United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Profiles in Conservation

Suzie Anderson: Conservation -- In Her Own Words

andersons on their ranch
Through the NRCS EQIP program, Allen and Suzie Anderson installed spring developments, sediment basins and cross fencing to improve range conditions on their 4,000-acre ranch near Lone Rock, Oregon.
Suzie and Allen Anderson of Lone Rock, Oregon, are among the thousands of farmers and ranchers throughout the country who are working to improve natural resource conditions on the land. In her own words, Suzie Anderson describes the benefits of implementing a conservation plan.

On developing a conservation plan
“Implementing conservation practices is an excellent way to accomplish great things on our land that we alone may not have been able to do. NRCS can provide the technical, and perhaps financial, assistance in a positive, proactive approach."

On Conservation
"Allen and I have seen the positive effects of these conservation practices on our land. We like the fact that our livestock will have watering sources other than the creeks. The additional water source has improved the distribution of livestock on our native rangelands. In light of the current drought situation we are facing, these additional watering sources are even more important to the enhancement of the uplands and the riparian areas.

anderson and NRCS resource conservationist Tom Bennett on the land.
As part of the agency's conservation technical assistance, the Anderson's developed a conservation plan with NRCS resource conservationist Tom Bennett. The plan includes prescribed grazing techniques to protect and enhance the range and watershed conditions on the family's ranch.
"These conservation practices are improving the condition of the watersheds while at the same time helping to sustain and continue our way of life.
When you combine these factors, the incentives were apparent, and the decision to implement was easy!”

Location: Lone Rock, Oregon
Conservation program: Environmental Quality Incentives Program
Operation: Ranching, cattle
Acres: 4,060
Conservation plan since: 1962

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