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ST-100 National Science & Technology Director's Office
ST-102 Cartographic Applications - Designs and provides a variety of mapping products and services that are used by BLM offices to manage the land and by the general public for business and recreational pursuits.
ST-110 Architecture & Engineering Services - Provides a wide variety of building engineering and site engineering services for Bureau of Land Management State, District and Field Offices.
ST-111 Branch of Building Engineering Services - Accessibility, Architectural Design, Electrical, Mechanical & Structural Engineering, Seismic Safety in Federal Buildings
ST-112 Branch of Site Engineering Services - Civil and Environmental Engineering, Bridge Inspection & Design, Dam Safety, Landscape Architecture, Construction Guide Specifications, ValueEngineering, A/E Contract Services
ST-130 Science Integration Division - Facilitates the distribution of relevant information, tools, and expertise to meet the BLM's professional needs at reduced cost. Maintains links for two-way communications between those with timely information on natural, cultural, socioeconomic, and legal issues and BLM end users. Provides the expertise necessary to recognize, compile, analyze, interpret, formulate, and disseminate information, science, and technology for resolving environmental and operational concerns and assisting in effective resource management.
ST-131 Branch of Science Investigations - Investigate scientific issues and develop synthesized summaries of science-related research
ST - 134 Branch of Resource Technology - Responsible for assisting customers in the use and application of geospatial sciences, facilitating accomplishments cooperatively, and consulting on the best approach and collection method to address decision needs.
ST-135 Branch of Publishing Services - Packages information for technical and general audiences. Products include reports, brochures, pamphlets, posters, and displays for communicating information and technology and promoting awareness
ST-136 Branch of Library Services
ST-170 Science Applications Division - Provides specialists available to field offices for consultation and technical assistance, provide scientists available to collaborate with other agencies for the integrated development of methods and applications, and provides experts available to the BLM Washington Office for the development of technical guidance and suport of data management.
ST-180 Environmental Compliance Division - Supports the BLM in its compliance with environmental regulations concerning air resources, water quality, and contaminated public lands, and also assists with the cleanup and restoration of contaminated lands
NSTC Products and Services

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