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Candidate Research Natural Areas

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Michigan | Minnesota | New Hampshire | New York | Ohio | Vermont | West Virginia | Wisconsin

State Forest Candidate RNA Size
Michigan Hiawatha
(17,785 acres)
18 Mile Lakes 402 The following forest types represented: red pine, paper birch, northern white cedar, and black ash-American elm-redmaple, white pine-hemlock. Contains relatively undisturbed hemlock white-pine. Also contains Northern fen.
Betchler Tamarack Flats 421 Tamarack gap type; Northern shrub swamp; Northern wet meadow; and dry northern forest.
Dukes EXPANSION 63 uncut Northern white cedar
Grand Island EXPANSION 0  
Lake Sixteen 131 Paper birch
Lake Stella Bog 634 Patterned fen. Also includes upland to peatland transition on outwash deposits.
Little Waiska Basin 496 Red maple; hardwood-conifer swamps; mesic northern forest. Contains 60-ft deep gorges cut in clay plain by the river.
* Lost Lakes 1604 Captures large and small sand dunes.
Nahma 867 Represents the following forest types: Paper birch; Northern white cedar; Black ash-American elm-red maple; and Northern red oak. Also may be important in Piping plover federal recovery plan.
Oak Ridge North 120 Northern red oak type. One of the best expressions of Lake Superior dunes on Forest Service land.
Ogontz Bay 170 Rich Conifer swamp, interdunal wetland, Open dune, Great Lakes Marsh, Dry mesic northern forest, special plants.
Pointe aux Chenes 4266 Interdunal wetlands; sand/gravel beach; Great Lakes Marsh, Northern Wet Meadow; Patterned Fen; Northern Fen; Wooded Dune and Swale; Dry meis northern forest; Dry northern forest. Contains special plants and animals. Currently used in piping plover recovery plan. May be useful in federal in Solidago houghtonii, and Cirsium pitcheri recovery plans.
Rock River Canyon 83 Contains 50 acres of uncut Northern Hardwoods
Scott's Marsh 1538 Patterned fen and scrub/shrub wetland
Shingleton Bog 3366 Patterned fen
St. Martin Peninsula (Point) 518 Wet cobble beach; fen-like wetlands; Northern fen; Rich conifer swamp; dry mesic northern forest. Contains special plants and animals. May be useful in federal recovery plan for Solidago houghtonii.
Lower Sturgeon River 662 Southern floodplain forest
Summberby Swamp 1668 Northern fen; Rich conifer swamp. Contains many calciphiles, special plants and animals.
Upper 18 Mile Lake 478 Northern fen. Two rare plants occur here.
Upper Sturgeon River 151 Represents the following forest types: Black ash- American elm-red maple and Northern white cedar.
Weden's Bay 147 Represents the following forest types: Paper birch and Northern with cedar. May also be important for Iris lacustris federal recovery plan.
(9,187 acres)
Bear Swamp (includes Yonker's Meadow) 2139 A rich conifer swamp, a southern swamp, and intermittent wetlands. Five rare plant species and one rare animal species are known to inhabit these areas.
Big South (includes Whelan Lake) 1842 Contains several vegetative communities including a bog, intermittent wetland, oak-pine barrens, southern floodplain forest, and emergent marsh. This area represents a large, diverse, highly undisturbed floodplain with high floral and faunal diversity.
Black River Complex 750 Globally rare wooded dune and swale complex along the Lake Huron shoreline
Blockhouse Swamp 1010 Rich conifer swamp and a small mesic northern forest.
Brandybrook 1300 Located on poorly drained glacial outwash sands and includes a complex of wetland communities, of which five are considered high quality natural communities.
Hunter’s Lake 28 Contains a shallow lake basin that supports an intermittent wetland with fluctuating water levels and is one of the larger unmanipulated wetlands of its type found on the Mio Ranger District.
Loon Lake 439 Sandy outwash with numerous wet depressions, several of which support globally imperiled coastal plain marshes. Five rare plant species are documented within this area as well.
Loud Creek 175 Rich conifer swamp dominated by northern white cedar on a narrow outwash channel. Represents a wetland type that is suffering from poor regeneration state-wide.
McDonald Creek Forest 103 Dry-mesic northern forest with mature white pine, aspen and some red pine. Currently the best identified representative of white pine-aspen forest located in the Harrisville Moraines Subsection.
McMaster’s Bridge Bog 85 A diverse, second growth, rich conifer swamp with good cedar regeneration. Relatively intact and therefore a good example of this type within the Mio Outwash Plains Subsection.
North Branch White River 450 Outwash channel with a series of three northern wet meadows. Opportunity to study management of grass-dominated wetlands in a landscape context.
O’Brien Lake Forest and Swamp 130 Dry-mesic northern forest dominated by red pine some of which are over 100 years old, and a poor conifer swamp dominated by black spruce. The best known example of a poor conifer swamp in the Mio Outwash Plains Subsection.
Pearl Lake 49 Poor conifer swamp dominated by black spruce. The best representation of this type of wetland forest not occurring on private land within the Newaygo Outwash and Ice Contact Subdistrict.
South Branch (Foley) Bog 104 Large, high quality bog displaying good, distinct, vegetative zones. This area serves as an excellent example of this wetland type in the Mio Outwash Plains Subdistrict.
South Olga Bog 30 Located in Big Rapids loamy moraine subsection.
Toft Lake 168 Small lake and a relict conifer swamp, strongly influenced by calcareous groundwater and contains numerous seeps and a variety of vegetation zones.
Trout Lake Swamp 185 Second-growth hardwood-conifer swamp dominated by northern white cedar, black ash, balsam fir, and black spruce. This area is primarily in an undegraded state and contains a high level of diversity.
Vaughn Lake 200 A high quality, highly diverse bog surrounded by a forested zone of tamarack, black spruce, white pine, and red maple. The sandy uplands around the forested wet zone support a dry-mesic forest.
(210 acres)
Sturgeon Gorge 210 Gorge is deep V-shaped valley containing terraces, oxbow lakes and other landscape features.


Minnesota Chippewa
(1,905 acres)
Otter Tail 434 LT 46- Fire Intolerant Northern Hardwood Forest; LT 55- Fire Intolerant Northern Hardwoods-Conifer Forest
Pimushe Lake 500 LT 46- Fire Intolerant Northern Hardwood Forest
Sunken Lake 971 Mature, Dry Mesic Pine/Oak; LT 6-Fire Dependent Red Pine Forest
(19,635 acres)
Big Lake-Seven Beavers 5,599 Excellent representation of variety of characteristic upland and lowland plant communities. cRNA dominated by wetland communities including lowland black spruce, lowland cedar, shrub swamp, and bog, connected to Sand Lake Peatland SNA.
Blueberry Lake 2,445 Good representation of jack pine, spruce-fir, aspen birch, paper birch, upland black spruce, and lowland black spruce plant communities, as well as well as aquatic communities in streams and small lakes.
Cabin Creek 2,085 Large block of old growth upland forest communities including spruce-fir, sugar maple, upland cedar. Also aspen-birch, paper birch, lowland black spruce and lowland cedar forests, plus sedge meadows.
Dragon Lake 2,075 Good representation of old growth red pine, upland and lowland black spruce, wetland bog, and wetland shrub swamp communities. Good representation of former Isabella pinery. Also aquatic communities.
Lake Agnes 792 Site dominated by northern hardwoods forest community in uplands and lowland black spruce along Poplar River . Extensive river floodplain.
Lehtinen Creek 478 Extensive forested wetland that has excellent representation of lowland forest communities including black spruce, cedar, and black ash, with smaller upland communities including upland white cedar and aspen-birch.
Loka Lake 1,661 cRNA part of an extensive peatland dominated by stunted black spruce and tamarack with interspersed upland islands. Peatland has developed some patterning.
Pike Mountain 709 Site is on top of Mesabi Range and has good representation of old growth northern hardwood communities (sugar maple and red oak), paper birch forest, and rock/talus communities.
Southwest Greenwood Creek 1,199 Representation of birch-aspen, black ash, lowland black spruce, and high quality lowland and upland white cedar communities.
Sullivan Creek 1,495 Site includes Toimi drumlins, Cloquet River floodplains, red maple-northern hardwoods and aspen-birch upland forests, lowland black spruce and tamarack forests, wetland shrub swamp.
Wolf Lake 1,097 Good representation of paper birch and aspen-birch forest; boreal hardwood-conifer forest; upland and lowland white cedar; lowland black spruce and shrub swamps; and highly diverse aquatic plant communities.


New Hampshire White Mountain
(3,035 acres)
Bowl Extension 510 This site enlarges and helps protect the integrity of “The Bowl" providing an additional area of old northern hardwood forest. Distinguishing features include old beech, yellow birch and spruce and its cirque-like shape.
Church Pond Bog 70 Bog wetland
Cone Pond 160 Cone Pond is a small watershed that lies on a mountainside slope near the Town of Waterville Valley. It is a spruce-fir forest generally surrounded by till soils shallow to ledge.
Gibbs Brook 1,650 This property is considered to be nearly virgin timber. Cores from Red spruce trees date back to an average year-of-origin between 1755 to 1904. Gibbs Brook is located between 3700-4050 feet of elevation where 102 species of vascular plants have been identified.
Monroe Flats 45 Alpine tundra.
Mountain Pond 300 An excellent example of large-diameter northern hardwoods including old growth sugar maple and white ash up to 35 inches diameter breast height.
Owls Head 70 Talus slope. There are six species of bryophytes found only in the red pine stand at this location.
Peabody Mountain 230 Northern hardwood spruce forest.


New York Finger Lakes
(544 acres)
Hector Oak Woods 332 Appalachian oak-hickory forest that is mature in some portions and provides rare plant habitat.
Sawmill Creek Ravine 212 Mature hemlock-northern hardwood forest along a series of ravines formed by Sawmill Creek and its tributaries.



(981 acres)

Kaiser Hollow 981




Green Mountain
(168 acres)

Blue Ridge Fen 59 High quality rich fen wetland community at a high elevation surrounded by forest.
Mount Horrid 119 High quality boreal calcareous cliff complex with surrounding northern hardwood and spruce-fir forest; includes habitat for many rare plants and peregrine falcon.


West Virginia Monongahela
(2,240 acres)
Black Cherry 120 Even-aged stand dominated by mature black cherry.
Pike Knob 1,950 Xeric oak and pine-oak forests and woodlands. Southernmost native stand of red pine.
Red Spruce 60 Even-aged stand of pure red spruce and uneven-aged red spruce/northern hardwood mix.
Yellow Poplar 110 Mature mixed deciduous forest dominated by yellow poplar.


Wisconsin Chequamegon
(18,738 acres)
Bear Creek Hemlocks 922 Old-growth hemlock; stream
Bear Lake Slough 452 Mature, mesic hardwood forest; lake; river; sedge meadow and wild rice marsh
Bearsdale Creek and Hyatt Spring 490 Bur oak, basswood, black ash bottomland hardwood forest; spring-runs and ponds; exposed dry bedrock outcrops
Black Creek Bog and Esker 608 Large open sphagnum bog; ericaceous shrubs; stunted black spruce and tamarack; gravel eskers with red pine
Brunsweiler River and Mineral Lake 969 Old-growth hemlock-yellow birch-sugar maple forest; rocky river gorge; Mineral lake; stream
Brush Creek 284 Super-canopy white pine, mixed conifer and hardwood swamps in kettle depressions, a forested reach of Brush Creek, a small ice-walled-lake-plain.
Camp Nine Pines 860 Red, White, Jack Pine
County E Hardwoods/Mondeaux Esker 721 Mesic hemlock-hardwood forest; super-canopy white pine; springs and spring runs
Doering Tract 323 Mature hemlock-hardwoods; yellow birch, red maple, sugar maple, paper birch, white pine; black spruce, tamarack; streams; Flambeau river
Dry Lake 358 Upland hemlock-hardwoods; lake; open wiregrass sphagnum bog and tussuck sedge meadow; cedar-black ash and tamarack-black spruce
Elk River Valley 469 Northern white cedar-balsam fir-black spruce; Elk river ; spring pond; spring runs
English Lake Hemlocks 139 Upland and swamp hemlock-white cedar forest; shaded rock outcrops; Canada yew; large diameter red and sugar maple and yellow birch; shoreline of English Lake
Fould's Creek 1437 Black spruce-tamarack bog; northern white cedar; a prominent esker with hemlock, white cedar, red and white pine; spring runs; stream
Ghost Lake Cedars 411 Sugar maple; paper birch; white cedar; black spruce-tamarack bog; pine forested esker; Ghost lake shoreline
Headwaters Lakes 756 Sugar maple-beech-yellow birch; hemlock; lowland black spruce; Wabasso, Cedar and Favil Lakes
Highway GG Pines and Upper Brunet River 514 Hemlock, white cedar, yellow birch, super-canopy white pine; upper Brunet river
Kidrick Swamp 2384 Spruce and Tamarack bog; Black spruce muskeg; sugar maple, basswood, white ash, black ash, and red oak
Moose River Cedar Hills 623 upland mesic white cedar; lowland Black spruce; Moose river
Namekagon Fen 41 open water pools supporting a flora typical of both bogs and fens
No-Name Lake 283 Sugar maple-basswood; black spruce-tamarack; soft water seepage lake;
Richter Lake Hemlocks 308 Sugar maple-basswood; black ash-american elm-red maple; stream
Silver Creek and Mondeaux River 599 Aspen; old-growth floodplain containing silver maple, red maple, bur oak, red oak, basswood, black ash, and American elm; Mondeaux River and Silver Creek
Snoose Creek 825 Sugar maple; black spruce-tamarack bog, black ash swamp
St. Peter's Dome 2269 Sugar maple-basswood; aspen; Long Lake; Morgan Falls; stream; gorge following a fracture in Keweenawan granite
Thornapple Hemlocks 489 Sugar maple-beech-yellow birch; lowland Black spruce; hemlock-hardwood
Wilson Creek Wetlands 1172 Lowland black spruce-tamarack; Wilson Creek , Wilson Lake and Star Lake, mosaic of sedge meadow communities
(10,560 acres)
Argonne Experimental Forest 1102 Old-growth hemlock hardwood forest on drumlinized ground moraine
Atkins/Hiles Swamp 2360 Hiles Swamp , Atkins Lake, and,upland drumlins
Battle Creek Pines 99 Northern mesic forest dominated by White Pine, Hemlock; river
Blackjack Springs Wilderness 1395 White, red pine; red oak, white spruce; Blackjack creek
Camp 3 Lake-Peshtigo River Bottoms 801 Lowland, unbranched silver maple; black ash and white cedar; Camp Three lake; creeks
Echo Lake Hemlock Hardwoods 422 Mature hemlock-yellow birch-sugar maple; white cedar, tamarack, balsam fir; Echo lake; bog mat; Ninemile creek
North Branch Bottoms and Hemlock Forest 114 Black ash-American elm-red maple floodplain forest; North Branch of the Oconto River
Rat Lake Swamp - Popple River Headwaters 1549 Black spruce-tamarack; northern white cedar; Popple river, Rat creek, and Rat lake; long, narrow esker
Scott Lake-Shelp Lake 691 Black spruce-tamarack; old-growth hemlock-white pine forest; Scott and Shelp lake shoreline
South Branch Grove 224 Mature beech and sugar maple forest
Waupee Lake 335 White cedar, balsam fir, and black ash; headwaters for Little Waupee Creek; Waupee Lake
Wheeler Lake Pines 776 Lowland Black spruce; tamarack; older-growth hemlock and fire origin red pine; Wheeler lake
Woods Creek Cedars 692 Sugar maple-beech-yellow birch; northern white cedar; lowland black spruce; creek; moraine ridge



* Created by combining Ramsey-Lost Lakes and Ogontz Lake Plain cRNAs.

Last Modified: 11/16/2006