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Topics A-Z > Adolescent Pregnancy

Adolescent Pregnancy
bullet Healthy Teen Network:
  Eating Well During Pregnancy for You and Your Baby [PDF]
  Unique Needs of Children Born to Teen Parents
bullet University of Minnesota:
  Connecting with the Pregnant Adolescent
  Nutrition and the Pregnant Adolescent Practical Reference Guide
bullet Adolescent Pregnancy [PDF - 92 pages] - World Health Organization
bullet Delivering Culturally Effective Health Care to Adolescents [PDF - 117 pages] - American Medical Association.
bullet Especially for Teens: Having a Baby - American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.
bullet Repeat Teen Chlidbearing: Differences Across States and by Race and Ethnicity [PDF] - Child Trends.
bullet Teen Parents: Nutrition Curriculum for Pregnant and Parenting Teens - University of Missouri Extension
bullet Teen Pregnancy - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
bullet Teenage Pregnancy - March of Dimes.
bullet Teen Pregnancy Requires Good Nutrition - American Dietetic Association.

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