Entry bubble Avoid Toll Traffic

By: Colleen | June 18, 2008 | Category: Travel

If I'm forced to be on the road while gas prices are sky-high, few things bring me more joy than cruising tollright through toll plazas while lines of cars, each paying cash, sit in traffic and prolong their gas guzzling.


I can honestly say that my E-ZPass has changed my life—maybe not to the extent that my iPod has, but it has saved me much time and considerable road rage over the past three years.

With the help of a transponder mounted to your windshield, E-ZPass allows you to drive right through specifically marked toll lanes without stopping. Your transponder is linked to your personal checking account, and simply deducts the cost of the toll from your balance. No stopping. No reaching in the seat cushions hoping for exact change. No risking rolling up to the tollbooth with insufficient funds. (This MAY have happened to me, summer of '04 crossing the Walt Whitman Bridge into Philadelphia.)

E-ZPass specifically works for toll roads in the Northeast, reaching into the Midwest, and the southern border of Virginia. Other regions of the country have their own E-ZPass equivalent systems. Check out your state's department of motor vehicles website to see what program they have to offer.

Hopefully, saving time not sitting in toll lines will get you to your summertime destination a little quicker, and you'll have to suffer from one less "are we there yet?" coming from the backseat.

Road trips not your thing? Here are some travel tips to expedite the airport security process.

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Comments (3):

blue comment bubble Posted by GC on June 19, 2008 at 03:24 PM EDT

A good post!

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blue comment bubble Posted by Citizen Jmaximus on June 20, 2008 at 01:00 PM EDT

I think it is a crime states are selling off roads to these greedy companies for some quick cash but at a major discount.

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blue comment bubble Posted by Traveling to Egypt and real traffic on July 03, 2008 at 05:24 PM EDT

If perhaps you live in one of the big cities in the U.S you are probably familiar with bad traffic.

I define bad traffic as 405 at 8:00am on a Monday morning. Bumber to bumber for hours with the maximum speed equal to that of a small child on a bike with training wheels.

I thought I knew what bad traffic was until I traveled to Egypt! This is a whole new level of traffic. A sea of metal and meyhem. No lanes, no signals, no problem!

I could not believe my eyes and clung to my cab for dear life as my driver wizzed in and out of imaginary lanes, missing life ending collisions by mear inches.

When I finally made it to my hotel it took me a couple of hours to settle my heart rate down. In the 10 mile ride, my driver had managed to miss 10 human beings who ran in front of our car, 5 horse drawn carts, a number of vehicles traveling the wrong way, and I think a dog or some small furry 4 legged animail.

Although the sights, smells, and food where something I suggest everyone try at some point. Be wary of the traffic and the drivers.


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