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  • matt mckeon 2 years ago
    i love....
  • rcezar 8 months ago
    Well, I have always thought Youtube really rocked. Now using Vimeo for last than 24 hours, all I have to say is that VIMEO IS SIMPLY STUNNING. All cant belive I just found this now. Video quality is awesome hence Youtube always bring your video quality up to half its original frame rate. I am definitely in love with Vimeo. Really worth it.
  • Helen 1 year ago
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
  • P.F. Paul 1 year ago
  • Eli Friedman 1 year ago
    lol helen, your language alone tells us that you don't have the ability to fully enjoy vimeo, because you don't have the mental capacity to figure out a few simple things
  • exactly..Go back to youtube and enjoy your 56k video quality Helen
  • Michael Leung 8 months ago
    Oh burn. But yeah.
  • roxy rodriguez 7 months ago
    eww to the comments about youtube being better. i have converted. i wish i new about this site sooner!!

    on a separate note i ADORE the "replace video" option. LOVE.
  • PincheNiño 5 months ago
    Ignorance is nothing to brag about.

    Piss out.
  • Purrin Purplepawzz 1 year ago
    Non believer
  • piyushdadriwal 1 year ago
    love the whole universe
  • vickrant Mulay 1 year ago
    nice blog
  • Freddie Brown 1 year ago
    Music is the best universal language!
  • BECH 1 year ago
    Hey hey hey
  • Gianny L 1 year ago
  • anna 1 year ago
    hey guys
  • PabloMartin 1 year ago
    i gonna tell u somethin...
  • jerry 1 year ago
    wats up need a video
  • Manab Roy 8 months ago
  • Manab Roy 8 months ago
  • katina addari 1 year ago
    Hi Im new in the vimeo so Hello everybody..... Gymglish Team Happy Holydays......
  • Johnny Vasquez 1 year ago
    Happy New Year! 2008, Great web side ,now it is become part of my family
  • Bill Craven 1 year ago
    Hi people! Happy New Year! Another new site "fix" for a laptop "junkie"! Looking forward to learning more about video techniques! Thanx to the staff and members!
  • Gordon 1 year ago
    i didn't check the video but perhaps i made a wrong assumption.

    i assumed that when sharing a video, you could add a new contact by their email address and it would invite them and enable them to view a private video.

    Sure I can email them, but then i'd have to add them after they told me they were registered. painful.
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    It's one of the things we're working on.
  • damian 1 year ago
    I have no friends, please tell me you wont be my friend
  • Ray 1 year ago
    Sacramento theater nerd and musician who is getting into film. Very amateur at this point but taking classes to get better! Looking to meet new folks with common interests to learn and hang out!!
  • Hello guys, am an amateur but been doing video for some years. Am new in editing with sony vegas platinum, I am learning from this site. I have no friends and would like to befriend someone who can help me in improving my filming and editing techniques or just share our experiences together.
    By the way, I love my canon HV20, I leaned towards it after seeing videos from Eugenia, Ian and the likes. Thanks.
  • roro 1 year ago
  • andzwe 1 year ago
    You can count me in!
  • vksf 1 year ago
    the process of sharing private videos with people who are not members of vimeo is extremely painful. Very frustrating.

    the process of sharing a private video should allow adding a new contact by their email address and enable them to view a private video since I pre-approved them.

    Current process involves too many steps, slow and painful. I first need to email them, then they should register without getting any gratification of seeing my video, then they should tell me that they are registered and then AGAIN?!!! i'd have to add them as a contact. screwy painful.

    This is the most important feature for you to nail if you want the viral loop to work for you.
  • Helen Fox 11 months ago
    Hi, I am new to this too - what next? ie Helen Fox. New Zealand
    Love to hear from you?.
  • sha 1 year ago
    i'm new here.....haloo
  • sri amira 10 months ago
    new here to.........nice to meet...........halooooooooooo.........
  • Mario J Borgatti 1 year ago
    Is there life out there? If so, let's see the video.
  • Joseph Mikos 1 year ago
    everybody become my contact and watch my videos. thanks
  • chloe body 7 months ago
    what vids do you have if you have a good vid send it to my email adress plz bye
  • Pedro Urano 1 year ago
    Evoé! Hi everybody!
  • Lowell Hughes 1 year ago
    Greetings & Salutations

    Ni how, how jo bu jien.
  • Dave Baum 1 year ago
    Just joined up...I've got no mates. Help!
  • BlueMarvel 1 year ago
    Greetings from Rockland, Maine.
  • surf vision 11 months ago
    spanish surfing magazine
  • Darian Wadham 11 months ago
    Howdy from D in Texas! just another deviant designer with convincing visual ads for ya mind! um what?
  • peiqi 11 months ago
    Greetings from China!
    See what we can do with video to the conservation of wildlife.
  • Seth Margolin 11 months ago
    Tune in on random Saturday nights or Sunday mornings for, "The Saturday Night Seth Show."
  • paLLEts 11 months ago
    mmmm i don't know what to do here..
  • helena 11 months ago
    Well hellooooo, im same as the rest of you all......confusing or least we are not alone.........
  • Helen Fox 11 months ago
    Hi, I see that I am not the only new one here, what is going to happen now???
    I am very interested to see any results???
    By for now!.
  • Steve Beck 11 months ago
    Hi, I'm new here, too.
    I think I'm going to really like it here. I love the way it feels, and it's good to see hi quality video streaming so smoothly.
  • Marc.preschia 10 months ago
    Hello everybody, look to my videos of Nepal and Mexico treks. I have also a myspace site dedicated to trekking:
    I think vimeo is the video site with the best quality.
  • jmaldhe 10 months ago
    hy i'm new look the guetto in france
  • DJ Peterbilt 10 months ago
    Hello all
  • David Yorka 10 months ago
    Ru redee??
  • Anabel Colon 10 months ago
    Cool site
  • Paul Belt 10 months ago
    This is Soooooooooooo Coool ooops Im showing my age!!
  • one+one 10 months ago
  • sri amira 10 months ago
    yes......such a great pic.....
  • Audrey 10 months ago
    Hi all! ... new to this site but so far I'm liking it!
  • sri amira 10 months ago
    hi..i'm new here........such a cute baby beside you.....
  • Seriously impressed so far, and look forward to sharing some of my creative HD visual ideas with members.

    As a producer and a director/owner of an award winning music/video site, I have to congratulate the owners/developers of this awesome site ... you guys have created a fabulous site that makes use of the latest in replay technology over the Internet - fantastic!

    Kindest regards to all,
    Chris Bishop (aka Overseer)
  • Robert Miller 9 months ago
    I want to be the first to to let you know that sharing your ideas will be great! As a novice film maker who has intentions of documenting my graduate studies I will truly appreciate any ideas and wisdom you plan on sharing with us members.
    Peace be upon you always,
  • K.M. Filmz 10 months ago
  • Nila 10 months ago
    hi all ;)
  • Alejandro Garcia 10 months ago
    Hello everyone!. Very good quality video playback. I have posted a couple already.
  • Raina Martin 9 months ago
    All in due time...
  • Hector Castro 9 months ago
    Hey There Hi There Ho There
  • Eduardo Martinez 9 months ago
    Hi, This a cool restaurant in Madrid and the food is to die for....
  • Jim Greer 9 months ago
    I'm new to vimeo so you might have to bare with me.
    I fly giant scale remote control airplanes. ie 126 in. wing span, 17 hp gasoline powered engines etc, etc. for
    a hobby. So I'm always looking for new videos on extreme rc flying to get new ideas for aerobatic maneuvers.
    Vimeo looks like a good place to find them.

    Let 'em fly, I also fly rc Helicopters , Jim
  • mohamed "mo" youssouf 9 months ago
    hi everyone
    i'm a somali comedian, just starting out promoting my pilot episode online. a good friend told me abt vimeo so i uploaded a few of the sketches. have a look and let me know what u guys think pls.


    p.s. any advice on how to get more views online will help.
  • Marc DeLorenzo 9 months ago
    Greetings from Fenway Park!
  • Stephen Molyneux 9 months ago
    This world needs some saving!!!
  • crystleclear 9 months ago
    HEY EVERYBODY! EVERYONES EVERYONES! I'm new to this site but I LOVE it already!

    Check out my short film "Next Door's Next", its up for the HBO Filmmaker Award
  • Gian-Nicola Bass 9 months ago
    Hello Everyone. Just getting some exposure here with my Minolta Light Meter. Lets do some Networking. Greetings from Huaraz, Peru.
  • Justin Roubique 8 months ago
    Hi everyone.
    I just ordered a Canon HV30
    The only reason I was able to get this camera (besides good credit) is because of this site. So many of you make honest submissions. I am so happy I found this site and I can't wait until I get my camera!
    I'll be uploading footage as soon as I'm able to test it - Friday!
    And then An Evening with Tom Waits on Sunday!
    Life is Great!
  • walt 8 months ago
    you use the word um just the right amount of times.
  • MIKE PAUL 8 months ago
    Hi..2 ALL..on VIMEO..I'm NEW here. I Add+ed 6 Vids to my Page..THANKS...2 THE VIDEO STAFF... GOOD JOB .. on the Site...I was able to LINK.. My Vids to FACEBOOK
    Hope to MAKE FRIEDS here...
  • Manab Roy 8 months ago
    HI this is Manab, new in Vimeo...Hello every body
  • FreeSpiritRunning 8 months ago
    Halito {hello} to all here, it's nice to be able to post on here, I really like the idea. Many blessings of love & light to all in the Universe..."Mitakuye Oyasin" {we are one}..."Dohiyi" {peace} FreeSpiritRunning...xxxooo
  • Glacius Kennels 8 months ago
    Vimeo Rocks!!! I just up loaded my first HD clip!! check it out..... - The quality is awesome - Kicks Ass over YouTube! I have a pretty decent camera and the playback quality on YouTube is crappy! Glad i googled and found Vimeo!!
  • TFFDavid 8 months ago
    Love it . . . this kicks youtubes arse.

    Any photographers on this site? I just started a group called Photographers United, feel free to join.

    Ta. :-)
  • Jacques Brassard 8 months ago

    It's too bad there is no French version of the instructions. If you're looking for translation, this is what I do for living. I would certainly be more than happy to give a hand in the translation from English to French.

  • dalas verdugo staff 8 months ago
    Thanks, I'll keep your info on file for translation. That's a project I'd like to take on soon.
  • el dco 8 months ago
    great site
  • Bloody-Vampire-Kat 8 months ago
    thanks for letting me join, I will make loads of friends
  • Mark Rotblat 8 months ago
    thanks for the tutorial - awesome site! though I have had difficult finding people via the search to then add them as contacts. I know they are here at Vimeo, but I can't find them!
  • RODNEY KNOLTON 8 months ago
    It's a real pleasure to be a member! The quality of the videos here are superb and I really enjoy the format. I have the Liverpool band, "Peter & The Wolf" to thank for introducing me to this site!!....cheers mates!!


    Rodney Knolton
    Bands Across The Waters
    Memphis, Tennessee
  • MOYO 8 months ago
    Can YOU walk the dog?!
  • BHuddle 7 months ago
    I can't have a contact stored that's NOT a member of Vimeo? I don't think my 8-year old neice should have to be a member if I want to send her my newest video without have to type her e-mail account in every time. Please re-consider this.
  • Ash Laws 7 months ago
    Vimeo screams 'quality' to me. No silly dogs on stakeboards, just well-produced videos. I like the stndard of quality here.
  • Latoya Flowers 7 months ago
    Hey everybody I'm new to the site as well! I love this site and love the quality. So far I have seen some really good projects on this site. I will be adding new projects soon from my personal portfoilo and the production company I work at!
  • Alfredo Ascanio 6 months ago
    Un excelente lugar para ver videos y subir videos....
    (ASKAIN :
  • hello i am Peasants With Feathers from Miami Florida I love scuba diving with peanutbutter and jelly onion rings
  • Deirdre Kelly 5 months ago
    How can I forward a link so people can watch my videos without joining? There is no way my grandmother will sign up, but she can figure out how to play a video if I send her the link. Thanks!
  • whizkid wister 5 months ago
    Hello everyone!! new here and I already love this site. totally better than youtube!!
  • Trixal 5 months ago entiendo????
  • César Flores 4 months ago
    Deirdre Kelly, use the SHARE button in the top-right corner of the video you want to share.

    Hi everyone, i'm pretty new in this place, i have like 3 accounts in youtube but can't even use one to my purpose. Here in vimeo, with just one account (all i'll ever need) i can upload my videos incredible fast and with supreme quality. I love the flash player and the entire comunity. Just wish i could find some girl from Tepic to make a channel =P

    Thanks VIMEO.
  • GFG Entertainment plus 4 months ago
    hey hey
  • Danny Toman 4 months ago
    I'm curious how to remove myself from someone else's contact list... people I don't know are adding me as their contact, in order to promote their films, which I'm not necessarily interested in knowing about. Thanks!
  • ayahya 3 months ago
    thanks, totally better than all!!
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