The individual state map files are in Acrobat pdf format, and are easily printed if you require a hardcopy.

The digital data is available as ArcInfo export coverages and ArcView shape files (zipped). Click on the appropriate file format to download, following your respective system procedure.

BLM Administration Jurisdictions
(last updated 3/9/2006)
BLM Ownership BLM Offices
BLM Admin. Jurisdictions (ArcInfo export coverage)

BLM Admin. Jurisdictions (zipped ArcView shape files)

BLM Admin. Jurisdictions Metadata

BLM Ownership (ArcInfo export coverage)

BLM Ownership (zipped ArcView shape files)

BLM Ownership Metadata

BLM Offices (ArcInfo export coverage)

BLM Ownership (zipped ArcView shape files)

BLM Ownership Metadata

Individual State Maps - Current to 2004

Map of United States showing BLM Administrative JurisdictionsAlaskaEastern StatesCaliforniaOregonIdahoNevadaUtahArizonaNew MexicoWyomingColoradoMontana

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