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Tech Briefs
Chlorination (Order #DWFSOM68)
Download Chlorination Tech Brief PDF
Beginning with its use for the Jersey City drinking water supply in 1908, chlorination has been the most commonly used disinfection technique for public drinking water. Chlorine provides good disinfection and is effective against a wide range of pathogens in drinking water. Recently, however, many water treatment plants have altered their disinfection strategies because of regulation changes concerning disinfection byproducts. Nevertheless, chlorination remains the most cost-effective and reliable disinfection method available.
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Corrosion Control (Order #DWFSOM52)
Download Corrosion Tech Brief PDF Corrosion occurs because metals tend to oxidize when they come in contact with water, resulting in the formation of stable solids. Corrosion in distribution systems can impact consumers' health, water treatment costs, and the aesthetics of finished water. This Tech Brief discusses various methods for controlling corrosion, including design considerations, water quality modifications, corrosion inhibitors, cathodic protection, and coatings and linings.
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Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention
(Order #DWFSOM58)

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This Tech Brief examines the problems associated with cross connections and backflow and provides practical solutions for eliminating them. Tech Brief List Menu

NEW Cross Connection and Backflow Prevention Poster
(Order #DWFSOM98)

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Plumbing cross connections can link a potable water supply to a contamination source, causing a serious public health hazard. Cross connections can be controlled, but it takes vigilance and knowledge to carry out a good crossconnection control program. This poster illustrates some mechanical devices and methods used to control cross connections in commercial and industrial applications as well as for homeowners. Tech Brief List Menu

Development of Low-Cost Treatment Options for Arsenic Removal in Water Treatment Facilities
(Order #DWFSOM94)

Download Development of Low-Cost Treatment Options for Arsenic Removal in Water Treatment Facilities Tech Brief PDF Illinois State Water Survey and University of Illinois researchers experimented with different combinations of chemical additives and steps along the treatment process. They found that the addition of hydrogen peroxide combined with iron that was already present in the groundwater (approximately 2 milligrams per liter [mg/L]) to the Danvers water system produced a significant reduction in arsenic (III) levels to below 3 micrograms per liter (ug/L). To accomplish this reduction, they added as much as 30 micro molar (uM) hydrogen peroxide to the water treatment system before the water was aerated. This procedure reduced arsenic (III) levels but did not decrease the dissolved arsenic indicating that no arsenic was being absorbed to the iron or other oxidants. To correct this problem, they implemented an additional experiment to determine if hydrogen peroxide combined with additional iron would provide active sites for the dissolved arsenic to combine with and, therefore, be removed in the iron removal step. They found that the addition of iron (II) or iron (III) at a concentration of 5 to 6 mg/L along with the addition of hydrogen peroxide at a concentration of 20uM, would indeed remove 83 to 97 percent of the dissolved arsenic. Tech Brief List Menu

Diatomaceous Earth Filtration for Drinking Water
(Order #DWFSOM39)

Download Diatomaceous Earth Filtration Tech Brief PDF Diatomaceous earth (DE) filtration produces high-quality, low-cost drinking water using the skeletal remains of small, single-celled organisms as the filter media. The process is a U. S. EPA approved technology for meeting Surface Water Treatment Rule requirements. This Tech Brief discusses DE filtration, giving an explanation of the process, its history, monitoring and operating requirements, and sources of more information. Tech Brief List Menu

Disinfection (Order #DWFSOM50)
Download Disinfection Tech Brief PDF - Water systems add disinfectants to destroy microorganisms that can cause disease in humans. Primary methods of disinfection include chlorination, chloramines, ozone, and ultraviolet light. These and other methods for ensuring safe water are discussed in this Tech Brief along with an explanation of disinfection as a drinking water treatment, the regulations governing it, the advantages and disadvantages of using it, and disinfection methods. Tech Brief List Menu

Filter Backwashing (Order #DWFSOM83)
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Backwashing a water system’s filters is not only vital to the life of the filter, it’s fundamental to the quality of the water coming out of the filter. Sooner or later, all filters need to be backwashed or replaced. Tech Brief List Menu

Filtration (Order #DWFSOM51)
Download Filtration Tech Brief PDF – Filtration is the process of removing suspended solids from water by passing the water through a permeable fabric or porous bed of materials. Surface water and groundwater under the influence of suface water are subject to contamination from many sources, so federal and state laws require many water systems to filter their water. Several methods of filtrations are discussed. Tech Brief List Menu

Ion Exchange and Dimineralization (Order #DWFSOM46)
Download Ion Exchange and Dimineralization Tech Brief PDF - Natural organic materials and synthetic organic chemicals might be present in water supplies, especially from surface water sources, causing taste, odor, or color problems in a communityÕs drinking water. This Tech Brief discusses technologies most suited for removing organic contaminants in drinking water systems. Tech Brief List Menu

Iron and Manganese Removal (Order #DWFSOM42)
Download Iron and Manganese Removal Tech Brief PDF - Iron and manganese are common in groundwater supplies used by many small water systems. Exceeding the suggested maximum contaminant levels usually results in discolored water, laundry, and plumbing fixtures. This, in turn, results in consumer complaints and a general dissatisfaction with the water utility. This Tech Brief examines iron and manganese and provides an overview of removal techniques. Tech Brief List Menu

Jar Testing (Order #DWFSOM73)
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Jar testing is a pilot-scale test of the treatment chemicals used in a particular water plant. It simulates the coagulation/flocculation process in a water treatment plant and helps operators determine if they are using the right amount of treatment chemicals, and, thus, improves the plant’s performance. Tech Brief List Menu

Leak Detection and Water Loss Control (Order #DWFSOM38)
Download Leak Detection and Water Loss Control Tech Brief PDF -Utilities can no longer tolerate inefficiencies in water distribution systems and the resulting loss of revenue associated with underground water system leakage. Increases in pumping, treatment and operational costs make these losses prohibitive. To combat water loss, many utilities are developing methods to detect, locate, and correct leaks. Tech Brief List Menu

Lime Softening (Order #DWFSOM41)
Download Lime Softening Tech Brief PDF - Hard water causes scaling problems in water heaters, and soap does not lather well in hard water. Therefore, some water utilities soften water to improve its quality for domestic use. This Tech Brief examines lime softening and provides an overview of its use. Tech Brief List Menu

NEW Line Pigging (Order #DWFSOM96)
Download Line Pigging Tech Brief PDF - Line pigging is an internal pipe-cleaning process used to remove biofilms or other foreign matter from the inside of water pipes. If performed correctly, line pigging will renew the flow rates to restricted piping systems and reduce pumping pressures. This Tech Brief discusses some of the techniques and processes used in cleaning waterlines in distributions systems.Tech Brief List Menu

Locating Distribution Lines (Order #DWFSOM85)
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Finding water distribution lines can be a daunting task. Fortunately, there are several techniques for finding your pipes. This Tech Brief examines as-built drawings, locating devices, geophones, and tapping the expertise of previous employees as useful methods for locating distribution lines. Tech Brief List Menu

Membrane Filtration (Order #DWFSOM43)
Download Membrane Filtration Tech Brief PDF – A semipermeable membrane is a thin layer of material capable of separating substances when a driving force is applied across the membrane. Once considered a viable technology only for desalination, membrane processes are increasingly employed for removal of bacteria and other microorganisms, particulates, and natural organic material, which can impart color, taste, and odors to water and can react with disinfectants to form disinfection byproducts. Tech Brief List Menu

Organic Removal (Order #DWFSOM47)
Download Organic Removal Tech Brief PDF – Natural organic materials and synthetic organic chemicals might be present in water supplies, especially from surface water sources, causing taste, odor, or color problems in a communityÕs drinking water. Technologies most suited for organic contaminant removal in drinking water systems are discussed in this Tech Brief. Tech Brief List Menu

Ozone (Order #DWFSOM44)
Download Ozone Tech Brief PDF – New water treatment goals for disinfection byproducts (DBP) and for microbial inactivation increase the need to consider new disinfection technologies. Ozone is an attractive alternative. This technology has evolved and improved in recent years, thereby increasing its potential for successful application. Tech Brief List Menu

Package Plants (Order #DWFSOM48)
Download Package Plants Tech Brief PDF - Small communities that face financial problems purchasing and maintaining conventional drinking water treatment systems often opt to install a package plant, an alternative to conventional in-ground treatment technology. This Tech Brief discusses selection and types of package plants. Tech Brief List Menu

Point-of-Use/Point-of-Entry Systems (POU/POE)
(Order #DWFSOM31)
Download Point-of-Use/Point-of-Entry Systems (POU/POE) Tech Brief PDF- Numerous households use point-of-use/point-of-entry (POU/POE) systems primarily to deal with aesthetic concerns, such as taste and odor. These treatment devices are installed just as their name implies—at the point where water enters a household or where it is used, such as a faucet. In certain situations, however, using POU/POE systems to provide safe drinking water to a system’s customers is not an individual’s choice, but that of the water system cooperating with regulatory authorities. Therefore, this Tech Brief only discusses POU/POE treatment options that meet Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) water quality requirements. Tech Brief List Menu

Poster: Treatment Technologies for Small Drinking Water Systems (Order #DWFSOM37)
Download Tech Brief Poster PDF - This NDWC poster discusses many of the small system treatment technologies reviewed in the Tech Briefs, including membrane filtration, disinfection, and iron and manganese removal. The poster also includes tables that further explain the technologies. Tech Brief List Menu

Preventing Well Contamination (Order #DWFSOM57)
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Wells need to be sited and built to prevent groundwater contamination. This Tech Brief presents tips about how to site a well and includes information about design issues; material selection and location, such as screens and filter pack; appropriate well sealing methods; and using pitless adaptors. Tech Brief List Menu

Pumps (Order #DWFSOM56)
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Whether moving source water to the treatment plant, getting treated water to storage facilities, or injecting chemicals during the treatment process, pumps fulfill a vital role in any water system. Tech Brief List Menu

Quality Control in Construction Projects (Order #DWFSOM81)
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Utility systems need infrastructure to last as long as possible. One way to ensure longevity is through quality control. To have good quality control in construction projects is to perform good inspections. You can inspect it now or fix it later. Tech Brief List Menu

Repairing Distribution Lines (Order #DWFSOM60)
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Occasionally, water systems encounter situations where they must repair distribution system pipes. Corrosion and tuberculation (i.e., buildup of sediment, dirt, or rust) may have caused small leaks in the lines, or worse, a major line break may occur, creating an emergency situation. This Tech Brief discusses ways to manage these situations and outlines steps a utility may take to repair the distribution system. Tech Brief List Menu

Radionuclides (Order #DWFSOM45)
Download Radionuclides Tech Brief PDF - Radionuclide contamination of drinking water is a significant health issue. Until now, manmade radioactivity in drinking water has not been a major problem; natural sources have been the primary cause of contamination. However, the potential for contamination exists throughout the country as releases from medical facilities or nuclear power plants may wind up in drinking water. Because of their potential health effects and widespread occurrence, natural radionuclides—including radon, radium, and uranium—cause much concern. Tech Brief List Menu

Reservoirs, Towers, and Tanks (Order #DWFSOM15)
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After water leaves the treatment plant but before it reaches the customer, it must be adequately and safely stored. This Tech Brief explores the various aspects of water storage. Tech Brief List Menu

Sanitary Surveys (Order #DWFSOM74)
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A sanitary survey is an inspection of a water system, including the water source, facilities, equipment, operation, and maintenance. Usually conducted by a member of the state primacy agency, the purpose of these mandatory surveys is to help prevent and correct water system deficiencies. Tech Brief List Menu

Simultaneous Compliance with Drinking Water Regulations (Order #DWFSOM95)
Download Simultaneous Compliance with Drinking Water Regulations Tech Brief PDF
Certain U.S. drinking water regulations—in particular the Stage 1 and 2 Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rules and the Long-Term 1 and 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rules—have the potential to conflict with each other, as well as with other regulations such as the Lead and Copper Rule and the Total Coliform Rule. This means that small system operators cannot simply comply with these mandates individually, but must consider how changing their treatment process to meet one rule might affect compliance with other rules. This Tech Brief provides information and strategies to effectively comply with those regulations that are most likely to conflict with one another. Tech Brief List Menu

Slow Sand Filtration (Order #DWFSOM40)
Download Slow Sand Tech Brief PDF - First used in the U.S. in 1872, slow sand filters are the oldest type of municipal water filtration. Today, they remain a promising treatment method for small systems with low turbidity or algae-containing source waters. Slow sand filtration does not require pretreatment or extensive operator control, which can be important for a small system operator with several responsibilities. Tech Brief List Menu

System Control and Data Acquisition (Order #DWFSOM20)
Download System Control and Data Acquisition Tech Brief PDF– SCADA systems are recognized as reliable and efficient methods of information management in water treatment facilities. Functions they perform include remote monitoring of well levels and pump control, flows, tank levels, pressures in storage tanks, and water quality characteristics, such as pH, turbidity, and chlorine residual. Learn more about SCADA systems in this Tech Brief. Tech Brief List Menu

Taste and Odor Control (Order #DWFSOM88)
Download Taste and Odor Control Tech Brief PDF– Complaints about the taste and smell of drinking water are all too common for many systems. This Tech Brief examines common taste and odor problems and provides techniques for dealing with them in the treatment plant. Tech Brief List Menu

Turbidity Control (Order #DWFSOM89)
Download Turbidity Control Tech Brief PDF– Describes treatment technologies and issues for drinking water professionals, discusses turbidity control. Often described as the cloudiness observed in source water, turbidity can hinder treatment methods. This Tech Brief examines turbidity and implications with the phenomenon from source to distribution. Tech Brief List Menu

Ultraviolet Disinfection (Order #DWFSOM53)
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Using ultraviolet (UV) light for drinking water disinfection dates back to 1916 in the U.S. UV disinfection involves exposing contaminated water to radiation from UV light. The treatment works because UV light penetrates an organismÕs cell walls and disrupts the cellÕs genetic material, making reproduction impossible. Tech Brief List Menu

NEW Valve Exercising (Order #DWFSOM97)
Download Valves Tech Brief PDF – Every water system has valves—devices that regulate, stop, or start the flow of water in the distribution lines. Being able to operate these valves at a moment’s notice is extremely important. In an emergency, sections of a distribution system may need to be shut down without delay. However, if a valve is not used over a period of time it can seize-up from corrosion and get stuck, making the valve inoperable. This Tech Brief examines typical valve exercising programs that can help maintain the useful life and operation of water system valves.Tech Brief List Menu

Valves (Order #DWFSOM21)
Download Valves Tech Brief PDF – Valves direct, start, stop, mix, or regulate the flow, pressure, or temperature of a fluid. Many types of valves exist. This Tech Brief examines the most common types of valves, problems that may be encountered (such as cavitation, flashing, choked flow, and water hammer effects), operation and maintenance requirements, and safety issues with respect to security. Tech Brief List Menu

Water Hammer (Order #DWFSOM27)
Download Water Hammer Tech Brief PDF -This phenomenon is the momentary increase in pressure that occurs in a water system when there is a sudden change of direction or velocity of the water. These pressure fluctuations can be severe enough to rupture a water main. Tech Brief List Menu

Water Meters (Order #DWFSOM67)
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Any viable business must be able to determine how much product it is making and selling and if that product is profitable. Water is a business. And, the best way for a water utility to measure or account for the water produced and then sold is by using water meters. ThisTech Brief, discusses different types of meters, their applications, and their importance for a water utility business. Tech Brief List Menu

Water Quality in Distribution Systems (Order #DWFSOM25)
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Water producers need to understand the sources of water quality degradation during the distribution process because, in addition to taste and odor problems that can occur, research also suggests that degraded water quality increases the risk of gastrointestinal illnesses. Tech Brief List Menu

Water Treatment Plant Residuals Management
(Order #DWFSOM49)

Download Water Treatment Plant Residuals Management Tech Brief PDF - Water treatment plants produce a wide variety of waste products as well as safe drinking water. This Tech Brief examines residuals categories, major treatment processes, and the regulations that govern management of residuals. Tech Brief List Menu

How To's

Fire Hydrant O&M Program How To
(Download Only)
Download Fire Hydrant O&M Program How To PDF
The single most important thing about having fire hydrants is that they advertise "Fire Protection!" Communities expect that at a moment's notice, day or night, in any weather, the hydrant will supply sufficient water to extinguish a fire.

How to Operate and Maintain Manganese Greensand Treatment Units (Download Only)
Download How to Operate and Maintain Manganese Greensand Units PDF
As one remote West Virginia school discovered, these treatment units are effective in removing iron and manganese from drinking water—provided that they are installed correctly and maintained properly.

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