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  • Daniel Hayek staff 2 days ago
    Some users are experiencing difficulties with videos not
    showing up after uploading or freezing on certain percentages during the upload process. If you are having any of these problems, please post exactly what you are experiencing and a link to any videos in question.

    1. First make sure you can view videos on Vimeo. If you can't, update flash or your browser. To check what version of Flash you currently have click the following link,
    2. Make sure you have reviewed the recommended setting here:
    3. Take a deep breath
    4. Try out the basic uploader:
    5. If it still doesn't work, try our simple uploader here: (HD will not work with this one)
    6. Try not to have too much going on in other tabs or browsers as long files tend to get hung up if there is too much other activity.
    7. Please turn off any virus protection or ad block, or energy saving settings!!
    8. If, when uploading, the progress bar jumps to 99% or 100% right away, or freezes on certain percentages, try the basic uploader above and make sure the file name doesn't have any spaces or symbols in it.
    9. If your video gets stuck in the 'Holding Pattern' please be patient, it means it failed to convert once and we will try again, it may just take a while. If you need the video to be converted immediately, please delete that video and try uploading again.
  • lou muenz 1 day ago
    i never had a problem w/my first 16 videos i uploaded to vimeo until this weekend when i uploaded a few videos and noticed they played fine but there was no audio.
    after the first occurance of this i deleted the video and reuploaded the same video, after a couple retries i finally had success with the process and the audio was fine.
    [ ]
    today i uploaded this video and i continue to get video with no audio.
    these files were uploaded to YT and i had no problem and i never changed the settings on my video editor since i've been uploading here.
    that second example may just be a glich but i've only had success once [ ] in my last six attempts and it has been the missing audio problem.

    thank you
    [PC/firefox/dual core p8600]
  • Sander Groen 18 hours ago
    I'm having some frustrating troubles. Uploaded this video - - four times now. First time the upload and conversion seemed to go fine, but the video never showed up. Second time the upload screen froze and the progression bar wasn't working (waited a long time before I concluded that really nothing happened). Third time upload and conversion went well and the video did show up, but the image froze at 1:43. The fourth time again upload and conversion went well, the video showed up AND played well - that is, right after conversion the whole video played, but now, the next day, it freezes at 5:23.

    As far as I can tell, there's no problem with the source file. I used the compression settings suggested by Vimeo, and I compressed the file anew after the first two failures, just to make sure it wasn't the source file that was the problem. It plays back fine on my Mac - and at one time, it also did on Vimeo. I tried uploading from both Safari and Firefox. Don't know what to do anymore; I can try again of course, but that doesn't solve anything if the problem is not with me but with Vimeo, as it seems.

    Any assistance would be appreciated. Thanks.

    P.S. One last thing: because of these troubles, I don't have enough upload allowance left. Any chance you could correct this?
  • Daniel Hayek staff 2 days ago
    If we didn't answer your question before, please post it here.
  • Ed Sackett 2 days ago
    I uploaded an HD video around 10:30 this morning and it has yet to show up on the site. It appeared to upload without any problems but it has not shown up.

  • Daniel Hayek staff 2 days ago
    Hi Ed,
    Unfortunately you'll have to reupload, before doing so please review our suggested settings here,
  • godonholiday plus 2 days ago
    Was wondering if this video could be looked at, not sure why it failed? Thanks
  • Andrea Allen staff 2 days ago
    Can you give me any specifics about the video? Did you do anything differently with this one?
  • Sebastien Rivest plus 2 days ago
    Hello here's the 2 video that the SD version is really out of sync and really bad..
    The HD version on vimeo is not bad.. not as good as the wmv that i've uploaded, but anyway...
    When I embed the hd version on my website, the quality is very bad too can you help me please!!


  • Daniel Hayek staff 2 days ago
    We are working on this problem. When we have a solution we will let everyone know.
  • Sebastien Rivest plus 1 day ago
    Still does not work even after you tried to recompress it by yourself!!!
    The SD version is still out of sync

  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    We are trying to figure this out.
  • CWRL plus 2 days ago
    I'm having problem #8, but with re-uploading a file that I had previously uploaded. I would prefer to not delete the file and start again, but I don't know how else to get around this issue.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Try the replace feature. Go to your settings on your video page, under the video file tab choose the replace feature.
  • CWRL plus 1 day ago
    I was having the problem at the "replace" page, but it seems to have been solved by switching from Safari to Firefox for the upload
  • rob tiffin 2 days ago
    i have uploaded a video twice. both times it never starts to convert. ive been stuck on a one minute wait for conversion for a couple of hours.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Any luck rob?
  • rob tiffin 1 day ago
    Yes Daniel. I guess the conversion time estimate was off. All is well. Thanks!
  • Michelle Mashraqi 2 days ago
    The video I uploaded has been waiting for one minute for conversion for a few hours.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Looks like it's working now, sorry about the wait.
  • Jed Findlay 2 days ago
    I have also been waiting for the video to convert for one minute... for a few hours.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    It works!
  • Rosa Park plus 2 days ago
    I tried uploading the same video twice (then it was just stuck at finishing... for hours) so I closed and started uploading again, and now it just goes to the failed page
    i didn't do anything different. same compression settings as other vids, and nothing new... any ideas why this is happening?
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Hi Rosa,
    Please upgrade your Flash version first and review our compression settings detailed here,
  • Bader Aweidah 2 days ago
    Hi How are you ?

    I upload a video but its only 1:46 .

    when its work its to slow ???? why
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    link please?
  • ibi 2 days ago
    I have been trying for two times to upload a video and the two times i have failed. I don´t know the reason why this is happening i have been uploading videos other times with the same procedure and i didn´t have any problem.....
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Can you upgrade to Internet Explorer 7 or try to upload via Firefox?
  • Le Main Event 2 days ago
    Well just uploaded an HD video (around 200MB), went through the finishing process....went to the video and got the message that the video had an issue and couldn't be uploaded.

    Resolution was 1280X720 in Divx format (uploaded one last week with no issue). An average bitrate of 5000 kpbs with 320 mp3 sound.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Please review these settings,
  • thelastdisciple 2 days ago
    Yeah I've noticed the uploading completely freezing, my first video went through alright but i tried a second one and it froze both times once at 50% and the second at 60%...close but no cigar. I'll try again later tonight when traffic dies down a bit hopefully.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    any luck?
  • Half Our Deen plus 2 days ago
    I have tried uploading numerous times (from both PC and Mac) and have been unsuccessful. I updated my flash player, tried both normal uploading and even trying the basic uploading page....nothing works. It just freezes after a few megabytes has been uploaded. I have tried on both IE and Firefox...nothing. It quite frustrating and I even have the Vimeo Plus. The compression is the same (used the one from - actually used the droplet he provides).

    Please help!
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    That is frustrating. Are you running any other programs, firewalls, virus protection simultaneously? How large is the file you are uploading?
  • Half Our Deen plus 1 day ago
    The file I'm uploading is about 193MB. I even had a friend try it on his computer (different location) and he couldn't upload either (freezing after a random point). Can you give it a try? (just to prove to me that I'm not crazy) I wonder if there is something up with my account because I never had problems before I went to Vimeo Plus. Here is the file:
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Sorry but I can't upload files for you. Maybe try converting to another codec?
  • Rosa Park plus 2 days ago
    ok, so i wasn't the only one having trouble uploading!
  • Jodifur 2 days ago
    I have three videos that have been converting for 5 hours and now say that they will be converted in one minutes for the past 90 minutes.

    here are the 3 videos
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Looks like they're working, sorry about the wait, we had a huge number of uploads yesterday.
  • teamfresh 2 days ago
    uploaded this video and it has been saying it will convert in one minute for over an hour?
  • teamfresh 2 days ago
    now converted. I guess the time estimated is just way way way off the mark!
  • Perez 2 days ago
    Upload usually stops at 2%. Now I´ve done it, but audio is out of sync and flash conversion is not good.

    where´s the old vimeo? the vimeo I knew?? Is vimeo only good for 'plus' users now?
  • Perez 2 days ago
    Update: video deleted.
  • L.C. 2 days ago
    uploaded a video, and the audio is all skippy and jumpy. in the original .mov file, the audio is fine....also tried the vid on 3 seperate browsers..all have the same issue...whats going on?
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    link please
  • aliya pabani 2 days ago
    Hi Daniel, (can't find my original post)

    you replied:

    Hi Aliya,

    Have you tried uploading from IE or the basic uploader?

    Problem is, I'm downloading from a mac, and only have access to mac (im in Japan), so no explorer. I have tried the basic uploader, with the same result. However, I neglected to mention that there was one time (out of maybe, 20) that the download did complete, but then when I tried to play the video, it appeared as a black screen.

    any further help you could give would be appreciated.


  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    What about uploading from Safari?
  • aliya pabani 23 hours ago
    same problem...
  • Peter Morse 2 days ago
    I've posted the same video in HD (960x540, .m4v, ~130MB)) 3 times and it has frozen at 99% everytime. I've just successfully posted it at 640x360 (runtime is 3.39, filesize ~43 MB).

    Of interest is that the tags I submitted indicate that 3-4 videos with certain tags exists (eg. CAML), whereas there is only 1 video - the new version I've uploaded and awaiting processing) - does this mean the 'failed' versions are still residing as incomplete files on vimeos servers somewhere? Or are the tags registered in a datbase that points to failed uploads?
    Very frustrating.
    I have previously managed to upload HD video, but never this one!
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Hi Peter,

    Can you try to upload from Firefox? Also your video needs to be at least 1280 pixels wide to get HD treatment on Vimeo.
  • Jeremy Goh 2 days ago
    I uploaded a normal AVI video.

    5 Days from now, and still not working.
    It just says that it is uploading .. ??

    Thats pretty long .
    How am I going to submit the video to my school on time?
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Something is wrong with your Flash version please upgrade it and upgrade to Explorer 7. Then try a reupload.
  • Selim Yoruk plus 2 days ago is really out of sync. I tried to reconvert & re-upload several times but did not work.

    What we can do about it?
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Working on it, you'll receive an email when it's ready.
  • Selim Yoruk plus 21 hours ago
    Still no improvements. Please solve this. If the problem is going on, i want to cancel my plus membership. No way i can use vimeo like this!
  • Daniel Hayek staff 9 hours ago
    Sorry to hear that, please see here,
  • Alek 2 days ago
    Hi, I try to upload video, the load bar arrive at 98/99% in a few seconds and does'nt finish upload. Wath's the problem?
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Hi Alek, upgrade both your Firefox and Flash to the latest versions, then try a reupload.
  • Alek 1 day ago
    I check it and I have all latest versions....
  • Daniel Hayek staff 10 hours ago
    I don't think you do, to check your flash version click here,
  • Alek 7 hours ago
    I have firefox 3.0.6 and flash player 10,0,22,87, isn't the last? to me it seems yes.
  • Grant 2 days ago

    Several problems:

    1) The last second, or even half second, is shaved off the video after upload... I am a musician and I keep the original video pretty 'tight' to save bandwidth / space etc. But after uploading, the last half second is missing from the video, giving a very strange ending to my musical piece!

    2) I have uploaded the same video now a couple of times, and once uploaded (sometimes it got stuck with the word 'finishing') it stopped playing at exactly 03:00, with blocks of pink colour. Now, the newly uploaded version freezes with 5 seconds to go, again with a pink blocks on the screen.

    The original video is a wmv file, and the codec information is as below (I hope the formatting works out OK).

    FILE_NAME 01 - MSR - LAK.wmv
    FILE_SIZE 84,247,613
    VIDEO_CODEC_NAME WMP v9 (VC-1 Simple/Main)
    VIDEO_CODEC_STATUS Codec Status Undetermined
    VIDEO_DURATION 5:31.441
    VIDEO_SAR 1.250
    VIDEO_SIZE_X 720
    VIDEO_SIZE_Y 576
    AUDIO_CODEC 0x0161 (WMA v2)
    AUDIO_CODEC_STATUS Codec Status Undetermined
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Link please and upgrade your Flash.
  • Grant 1 day ago
    Admittedly, I've been deleting and retrying. But I now I just got a new message "UPLOAD FAILED... Please try uploading again". :-o

    Flash upgraded.
  • ForTheCauseBMX 2 days ago
    Ok this is weird. I've never encountered this before but. I uploaded my video fine. Converted fine. But when I go to play the video it stays at a black screen and plays scrambled audio and plays the video really fast. Like it jumps from 0 to however much has loaded in a second.

    What's up with it?
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Working on it, you'll get an email when it's ready.
  • lance lipinsky 2 days ago
    Was wondering if someone could give me some simple advice

    I am editing in sony vegas 8 and my project is 720 x 480 widescreen... before I render it and stuff I wanted to know if anyone here could give me some advice on the best settings to upload... like what format and all that jazz... I did a test with "keep original size" wmv 9 and it looked pretty darn clear but im wondering is there anyway possible to get it to the original look or close to... thanks
  • Grant 2 days ago
    Hi Lance,

    Could I politely suggest you try the "Technical Help" forum where you can "Ask questions about making videos and watch tutorials."

    Good luck!
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Good suggestion, thanks gmc.
  • vuite the cat 2 days ago
    Hi, i ve sent a message last week. Uploading works a few minutes or a few seconds and after it stops. I've updated flash player, firefox, tried all the basics uploaders, nothing happens, and my connection is steady. All my settings are the same.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Is your internet connection stable? Are you running a lot of other programs while trying to upload? Sorry I know this is frustrating but there are lot of factors we need to rule out to be able to help you.

    Have you tried uploading from Safari?
  • This comment has been deleted.

  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    link please?
  • Edwin Mendez 2 days ago
    Hello all, I try uploading my videos but I preview went too fast as if it was doing "fast forward" Any way to fix this?
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    link please?
  • Edwin Mendez 1 day ago
    already did a reupload so it's fine now and it's also password protected so if I came to these again I will post the link
  • Edwin Mendez 1 day ago
    ok this happens again and it pause in there too.
  • Eloi Collective 2 days ago
    uploaded video using proper specs, but no sound. replaced it, tried it again, still no go. what's up?
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Link please?
  • Eloi Collective 1 day ago
    whoops, sorry:
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Thanks, I'm running it through the magic machine again, you'll get an email when it's done.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Update, it's working now.
  • Eloi Collective 1 day ago
    awesome! thanks daniel.
  • IAVIDEO plus 1 day ago
    hey again vimeo- I uploaded a video yesterday morning/afternoon, it uploaded completely but must have failed to convert as it has been 'finishing' since yesterday evening. any help is appreciated as always.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    see below my comment below.
  • This comment has been deleted.

  • IAVIDEO plus 1 day ago
    it looks like this is the first time you are bringing it to these guys' attention. Sometimes the automated process fails and these are the folks that can manually go and re encode it, so you are better off being nice to them.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    It's true being nice to humans will make them want to help you.

    @IAVIDEO I tried making some adjustments but it didn't work, sorry but you'll have to reupload.
  • IAVIDEO plus 1 day ago
    rats- thanks for trying. is safari really any better than firefox- should i download explorer? unlikely as it may be-- the upload didnt hang up until it was done- i would try it if you think it would help. let me know if you have any other ideas about what about the video caused the fatal error. i would like to incorporate them into my uploading process- I am on satelite and risk losing service if i upload too much and violate some fair share policy they have, so keeping my reuploads to a minimum is even more in my best interest than it used to be on more robust ISPs. thanks again- and did i mention your hair looks really good today?
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Safari isn't necessarily better, for whatever reason trying different browsers sometimes helps with uploading issues. Also you need to upgrade your version of Flash, this helps with many issues.

    I must be having a good hair day ;)
  • jason 1 day ago
    please take a look at this video. it was uploaded last night...played fine. stopped working today, so i reuploaded it. it loads fine, but does not PLAY.
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Upgrade your Flash version.
  • This comment has been deleted.

  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Please post your question in the technical help forum. Thanks.
  • Repier 1 day ago
    hello, i'm filming with a sony hd camera and editing with adobe premiere pro 2.0.
    but i can't upload a video with high qulity and 16:9 size. vimeo always convert 16:9 to 4:3.

    i tried many times and many different compressions but it's never as i want.

    is there a solution please ? thanks a lot if you can help me
  • Daniel Hayek staff 1 day ago
    Please post your question in the technical help forum. Thanks.
  • 1 day ago
    Hi, I'm having problems with upload a HD video.
    Whatever format I upload in at 1280x720 it will reach 100% then say "Finishing" then do nothing, no matter how long it's left. I've mainly tried 3ivX (as .avi) with various settings (which work in 640x370), but also divx (as .avi) & MPEG2. I've tried with sound & without. I've tried the basic uploader it and gets to 99% saying not long left then stops. I'm using Firefox3 and have also tried IE7.
    Any ideas? Thanks,
  • Andrea Allen staff 14 hours ago
    Have you read over our guide for compression?

    Try a small, 15 second test clip and see if that makes it through.
  • 11 hours ago
    Yeah I read that, I don't think my software can do H.264 above 640x480, and I don't have an AAC codec for AVI. I've been using MPEG layer2 audio, stereo, 44.1KHz, 128kb, which has worked fine on standard definition.
    Most of my test clips have been less than 20 seconds.
  • Jon Todd Collins 1 day ago
    i've had great success with uploading hd and sd videos in the past. but now, the upload moves at a very slow pace. The video I'm uploading now is a 300MB HD file and it says that the upload time is 25 hours. I have left it alone because I need the file uploaded. It still says that it's going to take 2 hours even though it's at 14 percent. It's been uploading now for 5 hours.

    The upload use to move at around 1MB per minute or so. now, 1MB of upload takes around 10 mintues.

    Nothing has changed with my internet connection and i believe my flash is current. I've followed the recommend upload instructions (and like i've said, had great sucess in the past). I've tried Safari and Firefox and received the same result.
  • Jon Todd Collins 1 day ago
    sorry: mistake above. "I have left it alone because I need the upload. It still says that it's going to take 25 hours even though it's at 14 percent." The upload time has not changed even though the percent has increased (but extremely slowly)
  • Andrea Allen staff 14 hours ago
    Hi Jon,
    Be sure to update your flash player to flash 10. I think that will help cut down that time.
  • EG plus 1 day ago
    I uploaded a video. The audio plays fine but the video is too fast.
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