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  • § 1421. Price support
  • § 1421a. Financial impact study
  • § 1421b. Costs of production
  • § 1421c. Repealed.]
  • § 1421d. Commodity reports
  • § 1422. Increase of price support levels
  • § 1423. Adjustments of support prices
  • § 1424. Utilization of services and facilities of Commodity Credit Corporation
  • § 1425. Producer rights and liabilities
  • § 1425a. Producers of honey; loan obligations and liabilities
  • § 1426. Repealed.]
  • § 1427. Commodity Credit Corporation sales price restrictions
  • § 1427-1. Quality requirements for Commodity Credit Corporation owned grain
  • § 1427a. Reserve inventories for alleviation of distress of natural disaster
  • § 1428. Definitions
  • § 1429. Determinations of Secretary as final and conclusive
  • § 1430. Retroactive effect
  • § 1431. Disposition of commodities to prevent waste
  • § 1431a. Cotton donations to educational institutions
  • § 1431b. Distribution of surplus commodities to other United States areas
  • § 1431c. Enrichment and packaging of cornmeal, grits, rice, and white flour available for distribution
  • § 1431d. Donations for school feeding programs abroad; student financing; priorities
  • § 1431e. Distribution of surplus commodities to special nutrition projects; reprocessing agreements with private companies
  • § 1431f. Assistance to foreign countries to mitigate effects of HIV and AIDS
  • § 1432. Extension of price support on long staple cotton seeds and products
  • § 1433. Repealed.]
  • § 1433a. Forgiveness of violations; determinations
  • § 1433b. Processing of surplus agricultural commodities into liquid fuels and agricultural commodity byproducts
  • § 1433c. Advance recourse commodity loans
  • § 1433c-1. Advance recourse loans
  • § 1433d. Omitted
  • § 1433e. Repealed.]
  • § 1433f. Repealed.]
  • § 1434. Encouragement of production of crops of which United States is a net importer and for which price support programs are not in effect; authority to plant on set-aside acreage with no reduction in payment rate
  • § 1435. Production of commodities for conversion into alcohol or hydrocarbons for use as motor fuels or other fuels; terms and conditions; determinations; payments, etc., for program

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