Daily Almanac for
Mar 12, 2009
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Feature of the Day
Women Nobel Peace Prize Winners
Bertha von Suttner was the first woman to earn the Nobel Peace Prize. Find out who else had won
Famous Firsts by American Women
Who was the first female author to be published?
The National Women's Hall of Fame
Founded in 1969, this organization honors and celebrates the achievements of American women
Landmark Supreme Court Cases in Women's Rights
From a case limiting women's working hours to allowing females to attend VMI, the Supreme Court Cases influencing women's rights

Have Your Say

What feature of the economic stimulus package is most important to your family?

  • Pick choice 1 Comprehensive health care
  • Pick choice 2 Sustainable energy
  • Pick choice 3 Competitive education
  • Pick choice 4 All of the above
In the Spotlight: Biographies

of the day

Click to read today's biography
Warren Harding
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More than 30,000 biographies, from Mother Teresa to Mussolini, Tiger Woods to Wordsworth.
Infoplease Sources
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