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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Mount St. Helens and Vicinity
Points of Interest

Highway 504 Bridge across Hoffstadt Creek

Image, click to enlarge
Washington Highway 504 bridge crossing Hoffstadt Creek.
USGS Photograph taken in April 1998 by Ed Klimasauskas.
[medium size] ... [large size]

Driving Directions
  • Head east on Highway 504 approximately 30 miles.
  • Park where appropriate.

Highway 504 Bridge Across Hoffstadt Creek

The high Highway 504 Bridge spans Hoffstadt Creek, 370 feet (113 meters) below. This area is near the western limit of the zone affected by the 1980 blast. From here east, all but the strongest trees or those in the lee of ridges were blown down. Mounds composing the far end of the debris-avalanche deposit are visible to the south in the valley bottom.

-- Excerpt from: Pringle, 1993, Roadside Geology of Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument and Vicinity: Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources Information Circular 88

Other Nearby Points of Interest

Map, Mount St. Helens Points of Interest - Interactive Imagemap, 
click to enlarge Mount St. Helens
Points of Interest -
Interactive Imagemap

Click button for Elk Rock Elk Rock (east)
Click button for Sediment Structure Sediment Structure (west)

Other Menus of Interest

Useful Links

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03/27/07, Lyn Topinka