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USUS45 KBOU 201200
72469 TTAA  70121 72469 99848 01060 18004 00228 ///// /////
92888 ///// ///// 85593 ///// ///// 70173 00966 00529 50579
16582 01041 40743 27381 01040 30944 43174 00532 25065 47970
34034 20213 48971 36037 15398 58565 01554 10647 67961 01529
88266 47770 33033 77999 31313 58708 81104 51515 10164 00009
10194 35521 02033=

USUS45 KBOU 200000
72469 TTAA  70001 72469 99845 15676 01021 00206 ///// /////
92862 ///// ///// 85565 ///// ///// 70169 02066 34540 50579
13379 35053 40745 24376 33563 30947 42770 33063 25067 53565
33059 20211 49767 01051 15396 59363 36049 10645 66161 01053
88239 55764 33558 77350 33064 40407 31313 58708 82307 51515
10164 00010 10194 35535 34539=

USUS45 KBOU 190000
72469 TTAA  69001 72469 99845 15080 01013 00196 ///// /////
92855 ///// ///// 85560 ///// ///// 70161 01877 32517 50579
14366 35038 40744 26956 00553 30944 44158 02059 25064 54958
03575 20205 53758 03533 15387 56359 02562 10640 64959 02543
88217 60357 02068 77249 03576 41718 77155 01566 43522 31313
58708 82308 51515 10164 00011 10194 35018 34532=

USUS45 KBOU 181200
72469 TTAA  68121 72469 99847 01063 20507 00222 ///// /////
92878 ///// ///// 85579 ///// ///// 70167 01484 35528 50577
17578 35546 40742 26976 34541 30942 44169 35539 25061 55363
00544 20200 65560 36034 15377 57763 01548 10630 61962 01049
88195 66760 36036 77999 31313 58708 81107 51515 10164 00009
10194 28005 35031=

    US Dept of Commerce
    National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    National Weather Service
    1325 East West Highway
    Silver Spring, MD 20910
    Page Author: NWS Internet Services Team
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