USGS - science for a changing world

U.S. Geological Survey Geochemical Reference Materials and Certificates

Geochemical Reference Materials and Certificates

Photo of geochemical reference materials in bottles and jars.The USGS Geochemical Reference Materials project provides geochemical reference materials for use by scientists in all areas of earth science. The majority of USGS reference materials are based on silicate rocks that were collected from the continential United States and Hawaii and range in composition from basalt to shale. The composition of these reference materials has been determined through rigourous testing procedures by multiple laboratories using a wide variety of analytical techniques. The reference materials are suitable for use in calibration of analtyical instrumentation, testing analytical methodologies, and for use as quality control samples. For more information on this program please see our Fact Sheet. Photo of laser standards.

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The html versions of the certificates are recommended for viewing and the PDF versions are recommended for printing.

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Questions about the reference standards - contact Steve Wilson
Page Last Modified: 04-Dec-2008@13:48