
Records Management Publications

In compliance with the agency's publication distribution policies, NARA is moving toward disseminating all records management publications and posters primarily via the Internet. The publications and posters may be downloaded and reproduced as needed.

Limited quantities of some of these publications and posters may be available in hard copy format.

Requests should be sent to:

National Archives and Records Administration
Life Cycle Management Division
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001

Telephone: 301-837-3560
Fax: 301-837-3699
E-mail: records.management@nara.gov

Currently Available

Records Management Posters

Note: Updated text on posters may vary from online versions.

Don't Mess Up Your Reputation Don't Mess Up Your Reputation
Organize Your Information

Reminds employees that organized records help agencies provide good service.

Order Copies
Moving? Consolidating? Reorganizing?
Records management steps to take in times of change.

Order Copies
Moving? Consolidating? Reorganizing?
It's Never Too Early to Think about RM It's Never Too Early to Think About Records Management
Make records management part of your planning for enterprise content management.

Order Copies

Records Management Brochures and Pamphlets

NEW! Publications (Order Copies)

Protecting Federal Records and Other Documentary Materials from Unauthorized Removal. NARA Bulletin 2008-02

Tips for Scheduling Potentially Permanent Electronic Records

Other Records Management Brochures

Records Management Publications

  • Disposition of Federal Records
    Explains how to develop, implement, and evaluate records disposition programs in Federal agencies. Includes links to the texts of Federal laws and regulations affecting records disposition. (2000 web edition based on the 1997 edition), 141 pp.

  • Documenting Your Public Service
    Provides basic information to enable you to distinguish Federal records from other documentary materials, including personal files.

  • Records Management Self-Evaluation Guide
    Provides a high-level framework for evaluating a Federal agency records management program. (1995), 22 pp.

  • Records Management Training Catalog
    Describes courses and training services offered by NARA's Office of Modern Records Programs, along with related training sponsored by other NARA offices.

  • Vital Records and Records Disaster Mitigation and Recovery
    Provides guidance on how to manage vital records throughout their life cycle, to protect them from loss in a disaster, and to assist in recovery should a disaster occur. (1996), 90 pp.

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 • Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272