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Research and Teaching Facilities

The Department of Botany and Plant Pathology is well-equipped to provide what you need to obtain your advanced degree in plant science. From newly renovated greenhouses and research labs to the latest in technology of microscopy, analytical equipment, computer labs and bioinformatics. The department also houses one of the world's largest and most studied research, teaching, and reference collections of plant rust fungi (Order: Uredinales) from nearly all countries of the world in the Arthur Herbarium. Centralized services include centers for DNA and protein sequencing, peptide synthesis, antibody production, NMR spectroscopy, GC-MS, and electron microscopy. In addition to numerous growth chamber and greenhouse facilities, ample field space is provided at local experimental farms and orchards. The Life Science Library is a convenient resource housing over 75,000 volumes and over 1,900 different periodicals.

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Research Labs and Equipment

Purdue Agricultural Centers

Microscopy Facilities

Agricultural Genomics Center

Arthur and Kriebel Herbaria

Computer Labs

Botany and Plant Pathology
Purdue University
Purdue Agriculture
Purdue Extension
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