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Friends and Neighbors,

A Rural Renaissance is upon us.

Rural areas are experiencing change of such far-reaching proportion that new opportunities for economic growth and wealth creation are boundless.

Just a few examples of the rural transformation:

  • Unprecedented demand for various bio-fuels that drive the growing renewable energy industry
  • The increased production of wind and solar power
  • Increased availability of rural broadband technology is providing economic efficiencies, which allows rural business and industry to be competitive both nationally and globally

At the US Department of Agriculture Rural Development we are committed to the future of rural communities by being focused on providing the needed investment to fuel these and other opportunities that lead to vital and sustainable rural communities now and in the future.

Just as the rural landscape is changing, so are we.

These exciting times demand a proactive and dedicated federal partner focused on assisting rural areas overcome challenges and obstacles while taking advantage of the numerous opportunities that represent the Rural Renaissance. The 2007 Annual Report is intended to illustrate the significant investments the US Department of Agriculture Rural Development makes in rural Wisconsin and, indeed, demonstrate our commitment to the future of our rural communities.

During the past year the USDA Rural Development agency delivered over $240 million in the form of grants, loans and loan guarantees throughout Wisconsin, helping more than 3,500 families become homeowners, saved or created 2,252 jobs, and benefited nearly 250,000 residents by assisting with needed community facilities. It is also noteworthy that in a national competition, 15 Wisconsin agricultural producers were awarded almost $3.3 million in Value-Added Producer Grants - the highest award in the Nation!

Thank you for visiting our website. I hope you found it useful.

Frank Frassetto

State Director's Bio