References & Suggested Reading 

Beven, K. J. and I. D. Moore, 1994. Terrain Analysis and Distributed Modeling in Hydrology, John Wiley & Sons, 1994.

Blaszczynski, Jacek S., 1997. Landform characterization with Geographic Information Systems, Photogrammetric Enginnering and Remote Sensing, vol. 63, no. 2, February 1997, pp. 183-191.

Chorley, R. J. 1969. The drainage basin as the fundamental geomorphic unit, in Water, Earth, and Man, ed. by R. Chorley, Methuen & Co, Ltd. 1969.

Chorley, Richard J., et al. 1985. Geomorphology, Methuen & Co., New York, N.Y., 605 pp.

Dalrymple, J. B., Blong, R. J., annd Conacher, A. J., 1968. A hypothetical nine-unit landsurface model, Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 12, pp. 60-76, 1968.

Daniels, Raymond B. and Richard D. Hammer, 1992. Soil Geomorphology, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992.

Grayson, Rodger B.; Moore, Ian D.; 1993. Effect of land surface configuration on catchment hydrology. In: Overland flow; hydraulics and erosion methods, editors: Parsons, Anthony J. and Athol D. Abrahams, pp. 147-175. Chapman & Hill. New York, NY, United States. 1993.

Gerrard, J., 1992. Soil Geomorphology, Chapman & Hall, London,1992.

Harvey, Craig A. and David A. Eash, 1996. Description, Instructions, and Verification for Basinsoft, a Computer Program to Quantify Drainage Basin Characteristics, U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations Report 95-4287, Iowa City, Iowa 1996.

Jenson, S. K. and J. O. Domingue. 1988. Extracting Topographic Structure from Digital Elevation Data for Geographic Information System Analysis, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, Vol. 54, November, 1988, 1593-1600.

Manly, Bryan F. J. 1994. Multivariate Statistical Methods: A Primer, Chapman and Hall, London, U.K.

McGammon, Bruc, John Rector and Karl Gebhard. 1998. A framework for Analyzing the Hydrologic Condition of Watersheds. BLM Technical Note 405, BLM/RS/ST-98/ 004+7210.

Mitasova, H., 1993, Surfaces and modeling, Grassclippings, Journal of GRASS Geographic Information System maintained by the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Spring 1993.

Moore, I. D. and J. P. Wilson, 1992. Length-slope factors for RUSLE: Simplified method of estimation, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 50, pp. 1294-1298.

Moore, I. D., R. B. Grayson, and A. R. Larson, 1994. Digital Terrain Modelling: A Review of Hydrological, Geomorphological and Biological Applications, in Terrain Analysis and Distributed Modeling in Hydrology, edited by K. J. Beven and I. D. Moore, John Wiley & Sons, 1994. Minneapolis, MN, United States. Pages: 122. 1980.  

Moore, Ian D., Nieber, John L, 1989. Landscape assessment of soil erosion and nonpoint source pollution. In: Minnesota's water resources; a collection of papers to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Water Resources Research Center at the University of Minnesota, editors: Brezonik, Patrick L., and James A. Perry, Journal of the Minnesota Academy of Science. 55; 1, Pages 18-25. 1989.

Moore, Ian D,; Burch, Gordon J.; 1986. Physical basis of the length-slope factor in the universal soil loss equation, Soil Science Society of America Journal. 50; 5, Pages 1294-1298. 1986.

Strahler, A. N. (1964). Quantitative geomorphology of drainage basins and channel networks, in V. T. Chow (ed.), Handbook of Applied Hydrology, New York,

Renard, K. G., G. R. Foster, G. A. Weesies, D. K. McCool, and D. C. Yoder, 1997. Predicting soil erosion by water: A guide to concservation planning with the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation, USDA ARS Agriculture Handbook Number 703, 1997.

Ruhe, R. V., R. B. Daniels, and J. G. Cady, 1967. Landscape Evolution and Soil Formation in Southwestern Iowa, USDA Technical Bulletin 1349, 1967.

Ruhe, R. V., 1975. Geomorphology, Houghton Mifflin, Boston, 1975.

Riley, S. J., S. D. DeGloria and R. Elliot (1999). A terrain ruggedness index that quantifies topographic heterogeneity, Intermountain Journal of Sciences, vol. 5, No. 1-4, 1999.

Simanton, J. R., 1987, The BLM RUSLE/MUSLE program for DOS, BLM Service Center, Lakewood, Colorado.

Wischmeier, Walter H. and Dwight D. Smith, 1978. Predicting Rainfall Erosion Losses - A Guide to Conservation Planning, U.S. Department of Agriculture Handbook 537.

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