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This video shows you how to use iMovie to edit and upload your videos to Vimeo.

Click download to watch a larger version.

See how to do it on Windows here:

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  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    Wow! What a great tutorial!
  • CTD3 2 years ago
    No lie , well done Props yo!
    Great learned some new tricks thanks Dalas
  • dj paine plus 2 years ago
    yay! great idea.
  • Jonathan Marcus plus 2 years ago
    Really nicely done. Helpful.
  • Paul McClintock 2 years ago
    This is a good idea. Hope you do more of them.

    It should be worth noting however, that unless you've got a super duper fast computer, it's not likely to export to H.264 that fast. H.264 takes A LONG TIME to encode.

    For me anyway.
  • Ben Millett plus 2 years ago
    I have just used the "CD-ROM" export setting under the Quicktime tab. It's good enough for vimeo.
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    Yeah, I couldn't show things in real time. It would be a little too boring.

    Although Windows Movie Maker had a lousy interface, it was surprisingly fast. Everything in that video is real time.
  • Amanda 2 years ago
    Is this account going to be kind of like the video FAQ we (I)'ve wanted for so long? If so, woohoo!
  • Vimeo Staff staff 2 years ago
    Yes, video tutorials and staff vidblogs.
  • PEIKA plus 2 years ago
    i need a mac!
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    everyone does.
  • PEIKA plus 2 years ago
    oh i will! i will my friend.....
  • Pirata718 2 years ago
    yeah if it werent for macs being so easy to do everything i dont even think i would have ventured into a vimeo account to begin with; i have zero education on film making or sound or anything like that.
  • Pirata718, I will make your word my own! ;)
  • Thommy Browne plus 2 years ago
    Very helpful Dalas, great job. I really like how you chose to take advantage of the "zoom" function in Tiger.
  • Perez 2 years ago
    good idea.

    ....and WOW! iMovie is MUCH better than windows movie maker
  • Ben Millett plus 2 years ago
    To get the clips in from iPhoto, you can also go to "Media," click Photos, and then scroll through and select the movies you want (very helpful if you have a smart playlist with only movies in it).
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    Yes, that also works. Thanks for letting people know about that option.
  • Jenna Fox 11 months ago
    This is a new feature in leopard I believe. I use it a lot with my little h264 video camera!
  • dj paine plus 2 years ago
    question dallas: what programme are u using for screen capturing?
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    Who is dallas? I use Snapz Pro X.
  • d 2 years ago
    very helpful.
  • tarbox7 2 years ago
    Que Pasa!
  • Rachael 2 years ago
    Super helpful - thanks!!! I was missing the vital "export" step (duh)
  • Jaqui Paige 2 years ago
    Awesome, thanks. I didn't realise that I had to export it. Merci beaucoup!
  • Ian Lucero plus 2 years ago
    This was really helpful dalas. even though i use fcp, for some reason imovie i honestly can't figure out imovie. hahhah! I get messed up everytime but your tutorial made it all clear.

    I'm gonna steal your mail.
  • GermanNuestro 2 years ago
    i finally watched this tutorial. i didn't know i needed to watch this so bad. thank you thank you thank you. you deserve millions. millions!
  • codesarah 2 years ago
    Ahhhhh!! Just what I need! Thanks so much Dalas!!!! You are so cool!!
  • nshack 2 years ago
    This was very well done. Even after using iMovie for years, it's great to see how someone else gets the job done another way. I had never known what to set the key frame to and the bits/sec was also always a mystery. Very cool.
  • Jill Lasky 2 years ago
    Very well done, kudos 2 u!
  • Janiebee 2 years ago
    Thanks, very helpful!
  • Francis 2 years ago
    Sweet! Thanks Dalas!
  • Tom K 2 years ago
    Whoa! I never knew iMovie could trim. Yay @ FCP* :)

    *Final Cut Pro
  • Elemeno Pee 2 years ago
    Very useful, mostly because of the compression advice.
  • Alex 2 years ago
    You're going to have to upgrade this with the new fancy iMovie 08!
  • Davey 2 years ago
    i thin this may sound silly...but do you need a mac to run imovie ir does a pc run it too. PLease be gentle with me , im somewhat of a technophobe....but im trying people
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    It's Mac-Only.
  • Davey 2 years ago
    oh okay thanks dalas
  • thphoto 1 year ago
    Hey anyone have a compression setting other than Dalas' suggestion they like/love? (thanks for the tutorial Dalas). I think I need to get a "real" video camera to improve the quality of my clips (using a canon powershot)

    Oh when exporting my option under file is "share" not "export". Don't know if I am using an old version.
  • Gorka Egia 1 year ago
    How can I upload an imovie?
  • Alan Fred Pipes 1 year ago
  • Now I got it! Thank's a lot!
  • John Harney 1 year ago
    Excellent video tutorial, thank you Dalas.
  • hdunce 1 year ago
    Thank you so much! All I needed to know was how to use the selector (from 3:15sec to 4:05)!
  • Videos by Kerry 1 year ago
    Hey, great tutorial. Can you guys make an updated version for the new iMovie? It's pretty different from the HD version. They pretty much rebuilt the entire thing from scratch.
  • Kathan Parekh 1 year ago
    Really helpful tutorial. I wonder if iMovie will run okay on my MacBook.
  • Atom Gilreath 1 year ago
    that was awesome.. i loved the getting mail video..
  • Arda Kilavuz 1 year ago
    I would like to see a tutorial for iMovieĀ“08. Thanks.
  • MisaGarcia 1 year ago
    iMovie '08 is even more simple. but it is different! Thanks for the tutorial.
  • Ted plus 1 year ago
    I All Ready Knew all of that, and also, this video is obsolete. Not Every Thing In This Video Still accurate with iMovie.
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    Some people might not Know All Of That, and lots of people still use this earlier version of iMovie, but thanks for your thoughts.
  • Ted plus 1 year ago
    no problem.

    still, good job on the video.
  • Ted plus 1 year ago
    also, could you please check out some of my HD Videos and tell me if they are "HD Channel" material?
  • Klondike Kid 11 months ago
    I have a friend who wants to use his iSight cam and iMovie HD to create some banjo pickin' video clips of himself. I was planning on tutoring him this evening via iChat on how to do that. This will be a GREAT reference for him when he forgets everything I teach him. ;-) Good job.
  • Shonan Kuma 11 months ago
    Hmm maybe you should make a new one for the new version of iMovie
  • dalas verdugo staff 11 months ago
    Would that I could. I still don't have Leopard.
  • SteveM(KOP) 10 months ago
    Thank you, I was wondering why my first upload looked awful...I went back and followed these instructions exactly, and now it looks great (I use iMovie 5).
  • Ash Wildman 7 months ago
    good tutorial.
  • mike pulcinella 7 months ago
  • OnLineJones 7 months ago
    Excellent tutorial. It teaches the basics simply, especially regarding the Mac OSX filing system, but at the same time it taught me a couple of things.

    You could do a new tutorial for the latest iMovie as it is very different. However keep this one up as iMovie 6 is better than iMovie 7 and I'd always advise against "upgrading".
  • DENNIS KENDAL HALL 6 months ago
    Very clear and succinct. Thank you DKH
  • Ronen Isaac 5 months ago
    Haven't played with iMovie yet but after this I think I should be alright. Thanks!
  • Aaron Tracy 5 months ago
    thnx for this :-) "i think i'll go check my mail" what if your mailbox was empty?
  • McTAR rally & race 4 months ago
    Super tutorial! However, I can not succeed in uploading a 16:9 movie. Exporting to Quicktime works out well (movie on my desktop shows widescreen), but after uploading it shows up as a cropped 4:3 movie. (Take a look at the 3 uploaded movies at my profilpage). Could you please add some tips to make the right export for widescreen vimeo's? Thanks and regards! Frank.
  • kosci1983 3 months ago
  • Oom 2 months ago
    the problem is i have the leopard version...
  • Rutger 1 month ago
    My god, this was just absolutly helpful! Thank you very much Mr Dallas!
    Although I still will just experiment with those different options, it was just the thing I was looking for!
    And also great option you've got ey in Tiger, I use Leopard, but I guess they're both great!
  • Jason Brown 26 days ago
    Hey Dalas.
    Awesome. Thanks for the export advice from Imovie I tried it your way and got much better results.

    Jason Brown
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