive     150-159
                   Organs and Peritoneum

         090       Malignant neoplasm of oesophagus       150

         091       Malignant neoplasm of stomach          151

         092       Malignant neoplasm or small            152
                   intestine, including duodenum

         093       Malignant neoplasm of colon            153

         094       Malignant neoplasm of rectum,          154
                   rectosigmoid junction and anus

         095       Malignant neoplasm of liver,           155.0
                   specified as primary

         096       Malignant neoplasm of pancreas         157

         099       Residual                               155.1,2, 156, 158,

 10                Malignant Neoplasm of Respiratory      160-165
                   and Inthrathoracic Organs

         100       Malignant neoplasm of larynx           161

         101       Malignant neoplasm of trachea,         162
                   brochus and lung

         109       Residual                               160, 163-165

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 11                Malignant Neoplasm of Bone,            170-175
                   Connective Tissue, Skin and Breast

         110       Malignant neoplasm of bone, and        170
                   articular cartilage

         111       Malignant melanoma of skin             172

         112       Other malignant neoplasm of skin       173

         113       Malignant neoplasm of female breast    174

         119       Residual                               171, 175

 12                Malignant Neoplasm of Genitourinary    179-189

         120       Malignant neoplasm of cervix uteri     180

         121       Malignant neoplasm of placenta         181

         122       Malignant neoplasm of uterus,          179, 182
                   other and unspecified

         123       Malignant neoplasm of ovary and        183
                   other uterine adnexa

         124       Malignant neoplasm of prostate         185

         125       Malignant neoplasm of testis           186

         126       Malignant neoplasm of bladder          188

         129       Residual                               184, 187, 189

 13                Malignant Neoplasm of Other and        190-199
                   Unspecified Sites

         130       Malignant neoplasm of brain            191

         139       Residual                               190, 192-199

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 14                Malignant Neoplasm of Lymphatic and    200-208
                   Haemopoietic Tissue

         140       Hodgkin's disease                      201

         141       Leukemia                               204-208

         149       Residual                               200, 202, 203

 15                Benign Neoplasm                        210-229

         150       Benign neoplasm of skin                216

         151       Benign neoplasm of breast              217

         152       Benign neoplasm of uterus              218, 219

         153       Benign neoplasm of ovary               220

         154       Benign neoplasm of kidney and other    223
                   urinary organs

         155       Benign neoplasm of nervous system      225

         156       Benign neoplasm of thyroid             226

         159       Residual                               210-215, 221, 222,
                                                          224, 227-229

 17                Other and Unspecified Neoplasm         239

         170       Other and unspecified neoplasm         239

 18                Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases,      240-246, 250-259,
                   Immunity Disorders                     270-279

         180       Disorders of thyroid gland             240-246

         181       Diabetes mellitus                      250

         182       Hyperlipoproteinaemia                  272.0, 272.1

         183       Obesity of non-endocrine origin        278.0

         189       Residual                               251-259, 270, 271,
                                                          272.2-9, 273-277,
                                                          278.1-4,8, 279

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 19                Nutritional Deficiencies               260-268.0,2,9, 269

         190       Kwashiorkor                            260

         191       Nutritional marasmus                   261

         192       Other protein-calorie malnutrition     262, 263

         193       Avitaminosis                           264-267, 268.0,2,9,

 20                Disease of Blood and Blood-forming     280-289

         200       Anaemias                               280-285

         209       Residual                               286-289

 21                Mental disorders                       290-305, 306.1-5,
                                                          307-314, 315.4,5,8,9,
                                                          316-A, X10, X14, X19

         210       Senile and presenile organic           290
                   psychotic conditions

         211       Schizophrenic psychoses                295

         212       Affective psychoses                    296

         213       Other psychoses                        291-294, 297-299

         214       Neurotic and personality disorders     300, 301

         215       Alcohol dependence syndrome            303

         216       Drug dependence                        304

         217       Physiological malnutrition arising     306.1-5
                   from mental factors

         218       Mental retardation                     X19

         219       Residual                               302, 305, 307-314,
                                                          X10, X14
 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 22                Disease of the Nervous System          320, 322-325, 330,
                                                          332-337, 340, 341,
                                                          344.1, 345-352,
                                                          354-359, X40, X41.1-
                                                          8,.X,.Y, X41.9,
                                                          (X42-X49, X51-X60,
                                                          X63, X64)*, X50.9,

         220       Meningitis                             320, 322

         221       Parkinson's disease                    332

         222       Other degenerative and hereditary      330, 331.0-2,8,9,
                   disorders of the central nervous       333-336

         223       Multiple sclerosis                     340

         224       Infantile cerebral palsy and other     344.1, X40, X41.9,
                   paralytic syndromes                    X50.9, (X42-X49,
                                                          X51-X60, X63, X64)*

         225       Epilepsy                               345

         229       Residual                               323-325, 337, 341,
                                                          346-352, 353.0-
                                                          4,6,8,9, 354-359,
                                                          X41.1-8,.X,.Y, X61***

 *Excludes .0

 ***Includes all 4th digits except .9

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 23                Disorders of the Eye and Adnexa        360-368, 370-379,
                                                          X00*, (X01, X02,

         230       Glaucoma                               365

         231       Cataract                               366

         232       Blindness and low vision               X00*

         233       Conjunctivitis                         372.0-3

         234       Disorders of lacrimal system           375

         235       Strabismus and other disorders of      378
                   binocular eye movements

         239       Residual                               360-364, 367, 368,
                                                          370, 371,372.4-9,
                                                          373, 374, 376, 377,
                                                          379, (X01, X02, X04)*

 24                Disease of the Ear and Mastoid         380-387, 388.0,1,3-9,
                   Process                                (X05, X08)*, (X06,
                                                          X07, X09)*

         240       Otitis media and mastoiditis           381-383

         241       Deafness                               (X05, X08)*

         249       Residual                               380, 384-387,
                                                          X06, X07, X09)*

 25                Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart    390, 392-398, 399-A

         250       Acute rheumatic fever                  390, 392

         251       Chronic rheumatic heart disease        393-398

         259       Residual                               399-A

 *Excludes .0

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 26                Hypertensive Disease                   401-405

         260       Hypertensive heart disease             402, 404

         269       Residual                               401, 403, 405

 27                Ischaemic Heart Disease                413, 414

         271       Ischaemic heart disease                413, 414

 28                Disease of Pulmonary Circulation and   415-417, 420-428,
                   Other Forms of Heart Disease           429.0-5,8,9

         280       Pulmonary embolism                     415.1

         281       Cardiac dysrhythmias                   427

         289       Residual                               415.0, 416, 417,
                                                          420-426, 428,

 29                Cerebrovascular Disease                430-435, 437, X50***

         290       Subarachnoid haemorrhage               430

         291       Intracerebral and other intracranial   431, 432

         292       Cerebral infarction                    433, 434

         294       Cerebral atherosclerosis               437.0

         299       Residual                               435, 437.1-6,8,9,

 ***Includes all 4th digits except .9

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 30                Other Diseases of the                  440-444, 446-448,
                   Circulatory System                     451-459

         300       Atherosclerosis                        440

         301       Arterial embolism and thrombosis       444

         302       Other diseases of arteries,            441-443, 446-448
                   arterioles and capillaries

         303       Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis,           451-453
                   venous embolism and thrombosis

         304       Varicose veins of lower extremities    454

         305       Haemorrhoids                           455

         309       Residual                               456-459

 31                Diseases of the Upper Respiratory      460-465, 470-478,
                   Tract                                  477.7-A

         310       Acute tonsillitis                      463

         311       Acute laryngitis and tracheitis        464

         312       Other acute upper respiratory          460-462, 465

         313       Deflected nasal septum and             470, 471
                   nasal polyps

         314       Chronic pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis   472, 473
                   and sinusitis

         315       Chronic diseases of tonsils and        474

         319       Residual                               475-478, 477.7-A

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 32                Other Diseases of the Respiratory      466, 480-483,
                   System                                 485-487, 490-496,
                                                          500-508, 510-516, 518,
                                                          519, X30***

         320       Acute bronchitis and bronchiolitis     466

         321       Pheumonia                              480-483, 485, 486

         322       Influenza                              487

         323       Bronchitis, chronic and                490-493
                   unspecified, emphysema and asthma

         324       Bronchietasis                          494

         325       Other chronic obstructive              495, 496
                   pulmonary disease

         326       Pheumonconiosis and other lung         500-508
                   disease due to external agents

         327       Pleurisy                               511

         329       Residual                               510, 512-516, 518,
                                                          519, X30***

 33                Diseases of Oral Cavity, Salivary      520.3,4,7-9, 521-523,
                   Glands and Jaws                        525-529, X92

         330       Diseases of teeth and supporting       520.3,4,7-9, 521-523,
                   structures                             525, X92

         331       Disease of the jaw                     526

         339       Residual                               527-529

 ***Includes all 4th digits except .9

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 34                Diseases of Other Parts of the         530-537, 540-543,
                   Digestive System                       550-553,555-558, 560,
                                                          562, 564-579

         340       Diseases of oesophagus                 530

         341       Ulcer of stomach and duodenum          531-533

         342       Appendicitis                           540-543

         343       Hernia of abdominal cavity             550-553

         344       Intestinal obstruction without         560
                   mention of hernia

         345       Diverticula of intestine               562

         346       Other functional digestive disorders   564

         347       Chronic liver disease and cirrhosis    571

         348       Cholelithiasis and cholecystitis       574-575.1

         349       Residual                               534-537, 555-558,
                                                          565-570 572,573,

 35        Diseases of Urinary System                     580-599, X31***, X62

         350       Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and      580-589

         351       Infections of kidney                   590

         352       Urinary calculus                       592, 594

         353       Cystitis                               595

         359       Residual                               X31***, X62, 591, 593,

 ***Includes all 4th digits except .9

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions
 36                Disease of Male Genital Organs         600-608

         360       Hyperplasia of prostate                600

         361       Hydrocele                              603

         362       Redundant prepucs and phimosis         605

         363       Infertility, male                      606

         369       Residual                               601, 602, 604, 607,

 37                Diseases of Female Genital Organs      610, 611, 614-629,

         370       Diseases of breast                     610, 611, X32***

         371       Salpingitis and oophoritis             614.0-2

         372       Inflammatory diseases of pelvic        614.3-9
                   cellular tissue and peritoneum

         373       Inflammatory diseases of uterus,       615, 616
                   vagina and vulva

         374       Uterovaginal prolapse                  618

         375       Menstrual disorders                    626.0-5

         376       Infertility, female                    628

         379       Residual                               617, 619-625,
                                                          626.6-9, 627, 629

 38                Abortion                               630-639

         380       Spontaneous abortion                   634

         381       Legally induced abortion               635

         382       Illegally induced abortion             636

         389       Residual                               630-633, 637-639

 ***Includes all 4th digits except .9

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 39                Direct Obstetric Causes                640-646, 651-676

         390       Haemorrhage of pregnancy and           640, 641, 666

         391       Toxaemia of pregnancy                  642.4-9, 643

         392       Infections of genitourinary tract      646.6
                   in pregnancy

         393       Obstructed labor                       660

         394       Complications of the puerperium        670-676

         399       Residual                               642.0-3, 644, 645,
                                                          651-659, 661-665,

 40                Indirect Obstetric Causes              647, 648

         400       Indirect obstetric causes              647, 648

 41                Normal Delivery                        650

         410       Normal delivery                        650

 42                Diseases of Skin and Subcutaneous      680-686, 690-693,
                   Tissue                                 693.2-A,
                                                          694-698, 700-709

         420       Infections of skin and subcutaneous    680-686

         429       Residual                               690-693, 693.2-A,
                                                          694-698, 700-709

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 43                Disease of the Musculoskeletal         710-712, 714-727,
                   System and Connective Tissue           728.0,1,3,5,8,9,
                                                          729-733, 739,
                                                          (X20-X29, X33-X35,
                                                          (X70, X79, X90,
                                                          X93)***, X80,
                                                          X84-X86, X89

         430       Rheumatoid arthritis, except spine     714

         431       Other arthropathies                    710-712, 715, 716

         432       Other disorders of joints              717-719

         433       Ankylosing spondylitis                 720.0

         434       Other dorsopathies                     720.1-724, X80

         435       Rheumatism, excluding the back         725-727, 728.0,1
                                                          3,5,8,9, 729, X86

         436       Osteomyelitis, periostitis and other   730
                   infections involving bone

         437       Acquired deformities of limbs          (X20-X29, X33-X35,

         439       Residual                               731-733, 739,
                                                          (X70, X79, X90,
                                                          X84, X85, X89

 ***Includes all 4th digits except .9

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 44                Congenital Anomalies                   742.2,4,5,8,9, 744.4,
                                                          745-748, 750.2-9,
                                                          751, 752, 753.1-9,
                                                          754.0,1, 756.4-9,
                                                          757, 758.1-9, 759.0-
                                                          6,8, (X20-X29, X33-
                                                          X35, X70, X73, X74,
                                                          X76-X78, X93)**,
                                                          X71.9, X75.9,
                                                          (X30-X32, X79,

         440       Spina bifida and hydrocephalus         X71.9

         441       Other deformities of central           742.2,4,5,8,9
                   nervous system

         442       Congenital anomalies of heart and      745-747
                   circulatory system

         443       Cleft palate and cleft lip             749, X91.9

         444       Other deformities of digestive         750.2-9, 751

         445       Undescended testicle                   752.5

         446       Congenital dislocation of hip          X75.9

         447       Other congenital anomalies of          (X20-X29, X33-X35,
                   musculoskeletal system                 X70, X73, X74,
                                                          X76-X78, X93)**,
                                                          754.0,1, 756.4-9

         449       Residual                               744.4, 748, 752.0-4,
                                                          6-9, 753.1-9, 757,
                                                          758.1-9, 759.0-6,8,
                                                          (X30-X32, X79, X90)**

 **Includes 4th digit .9 only.

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions
 45                Certain Conditions Originating in      760, 761.0-5,7-9,
                   the Perinatal Period                   762-778, 779.0-5,8,9,

         450       Maternal conditions affecting fetus    760
                   or newborn

         451       Obstetric complications affecting      761.0-5,7-9, 762, 763
                   fetus or newborn

         452       Slow fetal growth, fetal               764, 765
                   malnutrition and immaturity

         453       Birth trauma                           767, X61.9

         454       Hypoxia, birth asphyxia and other      768-770
                   respiratory conditions

         455       Haemolytic disease of fetus or         773

         459       Residual                               766, 771, 772,
                                                          774-778, 779.0-5,8,9

 46                Signs, Symptoms and Ill-Defined        780, 781.0-4,6,7,9,
                   Conditions                             782, 783.0,2-6,9
                                                          784-797, 799,
                                                          799.5-A, X11, X12

         460       Pyrexia of unknown origin              780.6

         461       Symptoms involving heart               785.0-3

         462       Renal colic                            788.0

         463       Retention of urine                     788.2

         464       Abdominal pain                         789.0

         465       Senility without mention of            797

         467       Respiratory failure                    799.1

         469       Residual                               780.0-5,7-9, 781.0-
                                                          4,6,7,9, 782, 783.0,
                                                          2-6,9, 784.4-6,9,
                                                          786, 787, 788.1,3,4-9,
                                                          789.1-5,9, 790-796,
                                                          799.5-A, X11, X12

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 47                Fractures                              800-829

         470       Fracture of skull and face             800-804

         471       Fracture of neck and trunk             805-809

         472       Fracture of humerus, radius and ulna   812, 813

         473       Fracture of neck of femur              820

         474       Fracture of other parts of femur       821

         475       Fracture of tibia, fibula and ankle    823,824

         476       Other fractures of limbs               810-811, 814-819,
                                                          822, 825, 829

         479       Residual                               826-828

 48                Dislocations, Sprains and Strains      830-848

         480       Dislocations, sprains, and strains     830-848

 49                Intracranial and Internal Injuries     850-854, 860-869,
                   Including Nerves                       950-957, X00.0,
                                                          X05.0, X08.0,
                                                          (X42-X49, X51-X60,
                                                          X63, X64)****

         490       Concussion                             850

         491       Other intracranial injuries            851-854, 950, 951,
                                                          X00.0, X05.0, X08.0

         499       Residual                               860-869, 952-957,
                                                          X63, X64)****

 ****Includes 4th digit .0 only.

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 50                Open Wounds and Injury to Blood        870-884*****,
                   Vessels                                890-894, 900-904

         500       Open wound of eye, ear and head        870-873*****

         501       Open wound of upper limb               880-884

         502       Open wound of lower limb               890-894

         509       Residual                               874-879, 900-904

 51                Effects of Foreign Body Entering       930-939
                   Through Orifice

         510       Effects of foreign body entering       930-939
                   through orifice

 52                Burns                                  940-949

         520       Burn confined to eye and adnexa        940

         521       Burn of wrist and hand                 944

         529       Residual                               941-943, 945-949

 53                Poisonings and Toxic Effects           977.9******, 979,
                                                          988, 989*******

         530       Medicinal agents                       977.9******, 979

         539       Residual                               988, 989*******

 54                Complications of Medical and           996-999
                   Surgical Care

         540       Complications of medical and           996-999
                   surgical care

 *****871.3 is not used by NHIS.  Instead these conditions are assigned to the
      appropriate visual impairment X-code.

 ******Anything classifiable to 960-978 is coded by NHIS to 977.9.

 *******Anything classifiable to 980-987 is coded by NHIS to 989.9.

 2-digit 3-digit                                          NHIS Diagnostic
 Recode  Recode          Category                         Code Inclusions

 55                Other Injuries, Early Complications    910-929, 959, 990-995
                   of Trauma

         550       Other injuries, early complications    910-929, 959, 990-995
                   of trauma

 56                Late Effects of Injuries, of           905.0-5, 906, 907,
                   Poisonings, of Toxic Effects and of    908.0-5,9, 909.2,4
                   Other External Causes

         560       Late effects of injuries, of           905.0-5, 906, 907,
                   poisonings, of toxic effects and of    908.0-5,9, 909.2,4
                   other external causes

 57                Present Effects of Injuries, NEC       X01.0, X02.0, X04.0,
                                                          X06.0, X07.0, X09.0

         570       Present effects of injuries, NEC       X01.0, X02.0, X04.0,
                                                          X06.0, X07.0, X09.0

 99                Residual, All Other Conditions         All other not listed

         990       Residual, all other conditions         All other not listed


   Chronic Conditions and Impairments

   I.  Purpose - Recode C consists of 134 3-digit categories of chronic
       conditions and impairments.  The categories correspond to the conditions
       that appear on the six (6) NHIS check-lists of selected chronic
       conditions.  These categories are used by NHIS to produce prevalence
       estimates of selected chronic conditions.

  II.  Format and Content - The first digit of this 3-digit recode identifies
       the specific chronic condition check-list number, i.e., 1-6, that
       corresponds to the number of the list used on the NHIS questionnaire.
       The second and third digits are numbered sequentially within each of the
       6 lists.  Each condition group contains between 15 and 43 2-digit

 III.  Definition of Chronic Condition and Impairment - In most cases, a
       chronic condition or an impairment is any departure from normal health
       with onset more than 3 months from date of interview.  Certain chronic
       conditions and impairments are classified as chronic, however,
       regardless of date of onset.  Complications of pregnancy are always
       classified as acute.  All chronic conditions and impairments are counted
       whether or not they necessitated activity restriction or medical care.
       Impairments coded with an "X" in the first digit are, by definition,

 This recode is different from Chronic Condition Recode 3, used prior to 1982.

 Chronic Condition Recode C

 Recode                                               ICD Inclusion as modified
 Number                          Title                       by the NHIS


 101               Arthritis                              711. ,0,9, 712. ,8,9,
                                                          714-716, 720.0, 721

 102               Rheumatism, unspecified                729.0

 103               Gout, including gouty arthritis        274

 104               Sciatica (including lumbago)           724.2,3

 105               Intervertebral disc disorders          722

 106               Bone spur/tendinitis NOS               726. ,9

 107               Disorders of bone or cartilage         730. ,0-3,9,
                                                          731. ,0,2, 732, 733

 108               Bunion                                 727.1

 109               Bursitis, NEC                          726.0-8, 727. ,0,2-9

 110               Sebaceous skin cyst                    706.2

 111               Acne                                   706.0,1

 112               Psoriasis                              696

 113               Dermatitis                             690-694 (693.2 NHIS

 114               Dry (itching) skin NEC                 698.9

 115               Chronic ulcer of skin                  707

 116               Ingrown nails                          703.0

 117               Corns and calluses                     700

 118               Benign neoplasms of the skin           216

 119               Malignant neoplasms of the skin        172, 173

 Recode                                               ICD Inclusion as modified
 Number                          Title                       by the NHIS


 201               Blind - Both eyes                           X00
 202               Other Visual Impairment                     X01-X03

 203               Deaf - Both ears                            X05
 204               Other Hearing Impairments                   X06-X09

 205               Stammering and Stuttering                   X10
 206               Other Speech Impairments                    X11

 207               Impairment of Sensation                     X12

 208               Mental Retardation                          X19

                   Absence Upper Extremities
 209                 Both Arms/Hands                           X20,X21
 210                 One Hand/Arm                              X23,X24
 211                 Fingers - One or Both Hands               X22,X25

                   Absence Lower Extremities
 212                 One or Both Legs                          X26,X28
 213                 Feet/Toes - One or Both Limbs             X27,X29

 214               Absence Lung                                X30
 215                     Kidney                                X31
 216                     Breast                                X32
 217                     Bone, Joint,
                         Muscle of extremity                   X34
 218               Tips of Fingers, Toes                       X35

                   Paralysis of Extremities - Complete
 219                 Entire Body                               X40
 220                 One Side of Body - Hemiplegia             X41
 221                 Both Legs - Paraplegia                    X46
 222                 Other paralysis                           X42-X45, X47-X49

                   Paralysis of Extremities - Partial
 223                 Cerebral Palsy                            X50
 224                 One Side of Body Only - Hemiparesis       X51
 225                 Legs - Both or Paraparesis                X56
 226                 Other paralysis                           X52-X55, X57-X59

 Recode                                               ICD Inclusion as modified
 Number                          Title                       by the NHIS

           LIST II:  IMPAIRMENTS (Continued)

 227               Paralysis - Complete or Partial -
                     Other site                                X60-X64

                   Deformity/Orthopedic Impairment:
 228                   Curvature or other deformity of
                         back or spine                         X70
 229                   Orthopedic Impairment                   X80
 230                   Spina Bifida                            X71

                     Other Upper Extremities
 231                   Hands, Fingers only                     X74
 232                   Orthopedic Impairment - Shoulder(s)     X84
 233                   Other                                   X73

                     Lower Extremities
 234                   Flatfeet                                X77
 235                   Clubfoot                                X78
 236                   Other                                   X75,X76,X85,X86

 237               Other Deformities/
                     Orthopedic Impairment                     X79,X89

 238               Cleft Palate                                X91

 239               Color Blindness                             368.5

 240               Tinnitus                                    388.3

 241               Cataracts                                   366

 242               Glaucoma                                    365

 243               Diseases of Retina                          361,362. ,1-9

 Recode                                               ICD Inclusion as modified
 Number                            Title                     by the NHIS


 301               Gallbladder stones                     574

 302               Liver diseases including cirrhosis     571, 572, 573. ,0,3-9

 303               Gastric ulcer                          531

 304               Duodenal ulcer                         532

 305               Peptic ulcer                           533

 306               Hernia of abdominal cavity             550-553

 307               Disease of the esophagus               530

 308               Gastritis and duodenitis               535

 309               Indigestion                            536.8

 310               Other functional disorders of          536 (except .8), 787
                   stomach and digestive system

 311               Enteritis and colitis                  555, 556, 558

 312               Spastic colon                          564.1

 313               Diverticula of intestines              562

 314               Constipation                           564.0

 315               Other stomach and
                     intestinal disorders                 534, 537, 560, 569

 316               Malignant neoplasms of stomach,
                   intestines, colon, and rectum          151-154

 Recode                                               ICD Inclusion as modified
 Number                            Title                     by the NHIS

                         GENITOURINARY, NERVOUS, ENDOCRINE,

 401               Goiter                                 240, 241, 242.0-3

 402               Other disorders of the thyroid         242.4,8,9, 243-246

 403               Diabetes                               250

 404               Anemias                                280-285

 405               Epilepsy                               345

 406               Migraine headache                      346

 407               Other headache                         784.0
                     (excludes tension headache)

 408               Neuralgia or neuritis, unspecified     729.2

 409               Kidney stones                          592

 410               Kidney infections                      590

 411               Other kidney trouble, NEC              581-583, 593

 412               Bladder infections                     595. ,0-3,8,9

 413               Other disorders of bladder             594.1, 596

 414               Diseases of prostate                   600-602
                                                          (ex 601.4)

 415               Multiple sclerosis                     340

 416               Inflammatory disease of female
                     genital organs                       614-616

 417               Non-Inflammatory disease of female
                     genital organs                       620-624

 418               Menstrual disorders                    626

 Recode                                               ICD Inclusion as modified
 Number                          Title                       by the NHIS

                     SYSTEMS (Continued)

 419               Other disorders of female              617-619, 625, 627,
                   genital organs                         628. ,0,2-9, 629.

 420               Female trouble, NOS                    629. ,9

 421               Malignant neoplasm of breast -
                     female                               174

 422               Malignant neoplasms of female
                     genital organs                       179-184

 423               Malignant neoplasm of prostate         185

 424               Benign neoplasm of breast - female     217

 425               Benign neoplasms of female
                     genital organs                       218-221

 Recode                                               ICD Inclusion as modified
 Number                          Title                       by the NHIS


 501               Rheumatic fever with or without        390, 392-398,
                   heart disease                          399 (NHIS code only)

 502               Ischemic heart disease                 413, 414 (NHIS
                                                          includes 410-412 and
                                                          429.6 in 414)

                   Heart rhythm disorders
 503                 Tachycardia or rapid heart           427.0-3, 785.0
 504                 Heart murmurs                        785.2
 505                 Other and unspecified heart          427. ,4-6,8,9, 785.1
                       rhythm disorders

 506               Congenital heart disease               745, 746

 507               Other selected diseases of heart       415-417, 420. ,9,
                   (excludes hypertension)                421. ,0,9, 422. ,9,
                                                          423, 424, 425. .0-
                                                          5,9, 426, 428, 429. ,

 508               High blood pressure (hypertension)     401-405

 509               Cerebrovascular disease                430-435, 437 (NHIS
                                                          includes 436 and 438
                                                          in 437)

 510               Hardening of the arteries              440

 511               Aneurysm                               441. ,0-6, 442

 512               Phlebitis, thrombophlebitis            451

 513               Varicose veins of lower extremities    454

 514               Hemorrhoids                            455

 515               Poor circulation                       459. ,8,9

 Recode                                               ICD Inclusion as modified
 Number                            Title                     by the NHIS


 601               Chronic Bronchitis                     490, 491

 602               Asthma                                 493

 603               Hay fever/allergic rhinitis without
                     asthma                               477 (477.7 NHIS code)

 604               Nasal polyps                           471

 605               Chronic sinusitis                      473

 606               Deviated Nasal Septum                  470

 607               Chronic disease of tonsils
                     and adenoids                         474

 608               Chronic laryngitis                     476

 609               Emphysema                              492

 610               Pleurisy                               511

 611               Pneumoconiosis and asbestosis          500-505

 612               Tuberculosis (pulmonary)               011, 019 (NHIS code)

 613               Malignant neoplasms of lung            162. ,2-9
                     and bronchus

 614               Other diseases of lung                 515, 518

 615               Malignant neoplasms of other           160, 161, 162.0, 163
                     respiratory sites

 999               ALL OTHER SELECTED CHRONIC             All remaining ICD
                   CONDITIONS                             and NHIS codes*

 *Excludes always acute codes and ICD codes not used by NHIS.



 The tabulation specifications which were used to tabulate data for the
 "Current Estimates" report are attached.  A brief description of the key
 points of each tabulation used to prepare each table is shown on the attached

 The weight for an event occurring or not occurring (binomial 1 or 0) uses the
 basic weights for the person.  Similarly, if the event has occurred and when
 it occurs it can have a frequency of 1, 2, 3, etc.; the weight shown includes
 the cross product of the person's basic weight times the frequency.  For
 instance, if a person is injured and requires 5 days in bed, the weight shown
 in the appropriate table is the person's basic weight times 5.

 In most instances in the Health Interview Survey there are three reference
 periods used to make estimates:  the 2-week reference period, 6 months, and
 12 months.  In producing estimates two types of weights are presented in the
 tape records; the basic weight and the 6.5 weight.

 The 6.5 weight is a modification of the basic weight obtained by multiplying
 the basic weight by 6.5.  The figure 6.5 indicates that 2 weeks multiplied by
 6.5 represents 13 weeks or one calendar quarter.  Summing over 4 calendar
 quarters equals 52 weeks.  The basic weight for a quarter is 4 times the size
 of the annual weight.

 To illustrate the use of reference periods, suppose we have a person whose
 weight is 6,000 in the tape for the quarter.  This person's annual weight is
 6,000/4 = 1,500.  His 6.5 weight is obtained by multiplying 6,000 x 6.5 to
 obtain the 6.5 weight of 39,000.  Therefore, if this person had 2 doctor
 visits occurring in the 2-week reference period, his contribution to the
 annual volume of doctor visits would have been 39,000 x 2 or 78,000.  If he
 had been discharged from a hospital once during the 6 months prior to
 interview, his contribution to the annual volume of hospital discharges would
 be 1,500 x 2 or 3,000 for the full year's sample, or 6,000 x 2 or 12,000 for a
 sample of one quarter.  If the reference period was 12 months, the weight for
 the year's sample is 1,500 (or 6,000 for the quarterly sample).

 The weights are presented in character format in the tape in Locations 190-
 236.  Locations from 237 onward contain cross products of variables with
 frequency greater than one.  For instance, the number of restricted activity
 days in the Person Record Locations 98-99 may be 5 days.  As a convenience in
 tabulation, these 5 days have been multiplied times the appropriate weight
 (the 6.5 weight in Locations 228-236) to obtain the weighted estimate of
 restricted activity days in Locations 237-245.


 The accompanying instructions show procedures for deriving estimates from
 Health Interview Survey data tapes.  The publication, "Current Estimates",
 for the year 1988 is used as a source for the examples.

 Instructions for inclusions and all appropriate weights are included for each
 table specified.  In cases where classifications such as "other" may not be
 clear or where several fields must be specified to produce a single variable,
 for example, persons injured, the variables needed will be listed.


    TABLE                                                   TAPE
   NUMBERS                    ITEMS                       LOCATIONS      CODES
                         ANNUAL ESTIMATES

     1-15     Incidence of Acute Conditions


              Condition records                              1-2          30
              Acute                                          107          2
              Onset in 2 weeks                               108          1


              Acute Condition Recode A                     100-103    1001-5932
     1-5      Denominator for rates is population:
                  see Table 78 specifications
    11-15     Restrict numerator to medically attended       110          1
              Denominator is all acute conditions


              (2 week reference) inflated by 6.5 to        228-236
              obtain a quarterly estimate.  Annual
              estimate is the sum of 4 quarterly

    16-25     Restricted Activity Days Associated With
              Acute Conditions


              Condition records                              1-2          30
              Acute                                          107          2


              Acute Condition Recode A                     100-103    1001-5932
    16-20     Denominator is population:
                 see Table 78 specifications


              2 week restricted activity days              237-245


    TABLE                                                   TAPE
   NUMBERS                    ITEMS                       LOCATIONS      CODES

                         ANNUAL ESTIMATES

    26-35     Bed Days Associated with Acute Conditions


              Condition records                              1-2          30
              Acute                                          107          2


              Acute Condition Recode A                     100-103    1001-5932
    26-30     Denominator is population:
                 see Table 78 specifications


              2 week bed days                              246-254

    36-45     Work-Loss Days Associated with Acute


              Condition records                              1-2          30
              Acute                                          107          2


              Acute Condition Recode A                     100-103    1001-5932
    36-40     Denominator is currently employed
              population:  see Table 78 specifications


              2 week work-1oss days                        255-263


    TABLE                                                   TAPE
   NUMBERS                    ITEMS                       LOCATIONS      CODES

                         ANNUAL ESTIMATES

    46-49     School-Loss Days Associated with Acute


              Condition records                              1-2          30
              Acute                                          107          2


              Acute Condition Recode A                     100-103    1001-5932
    46-47     Denominator is population ages 5-17
                 see Table 78 specifications


              2 week school-loss days                      264-272

      50      Acute Conditions per Quarter

              Use specifications for Tables 1-10              5       1,2,3 or 4
              but also use processing quarter

    51-52     Episodes of Persons Injured


              Condition records                              1-2          30
              Onset in 2 weeks                               108          1
              First injury                                   128          1
              Acute Condition Recode A                     100-103    4514-4518
              Impairments due to injury                       93          X
                                                              96          0


    TABLE                                                   TAPE
   NUMBERS                    ITEMS                       LOCATIONS      CODES

                         ANNUAL ESTIMATES

    51-52     Episodes of Persons Injured - continued


              Type/place of accident
              (all included records)
              Moving motor vehicle involved (total)          134          1
                                                       and   130         1-9
                                            (traffic)        134          1
                                                       and   130          3
                                            (no)             134         2,4
              At work           (yes)                        131          1
                                (no)                         131          2
              Place of accident (home)                       130         1-2
                                (street)                     130          3
                                (industrial place)           130          5
                                (other)                      130       4,6-8
      51      Denominator is population:
                 (For person injured at work
                 denominator is 18+ population)

                 see specifications for Table 78


              6.5 weight (2 week reference)                228-236

    53-54     Restricted Activity Days Associated
              with Persons Injured


              Specifications for Tables 51-52 except
              weight for days, delete specification 108:1
              and change specification so that 128:1,2

              Weight:                                      237-245

    55-56     Bed Days Associated with Persons Injured


              Specifications for Tables 51-52 except
              weight for days, delete specification 108:1
              and change specifications so that 128:1

              Weight:                                      246-254


    TABLE                                                   TAPE
   NUMBERS                    ITEMS                       LOCATIONS      CODES

                         ANNUAL ESTIMATES

    57-66     Prevalence of Selected Chronic Conditions


              Condition records                              1-2          30
              Chronic                                        107          1


              Control on chronic condition list asked and     92    1,2,3,4,5 or
              use only Chronic Condition Recode C with     104-106       6
              location 104 equal to value in location 92


              Chronic condition factor                     190-200
              Multiplied by final basic weight             219-227
    57-61     Denominator is population:
                 see specification for Table 78

    67-68     Limitation of Activity Due to Chronic Conditions


              Person records                                 1-2          20


              LA-1 Unable to perform major activity           71           1

              LA-2 Limited in kind/amount of major            71           2

              LA-3 Limited in other activity                  71           3

              LA-4 Not Limited (includes unknowns)            71           4

              Weight:                                      219-227

      67      Denominator for percent distribution is


    TABLE                                                   TAPE
   NUMBERS                    ITEMS                       LOCATIONS      CODES

                         ANNUAL ESTIMATES

      69      Person Disability Days


              Person records                                 1-2          20


              Restricted activity days                     237-245
              Bed days                                     246-254
              School-loss days (ages 5-17)                 264-272
              Work-loss days (for currently employed)      255-263
              Denominator for rates is appropriate
                see specifications for Table 78

      70      Respondent Assessed Health Status


              Person records                                 1-2          20

              Weight:                                      219-227

      71      Physician Contacts:  Place and Rate


              Doctor Visit records                           1-2          40


              Place of visit                                 103         1-8(9)


              6.5 weight (2 week)                          228-236
              Denominator for rate columns are population:
                 see specifications for Table 78

 Codes in parenthesis are unknowns which are included in totals but not in
 specific categories.


    TABLE                                                   TAPE
   NUMBERS                    ITEMS                       LOCATIONS      CODES

                         ANNUAL ESTIMATES

      72      Interval Since Physician Contact


              Person records                                 1-2          20


              Interval since doctor seen                     115         0-4(5)
              NOTE:  5 years and over                        115         0,4
                     (includes never)

              Weight:                                      219-227

    73-74     Short Stay Hospital Episodes
              (12 month reference)


              Person records                                 1-2          20


              To define number of episodes                 122-123
              To define non-delivery episodes              127-128


              Final basic weight                           219-227
      73      Denominator for percent distribution
              is population

    75-76     Short Stay Hospital Episode Days


              Person records                                 1-2          20


              To define number of episodes                 122-123
              To define non-delivery episodes              127-128


 Codes in parenthesis are unknowns which are included in totals but not in
 specific categories.


    TABLE                                                   TAPE
   NUMBERS                    ITEMS                       LOCATIONS      CODES

                         ANNUAL ESTIMATES


              Short stay hospital episode days             318-326
      75      Denominator for rates is population with
              appropriate number of episodes
                 (from Table 74)

      77      Short Stay Hospital Discharges, Days,
              Average Length of Stay (ALOS)
              (6 month reference)


              Hospital Records                               1-2          50
                                          with               132           1


              All specified records for hospitalizations
              for all reasons

              Hospitalizations for deliveries                145           1


              Short stay hospital discharges               210-218
              Short stay hospital days                     282-290
              Denominator for discharge rate is
              Denominator for ALOS is discharges

      78      Population


              Person records                                 1-2          20


              All records for total population
              Currently employed population                   75         1-3

              Weight:                                      219-227



      CODES               TYPES


               Correctional Institutions
      11-------State and Federal penitentiaries, prisons, and reformatories
      11-------State and Federal prison farms and camps
      11-------County and city jails, workhouses, penitentiaries
      11-------County and city prison farms and camps
      11-------Federal detention headquarters
      12-------State and Federal training or industrial schools
      12-------County and municipal training or industrial schools
      12-------Private schools for delinquents, such as "House of the Good
               Shepherd," "Boys Town," etc.

               Mental Institutions
      21-------Homes and training schools for mentally handicapped
      21-------Homes, training schools, colonies, and villages for epileptics
      21-------State, Federal, county and city hospitals for mentally ill
      21-------Private hospitals and sanitariums for mentally ill
      22-------Hospitals and centers for the treatment of alcoholics and drug
      23-------Veterans Administration mental hospitals

               Home for the Aged, Infirm, and Needy
      31-------Orphan asylums
      31-------Children's homes
      32-------County homes, almshouses, poor farms, etc.
      33-------Fraternal or religious homes for the aged
      34-------Commercial homes for the aged
      35-------Homes and schools for the blind
      36-------Homes and schools for the deaf
      37-------Hospital or resident schools, orthopedic hospitals, and homes
               for the crippled
      38-------Soldiers' and sailors' homes
      39-------Veterans Administration homes (domiciliary care)

      40-------Nursing, Convalescent, and Rest Homes

               Other Hospitals and Homes Providing Specialized Care
      51-------Tuberculosis sanitariums
      52-------Veterans Administration tuberculosis hospitals
      53-------Homes for incurables
      54-------Chronic and cancer hospitals
      55-------Maternity homes for unmarried mothers
      56-------Detention and receiving homes
      57-------Hospitals and homes for other specialized care

      CODES               TYPES

               II.  OTHER SPECIAL PLACES

               0ther Special Places
      61-------Veterans Administration General Medical and Surgical Hospitals
      62-------Facilities for the Treatment of the Physically ill
               This type of facility treats physical disorders and is one in
               which the patient stays for a relatively short period of time.
               Examples of this type of special place are:

               1.  General or emergency hospital; children's hospital;
                   maternity hospital
               2.  Infirmary

      71-------Hotels, transient-type
      71-------Motels, transient-type
      71-------Tourist camp or court (like motels except units are detached),
      72-------Hotels, nontransient type
      72-------Motels, nontransient type
      72-------Tourist camp or court, nontransient type
      73-------YMCA, YMHA, YWCA, transient type
      74-------YMCA, YMHA, YWCA, nontransient type
      75-------Private residential clubs
      76-------Rooming and boarding houses.  Those that meet the special place
      76-------Tourist homes                 definition.

               A private residential club, rooming or boarding house, or
               tourist home is to be classified as a special place only if it
               contains five or more rooms or groups of rooms to be rented out.
               If there are fewer than five rooms or groups of rooms for rent,
               combine these rooms or groups of rooms with the landlord's
               quarters (or with each other if the landlord does not live
               in the structure).

      77-------Combination tourist-trailer court, transient-type
      78-------Combination tourist-trailer court, nontransient type
      79-------Groups of five or more vacation cabins under single management,

               Facilities for Housing Students
      81-------School dormitory

                 CODES FOR TYPES OF SPECIAL PLACES (continued)

      CODES               TYPES

               II.  OTHER SPECIAL PLACES

               Facilities for Housing Students---continued

      82-------School with resident students (other than for the needy or
               infirm and other than resident schools with separate codes 83
               and 84-----see below).*
      83-------Schools with resident students and with predominantly non-
               salaried faculty such as nuns or priests.*
      84-------Schools with resident students and operated primarily for
               religious training (other than those with predominantly non-
               salaried faculty) such as Bible Institutes.*

               Facilities for Housing Workers
      85-------Dormitory for workers (other than specified for codes 86, 87 and
      86-------Bunkhouse (provided that it has or is expected to have quarters
               for 5 or more farm or ranch hands).
      87-------Labor camp
      87-------Logging camp
      88-------Migratory workers' camp (those that meet the special place

               Additional Other Places
      91-------Convents and other sisters' residences (those that meet the
               special place definition).
      91-------Monasteries, other brothers' residences, and rectories (those
               that meet the special place definition).
      93-------Halfway houses--when occupants live there on a voluntary basis
               (assign halfway houses for persons not there on a voluntary
               basis to the appropriate institutional code).

      00-------Nurses' Homes
      01-------Flophouses, railroad stations
      01-------Missions, Salvation Army Shelters
      02-------Recreational and religious camps (adults or family)
      03-------Recreational and religious camps (children's)
      04-------Trailer camps
      05-------Tent camps
      06-------Armed forces installations
      07-------Armed forces hospitals

 *For a school with resident faculty only, assign code 82, 83, or 84 as



  No. 1  No. 2
  Chrs.  Chrs.  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*
  80-81  82-83 (Chrs. 77-79)

    01    01   010-011,020-021   AGRICULTURE                 01-02,07,078

    02    01   030-031           FORESTRY AND FISHERIES      08-09

    10    02   040-042,050       MINING                      10-14

    20    03   060               CONSTRUCTION                15-17

  40-46) (04)        -           MANUFACTURING:

 (30-34)                         NONDURABLE GOODS

    30    04   100-102,110-112,  Food and kindred products   201-209

    31    04   132,140-142,      Textile mill and finished   221-229,231-239
               150-152           textile products

    32    04   171-172           Printing, publishing and    271-279
                                 allied industries

    33    04   180-182,190-192   Chemicals and allied        281-287,289

    34    04   130,160-162,      Other nondurable goods      21,261-266,291,295,
               200-201,210-212,                              299,301-304,306-307,
               220-222                                       311,313-317,319

 *Standard Industrial Classification

                             INDUSTRY RECODES OUTLINE
  No. 1  No. 2
  Chrs.  Chrs.  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*
  80-81  82-83 (Chrs. 77-79)
  40-46) (04)        -           MANUFACTURING: - continued

 (40-46)                         DURABLE GOODS

    40    04   230-232,241-242   Furniture, lumber and wood

    41    04   270-272,280       Primary metal industries    331-332,334,3331-

    42    04   281-282,290-292,  Fabricated metal            341-349
               300               industries, including

    43    04   310-312,320-322,  Machinery, except           351-359
               331-332           electrical

    44    04   340-342,350       Electrical machinery,       361-367,369
                                 equipment and supplies

    45    04   351-352,360-362,  Transportation equipment    371-376,379

    46    04   250-252,261-262,  Other and not specified     321-329,381-387,394
               301,371-372,      durable goods
 (50-54) (05)        -           TRANSPORTATION, COMMUNICATIONS
                                 AND OTHER PUBLIC UTILITIES

    50    05   400               Railroads                   40

    51    05   410-411           Trucking service and        421-423

    52    05   401-402,412,      Other transportation        41,43-47

    53    05   440-442           Communications              481-483,489

    54    05   460-462,470-472   Utilities and sanitary      491-497
 *Standard Industrial Classification

                             INDUSTRY RECODES OUTLINE
  No. 1  No. 2
  Chrs.  Chrs.  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*
  80-81  82-83 (Chrs. 77-79)

    60    06   500-502,510-512,  WHOLESALE TRADE             501-508,5093,5094,
               521-522,530-532,                              5099,511-518,5191,
               540-542,550-552,                              5194,5198,5199


 (61-65)  (07)       -           RETAIL TRADE

    61    07   591-592,600       General merchandise stores  531,533,539

    62    07   601-602,610-611   Food, bakery and dairy      541-546,549

    63    07   612,620-622       Automotive dealers and      551-557,559
                                 gasoline stations

    64    07   641               Eating and drinking places  58

    65    07   580-582,590,      Other and not specified     521,523,525-527,56,
               630-632,640,642,  retail trade                571-573,591-593,
               650-652,660-662,                              5941-5949,5961-5963,
               670-672,681-682,                              598,5992-5994,5999

 (70-71) (08)        -           FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND REAL

    70    08   700-702           Banking and credit          60-61

    71    08   710-712           Insurance, real estate,     62-67
                                 and other finance
 *Standard Industrial Classification

                             INDUSTRY RECODES OUTLINE
  No. 1   No. 2
  Chrs.   Chrs.  Detail Code              Industry Title           SIC Code*
  80-81   82-83 (Chrs. 77-79)

 (75-85) (09-12)     -           SERVICES:

 (75-76)   (09)                  BUSINESS AND REPAIR SERVICES

    75    09   721-722,730-732,  Business services           731-737,7391-7397,
               740-742,750                                   7399,751,752,754

    76    09   751-752,760       Repair services             753,762-764,7692,

 (77-78)   (10)      -           PERSONAL SERVICES

    77    10   761               Private households          88

    78    10   762,770-772,      Other personal services     701-704,721-726,729

    79    11   800-802           ENTERTAINMENT AND           78,791-794,799
                                 RECREATION SERVICES

 (80-85)   (12)     -            PROFESSIONAL AND RELATED

    80    12   831               Hospitals                   806

    81    12   812,820-822,830,  Health services, except     801-803,8041-8042,
               832,840           hospitals                   8049,805,807-809

    82    12   842,850           Elementary and secondary    821-822
                                 schools and colleges

    83    12   851-852,860       Other educational services  823-824,829

    84    12   861-862,870-872,  Social services, religious  832-833,835-836,
               880-881           and membership              839,84,861-866,869

    85    12   841,882,890-892   Legal, engineering and      81,891-893,899
                                 other professional services
 *Standard Industrial Classification

                             INDUSTRY RECODES OUTLINE
  No. 1  No. 2
  Chrs.  Chrs.  Detail Code              Industry Title            SIC Code*
  80-81  82-83 (Chrs. 77-79)

    90    13   900-901,910,      PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION       911-913,919,92-97

    95    14   990 and all       UNKNOWN INDUSTRY                    -
               other codes
               except 996

    96    14   996               NEW WORKER

    97    15   Not applicable    NOT IN LABOR FORCE - codes Blank
                                 and 8 in current activity recode
                                 (loc. 75) (Under 18 or 18+ and
                                 not in Labor Force).

    98    16   942               ARMED FORCES (excludes Reserves
                                 and National Guard)
 *Standard Industrial Classification

                              INDUSTRY RECODE TITLES


                                                             Recode No. 1
     Code                             Titles                 Inclusions

    01    AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND FISHERIES                01,02

    02    MINING                                             10

    03    CONSTRUCTION                                       20

    04    MANUFACTURING                                      30-34, 40-46


    06    WHOLESALE TRADE                                    60

    07    RETAIL TRADE                                       61-65

    08    FINANCE, INSURANCE, AND REAL ESTATE                70-71

    09    BUSINESS AND REPAIR SERVICES                       75-76

    10    PERSONAL SERVICES                                  77-78


    12    PROFESSIONAL AND RELATED SERVICES                  80-85

    13    PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION                              90

    14    UNKNOWN (includes new workers)                     95-96

    15    NOT IN LABOR FORCE                                 97

    16    ARMED FORCES                                       98


  No. 1  No. 2
  Chrs.  Chrs.  Detail Code              Occupation Title          SOC Code*
  87-88  89-90  (Chrs. 84-86)
 (01-03) (01)       -            EXECUTIVE, ADMINISTRATIVE,             -
                                 AND MANAGERIAL OCCUPATIONS

    01    01   003-006           Officials and administrators,  111-113
                                 public administration

    02    01   007-009,013-019   Managers and administrators,   121-128,132-139
                                 except public administration

    03    01   023-029,033-037   Management related occupations 1412,1414-1415,
 (04-11) (02)       -            PROFESSIONAL SPECIALTY                 -

    04    02   044-049,053-059   Engineers                      1622-1628,1632-

    05    02   043,063           Architects and surveyors       161,164

    06    02   064-069,073-079   Natural mathematical and       171-172,1732-
               083               computer scientists            1733,1739,1842-

    07    02   084-089           Health diagnosing occupations  27,261-262,281,

    08    02   095-099,103-106   Health assessment and          29,301-302,3031-
                                 treating occupations           3034,3039,304,

    09    02   113-119,123-129,  Teachers, librarians and       2212-2218,2222-
               133-139,143-149   counselors                     2228,2231-2238,
               153-159,163-165                                  2242-2247,2249,

    10    02   183-189,193-195,  Writers, artists,              34,321-329,331-
               197-199           entertainers and athletes      333,398

    11    02   166-169,173-179   Other professional specialty   1912-1916,1919,
                                 occupations                    192,2032-2033,
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

                            OCCUPATION RECODE OUTLINE
  No. 1  No. 2
  Chrs.  Chrs.  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*
  87-88  89-90  (Chrs. 84-86)
 (12-13) (03)       -            TECHNICIANS AND RELATED                -
                                 SUPPORT OCCUPATIONS

    12    03   203-208           Health technologists and       362-366,369

    13    03   213-218,223-229,  Technologists, technicians     3711-3713,3719,
               233-235           except health                  372-373,382,3831-
 (14-16) (04)       -            SALES OCCUPATIONS                      -

    14    04   243               Supervisors and proprietors    40

    15    04   253-259           Sales representatives,         4122-4124,4152-
                                 commodities and finance        4153,421,423-424

    16    04   263-269,274-278,  Other sales                    4342-4348,4351-
               283-285                                          4354,4356,4359,
 (17-21) (05)       -            ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT                -
                                 OCCUPATIONS, INCLUDING CLERICAL

    17    05   308-309           Computer equipment operators   4612-4613

    18    05   313-315           Secretaries, stenographers     4622-4624
                                 and typists

    19    05   337-339,343-344   Financial records processing   4712-4713,4715-
                                 occupations                    4716,4718

    20    05   354-357           Mail and message distributing  4742-4745

    21    05   303-307,316-319,  Other administrative support   4511-4519,4521-
               323,325-329,                                     4529,463,4642-
               335-336,345-349,                                 4645,4649,4662-
               353,359,363-366,                                 4664,4692,4694,
               368-369,373-379,                                 4696,4699,4722-
               383-387,389                                      4723,4729,4732-
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

                            OCCUPATION RECODE OUTLINE
  No. 1  No. 2
  Chrs.  Chrs.  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*
  87-88  89-90  (Chrs. 84-86)

    22    06   403-407           PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD OCCUPATIONS  502-507,509

 (23-24) (07)       -            PROTECTIVE SERVICE OCCUPATIONS

    23    07   413-414,416-418,  Police and firefighters        5111-5112,5122-
               423-424                                          5123,5132-5134

    24    07   415,425-427       Other protective service       5113,5142,5144,
                                 occupations                    5149


 (25-28) (08)       -            SERVICE OCCUPATIONS, EXCEPT
                                 PROTECTIVE AND HOUSEHOLD

    25    08   433-439,443-444   Food service                   5211-5219

    26    08   445-447           Health service                 5232-5233,5236

    27    08   448-449,453-455   Cleaning and building service  5241-5242,5244-

    28    08   456-459,463-469   Personal service               5251-5258,5262-

 (29-31) (09)       -            FARMING, FORESTRY AND FISHING

    29    09   473-476           Farm operators and managers    5512-5515,5522-

    30    09   477,479,483-489   Farm workers and other         5611-5619,5621-
                                 agricultural workers           5622,5624-5625,

    31    09   494-499           Forestry and fishing           571-573,579,
                                 occupations                    583-584,8241(pt.)
 *Standard Occupational Classification.

                            OCCUPATION RECODE OUTLINE
  No. 1  No. 2
  Chrs.  Chrs.  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*
  87-88  89-90  (Chrs. 84-86)

 (32-34) (10)       -            PRECISION PRODUCTION, CRAFT
                                 AND REPAIR OCCUPATIONS

    32    10   503,505-509,      Mechanics and repairers        60,6111-6118,
               514-519,523,                                     613-614,6151-
               525-527,529                                      6159,616,6171-
               533-536,538-539,                                 6179

    33    10   553-558,563-567,  Construction and extractive    6311-6316,6318,
               569,573,575-577,  trades                         632,6412-6414,
               579,583-585,                                     6422,6424,6432-
               587-589,593-599,                                 6433,6442-6444,
               613-617                                          645,6462-6468,

    34    10   633-637,639,      Precision production           67,71,6811-6814,
               643-647,649,      occupations                    6816-6817,6821-
               653-659,666-669,                                 6824,6829,6831-
               673-679,683-684,                                 6832,6835,6839,
               686-689,693-696,                                 6844,6852-6854,
               699                                              6856,6859,6861-
 *Standard Occupational Classification

                            OCCUPATION RECODE OUTLINE
  No. 1  No. 2
  Chrs.  Chrs.  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*
  87-88  89-90  (Chrs. 84-86)
                                 OPERATORS, FABRICATORS AND LABORERS

 (35-36) (11)                    MACHINE OPERATORS, ASSEMBLERS
                                 AND INSPECTORS

    35    11   703-709,713-715,  Machine operators and          6841-6842,6849,
               717,719,723-729,  tenderers, except precision    6855,6863,6868,
               733-739,743-745,                                 7312-7319,7322,
               747-749,753-759,                                 7324,7326,7329,
               763-766,768-769,                                 7339,7342-7344,
               773-774,777,779                                  7349,7431-7435,

    36    11   783-787,789,      Fabricators, assemblers,       7332-7333,7532-
               793-799           inspectors and samplers        7533,7714,7717,
 (37-39) (12)       -            TRANSPORTATION AND MATERIAL
                                 MOVING OCCUPATIONS

    37    12   803-806,808-809,  Motor vehicle operators        8111,8212-8216,
               813-814                                          8218-8219,874

    38    12   823-826,828-829,  Other transportation, except   8113,8232-8233,
               833-834           motor vehicles                 8239,8241(pt.),

    39    12   843-845,848-849,  Material moving equipment      812,8312-8319
               853,855-856,859   operators
 *Standard Occupational Classification

                            OCCUPATION RECODE OUTLINE
  No. 1  No. 2
  Chrs.  Chrs.  Detail Code              Occupation Title       SOC Code*
  87-88  89-90  (Chrs. 84-86)

 (40-41) (13)                    HANDLERS, EQUIPMENT CLEANERS,
                                 HELPERS AND LABORERS

    40    13   869               Construction laborers          871

    41    13   863-867,873,      Freight, stock and material    85,861-863,
               875-878,883,885,  handlers                       8641-8646,
               887-889                                          8648,865,

    95    14   999 and all       UNKNOWN OCCUPATION
               other codes
               except 990

    96    14   990               NEW WORKER

    97    15   Not applicable    NOT IN LABOR FORCE - codes Blank
                                 and 8 in current activity recode
                                 (Loc. 75).  (Under 18 or 18+
                                 and Not in Labor Force)

    98    16   905               MILITARY
 *Standard Occupational Classification

                             OCCUPATION RECODE TITLES


                                                                Recode No.  1
    Code                             Titles                     Inclusions



    02    PROFESSIONAL SPECIALTY OCCUPATIONS                       04-11



    04    SALES OCCUPATIONS                                        14-16


                         SERVICE OCCUPATIONS

    06    PRIVATE HOUSEHOLD OCCUPATIONS                            22

    07    PROTECTIVE SERVICE OCCUPATIONS                           23-24


    09    FARMING, FORESTRY AND FISHING OCCUPATIONS                29-31






    14    UNKNOWN OCCUPATION (includes New Workers)                95-96

    15    NOT IN LABOR FORCE                                       97

    16    MILITARY                                                 98



 The three-digit Class of Accident Code described in detail below classifies
 accidents as follows.  Priority is given to Codes 400, 500, 600 in that order.

     Total Motor Vehicle Accidents = Codes 1 and 2 in first digit of recode

       Moving Motor Vehicle
                         Accidents = Code 1 in first digit of recode

       Nonmoving Motor Vehicle
                         Accidents = Code 2 in first digit of recode

     Total Work Accidents          = Code 1 in second digit of recode

     Total Home Accidents          = Code 1 in third digit of recode


   Class of                                            SOURCE - TAPE LOCATIONS
   Accident              Description
    Recode                                       132     134     130       131
 Loc. 135-137                                     MV     MMV    Where?    Work?

     111          Moving motor vehicle -          1       1       1,2       1
                  at work - at home

     112          Moving motor vehicle -          1       1        3        1
                  at work- not at home-
                  street or highway

     113          Moving motor vehicle -          1       1   Not 1-3       1
                  at work - not at home -
                  not on street or highway

     121          Moving motor vehicle -          1       1       1,2   Not 1,4
                  not at work - at home -
                  not on street or highway

     122          Moving motor vehicle -          1       1       3      Not 1
                  not at work - not at home -
                  on street or highway

     123          Moving motor vehicle -          1       1   Not 1-3   Not 1-4
                  not at work - not at home
                  not on street or highway



   Class of                                            SOURCE - TAPE LOCATIONS
   Accident           Description
    Recode                                       132     134     130       131
 Loc. 135-137                                     MV     MMV    Where?    Work?

     211          Nonmoving motor vehicle -       1    Not 1      1,2       1
                  at work - at home

     212          Nonmoving motor vehicle -       1    Not 1   Not 1,2      1
                  at work - not at home

     221          Nonmoving motor vehicle -       1    Not 1      1,2   Not 1,4
                  not at work - at home

     222          Nonmoving motor vehicle -       1    Not 1   Not 1,2  Not 1,4
                  not at work - not at home

     311          Non-motor vehicle -          Not 1      -       1,2       1
                  at work - at home

     312          Non-motor vehicle -          Not 1      -    Not 1,2      1
                  at work - not at home

     321          Non-motor vehicle            Not 1      -       1,2  Not 1,4
                  not at work - at home

     322          Non-motor vehicle -          Not 1      -    Not 1,2  Not 1,4
                  not at work - not at home

     400          Injured in Armed Forces         -       -       -         4

     500          Therapeutic misadventure        -       -       -      Not 4

     600          Injury Condition/Adverse        -       -       -      Not 4


                        NON-OPERATIVE PROCEDURES, FOR HIS


 00  Operation, no site or type

        Includes:  operation NEC on gland NOS, or "side," or other very ill-
                   defined site.  Use 00 when it is known that an operation
                   was performed but there is no information about the kind of
                   operation or about the body system or part involved.


 01  Incision and excision of skull, brain, and cerebral meninges

 02  Other operations on skull, brain, and cerebral meninges

 03  Operations on spinal cord and spinal canal structures

 04  Operations on cranial and peripheral nerves

 05  Operations on sympathetic nerves or ganglia


 06  Operations on thyroid and parathyroid glands

 07  Operations on other endocrine glands


 08  Operations on eyelids

 09  Operations on lacrimal system (tear ducts)

 10  Operations on conjuctiva

 11  Operations on cornea

 12  Operations on iris, ciliary body, sclera, and anterior chamber

 13  Operations on lens

 14  Operations on retina, choroid, vitreous, and posterior chamber

 15  Operations on extraocular muscles

 16  Operations on orbit and eyeball

                        NON-OPERATIVE PROCEDURES, FOR HIS


 18  Operations on external ear

 19  Reconstructive operations on middle ear

 20  Other operations on middle and inner ear


 21  Operations on the nose

        Includes:  operations on bone and skin of nose

 22  Operations on nasal sinuses

 23  Removal and restoration of teeth

 24  Other operations on teeth, gums and alveoli

 25  Operations on tongue

 26  Operations on salivary glands and ducts

 27  Other operations on mouth and face

        Includes:  operations on lips, palate and soft tissue of face and mouth,
                   except tongue and gingiva.

 28  Operations on tonsils and adenoids

 29  Operations on pharynx


 30  Excision of larynx

 31  Other operations on larynx and trachea

 32  Excision of lung and bronchus

 33  Other operations on lung and bronchus

 34  Operations on chest wall, pleura, mediastinum and diaphragm

                        NON-OPERATIVE PROCEDURES, FOR HIS


 35  Operations on valves and septa of heart

 36  Operations on vessels of heart

 37  Other operations on heart and pericardium

 38  Incision, excision and occlusion of vessels

 39  Other operations on vessels


 40  Operations on lymphatic system

 41  Operations on bone marrow and spleen


 42  Operations on the esophagus

 43  Incision and excision of stomach

 44  Other operations on stomach

 45  Incision, excision, and anastomosis of intestine

 46  Other operations on intestine

 47  Operations on appendix

 48  Operations on rectum and perirectal tissue

 49  Operations on anus

 50  Operations on liver

 51  Operations on gallbladder and biliary tract

        Includes:  operations on common bile duct, cystic duct and hepatic duct

 52  Operations on pancreas

 53  Repair of hernia

 54  Other operations on abdominal region

        Includes:  operations on epigastric region, flank, groin region, inguinal
                   region, loin region, male pelvic cavity, mesentery, omentum,
                   peritoneum and retroperitoneal tissue space



 55  Operations on kidney

        Includes:  operations on renal pelvis

 56  Operations on ureter

 57  Operations on urinary bladder

 58  Operations on urethra

 59  Other operations on urinary tract


 60  Operations on prostate and seminal vesicles

 61  Operations on scrotum and tunica vaginalis

 62  Operations on testes

 63  Operations on spermatic cord, epididymis, and vas deferens

 64  Operations on penis


 65  Operations on ovary

 66  Operations on fallopian tubes

 67  Operations on cervix

 68  Other incision and excision of uterus

 69  Other operations on uterus and supporting structures

 70  Operations on vagina and cul-de-sac

 71  Operations on vulva and perineum

                        NON-OPERATIVE PROCEDURES, FOR HIS


 72  Forceps, vacuum, and breech delivery

 73  Other procedures inducing or assisting delivery

        Includes:  spontaneous delivery with manual assistance

 74  Caesarean section and removal of fetus

 75  Other obstetric operations

        For HIS, includes also "normal delivery"


 76  Operations on facial bones and joints

        Excludes: accessory sinuses (22); nasal bones (21); and skull (01-02)

 77  Incision, excision and division of other bones

        Excludes:  operations on facial bones (76); joint structures (80-81);
                   nasal bones (21); and skull (01-02)

 78  Other operations on bones, except facial bones

        Excludes:  operations on joint structures (80-81); nasal bones (21); and
                   skull (01-02)

 79  Reduction of fracture and dislocation

        Includes:  application of cast or splint; reduction with insertion of
                   traction device

        Excludes:  external fixation alone for immobilization of fracture (93);
                   internal fixation without reduction of fracture (78);
                   operations on facial bones (76); nasal bones (21); orbit (76);
                   skull (02); vertebrae (03); removal of cast or splint (97);
                   replacement of cast or splint (97); and traction alone for
                   reduction of fracture (93)

 80  Incision and excision of joint structures

        Includes:  operations on capsule of joint; cartilage; condyle; ligament;
                   meniscus; and synovial membrane
        Excludes:  cartilage of ear (18); nose (21); and joints of face (76)

                        NON-OPERATIVE PROCEDURES, FOR HIS


 81  Repair and plastic operations on joint structures

        Includes:  operations on ankle; knee; shoulder; elbow; wrist; hip;
                   vertebrae; fingers; and toes not codable elsewhere and when
                   condition is not specified and tissue (such as skin, bone,
                   etc.) is not apparent.

 82  Operations on muscle, tendon and fascia of hand

        Includes:  operations on synovial membrane and tendon sheath

 83  Operations on muscle, tendon, fascia and bursa, except hand

        Includes:  operations on synovial membrane and tendon sheaths.
        Excludes:  hand (82); diaphram (34); and muscles of eye (15).

 84  Other procedures on musculoskeletal system.


 85  Operations on the breast

        Includes:  operations on skin of breast and previous mastectomy site
                   (female or male).

 86  Operations on skin and subcutaneous tissue

        Includes:  operations on hair follicles; male perineum; nails; sebaceous
                   glands subcutaneous fat pads; and superficial fossae.

        Includes also:  operations on regions such as arm; armpit; back; cheek;
                        buttock; chin; feet; forearm; forehead; hand; head; heel;
                        leg; neck; scalp; temple: temporal region; and thigh when
                        specific tissue (such as bone; cartilage; joint; etc.)
                        involved is not mentioned.

        Excludes:  those on skin of anus (49); breast (85); ear (18); eyebrow
                   (08); eyelid (08); female perineum (71); lips (27); nose (21);
                   penis (64) ; scrotum (61); and vulva (71).

        Excludes also:  operations on the head when a specific part (such as
                        brain) is mentioned

                        NON-OPERATIVE PROCEDURES, FOR HIS


 87  Diagnostic radiology

        Includes:  diagnostic X-rays of face, head, neck, brain, skull, spine,
                   chest, digestive tract, urinary system, genital organs,
                   abdomen and breast.
        Excludes:  angiography (88).

 88  Other diagnostic radiology and related techniques

        Includes:  CAT scan of abdomen; skeletal X-rays of extremities;
                   arteriograms using contrast material; and X-rays of veins.
        Excludes:  angiogram of eye (95).

 89  Interview, evaluation, consultation, and examination

        Includes:  diagnostic interviews; neurological exams; gynecological
                   exams: dental exams; digital exams of rectum; pacemaker
                   checks; electrocardiograms and general physical exams.

 90  Microscopic examination-I

        Includes:  microscopic examination of specimen from nervous system,
                   spinal fluid, endocrine glands, eye, ear, nose, throat,
                   larynx, trachea, bronchus, pleura, lung, of sputum, and blood.

 91  Microscopic examination - II

        Includes:  microscopic examination of specimen from liver, bile ducts or
                   passage, pancreas, peritoneal, retroperitoneal, kidney,
                   ureter, perirenal, periureteral tissue, bladder, urethra,
                   prostate, seminal vesicle, urine, semen, and female genital

 92  Nuclear medicine

        Includes:  scans radiation therapy (cobalt) (iodine).

 93  Physical therapy, respiratory therapy, rehabilitation, and related

        Includes:  diagnostic physical therapy; physical therapy exercises such
                   as breathing exercises; manual traction; training in use of
                   prosthesis; whirlpool treatments; heat therapy; skeletal
                   traction; speech and reading training for blind; play therapy;
                   education therapy; artificial respiration, mouth to mouth
                   resuscitation; oxygen and helium therapy.

                        NON-OPERATIVE PROCEDURES, FOR HIS


 94  Psychiatric interviews, consultations and evaluations

        Includes:  routine psychiatric visits; psychoanalysis; psychiatric
                   electroshock therapy and other non-operative procedures
                   relating to the psyche.

 95  Ophthalmologic and otologic diagnosis and treatment

        Includes:  eye exams; functional tests of eye; fitting glasses, contact
                   lens; hearing tests; and fitting hearing aids.

 96  Nonoperative intubation and irrigation

        Includes:  insertion of airway tubes; ear packing; vaginal packing;
                   insertion of vaginal diaphragm; rectal packing; dilation of
                   rectum and anus; manual reduction of hernia; gastric lavage;
                   irrigation of ostomies; cleaning of eye, ear and nose; lavage
                   of bronchus and trachea

 97  Replacement and removal of therapeutic appliances

        Includes:  replacement of ostomy tubes; replacement of casts; removal of
                   nasal packing, removal of dental wiring; removal of sutures
                   from head and neck; removal of drainage tubes; removal of IUD
                   and removal of sutures from genital tract.

 98  Nonoperative removal of foreign body

        Includes:  removal of foreign body from digestive system, ear, nose,
                   larynx, vagina, etc. WITHOUT INCISION.

 99  Other nonoperative procedures

        Includes:  blood transfusions, exchange transfusions, injections or
                   infusions of therapeutic or prophylactic substances; cardiac
                   pacemaker (battery and sensing types), acupuncture and fitting
                   of dentures.

This page last reviewed: Wednesday, August 29, 2007