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Jellyvision 2008

Welcome to the Institute of Food Research

The Institute of Food Research's vision is to be a world-leading contributor to harnessing food for health and controlling food-related disease.

IFR is a not-for-profit company with charitable status. It is sponsored by the Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council. IFR is the UK’s only integrated basic science provider focused on food.

Our scientific research collaboration stretches across the world through informal and formal partnerships. Outcomes feed into national and international strategies, delivering advice and solutions for UK Government, public sector bodies, regulatory authorities, industry and consumers

Economic impact of the IFR PDF document In January 2008, IFR commissioned DTZ to undertake a statement of its economic impact. It describes selected key achievements of the institute since its inception and identifies a range of non-quantifiable benefits attributable to it.

What's new

october 2008
Pectin Power - Scientists from the Institute of Food Research have found a new possible explanation for why people who eat more fruit and vegetables may gain protection against the spread of cancers.They have shown that a fragment released from pectin, found in all fruits and vegetables, binds to and is believed to inhibit galectin 3 (Gal3), a protein that plays a role in all stages of cancer progression.
IFR at the Norwich and Norfolk Food Festival - The Institute of Food Research is particpating in the 2008 Bidwells Norwich & Norfolk Food Festival with a number of events for all the family, designed to introduce some of the science behind our food. Events include a discussion about biotics, cookery theatre shows, exhibitions, film screenings, debate and IFR's annual Tallest Jelly competition for schools.
Wheat, a plant that changed the world - Funded by the BBSRC, the Institute of Food Research and the John Innes Centre and have developed an exhibition and website on the history of wheat and the impact this important crop has had on mankind and the planet.  The exhibition, currently on display at Gressenhall Museum, was established to encourage dialogue and to educate about the process of growing wheat, and to gain a better understanding of the needs of consumers and growers.
New Chief Executive joins UK’s leading bioscience funder - Professor Douglas Kell has today started as the new Chief Executive of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the UK's leading funding agency for academic research and training in the non-clinical life sciences.
September 2008
The latest edition Science & Innovation has been published. S+I reflects our latest science discoveries, and demonstrates our economic impact.
Microbes in Norwich - A new version of the Microbes in Norwich website has been published at www.micron.ac.uk.  The main aim of the site is to promote the very wide range of microbial science that is pursued across the Norwich Research Park in an easy to understand and comprehensive way.  Microbial research in Norwich encompasses studies on bacteria, yeast and other fungi and viruses.
Genetic and metabolomic analysis of important yeast strains - The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been used for thousands of years in the fermentation of food and drink. In the last 10-20 years, there has been an upturn in the incidence of infections linked to this yeast. Staff in the National Collection of Yeast Cultures, housed at IFR, have led the first combined genetic and metabolomic analysis of a group of medically-important and non-medical Saccharomyces strains
Immunity gene enhances production of antilisterial bacteriocin - Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen of major concern to the food industry.   Developing an antilisterial dairy starter, adjunct or bioprotective culture is an attractive route to increase safety in dairy products. Pediocin PA-1, an antilisterial bacteriocin, has been produced in naturally resistant Lactococcus lactis strains, and recent work has shown that a pediocin PA-1 immunity gene significantly increases pediocin production.
WARNING: Hoax emails - A number of hoax emails have been reported to IFR claiming to offer work opportunities from ex-IFR staff. IFR does not advertise job opportunities via unsolicited email and any such emails should be ignored.
July 2008
Saw Showcase - On July 2nd, schools from Norfolk, Cambridgeshire and Suffolk presented an evening of science, art and writing inspired by research at the Institute of Food Research and the John Innes Centre. The Science, Art and Writing (SAW) initiative aims to break down traditional barriers between the arts and sciences.
Designer diet for prostate cancer - Eating one or more portions of broccoli every week can reduce the risk of prostate cancer, and the risk of localised cancer becoming more aggressive. For the first time, a research group at the Institute of Food Research led by Professor Richard Mithen has provided an explanation of how eating broccoli might reduce cancer risk based upon studies in men.

View the latest edition of S+IView the latest edition of Science & Innovation.

S+I reflects our latest science discoveries, and demonstrates our economic impact.View the latest edition of S+I

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Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)
WARNING: Hoax emails
Warning: Hoax IFR emailsA number of hoax emails have been reported to IFR claiming to offer work opportunities from ex-IFR staff. IFR does not advertise job opportunities via unsolicited email and any such emails should be ignored.More information
ISO 9001 certification
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