Current Exhibitions

BIG! Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the National Archives
To celebrate a big anniversary—our 75th—the National Archives presents this exhibition featuring big records, big events, and big ideas. A special highlight of the exhibition is the first printing of the Declaration of Independence, produced on the night of July 4-5, 1776—one of the greatest treasures in the holdings. "BIG!" opens in the Lawrence F. O'Brien gallery on March 13, 2009 and runs through January 3, 2010.

About the Foundation

The Foundation is directed by men and women from the private sector who are dedicated to the institution that holds and preserves the records of the United States of America.

News & Events

March 4

The Great Comeback: How Abraham Lincoln Beat the Odds to Win the 1860 Republican Nomination

Death or Liberty: African Americans and Revolutionary America

In The Great Comeback, Gary Ecelbarger describes the journey of Abraham Lincoln from the last weeks of 1858 until the end of May in 1860, on the road to his unlikely Republican Presidential nomination. A book signing will follow the program.

March 5

Big Strides, Diverse Paths: Womens Journeys to Political Leadership

Eleanor Clift

The influence of women has redefined the nature of politics, but how did they get there and what are the stories of their political journeys? Join moderator Eleanor Clift, as she moderates a panel of women who have come from a variety of backgrounds, represent different levels of political activity, and have played leadership roles in politics.

Rotunda late opening The Rotunda and the National Archives Experience in Washington, DC, will be closed to the public on Thursday, March 12th until 1:00 p.m.

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McGowan Theater

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