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NWS Hydrologic Service Program

Salty the NOAA BirdFlood Safety Awareness

Flood Safety Awareness Week: March 16-20, 2009

Flooding is a coast to coast threat to the United States and its territories in all months of the year. National Flood Safety Awareness Week is intended to highlight some of the many ways floods can occur, the hazards associated with floods, and what you can do to save life and property.

AHPS map
flooded road with Turn Around Don't Drown sign
Floods, Droughts and other Related Phenomena

Tropical Cyclone Inland Flooding Hurricane Ivan approaches Gulf Coast, 2004

drought at woolly hollow with lake almost dry

Snowmelt Flooding
White Horse River East of YT110 showing snow melting into a river from nearby mountains

Ice Jams

River covered in ice

Debris Flows
debris flow

house behind flood waters

Man standing in front of new home in water 
up to his hips. House protected by sandbags.

NOAA, National Weather Service
Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
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