Names of additional Obama-Biden Transition Project donors released

As of January 15, 2009, a total of $4,490,065.76 had been raised from 59,609 donors.  The average donation is $75.33.

Key posts at the Office of Management and Budget announced

Today, President-elect Barack Obama announced several key posts at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).

Weekly Democratic Radio Address: President-Elect Obama Speaks About the Inaugural Celebration

WASHINGTON – In his last Democratic Radio Address before being sworn in as President of the United States, President-elect Barack Obama spoke to the American people about the Inauguration celebration. He discussed how the events of the next several days are not simply about the inauguration of an American President - they are also a celebration of the American people.

President-elect Obama speaks on an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan in Ohio

Today, President-elect Barack Obama visited Bedford Heights, Ohio to meet with workers and discuss an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan, which would aim to save or create three to four million new American jobs and make the long-term investments needed to build a 21st century economy.

President-elect Obama announces more key White House staff

Today, President-elect Barack Obama announced the following White House staff: Danielle Crutchfield, Director of Scheduling for the President; Marvin Nicholson, Trip Director for the President; Emmett Beliveau, Director of Advance; and Patrick Dillon, Deputy Director of Political Affairs.

Statement from President-elect Obama

Statement from President-elect Barack Obama on an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan

A statement from President-elect Barack Obama on action by the House of Representatives on an American Recovery and Reinvestment Plan.

Letter from Lawrence H. Summers to congressional leaders

The attached letter was sent today by Lawrence H. Summers to the bipartisan leaders of the United States Senate and House of Representatives detailing President-elect Obama’s commitment to implement the Emergency Economic Stabilization in a way that will promote the stability of the financial system and increase lending, preserve home ownership, promote jobs and economic recovery, safeguard taxpayer interests, and have the maximum degree of accountability and transparency possible.

Additions to legislative affairs team

President-elect Barack Obama today announced eleven additions to his legislative affairs team.

Statement from President-elect Obama

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