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Documents and Publications
Cover: The State of World Population 2008: Reaching Common Ground: Culture, Gender and Human RightsThe State of World Population 2008: Reaching Common Ground: Culture, Gender and Human Rights
Development strategies should be more culturally sensitive to the promotion of human rights, especially women's rights, the new UNFPA annual report finds, warning that otherwise many projects in poor countries are likely to fail. UNFPA, 2008

Cover: Gender in Agriculture SourcebookGender in Agriculture Sourcebook
A joint product of the World Bank, FAO, and IFAD, the Sourcebook provides an up-to-date understanding of gender issues with a rich compilation of compelling evidence of good practices and lessons learned to guide practitioners in integrating gender dimensions into agricultural projects and programs. World Bank, FAO, IFAD, 2008

Cover: Women 2000 and Beyond: Rural women in a changing world: Opportunities and challenges Women 2000 and Beyond: Rural women in a changing world: Opportunities and challenges
This publication aims to highlight women's contributions to the social, economic and political aspects of rural development and raise critical issues for improving the situation of rural women. UN DAW, 2008

Cover: Gender Perspectives: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into Climate Change Adaptation - 2008Gender Perspectives: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction into Climate Change Adaptation - 2008
Good Practices and Lessons Learned

The publication points out the vital nexus between women’s experiences of natural resource management, climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, and how they can come together to make whole communities strong and sustainable.
UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), 2008

Cover: PROGRESS OF THE WORLD’S WOMEN 2008/2009MDG Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Progress Chart 2008
The MDG Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Progress Chart 2008, an output of the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on MDG Indicators, provides an assessment of progress towards a number of the key targets related to women’s empowerment and gender equality. Trends are assessed on the basis of data between 1990 and the most recent year for which information was available as of June 2008, when this chart was prepared.
UN Statistics Division, 2008

Cover: PROGRESS OF THE WORLD’S WOMEN 2008/2009Progress of the World’s Women 2008/2009: Who Answers to Women? Gender and Accountability
The report focuses on five key areas where the need to strengthen accountability to women is urgent: politics and governance, access to public services, economic opportunities, justice, and finally the distribution of international assistance for development and security.
> Download report
> View multimedia report
UNIFEM, 2008

Cover: Gender in the Millennium Development Goals: Information guide for Arab Millennium Development Goals reportsGender in the Millennium Development Goals: Information guide for Arab Millennium Development Goals reports
The guide summarizes the main gender issues and concerns in the region in the context of each Millennium Goal. It also provides a detailed assessment of the availability of sex-disaggregated data and gender sensitive indicators in the Arab region for gender responsive monitoring and reporting of MDGs.
> View report
> Press release
UN-ESCWA, 2008

Cover: The Millennium Development Goals Report 2008MDG Report 2008 launched
The Report is the most comprehensive global assessment of progress to date, based on work carried out by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on the official MDG Indicators. It provides hard evidence for each of the eight MDGs, showing what has been accomplished so far in each of the world’s major geographic regions. It outlines what the world needs to do to succeed by 2015. The Report may be accessed in the other UN official languages.

New Websites and Online Video
End Violence Against WomenOnline Video: End Violence Against Women
The Division for Gender Affairs of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) prepared 7 video-clips to disseminate the Secretary-General's campaign on violence against women. Each clip highlights an aspect of this scourge and a proposal to counteract the incalculable costs that violence against women implies for all humanity.
>> View in: English
| Spanish

African Women's Rights Observatory
The African Women’s Rights Observatory (AWRO), a joint iniative of UN Economic Commission for Africa and UNDP, will have an institutional framework that provides up-to-date information on the status of observance of African women’s rights. AWRO tracks the progress of African governments in fulfilling various commitments made to promote and protect women’s rights in Africa.

UNESCO video podcasts
UNESCO released a series of video podcasts on human rights, peace, tolerance and the fight against discrimination, including "Being fed up" (with violence against women), "Why is this happening to me?" (child marriage), and "Shiva: The third eye", a reinterpretation of Hindu myths, proposing universal and eternal equality between genders.
View Videos >>

Pop Star Lends Her Voice to Stop Maternal, Infant and Child Deaths >>

Ending violence against womenNew Online Video:
Gender-Responsive Budgeting Initiative

View Video >>

Visit the UNIFEM video channel >>

Ending violence against womenEnding violence against women
A multimedia exhibit by UNFPA:

News and Highlights
Ambassador Sylvie Lucas of Luxembourg elected to lead UN Economic and Social Council in 2009
Ambassador Sylvie Lucas of Luxembourg was elected today as the 65th President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), making her the second woman to lead the world body’s principal organ responsible for coordinating work in these critical fields.
ECOSOC, 15 January 2009
> News story
> ECOSOC website

Pregnancy 300 times deadlier in world’s poorest nations, says UNICEF
Having a child remains one of the biggest health risks for women worldwide, and this is especially true for women in least developed countries who are 300 times more likely to die in childbirth or from pregnancy-related complications than women in developed countries, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) said in a new report released today.
UNICEF, 15 January 2009
> News story
> The State of the World’s Children 2009

UN agencies express utmost concern about humanitarian consequences of escalating violence in Gaza
UN agencies are extremely concerned about the plight of civilians, especially women and children, in the Gaza Strip, and reiterate the call by the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and all other voices for an immediate halt of military hostilities that are heavily impacting the civilian population.
02 January 2009
> UNFPA press release
> UNICEF statement

UNICEF-supported centre helps rehabilitate child sex workers in Togo
The Centre rehabilitates exploited girls by providing them with vocational training and medical care, including HIV testing and psychological support.
UNICEF, 31 December 2008

UN campaign helping global South combat obstetric fistula receives award
A United Nations-backed campaign aimed at eliminating obstetric fistula, a debilitating injury resulting from giving birth, has been recognized with an award for championing collaboration between countries of the global South, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) announced.
UN News Centre, 18 December 2008

Spain to Contribute 50 Million Euro to New Gender Equality Fund
The Gender Equality Fund builds on the agreed conclusions of the 52nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women on Financing for Gender Equality to accelerate progress towards gender equality and women's empowerment.
UNIFEM, 15 December 2008

Palestinians join UN agencies in denouncing honour killings and gender abuse
Eight United Nations agencies have co-sponsored the first Palestinian ‘festival’ to combat violence against women, driving home the message that so-called "honour killings" have nothing to do with honour and seeking to break the conspiracy of silence surrounding domestic abuse.
UN News Centre, 5 December 2008

Montenegrin fathers urged to be role models against violence
The United Nations refugee agency and its aid partners in Montenegro have enlisted popular local sports coaches to take part in a new public awareness campaign aimed at fathers that is part of broader worldwide efforts to stem sexual and physical violence against women.
UNHCR, 4 December 2008
> UNHCR News
> UN News Centre

UN-backed forum urges comprehensive strategy to fight sexual exploitation of children
A United Nations-backed forum to combat the sexual exploitation of children today called for a comprehensive strategy comprising laws, policies, regulations and services across all social sectors as well as a shift in social attitudes and practices, such as child marriage.
UN News Centre, 28 November 2008

Iran: Government takes hard line on supporters of rights of women - UN experts
Two independent United Nations experts on human rights issues today voiced deep concern over the Iranian Government's increasingly severe crackdown on advocates of the rights of women in recent years.
UN News Centre, 27 November 2008

Gender violence in Iraq threatens to undermine families and society, UN warns
The top United Nations official in Iraq has called for the urgent establishment of a national legal framework guaranteeing the protection of women, warning that continued gender violence threatens to undermine the country’s families and society.
UN News Centre, 26 November 2008

Violence against women remains widespread and largely unpunished – UN officials
Violence against women is the least punished crime in the world, United Nations officials said today, urging governments to end the widespread impunity and to take measures to ensure that the laws and policies that aim to protect women and girls are enforced.
> Message of the Secretary-General
> International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women 2008
> Online Video: End Violence Against Women
> UN News Centre
United Nations, 25 November 2008

More than 5 Million Join UNIFEM’s Say NO to Violence against Women Campaign
A total of 5,066,549 people worldwide have joined UNIFEM’s Say NO to Violence against Women campaign and added their names to a call to make ending violence against women a top priority for governments worldwide.
UNIFEM, 25 November 2008

UN-backed congress in Brazil targets rising sexual exploitation of children
Nearly 3,000 participants from over 125 countries have gathered in Rio de Janeiro today for a three-day United Nations-backed congress to combat the increasing scourge of sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in all its dimensions, ranging from of trafficking, pornography and prostitution to rape and abuse.
UNICEF, 24 November 2008

UN fund to end violence against women makes largest grants ever
A United Nations fund that seeks to end violence against women is awarding more money this year than the sum of all its grants since its inception in 1996, earmarking $19 million to 23 projects in 29 countries...
UNIFEM, 24 November 2008

Glaring gender disparities in Africa must be overcome, Migiro says
While many African countries have experienced economic growth in recent years, glaring gender disparities remain in the areas of health, higher education, employment and empowerment, Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro told an international meeting in Addis Ababa...
> News story
> Sixth African Development Forum (ADF VI)
UNECA, 21 November 2008

Combating Violence against Women in the Arab region
It is imperative to double the efforts to combat violence against women in the Arab region, said Bader Omar AlDafa, Executive Secretary of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) at a conference in Doha...
UN-ESCWA, 20 November 2008

Women as emerging stakeholders in Poznan climate change negotiations
UNDP and the Global Gender and Climate Alliance, in partnership with the Permanent Mission of Finland to the United Nations and Heinrich Böll Foundation North America, commenced the first global effort to ensure that climate change funds target women and men equitably.
UNDP, 20 November 2008

Actor and advocate Charlize Theron named UN Messenger of Peace
The Academy Award-winning actor and activist Charlize Theron has been designated by Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon as a United Nations Messenger of Peace, tasked with promoting efforts to end violence against women.
UN News Centre, 14 November 2008

Protecting girls and women from sexual violence in post-war Liberia
Despite positive strides towards a restored society, sexual violence against women and children remains a central reality of life in Liberia. To help young girls and women reclaim their lives, UNICEF supports a safe-house programme that provides food, medicine and counselling.
UNICEF, 14 November 2008

Culturally sensitive approaches critical to women’s development – UNFPA report
Development strategies should be more culturally sensitive for the promotion of human rights, especially women’s rights, to succeed, the new UNFPA annual report finds, warning that otherwise many projects in poor countries are likely to fail.
UNFPA, 12 November 2008
> Press release
> The State of World Population 2008

Upcoming Events
CEDAW: 43rd Session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
UN HQ, Geneva, 19 January - 6 February 2009

53rd Session of the Commission on the Status of Women
UN Headquarters, New York, 2 - 13 March 2009
Priority theme: “The equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men, including caregiving in the context of HIV/AIDS”

Recent Events
Follow-up International Conference on Financing for Development to Review the Implementation of the Monterrey Consensus
Doha, Qatar, 29 November - 2 December 2008

World AIDS Day
Worldwide, 1 December 2008

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
Worldwide, 25 November 2008

"15 Years of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women, its Causes and Consequences [1994-2009]"
A high level event with representatives from the United Nations, Member States and Civil Society

UNHQ, New York, USA, 25 November 2008

Open Debate of the Security Council on Women, Peace and Security: "Women’s equal participation and full involvement in all efforts for the maintenance and promotion of peace and security" (29 October 2008)

CEDAW: 42nd Session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women
UN HQ, Geneva, 20 October - 7 November 2008

International Women's Day
08 March 2008; UN Commemoration on 06 March
Theme for 2008: "Investing in Women and Girls"

WomenWatch is an Initiative of the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality (IANWGE)
Website: http://www.un.org/womenwatch/
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