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  • ya ya ya ya ya
  • Dobbsie plus 1 year ago
    Thanks for the help
  • Erick C. plus 1 year ago
    yay! what is "make sticky" and "unsticky" in the forums? also, when you add videos it should send the owner of the video a message to let them know. is this already happening?
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    Sticky posts remain at the top of the forums. A sticky post is something you think everyone should see.
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    Oh, and, yes to your second question.
  • CTD3 1 year ago
  • velouria plus 1 year ago
    hooray! I love the channels.
  • Pam Newman 1 year ago
    you're hilarious, dalas! This is exciting! I'll be tooling around with a channel tonight!

  • talkingtonobody 1 year ago
    ban comic sans
  • Adam Holwerda 1 year ago
    he was being facetious...creo
  • talkingtonobody 1 year ago
    i actually got that
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    Facetious nothing! Comic sans forever!
  • Syn-Media 1 year ago
    Comic sans is horrible. After that you use a mac for this video tutorial...
  • michael galpert 1 year ago
    i love that you guys made the colors gross on purpose

    but i wonder if ppl will be lazy and leave it the gross color.

    Then it will go from being that gross color to "thats the vimeo channels color"
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    As customers used to say to me when I worked at a call center, "That's y'all fault!"
  • Scruff_E_Guy 1 year ago
    When I was fiddling around in beta with this....I briefly thought of leaveing the gross color... but I kept getting sick when I looked at it I changed the color.

    This is really great though....I just wish I'd organized my clips better
  • Aiden Pyne 1 year ago
    sylar is bad. i concur
  • Shawno 1 year ago
    Comic Sanz forever. Yeah.
  • emodave138 1 year ago
    I'm either a really huge idiot, or something is wrong with my channel. How do I get the boxes on the left? Like "Subscribers" and "Link to This".
  • Scruff_E_Guy 1 year ago
    mine are missing also in my new channel
  • Scruff_E_Guy 1 year ago
    ok I lied....they are there...
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    URL for broken channel please?
  • emodave138 1 year ago
    hmmmm... It's fixed now.

    You win again, Dalas.
  • Georgie Hammerton 1 year ago
    Dalas As Ever You Rock!
  • AndyM801 1 year ago
    what app do you use to record your tutorials?
  • Andrew Gamlen 1 year ago
    I have accidently put some vids in the wrong channel and I can't change the channel. The drop down menu only contains the channel that the video is in. Is this a bug...
  • leandros 1 year ago
    2 questions from leandros greece.

    1. Whow I will change thumbnail photo from my videos?

    2.Whow will arrange my videos in a channel?

  • Sock Puppet Gaming 1 year ago
    I'm not seeing the dropdown shown in the vid on any video pages to allow me to add videos to channels. If you see what I mean.
  • BlythWorks 1 year ago
    I can't see the drop down box... did it move or is it just not there?

  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    It has moved. If you look to the right of the video player on this page you should see its new location.
  • forager 1 year ago
    I think the channels are awesome!
  • Ralph 1 year ago
    I wonder if anyone looks at this stuff?
  • Nexuszen 1 year ago
    how do you share your channel with fellow vimeo users as oposed to sending out /sharing each individual video?
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    Send them a message and get them to subscribe to your channel.
  • shin 1 year ago
    dark borneo art
  • Hepe 1 year ago
    Great work as always!

    There just seems to be one bug, as I cannot open the color picker...
  • Sean Coon 1 year ago
    what's up with the event calendar? every time i add an event it doesn't stick.
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    Have you tried other browsers? I just tested it and it seems to be working.
  • Sean Coon 1 year ago
    i just tried it on safari 3.0.4, and the event module object is overlapping every module below (no matter where i move it), so i can't test the feature. on firefox it won't accept the submission at all, though i can go through the process.

    a feature request: allow us to pull in specific events from upcoming,, google calendar, etc.
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    Ok, we're looking into it.
  • Dukeswharf 1 year ago
    How do I embed my channel?
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    Go to the Tools menu, then Widgets, then choose Hubnut.
  • Sean Coon 1 year ago
    is there a way to gracefully scale down the size of the hubnut? i tried changing the size parameters to 220x165 to fit my blog sidebar, but the vimeo branding stays large and overlaps the metadata.

    btw, if you added a channel option to the badge creation process, i'd go that route.
  • dalas verdugo staff 1 year ago
    We'll try to fix that soon.
  • oliver stark 1 year ago
    hehe, funny to see the admin links at the bottom of the page :-)
  • propagandery 1 year ago
    what's the difference between channels and albums?
  • GhostAliaz 1 year ago
    How do I subscribe to channels?(or) Can I subscribe to Channels?
  • Greg Rinchich 1 year ago
    My name is Lt. Colonel SC Army U can listen 2 me @ theedgeam and click on Lt. Col SC about the UFO agenda and Black ops,CIA ect. also , zeph channel Z my email is
  • Peter Luit 1 year ago
    I like being here and learn......
  • Jim Cronin 1 year ago

    Great Video Tutorial on channels.
    Question - What is the service you are using to record your actions on screen. I love the way that it is set to follow your mouse so that you don't have to expose the whole screen in one view.
    I would love to know.
    Thanks in advance.
  • Saturnas G. 11 months ago
    There is no selection to apply to all colors!!!
  • rastAsia 10 months ago
    I'm 7 months late.. and freshly excited! You rock Dallas!
    By the way... adding videos was a breeze. How do I remove clips from Channels?
  • dalas verdugo staff 10 months ago
    Click the red X by the video.
  • rastAsia 10 months ago
    Ahh si.. didn't know that red X was a working button too! I was all over the Edit window and going, where the heck is Delete?! Thanks again Dalas.
  • jimmy cuquel 9 months ago
    how can i change the order of the videos in my channel?
  • Gidel Jr. 7 months ago
    I want to know that too.
  • Blake Whitman staff 6 months ago
    you must reorder them by manually deleting them and adding them in order. Channels 2.0 is coming soon which will allow for much more usability, so stay tuned!

  • TravelChannel LLC 7 months ago
    My banner won't show. Ideas? I've uploaded it twice and nothing. The channel is currently private and I have no ideas right now. Soon, very soon. Do I need to have video in order for the channel banner to show?
  • JIMJIM plus 7 months ago
    how do you get your video on a channel that is not a channel you created?
  • Blake Whitman staff 6 months ago
    you must contact the moderator of that channel.
  • Danny Quinn 7 months ago
    Intrested in Photoshop? Check here for Awsome tutorials:
  • hossen 7 months ago
    I have to same question like JIMJIM.
    I think you have to ask the moderator of the channel if you want to become a contributor. But who knows?
  • Blake Whitman staff 6 months ago
    you must contact the moderator of that channel.
  • Flinn Sorrow 6 months ago
    1) I can't understand: I have 2 groups. One called "Mongovision" (that works perfect), and a ghost group called "Untitled" (that links to no place). And I can't no delete this Untitled group. Help!

    And 2) I have a ghost channel also called "Mongovision", that links to no place (again), and I want to have this channel. What can I do?

    Thank you very much for your service! It's fantastic!
  • rob downs plus 4 months ago
    how long does it take a shortcut url to propagate? i had the standard, assigned channel url, then edited the channel to use a shortcut url (making sure to save changes) but getting page not found error when accessing now. thanks!

    p.s. here's the channel in question:
  • flujo 4 months ago
    Channels are a great feature! I've been searching for a thread to say how great this video community is but it seems like here will do just fine.

    Great tutorial too. After watching these I'm a little less overwhelmed by the potential of this site. I guess that was the idea behind them. :-)
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