Subject Function Codes In Numerical Order
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About the Index . . . All 43 CFR subject titles (subject codes 1600-9000) have been listed in this index, including those that are "reserved." Subject codes 1000-1500 are not linked to 43 CFR because they are regulated by other agencies. In cases where a BLM Manual Section exists, the Manual title is listed. An asterisk (*) following the title indicates no BLM Manual Section exists. Contact the IRM Policy and Records Group (WO-560) to assign new or update existing codes.

1003 - Acting Officials*
1050 - Loss Control Management*
1060 - Occupational & Environmental Safety and Health Management*

1102 - Passes and EmployeeIdentification Cards
1103 - Uniforms
1110 - Cross Functional Activities Management*
1111 - Fire Business Management
1112 - Safety
H-1112-1 - Safety and Health Management
H-1112-2 - Safety and Health for Field Operations
1113 - Official Use of Horses
1114 - Volunteers
1115 - Public Lands Education Program*
1116 - Resource Apprenticeship Program for Students*
H-1116-1 - Handbook for RAPS Coordinators
H-1116-2 - Handbook for RAPS Program Mentors
H-1116-3 - Handbook for RAPS Participants
1117 - Year 2000 Compliance*
1117-1 - Year 2000 Information Systems, Equipment, Software, Services, Telecommunications, and Embedded Microchips*
1117-2 - Year 2000 Human Resources*
1117-3 - Year 2000 Property, Acquisition & Headquarter Services*
1118 - Indian Trust Activities*
1120 - Public Affairs
1130 - Government Performance and Results*
1131 - Strategic Planning*
1132 - Customer Service*
1133 - Performance Plans*
1134 - Performance Measurements*
1135 - Performance Reports*
1140 - Compliance*
1144 - Reporting Nonsecurity Irregularities and Employee Misconduct
1160 - Statistics*
1161 - Compilation*
1162 - Analysis and Evaluation*
1163 - Coordination*
1164 - Publication*
1165 - Public Land Statistics*
1170 - Emergency Operations

1201 - Organization Management
1202 - Organization Control
1203 - Delegation of Authority
1210 - Organization Structure and Functions*
1211 - Headquarters Office
1212 - State, District, and Resource Area Offices
1216 - Service Center
1217 - Boise Interagency Fire Center
1218 - Other Field Offices*
1219 - Other Agencies*
1220 - Records and Information Management
1221 - Directives
H-1221-1 - Writing and Formatting Directives
H-1221-2 - Accessing the Automated Directives Digest Bulletin
1222 - Reports Management
1223 - Forms Management
H-1223-1 - Forms Management
1230 - Enterprise Architecture*
1240 - Evaluation Program
H-1240-1 - Handbook for Conducting Evaluations
1241 - General Management Evaluations
H-1241-1 - Handbook for Conducting General Management Evaluations
1242 - Program Evaluations
H-1242-1 - Handbook for Program Evaluations
1243 - Special Evaluations
1244 - Administrative and Technical Procedures Reviews
H-1244-1 - Administrative Procedures Review
1245 - Audit Coordination, Response, and Followup
1250 - Manpower Improvements*
1251 - Productivity*
1252 - Human Resources Development*
1253 - Organization Development
1260 - Automated Data Processing
1261 - Automation, Information Resources Management (AIM) Modernization and Life Cycle Management
H-1261-1 - AIM Project Structure
H-1261-2 - AIM Project Initiation
1262 - Standards
1263 - Equipment, Software, and Services
1264 - Automated Information Systems Security Program
H-1264-1 - Automated Information Systems Security
1266 - Training
1269 - SPM/M Systems Performance Measurement/Management (Capacity Management)
1270 - Records Administration
H-1270-1 - Electronic Records Administration
1270-2 - Cost Recovery
H-1270-2 - Cost Recovery
1271 - BLM Information Access Center
1273 - Vital Records
H-1273-1 - Disaster Recovery Plan for Paper and Film Records
1274 - Serialized Case File System
H-1274-1 - Serialized Case File System; Automated Mining Claim Recordation System
1275 - Land Status Records
1276 - Micrographics
H-1276-1 - Survey Field Note Indexing
H-1276-2 - Updatable Mining Claim Microfilm System
1277 - GLO Project Records
1278 - External Access to BLM Information
1279 - Library Management
1283 - Data Administration
1290 - Telecommunications*
1291 - Frequency Authorizations
1292 - Radio Communications Management
1293 - Telephone Communications Management
1294 - Data Communications Management*

1301 - Accounting Principles and Standards
1302 - Relationship to Treasury Department*
1303 - Relationship to Office of Management and Budget*
1304 - Relationship to General Accounting Office*
1305 - Relationship to Other Agencies*
1306 - Audit Followup*
1307 - Management Control Systems
H-1307-1 - Internal Control Systems Handbook
1310 - General and Allotment Ledger Accounting
1311 - General Ledger Accounting Control
1312 - Appropriation and Allotment Accounting
1313 - Audit Followup*
1314 - Document Processing and Control
1315 - Working Capital Fund
1317 - Distribution of Receipts*
1318 - Internal Financial Reports*
1319 - External Financial Reports*
1320 - Cost Accounting*
1321 - General Concepts*
1322 - Road Construction Costs*
1323 - Cost Recovery for Reimbursable Projects/Activities
1324 - Reimbursable Projects*
1325 - Other Project Accounting*
1330 - Financial Reporting*
1331 - District, Land and State Office Reports (See 1321)*
1332 - Cash Accountability*
1333 - Employee Overpayments
1334 - Interagency Transfers and Returns*
1340 - Payroll Procedures*
1341 - Time, Attendance, and Leave Reporting
1342 - Severance Pay*
1343 - Distribution of Paychecks
1344 - Payroll Earnings*
1345 - Payroll Deductions
1346 - Emergency Employees*
1347 - Temporary Employees*
1348 - Unemployment Compensation Procedures*
1349 - Missing Employees*
1360 - Service Center and Field Office Fiscal Procedures*
1368 - Concession Contract and Permit Procedures
1370 - Receipts and Disbursements*
1371 - Billings
1372 - Collections
1373 - Distribution of Receipts
1374 - Refunds, Transfers, and Returns
1375 - Delinquent Accounts
1376 - Disbursements
1377 - Sales*
1378 - Letter of Credit
1379 - Payments in Lieu of Taxes
1380 - Financial Operating Procedures*
1381 - Compliance With Provisions of OMB Circular A-76*
1382 - Travel
H-1382-1 - Change of Station Handbook
1383 - Assistant Disbursing Officer
1384 - Accountable Officers and Agents
1385 - Imprest Funds
1386 - Claims
1389 - Fiscal Procedures - EmergencyEvacuation*
1390 - Accounting Forms Index

The 1400 series of the Index is double coded becausethe Bureau's coding for this subject area is combinedwith the coding for the Federal Personnel Manual(FPM).The Bureau's code for Personnel Managementis 1400; the additional three numbers for each subjectrepresents the FPM code for that subject.
1400-110 - OPM Regulations*
1400-171 - The OPM Issuance System*

1400-210 - Basic Concepts and Definitions*
1400-211 - Veteran Preference*
1400-212 - Competitive Service and Competitive Status*
1400-213 - Excepted Service*
1400-230 - Organization of the Government for Personnel Management*
1400-250 - Personnel Management in Agencies*
1400-251 - Intramanagement Communications and Consultations*
1400-252 - Professional or Other Associations*
1400-271 - Developing Policies, Procedures, Programs, and Standards*
1400-273 - Inspections, Surveys, and Audits*
1400-274 - Corrective Actions*
1400-275 - Evaluation of Personnel Management*
1400-290 - Personnel Information*
1400-291 - Personnel Reports*
1400-292 - Personnel Data Standardization*
1400-293 - Personnel Records and Files*
1400-294 - Availability of Official Information*
1400-295 - Personnel Forms and Documents*
1400-296 - Processing Personnel Actions
1400-297 - Protection of Privacy and Personnel Records*
1400-298 - Federal Work Force Information System*

1400-300 - EMPLOYMENT*
1400-301 - Overseas Employment
1400-302 - Seasonal Employment
1400-304 - Employment of Experts and Consultants*
1400-305 - Employment Under the Executive Assignment System*
1400-306 - Affirmative Action Plan for Employment of the Handicapped and Disabled Veterans
1400-307 - Transitional and Veterans Readjustment Appointments*
1400-308 - Youth and Student Employment Programs*
1400-309 - Hosting Enrollees of Federal Grant Programs*
1400-310 - Employment of Relatives*
1400-311 - Power of Appointment and Removal
1400-312 - Position Management
1400-315 - Career and Career-Conditional Employment*
1400-316 - Temporary Employment*
1400-331 - Organization for Recruitment and Examining*
1400-332 - Recruitment and Selection Through Competitive Examination*
1400-333 - Recruitment and Selection for Temporary and Term Appointment Outside the Register*
1400-334 - Temporary Assignment Under Intergovernmental Personnel Act*
1400-335 - Promotion and Internal Placement Plan
1400-337 - Examining System*
1400-338 - Qualification Requirements (General)*
1400-339 - Qualification Requirements (Medical)*
1400-340 - Part-Time Employment*
1400-351 - Reduction-in-Force
1400-352 - Reemployment Rights*
1400-353 - Restoration to Duty*
1400-361 - Career Intern Program
1400-362 - Presidential Management Intern Program*
1400-380 - Upward Mobility Program

1400-410 - Training
1400-412 - Executive Management and Supervisory Development*
1400-430 - Performance Management System
1400-432 - Unacceptable Performance
1400-451 - Incentive Awards

1400-511 - Classification Under the General Schedule
1400-512 - Job Evaluation Under Federal Wage System*
1400-530 - Pay Rates and Systems*
1400-531 - Pay Under the General Schedule
1400-532 - Federal Wage System
1400-534 - Pay Under Other Systems*
1400-536 - Grade and Pay Retention
1400-539 - Conversions Between Pay Systems*
1400-540 - Performance Management and Recognition System*
1400-550 - Pay Administration (General)
1400-551 - Fair Labor Standards Act*
1400-571 - Travel and Transportation for Pre-Employment Interviews and Recruitment*
1400-591 - Allowances and Differentials Payable in Nonforeign Areas*

1400-610 - Hours of Duty
1400-620 - Alternative Work Schedule*
1400-630 - Absence and Leave

1400-711 - Labor Management Relations*
1400-713 - Equal Employment Opportunity
1400-715 - Voluntary Separations and Reduction in Rank or Pay*
1400-720 - Affirmative Employment Program*
1400-731 - Personnel Suitability*
1400-732 - Personnel Security Program*
1400-733 - Political Activity of Federal Employees*
1400-734 - Financial DisclosuresRequirements*
1400-735 - Employee Responsibilities and Conduct*
1400-736 - Investigations*
1400-751 - Discipline*
1400-752 - Discipline and Adverse Actions
1400-771 - Appeals and Grievances to the Agency
1400-772 - Federal Employee Remedial Systems*
1400-792 - Federal Employees Health and Counseling Programs

1400-810 - Injury Compensation*
1400-831 - Retirement
1400-832 - Social Security Retirement, Survivors Insurance, Disability Insurance, and Medicare*
1400-840 - Federal Employees Retirement System*
1400-850 - Unemployment Benefits*
1400-870 - Life Insurance*
1400-890 - Federal Employees Health Benefits*

1400-910 - Mobilization Readiness*
1400-920 - Senior Executive Service*
1400-931 - Federal Personnel Administration Career*
1400-932 - Motor Vehicle Operator Program (See 1112)*
1400-933 - Qualification Requirements for Specific Positions*
1400-990 - General and Miscellaneous*

1510 - Acquisition
H-1510-1 - Purchasing
H-1510-2 - Contracting (General)
H-1510-3 - Contracting for Construction
H-1510-4 - Contracting for Services
H-1510-5 - Contracting for Supplies and Equipment
H-1510-6 - Contracting for Studies, Analyses, Inventories and Surveys
H-1510-7 - Contracting for ADP
1511 - Assistance Agreements
H-1511-1 - Assistance Agreements
1514 - Unsolicited Proposals
1515 - Indian Self-Determination/Self Governance
1520 - Personal Property Management
1521 - Receiving and Identification
H-1521-1 - Receiving and Identification
1522 - Personal Property Accountability
H-1522-1 - Personal Property Accountability Handbook
1523 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
H-1523-1 - Inventory and Warehouse Management
1524 - Loss, Damage, or Theft
H-1524-1 - Loss, Damage, or Theft
1525 - Fleet Management
H-1525-1 - Fleet Management
H-1525-2 - Automated Fleet Management System
1526 - Equipment Rental and Loan
1527 - Disposal
1528 - Automated Personal Property System
H-1528-1 - Automated Personal Property System
1529 - Acquisition of Excess Personal Property
1530 - Real Property Management
1531 - Acquisition
1532 - Accountability and Utilization
1533 - Disposal
1534 - Quarters and Housing Management
H-1534-1 - Quarters and Housing Management
1535 - Space Management
H-1535-1 - Space Management Handbook
1536 - Display of Flags*
1540 - Office Services*
1541 - Correspondence Preparation
H-1541-1 - Correspondence Preparation
1542 - Mail Management
1543 - Communications (See 1290)*
1544 - Word Processing*
1545 - Transportation of Freight*
1550 - Printing, Duplicating, Copying and Graphic Arts
1551 - Printing
1552 - In-House Printing and Reprographic Equipment and Services
1553 - Graphic Arts
1554 - Distribution and Sale of Printed Materials
1555 - Publication Indexing System
1556 - Printed Materials Distribution
1557 - Technical Publications System*

1601 - Bureau Planning System
1602 - Plan Documentation and Records
1610 - Resource Management Planning*
1611 - Resource Management Planning Guidance
1612 - Social and Economic Guidance for Resource Management Planning
1613 - Areas of Critical Environmental Concern
1614 - Public Participation in Planning
1615 - Coordination and Consistency
1616 - Prescribed Resource Management Planning Actions
1617 - Resource Management Plan Approval, Use, and Modification
1618 - Transition to Resource Management Plans
1619 - Activity Plan Coordination
1620 - Supplemental Program Guidance
1621 - Supplemental Program Guidance for Environmental Factors
1622 - Supplemental Program Guidance for Renewable Resources
1623 - Supplemental Program Guidance for Land Resources
1624 - Supplemental Program Guidance for Energy and Mineral Resources
H-1624-1 - Planning for Fluid Mineral Resources
1625 - Supplemental Program Guidance for Support Services
H-1625-1 - Resource Management Planning Handbook- Fire Management
1630 - Managing the Planning System*
1631 - Program Management
1632 - Programs Reports
1633 - Administrative and Judicial Mandates*
1634 - Planning Data and Information Base*
1635 - Computer Assistance in Planning*
1636 - Regional Studies*
1637 - Special Plans or Studies Required by Congress*
1670 - Budget Development*
1671 - Strategic Budget Plan* (formerly Program Year Budget Plan)
1672 - Budget Estimates*
1673 - Budget Justifications*
1674 - Budget Hearings and Transcripts*
1675 - Amendments and Supplementals*
1676 - Appropriations Acts and Congressional Directives*
1680 - Budget Execution*
1681 - Annual Work Plan - Operating Budget
H-1681-1 - Annual Work Plan Handbook
1682 - Unit Accomplishment Reporting*
1683 - Ceilings and Limitations*
1684 - Fund Coding System
H-1684-1 - Fund Coding Handbook
1690 - Budget Administration*
1691 - Appropriations and Allotments*
1692 - Management Reports*
1693 - Budget Execution Reports*
1694 - Special Reports*

1701 - Organization and History*
1702 - Research Management and Liaison
H-1702-1 - Research Management and Liaison
1703 - Hazardous Materials Management*
1710 - Management by Objectives
1720 - Programs and Objectives*
1721 - Youth Conservation Corps Program*
1722 - Young Adult Conservation Corps Program*
1725 - Program Policy*
1730 - Integrated Resource Management*
1731 - Integrated Resource Data*
1733 - Water-Oriented Planning*
1734 - Inventory and Monitoring Coordination
1735 - Renewable Resource Monitoring*
1736 - Biodiversity/Ecosystem Management*
1737 - Riparian-Wetland Area Management
1738 - Coastal Zone Management
1740 - Renewable Resource Improvements and Treatments
H-1740-1 - Renewable Resource Improvement and Treatment Guidelines and Procedure
1741 - Renewable Resource Improvements, Practices, and Standards
H-1741-1 - Fencing
H-1741-2 - Water Developments
1742 - Emergency Fire Rehabilitation
H-1742-1 - Emergency Fire Rehabilitation
1743 - Renewable Resource Investment Analysis
H-1743-1 - Resource Investment Analysis
1744 - Job Documentation Reporting System*
1745 - Introduction, Transplant, Augmentation, and Reestablishment of Fish, Wildlife and Plants
1750 - Legislation*
1751 - Legislative Reports and Proposals
1752 - Legislative Drafting Service
1753 - Implementation of New Legislation
1760 - Regulations*
1761 - Proposing Regulations
1770 - International Cooperation
1771 - Technical Assistance*
1772 - Training and Consultation*
1773 - International Meetings and Conferences*
1774 - International Travel
1775 - International Committees*
1776 - International Agreements*
1777 - Compliance with United States Foreign Policy
1778 - International Studies*
1779 - International Organizations*
1780 - Cooperative Relations*
1781 - Congressional Liaison*
1782 - Federal Agencies*
1783 - Committee Management*
1784 - Advisory Boards
1785 - Relationships with State and Local Governments
1786 - Memorandums of Understanding
1787 - Reimbursable Technical Services
1788 - Attendance at Non-Government and International Meetings
1789 - Associations and Societies*
1790 - National Environmental Policy Act
H-1790-1 - National Environmental Policy Act Handbook
1791 - Categorical Exclusions*
1792 - Environmental Assessments*
1793 - Environmental Impact Statements*
1794 - Mitigation and Monitoring*
1795 - Review of Non-BLM Environmental Documents*
1796 - Referrals to the Council on Environmental Quality*

1810 - Introduction and General Guidance
1811 - Qualifications of Applications*
1812 - Qualifications of Practitioners*
1813 - Public Land Records*
1814 - Entry and Use of Land and Resources
1815 - Disaster Relief*
1820 - Application Procedures*
1821 - Execution and Filing of Forms
1822 - Payments and Repayments*
1823 - Proofs and Testimony*
1824 - Publication and Posting of Notices*
1825 - Relinquishments*
1826 - Reinstatement of Canceled Entries*
1830 - Administrative Review*
1833 - Field Review*
1834 - Headquarters Review*
1840 - Appeals Procedures*
1841 - Decision Procedures
1845 - Legal Source and Research Materials
1850 - Hearings Procedures*
1851 - Hearings Upon Possessory Claims to Lands and Waters Used and Occupied by Natives of Alaska*
1860 - Conveyance Documents
H-1860-1 - Conveyance Documents
1861 - Final Certificates*
1862 - Patent Preparation and Issuance
H-1862-1 - Patent Preparation and Issuance
1863 - Other Title Conveyances*
1864 - Recordable Disclaimers of Interest in Land*
1865 - Correction of Conveyancing Documents*
1870 - Equitable Adjudication
1871 - Principles*
1872 - Disposition, Records, and Testimony*
1873 - Claims for Damage*
1874 - Litigation*
1875 - Legal Assistance and Guidance*
1880 - Financial Assistance, Local Governments*
1881 - Payments in Lieu of Taxes (See 1379)*
1882 - Mineral Development Impact Relief Loans*

1900 - 1999 (UNASSIGNED)

2010 - Coordination*
2020 - Lands Resource Inventory*
2050 - Lands Activity Plans*
2060 - Lands Examination, Investigations, and Reports*
2063 - Land Reports*
2064 - Administration of Land Use Authorizations (Compliance)*
2070 - Designation of Areas and Sites
2071 - Type and Effect of Designations*
2072 - Procedures*
2090 - Special Laws and Rules*
2091 - Segregation of Lands
2093 - Minerals (Nonmineral Entries on Mineral Lands)
2094 - Special Resource Values; Shore Space*
2096 - Veterans*
2097 - Opening Orders

2101 - Acquisition Management
H-2101-1 - Acquisition Processing
H-2101-2 - Condemnation
H-2101-3 - Disposal of Unneeded Easements
2110 - Gifts*
2111 - Procedures*
2120 - Leases*
2121 - Procedures*
2130 - Acquisition of Lands or Interests in Lands by Purchase or Condemnation*
2131 - Completion of Deeds*
2132 - Title, Evidence, Clearance, and Opinion*
2133 - Negotiations*
2134 - Recordation*
2135 - Inspection and Possession*
2136 - Payment of Consideration*
2137 - Condemnation of Lands or Interests in Lands*
2140 - Acquired Lands

H-2200-1 - Exchange of Public Lands
2201 - Exchanges: Specific Requirements*
2202 - Exchanges: National Forest Exchange*
2203 - Exchanges Involving Fee Federal Coal Deposits*
2210 - State Exchanges*
2212 - Miscellaneous State Exchanges*
2240 - National Park System Exchanges
2250 - Wildlife Refuge Exchanges
2270 - Miscellaneous Exchanges*
2271 - Indian Reservation Exchanges
2272 - Reclamation Exchanges
2273 - National Wild and Scenic Rivers System: National Trails System Exchanges
2274 - National Conservation Area Exchanges
2275 - Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA)*

2310 - Withdrawals, General Procedure*
2320 - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Withdrawals*
2330 - National Defense Agencies*
2340 - Federal Power Commissions*
2344 - Federal Power Commission
2345 - Procedures*
2355 - Withdrawal Review
2360 - National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska*
2361 - Management and Protection of The National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska*
2370 - Restorations and Revocations*
2371 - Petition for Revocations
2372 - Procedures
2374 - Acceptance of Jurisdiction by BLM*

2410 - Land Classification - General
2420 - Multiple-Use Management Classifications*
2430 - Criteria for Disposal Classifications*
2440 - Criteria for Classification*
2450 - Petition-Application Classification Procedure
2451 - Petition-Applications and Bureau-Initiated Classifications
2460 - Bureau Initiated Classification System*
2461 - Multiple-Use Classification Procedures*
2462 - Disposal Classification Procedures - Over 2,560 Acres*
2470 - Opening and Allowance*

2510 - Homesteads*
2511 - Original Homesteads*
2512 - Additional Entries*
2513 - Second Entries*
2520 - Desert Land Entries
2521 - Procedures*
2522 - Extension of Time to Make Final Proof*
2523 - Payments*
2524 - Desert Land Entries Within A Reclamation Project*
2530 - Indian Allotments*
2531 - Applications*
2532 - Allotments*
2533 - Allotments Within National Forests*
2540 - Color-of-Title Grants
2541 - Color-of-Title Act*
2542 - Color-of-Title Claims, New Mexico, Contiguous to Spanish or Mexican Grants*
2543 - Erroneously Meandered Lands, Arkansas
2544 - Erroneously Meandered Lands, Louisiana
2545 - Erroneously Meandered Lands, Wisconsin
2546 - Snake River, Idaho, Omitted Lands*
2547 - Omitted Lands: General*
2550 - Mining Claim Occupancy Act*
2560 - Alaska Occupancy and Use*
2561 - Native Allotments*
2562 - Trade and Manufacturing Sites*
2563 - Homesites or Headquarters
2564 - Native Townsites*
2565 - Non-Native Townsites*
2566 - Alaska Railroad Townsites*
2567 - Alaska Homestead Settlement

2610 - Carey Act Grants*
2611 - Segregation Under The Carey Act - Procedures*
2612 - Issuance of Patents*
2613 - Preference Right Upon Restoration*
2620 - State Grants*
2621 - Indemnity Selections
2622 - Quantity and Special Grant Selections*
2623 - School Land Grants to Certain States Extended to Include Mineral Sections*
2624 - Patents for Granted School Sections*
2625 - Swamplands Grants
2626 - Carey Act
2627 - Alaska
2630 - Railroad Grants
2631 - Patents for Lands Sold by Railroad Carriers (Transportation Act of 1940)*
2640 - Airport Patents
2641 - Procedures*
2650 - Alaska Native Selections*
2651 - Village Selections*
2652 - Regional Selections*
2653 - Miscellaneous Selections*
2654 - Native Reserves*
2655 - Federal Installations*

2710 - Public Sales
2711 - Public Sales Procedures
2720 - Conveyance of Federally-Owned Mineral Interests*
2740 - Recreation and Public Purposes Act
H-2740-1 - Recreation and Public Purposes
2741 - R&PP: Requirements*
2742 - R&PP Act: Omitted Lands and Unsurveyed Islands*
2743 - R&PP Act: Solid Waste Disposal*
2760 - Townsites*
2761-63 - (Reserved)
2764 - Reclamation Projects*
2765 - Grant of Lands in Reclamation Townsites for School Purposes*
2780 - Special Areas*
2781 - Choctaw-Chickasaw*
2783 - State Irrigation Districts*
2784 - Arkansas Drainage*

2801 - Rights-of-Way Management
H-2801-1 - Right-of-Way Plans of Development and Grants
H-2801-2 - Administration of Rights-of-Way Granted (Compliance)
H-2801-3 - Rights-of-Way Bonds and Bonding Procedures
2802 - Applications*
2803 - Administration of Rights Granted*
2804 - Appeals*
2805 - Federal Agencies
2806 - Designation of Right-of-Way Corridors*
2807 - Reservation to Federal Agencies*
2808 - Reimbursement of Costs*
2810 - Tramroads and Logging Roads*
2812 - Over O & C and Coos Bay Revested Lands*
2850 - Power Sites and Transmissions Lines
2851 - Prevention of Raptor Electrocution on Powerlines
2860 - Communications
H-2860-1 - Communication Site Right-of-Way Management
2880 - Oil and Natural Gas Pipelines
2881 - Terms and Conditions of Right-of-Way Grants and Temporary Use Permits*
2882 - Applications*
2883 - Administration of Rights Granted*
2884 - Appeals*
2885-86 - (Reserved)
2887 - Over Lands Subject to Mineral Leases*

2910 - Leases*
2911 - Airport Leases
2912 - Recreation and Public Purposes Act*
2913 - Small Tract Act*
2914 - Mining Claim Occupancy Act*
2916 - Alaska Fur Farm*
2920 - Leases, Permits, and Easements

3003 - Competitive Bidding*
3010 - Coordination*
3020 - Classification of Federal Lands*
3021 - Lands Prospectively Valuable for Leasable Minerals
3022 - Known Geologic Areas*
3023 - Known Geothermal Resource Areas (KGRA)*
3024 - Known Recoverable Coal Resource Area (KRCRA)*
3025 - Known Leasing Area (KLA)*
3030 - Geology, Energy and Mineral (GEM) Resource Assessment*
3031 - Energy and Mineral Resource Assessment
3032 - Geology and Paleontology*
3033 - Geologic Hazards*
3034 - Ground Water Assessment*
3040 - Exploration Activity*
3041 - Surface Management*
3042 - Land Reclamation
H-3042-1 - Solid Mineral Reclamation
3044 - Safety*
3045 - Geophysical Exploration, Oil and Gas*
3046 - Hazardous Materials*
3060 - Mineral Reports -- Preparation and Review
3070 - Mineral Economic Evaluation
H-3070-1 - Economic Evaluation of Coal Properties
3071 - Oil and Gas*
3072 - Geothermal*
3073 - Coal*
3074 - Non-energy Solid Leasable Minerals*
3075 - Mineral Material*
3076 - Other Leasable Minerals*
3090 - Minerals Research*
3091 - Special Studies*
3092 - Geologic Studies*

H-3100-1 - Oil and Gas Leasing
3101 - Issuance of Leases
H-3101-1 - Issuance of Leases
3102 - Qualifications of Lessees
H-3102-1 - Qualifications of Lessees
3103 - Fees, Rentals and Royalty
H-3103-1 - Fees, Rentals and Royalty
3104 - Bonds
H-3104-1 - Bonds
3105 - Cooperative Conservation Provisions
H-3105-1 - Cooperative Conservation Provisions
3106 - Assignments and Other Transfers
H-3106-1 - Assignments and Other Transfers
3107 - Continuation, Extension or Renewal of Leases
H-3107-1 - Continuation, Extension or Renewal
3108 - Relinquishments, Terminations, and Cancellations
H-3108-1 - Relinquishments, Terminations, and Cancellations
3109 - Leasing Under Special Acts
H-3109-1 - Leasing Under Special Acts
3110 - Noncompetitive Leases
H-3110-1 - Noncompetitive Leases
3111 - Over-the-Counter Offers
H-3111-1 - Over-the-Counter Offers
3112 - Simultaneous Filing
H-3112-1 - Simultaneous Filing
3120 - Competitive Leases
H-3120-1 - Competitive Leases
3130 - Oil and Gas Leasing: National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska*
3131 - Leasing Program*
3132 - Issuance of Leases*
3133 - Rentals and Royalties*
3134 - Bonding*
3135 - Transfers, Extensions and Consolidations*
3136 - Relinquishments, Terminations, and Cancellations of Leases*
3140 - Combined Hydrocarbon Leasing*
3141 - Competitive Leasing in Special Tar Sand Areas*
3142 - Paying Quantities/Diligent Development*
3150 - Onshore Oil and Gas Geophysical Exploration (See 3045)*
3151 - Exploration Outside of Alaska*
3152 - Exploration in Alaska*
3153 - Exploration of Lands Under the Jurisdiction of the Department of Defense*
3154 - Bond Requirements*
3160 - Onshore Oil and Gas Operations*
3160-1 - Application for Permit to Drill and Subsequent Operations
H-3160-1 - Technical and Environmental Considerations
3160-2 - Drainage Protection
H-3160-2 - Drainage Protection
3160-3 - First Production/Discovery Reports
3160-4 - Conversion to Water Well
3160-5 - National Oil & Gas Inspection and Enforcement Strategy*
3160-7 - Oil and Gas Inspector Identification Cards
3160-9 - Communitization
3160-10 - Suspension of Operations and/or Production
3160-11 - Underground Storage of Natural Gas
3160-16 - Indian Diligent Development
3161 - Jurisdiction and Responsibility*
3162 - Requirements for Operating Rights Owners and Operators*
3163 - Noncompliance, Assessments, and Penalties*
3164 - Special Provisions*
3165 - Relief, Conflicts, and Appeals*
3180 - Unitization (Exploratory)
H-3180-1 - Unitization (Exploratory)
3181 - Application for Unit Agreement*
3182 - Qualifications of Unit Operator*
3183 - Filing and Approval of Documents*
3184 - (Reserved)
3185 - Appeals*
3186 - Model Forms*
3190 - Delegation of Authority, Cooperative Agreements and Contracts for Oil and Gas Inspection*
3191 - Delegation of Authority*
3192 - Cooperative Agreements with States and Tribes*

H-3200-1 - Geothermal Resources Leasing
3201 - Available Lands; Limitations; Unit Agreements; Lease Issuance
H-3201-1- Available Lands; Limitations;Unit Agreements; Lease Issuance
3202 - Qualifications of Lessees
H-3202-1 - Qualifications of Lessees
3203 - Leasing Terms
H-3203-1 - Leasing Terms
3204 - Surface Management Requirements; Special Requirements*
3205 - Fees, Rentals, and Royalties
H-3205-1 - Fees, Rentals, and Royalties
3206 - Lease Bonds
H-3206-1 - Lease Bonds
3207 - Leases for a Fractional or Future Interest
3208 - (Reserved)
3209 - Geothermal Resources Exploration Operations*
3210 - Noncompetitive Leases
H-3210-1 - Noncompetitive Leases
3220 - Competitive Leases
H-3220-1 - Competitive Leases
3240 - Rules Governing Leases*
3241 - Transfers
H-3241-1 - Transfers
3242 - Production and Use of Byproducts*
3243 - Cooperative Conservation Provisions*
3244 - Terminations and Expirations
H-3244-1 - Terminations and Expirations
3250 - Utilization of Geothermal Resources*
3260 - Geothermal Resource Operations*
3261 - Jurisdiction and Responsibility*
3262 - Requirements for Operating Rights Owners and Operators*
3263 - Measurement of Production*
3264 - Reports to be Made by All Lessees*
3265 - Procedure in Case of Violation of the Regulations or Lease Terms*
3266 - Appeals*
3280 - Geothermal Resources Unit Agreements*
3281 - Application for Unit Agreement*
3282 - Qualification of Unit Operator*
3283 - Filing and Approval of Documents*
3284 - (Reserved)
3285 - Appeals*
3286 - Model Forms*

3410 - Exploration Licenses
3420 - Competitive Leasing
H-3420-1 - Competitive Coal Leasing
3422 - Lease Sales*
3425 - Leasing on Application*
3427 - Split Estate Leasing*
3430 - Preference Right Leases
H-3430-1 - Procedures for Processing Coal Preference Right Lease Applications
3431 - Negotiated Sales - Right-of-Way (Coal)*
3432 - Lease Modifications
3435 - Lease Exchange
3436 - Coal Lease and Coal Land Exchanges-Alluvial Valley Floor
3440 - Licenses to Mine*
3450 - Management of Existing Leases
3451 - Continuation of Leases: Readjustment of Terms
3452 - Relinquishment, Cancellation, and Termination
3453 - Transfers by Assignment, Sublease, or Otherwise
3460 - Environment*
3461 - Federal Lands Review--Unsuitability for Mining*
3465 - Surface Management and Protection*
3470 - Coal Management Provisions and Limitations*
3471 - Coal Management Provisions andLimitations*
3472 - Lease Qualification Requirements*
3473 - Fees, Rentals, and Royalties*
3474 - Bonds
3475 - Lease Terms*
3480 - Coal Exploration and Mining Operations Rules*
3481 - General Provisions*
3482 - Exploration and Resource Recovery and Protection Plans*
3482-2 - Mining Plans for Coal Operations on Indian Lands
3483 - Diligence Requirements
3484 - Performance Standards*
3485 - Reports, Royalties, and Records
3486 - Inspection and Enforcement, Production Verification, andAppeals
3487 - Logical Mining Unit

3501 - Descriptions and Acreage
3502 - Qualification Requirements
3503 - Fees, Rentals, and Royalties
3504 - Bonds
3506 - Assignments and Subleases
3507 - Fractional and Future Interest Permits and Leases
3508 - Mineral Lease Exchange
3509 - Relinquishment, Termination, Expiration, and Cancellation
3510 - Phosphate Leasing
H-3510-1 - Phosphate Leasing Handbook
3511 - Lease Terms and Conditions
3512 - Phosphate Prospecting Permits
3513 - Preference Right Lease
3514 - Exploration License
3515 - Competitive Leasing
3516 - Noncompetitive Leasing - Fringe Acreage Leases and Lease Modifications
3517 - Use Permits
3520 - Sodium Leasing
3521 - Lease Terms and Conditions
3522 - Sodium Prospecting Permits
3523 - Preference Right Lease
3524 - Exploration License
3525 - Competitive Leasing
3526 - Noncompetitive Leasing - Fringe Acreage Leases and Lease Modifications
3527 - Use Permits
3528 - Lease Renewals
3530 - Potassium Leasing
3531 - Lease Terms and Conditions
3532 - Potassium Prospecting Permits
3533 - Preference Right Lease
3534 - Exploration License
3535 - Competitive Leasing
3536 - Noncompetitive Leasing - Fringe Acreage Leases and Lease Modifications
3540 - Sulphur Leasing
3541 - Lease Terms and Conditions
3542 - Sulphur Prospecting Permits
3543 - Preference Right Lease
3544 - Exploration License
3545 - Competitive Leasing
3546 - Noncompetitive Leasing - Fringe Acreage Leases and Lease Modifications
3547 - Lease Renewals
3550 - Gilsonite Leasing
3551 - Lease Terms and Conditions
3552 - Gilsonite Prospecting Permits
3553 - Preference Right Lease
3554 - Exploration License
3555 - Competitive Leasing
3556 - Noncompetitive Leasing - Fringe Acreage Leases and Lease Modifications
3560 - Hardrock Minerals Leasing
3561 - Lease Terms and Conditions
3562 - Hardrock Minerals Prospecting Permits
3563 - Preference Right Lease
3564 - Competitive Leasing
3565 - Noncompetitive Leasing - Fringe Acreage Leases and Lease Modifications
3566 - Lease Renewals
3567 - Development Contracts
3568 - Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area*
3570 - Asphalt in Oklahoma
3571 - Lease Terms and Conditions
3572 - Maps and Plans*
3573 - Bore Holes and Samples*
3574 - Competitive Leasing
3575 - Noncompetitive Leasing: Fringe Acreage Leases and Lease Modifications
3576 - Lease Renewals
3577 - Production Records and Audits*
3578 - Inspection, Issuance of Orders, and Enforcement of Orders*
3579 - Late Payment or Underpayment of Charges*
3580 - Special Leasing Areas*
3581 - Gold, Silver, or Quicksilver in Confirmed Private Land Grants*
3582 - National Park Service Areas*
3583 - Shasta and Trinity Units of The Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area*
3584 - Reserved Minerals in Lands Patented to The State of California for Park or Other Public Purposes*
3585 - White Mountains National Recreation Area, Alaska*
3586 - Sand and Gravel in Nevada*
3590 - Solid Mineral (Other Than Coal) Exploration and Mining Operations*
3591 - General Obligations of Lessees, Licensees, and Permittees*
3592 - Plans and Maps*
3592-2 - Mining Plans for Noncoal Operations on Indian Lands
3593 - Bore Holes and Samples*
3594 - Mining Methods*
3595 - Protection Against Mining Hazards*
3596 - Waste From Mining or Milling*
3597 - Production Records*
3598 - Inspection and Enforcement Production Verification, and Appeals
3599 - Late Payment or Underpayment of Charges*

H-3600-1 - Mineral Materials Disposal Handbook
3601 - Limitations*
3602 - Disposal of Mineral Materials*
3603 - Unauthorized Use*
3604 - Community Pits and Common Use Areas*
3610 - Mineral Material Sales*
3620 - Free Use*
3621 - Free Use: General*
3622 - Free Use of Petrified Wood*
3630 - Mineral Material Appraisal
H-3630-1 - Mineral Material Appraisal Handbook

3710 - Public Law 167; Act of July 23, 1955*
3711 - Common Varieties*
3712 - Proceedings Under the Act*
3713 - Hearings*
3714 - Rights of Mining Claimants*
3715 - Use and Occupancy Under the Mining Laws*
3720 - Abandoned Mine Land Management*
3720-1 - Abandoned Mine Land Projects (Water Quality-Based)*
3720-2 - Abandoned Mine Land Projects (Other)*
3722 - Report to Geological Survey*
3730 - Public Law 359; Mining in Powersite Withdrawals*
3731 - Power Rights*
3732 - Withdrawals Other Than for Powersite Purposes*
3733 - Risk of Operation*
3734 - Location and Assessment Work*
3735 - Prior Existing Mining Locations*
3736 - Mining Operations*
3737 - Use*
3738 - Surface Protection Requirements*
3740 - Public Law 585; Multiple Mineral Development*
3741 - Claims, Locations and Patents*
3742 - Procedures Under The Act*
3743 - Hearings*
3744 - Claimant's Rights*
3745 - Helium*
3746 - Fissionable Source Materials*

3802 - Exploration and Mining, Wilderness Review Program*
3809 - Surface Management
3810 - Lands and Minerals Subject to Location*
3811 - Lands Subject to Location and Purchase*
3812 - Minerals Under The Mining Laws*
3813 - Disposal of Reserved Minerals Under The Act of July 17, 1914*
3814 - Disposal of Reserved Minerals Under The Stockraising Homestead Act
3815 - Mineral Locations in Stock Driveway Withdrawals*
3816 - Mineral Locations in Reclamation Withdrawals*
3820 - Areas Subject to Special Mining Laws*
3821 - O and C Lands*
3822 - Lands Patented Under The Alaska Public Sale Act*
3823 - Prospecting, Mineral Locations, and Mineral Patents Within National Forest Wilderness*
3824 - City of Prescott, Arizona, Watershed*
3825 - Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona*
3826 - National Park Service Areas*
3827 - King Range National Conservation Area*
3830 - Location of Mining Claims
3831 - Rights to Mineral Lands*
3832 - Who May Make Locations*
3833 - Recordation of Mining Claims
3840 - Types of Claims*
3841 - Lode Claims*
3842 - Placer Claims*
3843 - Tunnel Sites*
3844 - Millsites*
3850 - Assessment Work*
3851 - Assessment Work, General*
3852 - Deferment of Assessment Work
3853 - Mineral Leasing Acreage Control Records System
3860 - Mineral Patent Applications
H-3860-1 - Mineral Patent Application Processing
3861 - Surveys and Plats
3862 - Lode Mining Claim Patent Applications
3863 - Placer Mining Claim Patent Applications
3864 - Mill Site Patent
3870 - Adverse Claims, Protests, and Conflicts*
3871 - Adverse Claims
3872 - Protests, Contests, and Conflicts
3873 - Segregation*
3890 - Mineral Investigations
H-3890-1 - Handbook for Mineral Examiners
3891 - Validity Examinations
3893 - Residential Occupancy on Mining Claims
3894 - Mineral Contest Proceedings
3896 - Appraisal of Locatable Mineral Estates*
3898 - Special Mining Acts*

3901 - Qualifications of Lessees*
3910 - Exploration Licenses*
3920 - Competitive Leasing*
3921 - Prelease Sale Activities*
3922 - Lease Activities*
3923 - Required Payments*
3924 - Multimineral Leasing*
3930 - Post-Lease Activities*
3931 - Mine Plan Review and Approval*
3932 - Lease Modifications and Readjustments*
3933 - Transfers*
3934 - Suspension of Lease Operations and Cancellation*
3950 - Special Investigations, Multiple Use
3951 - Validity Examination - Public Law 167
3953 - Public Law 359

4010 - Range Management Program Records
H-4010-1 - Range Management Records

4110 - Qualifications and Preference
H-4110-1 - Qualifications and Preference
4120 - Grazing Management
H-4120-1 - Grazing Management
4130 - Authorizing Grazing Use
H-4130-1 - Authorizing Grazing Use
4140 - Prohibited Acts*
4150 - Unauthorized Grazing Use
H-4150-1 - Unauthorized Grazing Use
4160 - Administrative Remedies
H-4160-1 - Administrative Remedies
4170 - Penalties*
4180 - Standards and Guidelines for Grazing Administration*

4210 - Conditions*
4220 - Procedures*
4230 - Disposition of Leased Lands*
4240 - Protests, Hearings, and Appeals*

4310 - Conditions*
4320 - Procedures*
4330 - Protests*
4340 - Trespass*

H-4400-1 Rangeland Monitoring and Evaluation
4410 - Ecological Site Inventory
H-4410 - National Range Handbook

4710 - Management Considerations Protection
4720 - Removal
4730 - Destruction of Wild Horses or Burros and Disposal of Remains
4740 - Motor Vehicles and Aircraft
4750 - Private Maintenance
H-4750-1 - Wild Horse and Burro Preparation
H-4750-2 - Adoption of Wild Horses and Burros
H-4750-3 - Wild Horse Training Handbook
4760 - Compliance
4770 - Prohibited Acts, Administrative Remedies, and Penalties*

5000-1 - Forest Management (Public Domain)
5003 - Administrative Remedies*
5040 - Sustained Yield Unit and Cooperative Agreements*
5041 - Annual Productive Capacity*
5042 - Master Units*
5043 - Sustained Yield Forest Units*
5044 - Cooperative Sustained Yield Agreements*
5045 - Exchanges*


5210 - Extensive Forest Inventories*
5220 - Photopoint Inventory System*
5240 - Allowable Cut Planning*
5250 - Intensive Forest Inventories*
5251 - Timber Production Capacity Classification
5260 - Timber Depletion and Statistics*

5310 - Timber Cruising

H-5400-1 - Sales of Forest Products
H-5400-2 - Timber Sale Information System
5401 - Advertised Sales*
5402 - Other Than Advertised Sales*
5410 - Annual Timber Product Sale Plan
H-5410-1 - Annual Forest Product Sale Plan
5420 - Preparation for Sale
5422 - Volume Measurements*
5424 - Preparation of Contract*
5430 - Advertisement
H-5430-1 - Advertisement
5440 - Conduct of Sales
H-5440-1 - Conduct of Sales
5441 - Advertised Sales*
5442 - Bidding Procedure*
5443 - 90-Day Sales*
5450 - Award of Contract
H-5450-1 - Award of Contract
5451 - Bonds*
5452 - Method of Payment*
5460 - Sales Administration
H-5460-1 - Sales Administration
5461 - Contract Payments*
5462 - Contract and Permit Requirements*
5463 - Expiration of Time for Cutting and Removal*
5470 - Contract Modification-Extension-Assignment
H-5470-1 - Contract Modification, Notification, Extension, Assignment
5473 - Extension of Time for Cutting and Removal*
5474 - Contract Assignment*
5475 - Federal Timber Contract Payment Modification*
5480 - Contract Violation-Suspension-Cancellation; Settlement ofUncompleted Contract
H-5480-1 - Contract Violation-Suspension-Cancellation; Settlement of Uncompleted Contract
5484 - Termination of Contract
5490 - Contract Termination
H-5490-1 - Contract Termination

5510 - Free Use of Timber*
5511 - Free Use Regulations*

5610 - General Silvicultural Applications*
5611 - Lodgepole*
5612 - Ponderosa Pine*
5613 - Engelmann Spruce*
5620 - Silvicultural Prescription*
5630 - Cutting Methods*
5640 - Logging Methods*
5650 - Multiple Use Relationships*

5702 - Funding*
5703 - Records and Annual Reports
5705 - Regeneration Stocking Surveys
5710 - Reforestation
5711 - Site Preparation
5712 - Tree Seed
5713 - Tree Seedlings
5714 - Seeding
5715 - Planting
5716 - Protective Measures
5717 - Release Treatments*
5720 - Site Productivity Improvement*
5721 - Fertilization*
5730 - Genetic Improvements*
5740 - Stand Improvements
5741 - Precommercial Thinning*
5742 - Commercial Thinning*
5750 - Stand Conversion*

5820 - Forest Disease Control*

6100 - National Landscape Conservation System
6200 - National Conservation Areas, National Monuments, National Scenic and Historic Trails*
6210 - Interim Management of Newly Designated National Conservation Areas and National Monuments*
6220 - Protection and Preservation of Natural Values*
6230 - National Conservation Areas*
6240 - National Monuments*
6250 - National Historic Trails*
6260 - National Scenic Trails*
6300 - Wilderness Management*
6310 - Wilderness Inventory and Study Procedures
6320 - Reporting Wilderness Recommendations (Reserved)*
6330 - Blank*
6340 - Blank*
6350 - Interim Management Policy*
6360 - Wilderness Management Planning*
6400 - Wild and Scenic River Management*

6500 - Wildlife Management*
6501 - Wildlife Reports
6502 - Wildlife Evaluations*
6507 - Economic Analysis*
6510 - Multiple Use Wildlife Coordination*
6511 - Wildlife--Engineering*
6512 - Wildlife--Forestry*
6513 - Wildlife--Lands*
6514 - Wildlife--Minerals*
6515 - Wildlife--Protection*
6516 - Wildlife--Range Management*
6517 - Wildlife--Recreation/Wilderness*
6518 - Wildlife--Soil, Water, and Air*
6520 - Cooperative Relations
6521 - State Agencies
6522 - Federal Agencies
6523 - Nongovernmental Organizations
6524 - Research
6525 - Sikes Act Wildlife Programs
6526 - Schools, Colleges, and Universities*
6530 - Game Ranges*

6601 - Wildlife Inventory and Monitoring Information Systems*
6602 - Integrated Habitat Inventory and Classification System
6603 - Riparian/Aquatic Information Data Summary*
6604 - Threatened and Endangered Species Data System*
6605 - Wildlife Observation Report Data System*
6606 - Wildlife Productivity/Modeling Data System*
6609 - Other Information System*
6610 - Wildlife Inventory
6611 - Wetland Riparian*
6612 - Lakes and Reservoirs*
6613 - Streams*
6614 - Estuarine and Coastal Surveys*
6615 - Marine Surveys*
6616 - Water Analysis for Fisheries*
6620 - Preparation of Biological Specimens*
6630 - Big Game Studies*
6631 - Requirements
6632 - Preparatory Information
6633 - Field Procedure
6634 - Inspection Methods
6635 - Habitat Condition and Trend
6636 - Mammals*
6672 - Lake and Reservoir Surveys*
6674 - Water Analysis for Fisheries

6710 - Terrestrial/Upland Habitat*
6711 - Vegetation Management*
6712 - Fences*
6713 - Wildlife Passes*
6714 - Study Enclosures and Exclosures*
6715 - Springs*
6716 - Water Catchments*
6717 - Wells*
6718 - Supplemental Water Facilities*
6720 - Aquatic Resource Management
6721 - Reservoirs
6740 - Wetland-Riparian Area Protection and Management (see 1737)*
6750 - Lake and Reservoir Management and Development*
6760 - Stream Management and Development*
6761 - Stream Planning*
6762 - Stream Management*
6763 - Stream Improvement Construction*
6770 - Estuarine and Coastal Habitat*
6775 - Marine Habitat*
6780 - Habitat Management Plans

6800 - Wildlife Population Management*
6801 - Responsibilities*
6805 - Goals and Objectives*
6810 - Regulations and Harvest*
6811 - Hunting and Fishing Regulations*
6812 - Hunting and Fishing Surveys*
6820 - Wildlife Introductions and Transplants (See 1745)*
6821 - Native Species*
6822 - Exotic Species*
6830 - Animal Damage Control
6840 - Special Status Species Management
6841 - The Endangered Species Act (ESA)*
6842 - Administration of the ESA*
6843 - Threatened and Endangered Species Planning and Management*
6844 - Other Special Status Species*
6845 - Reintroductions*
6846 - Data Collection*
6850 - Protection of Special Status Plants*



7210 - Watershed Condition Analysis*
7220 - Watershed Activity Planning*
7221 - Floodplain Management
7230 - Ground Water*
7240 - Water Quality
7250 - Water Rights
7260 - Floodplain Management (see 7221)*

7316 - Ground Water Hydrology


8010 - Special Area Management*
8011 - Areas of Critical Environmental Concern*
8012 - Special Area Designations of NationalImportance*
8013 - Special Areas Designations of International Importance*
8014 - Special Areas Designated by Congress*

8102 - Program Monitoring*
8110 - Cultural Resource Identification
8111 - Cultural Resource Inventory and Evaluation
8120 - Nomination of Cultural Resources to Special Systems*
8121 - National Register of Historic Places*
8122 - National Historic Landmarks*
8123 - Historic American Buildings Survey*
8124 - Historic American Engineering Record*
8129 - State and Local Systems*
8130 - Cultural Resource Planning
8131 - Cultural Resource Management Plans
8132 - Cultural Resource Project Plans
8133 - External Plans Coordination*
8140 - Protection of Cultural Resources
8141 - Physical and Administrative Protection
8142 - Recovery of Cultural Resource Data
8143 - Avoidance and/or Mitigation of Adverse Effects to Cultural Properties
8150 - Utilization of Cultural Resources
8151 - Cultural Resource Use Permits
8152 - Cultural Resources Interpretation*
8160 - Native American Coordination and Consultation
8170 - Cultural Heritage Education*
8180 - Treasure Trove/Abandoned Property*
8190 - Restoration/Reconstruction of Cultural Resources*

8201 - Program Development/Priorities*
8202 - Program Monitoring*
8210 - Inventory and Evaluation*
8220 - Nomination to Special Systems*
8222 - National Natural Landmarks*
8223 - Research Natural Areas*
8224 - Fossil Forest Research Natural Area*
8230 - Planning*
8231 - Natural History Resource Management Plans*
8232 - Project Plans*
8240 - Protection*
8241 - Administrative Measures*
8242 - Physical Measures*
8243 - Environment Assessment of Natural History Resources*
8250 - Utilization of Natural History Resources*
8270 - Paleontology*

8301 - Program Development/Priorities*
8302 - Program Monitoring*
8303 - Recreation Management Information Systems*
8305 - Environmental Assessment*
8310 - Recreation Inventory
8320 - Planning for Recreation Resources
8321 - Land Use Planning*
8322 - Recreation Area Management Plans
8323 - Recreation Project Planning
8324 - External Plans Coordination*
8330 - Disability Acces/Universal Design*
8331 - Accessibility Data Management System*
8332 - Architectual and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board/Department of the Interior Section 504 Complaints*
8340 - Off-Road Vehicles
8341 - Conditions of Use (ORVs)
8342 - Designation of Areas and Trails (ORVs)
8343 - Vehicle Operations (ORVs)*
8344 - Permits (ORVs)*
8350 - Management Areas*
8351 - Wild & Scenic Rivers - Policy and Program Direction forIdentification, Evaluation, and Management
8352 - Established Areas*
8353 - Trail Management Areas*
8354 - River Management Areas*
8355 - Winter Sports Management Areas*
8356 - Water Sports Management Areas*
8357 - Byways
H-8357-1 - Byways
8358 - Off-Road Vehicle Management Areas*
8359 - Special Use Management Areas*
8360 - Visitor Services
8361 - Emergency Services (Reserved)
8362 - Interpretive Services (Reserved)
8363 - Resource and Visitor Protection (Reserved)*
8364 - Closures and Restrictions*
8365 - Rules of Conduct*
8366 - Site Management*
8367 - Environmental Education*
8370 - Use Authorizations*
8371 - Recreation Use Permits, Developed Sites (Reserved)*
8372 - Special Recreation Permits
H-8372-1 - Special Recreation Permits for Commercial Use
8380 - Cave Resources Management
8381 - Cave Inventory, Evaluation, and Classification*
8382 - Cave Planning*
8383 - Cave Protection*
8384 - Cave Resource Utilization*
8385 - Cave Visitor Use Management*
8390 - Recreation Concession Leases and Vendor Permits

8410 - Visual Resource Inventory
H-8410-1 - Visual Resource Inventory
8411 - Upland Visual Resource Inventory and Evaluation*
8412 - Marine Inventory and Evaluation*
8430 - Application of Visual Resource Management Principles to Project Planning and Design
8431 - Visual Resource Contrast Rating
H-8431-1 - Visual Resource Contrast Rating
8440 - Environmental Assessment*
8450 - Rehabilitation and Enhancement of the Visual Resources*
8460 - Monitoring and Compliance for Visual Resources*

8510 - Wilderness Inventory*
8520 - Wilderness Studies*
8530 - Wilderness Reporting*
8550 - Interim Management Policy and Guidelines for Land Under Wilderness Review
H-8550-1 - Interim Management Policy and Guidelines for Lands Under Wilderness Review
8560 - Management of Designated Wilderness Areas
H-8560-1 - Management of Designated Wilderness Areas
8561 - Wilderness Management Plans


9010 - Integrated Pest Management*
9011 - Chemical Pest Control
H-9011-1 - Chemical Pest Control
9012 - Expenditure of Rangeland Insect Pest Control Funds
9014 - Use of Biological Control Agents of Pests on Public Lands
9015 - Integrated Weed Management

9101 - Facility Planning
9102 - Facility Design
9103 - Facility Construction
9104 - Facility Maintenance
9105 - Energy Conservation*
9107 - Engineering Computer Applications
9110 - Transportation Facilities
H-9110-1 - Transportation Planning
9111 - Aviation Facilities
9112 - Bridges and Major Culverts
9113 - Roads
H-9113-1 - Roads; Guidelines for Determination of Curve Widening
H-9113-2 - Roads; Inventory and Maintenance
9114 - Trails
H-9114-1 - Trails
9115 - Water Facilities*
9119 - Incidental Transportation Appurtenance*
9120 - Telecommunications (See 1290)
9121 - Frequency Authorization (See 1291)*
9122 - Radio Communication (See 1292)*
9130 - Signs and Posters
H-9130-1 - Sign Installation and Maintenance
9131 - Transportation Signs
9132 - Operational Signs
9150 - Buildings and Recreation Facilities
9151 - Buildings
9152 - Water and Sewage*
9153 - Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning Systems*
9154 - Electrical Systems*
9155 - Recreation Facilities*
9160 - Mapping Sciences
9161 - Cartography
H-9161-1 - Cartography
9162 - Aerial Photography*
9163 - Remote Sensing*
9164 - Photographic Services*
9165 - Map Reproduction and Printing*
9166 - Map Storage and Distribution*
9167 - Geographic Information System (GIS)*
9170 - Surface Resource Facilities
9171 - Water Development
9172 - Water Control Structures
H-9172-1 - Water Control Structures; Guidelines for Design
H-9172-2 - Water Control Structures; Guidelines for Construction Drawings
9173 - Protection Facilities*
9174 - Stream and Channel Structures*
9175 - Land Treatment*
9176 - Stabilization Procedures*
9177 - Maintenance and Safety of Dams
H-9177-1 - Maintenance and Safety of Dams
H-9177-2 - Preparing Emergency Action Plans (for Dams)
H-9177-3 - Reporting Dam Failures
9180 - Health and Pollution Control Facilities
9181 - Air Pollution Control*
9182 - Wastewater Treatment
9183 - Municipal/Community Related Solid Waste
9184 - Drinking Water Supply
9185 - Instructions and Methods*
9186 - Noise Abatement*
9187 - Underground Injection Control*
9188 - Nonpoint Source Pollution Control
H-9188-1 - Nonpoint Source Pollution Control
9190 - Equipment Development*
9191 - Planning*
9192 - Cost and Rate Studies*
9193 - Technical Specifications*

9209 - Fire Information Resources Management
9210 - Fire Management
H-9210-1 - Fire Management Technical Procedures Review
9211 - Fire Planning
H-9211-1 - Fire Management Activity Plan Procedures
H-9211-2 - Initial Attack Analysis Handbook - Fire Management
9212 - Fire Prevention
9213 - Presuppression
9214 - Prescribed Fire Management
9215 - Fire Training and Qualifications
H-9215-1 - District Fire Management Job Performance Requirements
9216 - Fire Equipment and Supply Management
H-9216-1 - Fire Equipment and Supply Management Handbook
9217 - Fire/Ecosystem Relationships*
9218 - Reports and Statistics
9219 - Cooperation*
9220 - Integrated Pest Management
9230 - Trespass
9231 - Forest Product Trespass
H-9231-1 - Forest Product Trespass Procedure Handbook
9232 - Realty Trespass Abatement
H-9232-1 - Realty Trespass Abatement
9234 - Agriculture Trespass*
9235 - Mineral Trespass
H-9235-1 - Mineral Material Trespass Prevention and Abatement
9236 - Litigation and Injunction
9238 - Fire Trespass
H-9238-1 - Fire Trespass
9239 - Kinds of Trespass*
9260 - Law Enforcement
9261 - Law Enforcement Standards
9262 - Law Enforcement Operations
H-9262-1 - Law Enforcement Field Operations
9263 - Minerals Management (Reserved)*
9264 - Range Management*
9265 - Timber Management*
9266 - Wildlife Management*
9267 - Water Management (Reserved)*
9268 - Recreation Programs*
9269 - Technical Services*

9310 - Real Property Appraisals
9350 - Forest Product Appraisal
9351 - Standard BLM System
9352 - Development of Data
9353 - Appraisal By Analytical Procedures
9354 - Appraisal By Market Value Procedures
9355 - Appraiser's Opinion of Value
9356 - Stumpage Values*
9357 - Appraisal Report*
9358 - Statistics*
9359 - Index Sales*

H-9400-1 - Handbook for Aviation Management ATPR/ICR
9410 - Aviation Administration
9420 - Aviation Operations
9430 - Aviation Safety
9440 - Aviation Training
9450 - Aviation Support Systems
9460 - Facilities Operation
9470 - Cooperative Programs
9480 - Aviation Research and Development*

9510 - Social and Economic Analysis - Resource Specific*
9520 - Investment Analysis*
9521 - Benefit-Cost Analysis
9522 - Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
9530 - Techniques of Economic Analysis
9532 - Budgeting
9536 - Mathematics of Finance*
9540 - Social Impact Analysis*
9550 - Data Collection and Surveys*
9553 - Socioeconomic Data System
9560 - Research and Special Studies*
9570 - Supply/Demand Analysis and Projections*
9580 - Mitigation and Monitoring*

9601 - Determination of Survey Requirement*
9604 - Procurement of Commercial Resources*
9605 - Mineral Surveys*
9609 - National Cadastral Survey Priorities*
9610 - Application for Survey*
9611 - Application for Survey Without Cost to Applicant*
9612 - Application for Survey With Costs Prorated*
9613 - Application for Survey With Cost to Applicant*
9614 - Special Surveys*
9615 - Protraction Diagrams*
9620 - Survey Specifications*
9621 - Special Instructions*
9622 - Assignment Instructions*
9623 - Abstracting*
9624 - Field Investigations*
9625 - Geodesy*
9630 - Cadastral Survey Record*
9637 - Records Availability*
9638 - National Archives*
9640 - Cadastral Survey Examination and Approval*
9650 - Cadastral Survey Filing*
9660 - Protests, Appeals, and Litigation*
9661 - Protests*
9662 - Appeals*
9663 - Litigation*
9670 - Survey Management and Maintenance*
9671 - Monuments*
9672 - Survey Evidence Maintenance*
9673 - Survey Equipment Systems*
9680 - National and International Professional Survey Relations*
9681 - Professional Societies*
9682 - Seminars and Workshops*
9683 - Professional Papers Publication*
9684 - Professional Survey Authorities*
9685 - Foreign Relations*
9686 - Professional Surveyor Development*
9687 - Certified Federal Surveyor Program
9690 - Land Information Systems*
9691 - Public Land Survey System/Geographic Coordinate Data Base

Last updated: 04-15-2008