National Human Genome Research Institute   National Institutes of Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Online Education Kit: Understanding the Human Genome Project


Timeline iconTimeline

Navigate through this timeline of milestones in genetics, with more than 90 key events and discoveries. Read short, illustrated stories or find archival images and original scientific publications.

1800s 1970s 2000 - 2001
1900s 1980s 2002 - 2003
1940s 1990 - 1994 2004 - The Future
1950s 1995 - 1996    
1960s 1997 - 1999    


Photo of Charles Darwin

1859: Darwin publishes On the Origin of Species, proposing continual evolution of species
1865: Mendel's Peas
1869: DNA First Isolated
1879: Mitosis Observed

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Illustration of peas

1900: Rediscovery of Mendel's work
1902: Orderly Inheritance of Disease Observed
1902: Chromosome Theory of Heredity
1909: The Word Gene Coined
1911: Fruit Flies Illuminate the Chromosome Theory

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Illustration of 1 Gene for 1 Enzyme

1941: One Gene, One Enzyme
1943: X-ray Diffraction of DNA
1944: DNA is "Transforming Principle"
1944: Jumping Genes

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Image of DNA entering bacterium

1952: Genes are Made of DNA
1953: DNA Double Helix
1955: 46 Human Chromosomes
1955: DNA Copying Enzyme
1956: Cause of Disease Traced to Alteration
1958: Semiconservative Replication of DNA
1959: Chromosome Abnormalities Identified

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Illustration of messenger RNA

1961: mRNA Ferries Information
1961: First Screen for Metabolic Defect in Newborns
1966: Genetic Code Cracked
1968: First Restriction Enzymes Described

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Illustration of recombinant DNA molecules

1972: First Recombinant DNA
1973: First Animal Gene Cloned
1975-77: DNA Sequencing
1976: First Genetic Engineering Company
1977: Introns Discovered

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Photo of laboratory mouse

1981-82: First Transgenic Mice and Fruit Flies
1982: GenBank Database Formed
1983: First Disease Gene Mapped
1983: PCR Invented
1986: First Time Gene Positionally Cloned
1987: First Human Genetic Map
1987: YACs Developed
1989: Microsatelites, New Genetic Markers
1989: Sequence-tagged Sites, Another Marker

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Illustration of chromosomes inside a nucleus

1990: Launch of the Human Genome Project
1990: ELSI Founded
1990: Research on BACs
1991: ESTs, Fragments of Genes
1992: Second-generation Genetic Map of Human Genome
1992: Data Release Guidelines Established
1993: NEW HGP Five-year Plan
1994: FLAVR SAVR Tomato
1994: Detailed Human Genetic Map
1994: Microbial Genome Project

Illustration of figures of people with chromosomes

1995: Ban on Genetic Discrimination in Workplace
1995: Two Microbial Genomes Sequenced
1995: Physical Map of Human Genome Completed
1996: International Strategy Meeting on Human Genome Sequencing
1996: Mouse Genetic Map Completed
1996: Yeast Genome Sequenced
1996: Archaea Genome Sequenced
1996: Health Insurance Discrimination Banned
1996: 280,000 Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs)
1996: Human Gene Map Created
1996: Human DNA Sequence Begins

Illustration of computer and keyboard

1997: Bermuda Meeting Affirms Principle of Data Release
1997: E. coli Genome Sequenced
1997: Recommendations on Genetic Testing
1998: Private Company Announces Sequencing Plan
1998: M. Tuberculosis Bacterium Sequenced
1998: Committee on Genetic Testing
1998: HGP Map Includes 30,000 Human Genes
1998: New HGP Goals for 2003
1998: SNP Initiative Begins
1998: Genome of Roundworm C. elegans Sequenced
1999: Full-scale Human Genome Sequencing
1999: Chromosome 22

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2000 - 2001

Photo of President Clinton with Francis Collins

2000: Free Access to Genomic Information
2000: Chromosome 21
2000: Working Draft
2000: Drosophila and Arabidopsis genomes sequenced
2000: Executive Order Bans Genetic Descrimination in the Federal Workplace
2000: Yeast Interactome Published
2000: Fly Model of Parkinson's Disease Reported
2001: First Draft of the Human Genome Sequence Released
2001: RNAi Shuts Off Mammalian Genes
2001: FDA Approves Genetics-based Drug to Treat Leukemia

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2002 -2003

Image of a mouse's tail that transforms into a strand of DNA

2002: Mouse Genome Sequenced
2002: Researchers Find Genetic Variation Associated with Prostate Cancer
2002: Rice Genome Sequenced
2002: The International HapMap Project is Announced
2002: The Genomes to Life Program is Launched
2002: Researchers Identify Gene Linked to Bipolar Disorder
2003: Human Genome Project Completed
2003: Fiftieth Anniversary of Watson and Crick's Description of the Double Helix
2003: The First National DNA Day Celebrated
2003: ENCODE Program Begins
2003: Premature Aging Gene Identified

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2004 - The Future

Picture of rats

2004: Rat and Chicken Genomes Sequenced
2004: FDA Approves First Microarray
2004: Refined Analysis of Complete Human Genome Sequence
2004: Surgeon General Stresses Importance of Family History
2005: Chimpanzee Genomes Sequenced
2005: HapMap Project Completed
2005: Trypanosomatid Genomes Sequenced
2005: Dog Genomes Sequenced
2006: The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) Project Started
2006: Second Non-human Primate Genome is Sequenced
2006: Initiatives to Establish the Genetic and Environmental Causes of Common Diseases Launched
The Future

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Last Updated: March 26, 2008