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Watch this video for a brief explanation of how the Privacy Features work on Vimeo.
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  • Ben 2 years ago
    What did you use to record this?, I've been looking for a screen capture app.
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    I used iShowU, but it seems to be causing some weird audio sync issues. Nothing too noticeable. I think I like it better than Snapz Pro.
  • Ben 2 years ago
    yeah i tried it once It looks good here and it's cheaper than snapz.
  • Pam Newman 2 years ago
    it's nice that you let the people know that you will be helping them, and not a room of sweat-shop kids who have never seen vimeo.
  • Andrea Allen staff 2 years ago
    I don't get it.
  • DrPiranha 2 years ago
    I knew there would be at least one.
  • DrPiranha 2 years ago
    Very informative! Bravo!
  • themarkpike 2 years ago
    If you set a vimeo to private, is it still publicly searchable... just not viewable?
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    It shouldn't be. Let me know if a private video shows up somewhere it shouldn't show up (like anywhere if you are not authorized to see it).
  • Jonathan Marcus plus 2 years ago
    Nice work! We need to add a "How To" module to the home page, similar to Vimeo Obsessions. Weve discussed it, but we have yet to implement it. Realize there is a help link - we need to merchandise the videos better.
  • Steve Holt 2 years ago
    Good information clearly explained. Thanks.
  • ßlϋeωãvε 2 years ago
    Note to IE users: you may not see the privacy options (Java bug?). Try using another browser like Firefox or Opera.
  • Cheeky TMS 2 years ago
    Hi Dalas,

    I may be being completely dense, but on my video pages the box which allows me to change the video settings from public to private to share with contacts has disappeared. Can you help?

    Edit - I just saw the post above this one - doh! I'll try using another browser although I can't from my work computer. Anyway you can fix the bug for IE?
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    We're working on it.
  • St Anger 2 years ago
    lol for a sec i thought that said 'PIRACY'
  • cayoyina 2 years ago
    I can't believe people actually hit the LIKE button on this video! haha I mean, it's really helpful, but dude!

    Thanks for the info Dalas.
  • Amenon plus 2 years ago
    I set my first video privacy level to "Just Me". But when I log in to Vimeo from another PC and try to watch the clip, Vimeo pops up a message saying "This clip is private" and does not show me the video. Grrr.

    Tried logging out and logging in again but no joy.

    Tried changing to "Just My Contacts" but Vimeo *still* won't let me see my own clip... ;-(

    Tried changin the setting to "Public" - then I can watch my own clip - but that kind of defeats the purpose.

    It looks like Vimeo recognises me for changing the security settings on my clip, but the logic does not let me *watch* my own clip.

    I'm using Firefox 2.0 on Windows XP. Cookies are enabled. Any ideas?
  • Amenon plus 2 years ago
    Another update: I got home again, opened up Vimeo from my PC at home and bingo - I can see my own clip.
    I can even see it after clearing all cookies and logging in again. Hmmmm..... Curiouser and curiouser...
  • dalas verdugo staff 2 years ago
    I think it would have to be reproducible across multiple computers for the guys to be able to figure it out.
  • Amenon plus 2 years ago
    Hi Dalas - thank you for your comment, which of course I agree with. I tried to reproduce the problem at work but have all kinds of Java and Firewall issues there which stop me doing so. If nobody else has any trouble accessing their own videos from PCs other than their "usual" home PC then I'll guess it's just something local. Thanks in advance to anyone who can give any helpful hints.
  • Lori 2 years ago

    I want Everyone to be able to see my videos (because I'm linking them from my blog), but I DON'T want others to be able to get the source code, share, etc. IOW, I want the only option at the end of the video to be "Play Again". Is there a way to specify this?
  • jspr plus 1 year ago
    When I set a video to private, and save the settings, the video will remain private.

    What's wrong?

  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    As a temporary solution, try using Firefox.
  • jspr plus 1 year ago
    I used Camino instead and that worked for me. Thanx!
  • eyebo 1 year ago
    When a video is Password Protected, is it still available to all your contacts even if they don't have the password?
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    No, it can only be one or the other. Choose wisely!
  • eyebo 1 year ago
    Thanks for the reply. :) That'll work fine.
  • shirson 1 year ago
    Is there any way to prevent others from embedding tghe video. I am helping a physician with some teaching videos, but for obvious reasons he does not want the videos of patients to be embedded in other sites. YouTube has this feature but in a crappy setting. Is there any hope for this through Vimeo?
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    Use a privacy setting.
  • Jeffers 1 year ago
    My vids are showing private...Do I have to unlock them all manually??

  • dalas verdugo staff 11 months ago
    Yeah, sorry, there's no way to do it by batches currently.
  • Galen Andrew 3 months ago
    I vote for this feature too.
  • Jeffers 11 months ago
    Ok..Thanks...I didnt know If I was missing something.
  • Rex Reed 11 months ago
    I'm conducting online training, and as such, can only allow access to those who have paid to access the video. The issue is that people will be paying online, and I won't know their information in advance. However, the privacy options don't seem to work for me. The password option doesn't work since someone can post it online and defeat the security. I also can't select the people ahead of time since I won't know who will be purchasing access. Therefore, is there some sort of API or other mechanism I can use to allow people to buy access and get granted access to a video right away? Help!
  • dalas verdugo staff 10 months ago
    Vimeo is for personal, noncommercial use, so this shouldn't even be an issue.
  • John Schroter 10 months ago
    I originally posted a video as public and then had to switch it to private while approvals were going on. Now it's approved and I've switched it back to public, but it doesn't show up as a video in my profile unless I'm logged in.

    It can be accessed by everyone directly at, but I'd like it to be available to everyone from just my profile page again. Any suggestions? Thanks!
  • dalas verdugo staff 10 months ago
    I see it in your profile when I'm logged out, so you might just need to clear you cache. It appears to be working normally.
  • Free Radical Creative 8 months ago
    Please explain how a user (not the author) can access a password protected clip.
  • kruzer 8 months ago
    you have to give out the LINK (video) in the URL because it won't show up at your regular page.
  • David and Michael 8 months ago
    I'm trying to link to a video that I've designated "private" from another site that encourages Vimeo use. But it won't let me use the link, saying "Clip Not found. Either it doesn't exist, or the current user doesn't have permission." Is there a way to make this available through this website without making it public? To somehow add the website as a contact?
  • dalas verdugo staff 8 months ago
    Not currently. You could use password privacy.
  • Chintaluri Suri 6 months ago
    It may be help ful to see the Videoes of my grand daughter
  • MAJOR K 6 months ago
    when I initially set one of my two vids to "password protected", others could still see the icon, and if they clicked on it they would be prompted to enter the password. For whatever reason, they can only see my public vid now. My question: how are they supposed to enter the password, if they can't even see the private vid icon? I can still see the private vid when I log in, but to others it looks like I only have one vid uploaded.
    Please clarify
  • Jesse Morgan 6 months ago
    I am having the same issues as MAJOR K.
  • Chris Angert 6 months ago
    I have a similar question to Jesse and Major K re: password protection. I'd like to give a one-time unique search phrase and password to a large and ever-changing group (too many to hand-crank into an OK list). But videos set for password protection appear unsearchable, so how can I work around this? It's just kids soccer game videos posted for them and their families and I don't want parents freaking that their children are out on some "YouTube" or "Facebook" site for the local ne'er-do-wells to discover. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  • Ryan Brown 6 months ago
    lol my name is Ryan brown i had this video minimized and i heard my name mentioned i was OOOOOO
  • Repiemink 4 months ago

    I'm having troubles with album's privacy.

    I've put a password on an album.
    When I'm logged out I can't access this album. That's ok.
    But the video in it still remains visible from other pages.
    I mean, if I watch one of my public videos, I can see my "album protected video" on the right panel and I can unfortunately run it :/

    Now I've put a password directly on the video too but is there a way to really block access to video that are "album protected"?
  • joey atlas plus 4 months ago
    Can I set a video to 'password' private...
    and THEN embed the video on my site - and have visitors enter a password to watch on my site??

  • Rhialto 3 months ago
    Let's say I want to upload a video that will be visible to only those who visit my website, I mean I will use the Embed feature on my website... and I would not want everyone on Vimeo to see it.

    Is it possible? Will the private option do this?

  • Rob Gray 3 months ago
    I want to do exactly the same as rhialto... is there a way to do this? I saw that vimeo plus has some domain settings, but can you set it so that it is NOT visible on vimeo?
  • Rhialto 3 months ago
    Hi Rob,

    The solution is to password protect the video and only give the password on your website.

    Discussed here :
  • howardshippin 3 months ago
    According to a test I made, when I password-protect a video, people can access it with the password from Firefox, but not from Internet Explorer (7). The latter get a notice saying "You do not have permission to view this user's videos because they are all private." I tried clearing cookies in IE7, but the behavior continues.
  • Vimeo Staff staff 3 months ago
    Try clearing the cache as well, (shift + refresh)
  • mikejamesbelanger 3 months ago
    Nice, easy to understand privacy controls. But what's
    the official licensing status of what we upload? Full copyright, or something like a Creative-Commons/Copyleft license?
  • Léon Talbot 2 months ago
    when we use the password fonction, does the person i give the password must be registered to vimeo too ?
  • gm 19 days ago
    No, they don't.
  • oledoe 6 days ago
    I think the privacy settings need some tightening:

    A users RSS feed ( shows ALL information about EVERYONE of his videos (i.e. tags, descriptions, even thumbnail!), including the ones that are private.

    Also, anyone looking someones albums ( can even see albums that contain nothing but private videos, including the thumbnail of the album.

    Granted, they can't watch the videos, but they can read all the associated text, see the thumbnail and know it exists. There should be no indication at all of a private video's existence to someone who isn't allowed to see it. Please have a look at how flickr deals with this, they do it right.

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