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Market and Trade Data
Current World Production, Market and Trade Reports

Also available:      Release Schedule 2008     Feature Reports    Archives

                        Release Schedule 2009    

All reports and data tables are available via PSD Online as data publications (full reports), downloadable datasets or report tables.

Feb. 10, 2009 Cotton: World Markets and Trade
Early Release - Summary from last month
Dec. 23, 2008 Dairy: World Markets and Trade
Feb. 13, 2009 Dairy Monthly Import Circular
May 15, 2008 The U.S. and World Situation: Fish and Seafood
Feb. 10, 2009 Grain: World Markets and Trade
Oct. 17, 2008 Livestock and Poultry: World Markets & Trade
Feb. 10, 2009 Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade

Jan. 23, 2009

Feb. 9, 2009
U.S. Horticultural Reports
Fresh Deciduous Fruit (Apples, Pears, & Grapes) and Apple Juice Concentrate:  World Markets and Trade (.pdf)
Citrus:  World Markets & Trade (.pdf)
Feb. 11, 2009 Sugar Monthly Import and Re-Export Data Report
Nov. 18, 2008 Sugar: World Markets and Trade (PDF)
Dec. 5, 2008 Tropical Products:  World Markets and Trade
Mar. 2, 2009 U.S. Planting Seed Trade
Feb. 10, 2009

World Agricultural Production

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Note: The World Market and Trade reports provide the latest analysis and data on a number of agricultural commodities, outlining the current supply, demand and trade estimates both for the United States and for many major foreign countries. These reports are released in paper format at the U.S. Department of Agriculture at 10 a.m. on their release day. We plan to make them available here in most cases after 10 a.m. on release day.