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Eligible Plant List and Plant Price Schedule (EPLPPS)
Nov 24, 2008

This document supplements the more thorough "Help" section of the FCIC/DataScape Nursery Crop Insurance Inventory Software (inventory software). For more detailed information, select Help from the pull down menus or press the F1 key.

Getting Started
Using the Inventory Software
Exporting Inventory Lists
Importing Inventory Lists
General Inventory Software
Tips and Techniques
Windows Vista - Questions and Known Issues

Q. Where can I get the FCIC/DataScape Nursery Crop Insurance Inventory software?
A. There are two ways to get the software:
1) Request a CD from your insurance agent, or
2) Download the Inventory software from the USDA Risk Management Agency Web site at  Select the Nursery Crop Insurance Inventory Software for the proper crop year, and be sure to Save this file on your hard drive, making a note of where it is saved.  If you need to perform a Find to locate the downloaded file later, it is named using the crop year, for example “”.

Q. How do I install the software on my computer?
A. If you are installing from the CD, insert the disk and the installation program should start.  If you are installing from a downloaded file, open the downloaded file and double-click on the “Setup.exe” file (with an icon of a computer).  Follow the onscreen directions to complete the installation.

Q. How do I create a company or “client”?
A. Open the inventory software by double-clicking the desktop icon or selecting the program in your start menu.  Click on the File menu in the top menu bar, and then select Plant Inventory.  To add a new client name, click on the Add button.  After entering the name and address information, click on the Save button, and you will be given the option to create an inventory list.

Q. How do I create an inventory list?
A. Make sure that the correct client name is showing in the upper half of the “Client Selection for Plant Inventory” screen.  In the lower half of the window, enter the State and county where nursery inventory is located.  Enter an inventory description (required) and a reference if desired (optional), which will print on Inventory Valuation reports.  Click on the Save button to save this information.

Q. How do I get to my inventory plant list?
A. After a client is created and an inventory location and description are defined, you are ready to work with the details of the inventory list.  With the proper client showing in the upper half of the window (use the List button to find the desired client name) and the proper inventory location and description in the lower half of the window, click on the Select button in the upper right corner.

Q. How do I add a plant to the list?
A. To add a plant to the plant inventory list, click on the Select Plant for List button.  There are many ways to find a desired plant name, including botanical or common name, and several methods to filter, which are described in the Help section (click Help in the upper menu bar or press the F1 key).  After the desired plant name is located, click on the Select button which will select the plant and display a window of the sizes avdispble whic can be insured.

In the “Size Selection Screen,” double click on every size to be included in your inventory list for this particular plant.  For example, you are able to select 1 gal, 3 gal, and 5 gal sizes to be listed in your inventory.  Multiple lines of the same size may be added if desired.  After all desired sizes for the shown plant are selected, click on the Continue button to return to the “Plant Inventory” screen and enter your inventory quantities and catalog prices.

Q. How can I print out my inventory?
A. After inventory information is entered, a valuation estimate report can be printed to assist your insurance agent in writing your nursery crop insurance policy.  To print the Valuation Estimate report, you must have your “Plant Inventory” screen open.  From the top menu bar, select File, Print, Valuation Estimate.

Q. How do I find an inventory list that I already created?
A. Once you create an inventory list, the data is maintained within the inventory software.  To open a previously created inventory list:

  • In the top menu bar select File, Plant Inventory
  • Click on the List button, select the correct client name, and press Enter.
  • In the lower half of the Client Selection screen, confirm the proper inventory location and description is showing.  If there are multiple lists for the same client name, you will be able to review the inventory list information by scrolling forward and back with the directional arrows in the Inventory section of the screen.
  • Click on the Select button to open the Plant Inventory list for the selected inventory.

Q. Can I modify my inventory?
A. Yes, an inventory can be opened and modified at any time.  You may add or delete plants, add or delete sizes, and change quantities and prices.

After an inventory is finalized and your insurance agent has written your policy, it is advisable to save a backup copy of the inventory list as it has been insured and make no further changes to it.  A copy of the saved inventory data file can be imported back into the software as a new description or under a new “Client” name which can then be changed and modified (see back-up notes below).

Q. Can I change plant sizes on an inventory list?
A. Each plant inventory line cannot have the size changed.  To modify sizes you must add new size lines and then delete unneeded inventory lines, or you can leave their quantity at 0.

Q. What if the size of my container is not listed?
A. If your container size is not listed, click on File, Volume Calculator, then Round or Square/Rectangular, depending on your container shape.  Insert the dimensions of your container. The size listed in the FCIC Container box is the size you will use when inputting your plant in the software.

Q. How do I add an additional inventory list for another location?
A. The inventory software allows for a virtually unlimited number of inventory lists for each client name, as well as multiple clients.  Select or create the desired client name, then Add as many inventory lists as you need.

Different inventory lists can be used for each location under the same client. Use the Description and Reference information to differentiate, such as "North Farm" or "Lake Road Farm".

Q. Can I combine two lists?
A. The software does not allow the combining or merging of two inventory lists.

Q. Why would I want to export my inventory list? A. Since the data you enter is contained within the inventory software, the program provides a method to “export” an inventory list. There are several reasons to export an inventory file:

  • It is advisable to backup an inventory list and keep it in a safe off-site location for any possible need in the future.
  • An inventory file from one crop year can be imported into the next crop year, thereby saving time.
  • An inventory file can be imported by an insurance adjuster, thereby reducing the adjuster’s time in filing a claim.

Q. How do I export my inventory list?
A. To export an inventory list, select the desired client and inventory.  With the “Plant Inventory” screen open, pull down the File menu and select Export.  Select the desired location and file name and proceed. See “Help” if additional information is needed.

Q. Where can I save my exported list?
A. When exporting an inventory file, the user can select the location to save the file through the Windows explorer window.  The location could potentially be on a server, a local hard drive, a floppy disk drive, a CD drive, or even a USB drive.  This exported file is very small, and can be emailed as an attachment.

Q. Can I use my FCIC/DataScape inventory list in other programs?
A. The inventory list can only be used by other FCIC/DataScape software programs.

Importing Inventory Lists

Q. What files can be imported into the inventory software?

A. An inventory list can be imported only from:

  • A file exported from the FCIC/DataScape Inventory software for the current crop year.
  • A file exported from the FCIC/DataScape Inventory software for the previous crop year.
  • A file exported from the FCIC/DataScape Appraisal software (used by crop insurance adjusters) for the previous crop year.

Q. How do I import an inventory list?
A. An inventory list can be imported only from a FCIC/DataScape software list, and only from a file that has been exported from the same crop year or the one previous crop year. To import a list:

  • Depending if you want to import an inventory list for a new client name or just import an inventory list into an existing client name, choose one of the following steps:
  • To add a client AND inventory, click on the Import button in the Client section at the top of the Client Selection for Plant Inventory screen. Or,
  • To add an inventory list to a client name that already exists, select the desired client using the List button, then click on the Import button in the inventory section of the screen (in the lower half of the screen).
  • Locate the file you want to import and proceed. (See “What files can be imported?” above)
  • Note: You can edit the client information or the description and reference information if needed.

Q. Why can’t I import my inventory from Excel or another program into the inventory software?
A. The inventory software can only import data from other FCIC/DataScape programs.

General Inventory Software

Q. What should I do if my inventory software is not closed properly (such as a power outage, or a "force quit")

A. Though you may always try to shut down the software program properly, situations do occur that result in an improper shutdown.  If you suspect that this may have happened, or you see corrupted information showing on a screen or report, the best action is to re-index the program files.  Immediately upon starting the FCIC/DataScape software, pull down the File menu, and select Re-Index.

Q. Is the inventory software available for Macintosh?
A. The Inventory software is currently only available for the following Microsoft Windows operating systems: Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, and as of the 2010 crop year, Vista.

Q. How do I know if the Pilot Nursery Grower’s Price Endorsement is available for my state?
A. The Nursery Grower’s Price Endorsement is currently available in 19 States.  Those States are listed in the Help (or press F1) menu under Help, Index, type in Endorsements.

Q. What are the PDF Books?
A. The Nursery PDF Books are similar to the Inventory Software in that they provide the same information and Nursery Crop Insurance explanations but in hard copy.  The books provide an extra piece of information that cannot be found on the software: the plant factors.  The plant factor is a multiplier to be used with the base price tables for each growing practice (container or field) for each plant.  In the software, the prices for every plant are automatically calculated, so there is never a need to see the factors.  If your company uses the software, the books may come in handy as a backup source of information.

Tips and Techniques

Q. How do I make a back-up copy of an inventory list?
A. As with all programs and data, save your work and back-up your inventory lists.  By exporting and protecting the inventory list you will provide yourself with the means to restore your work into software for the same or the following year.  In the unfortunate situation that you must file a claim, a saved inventory list can speed up the claim process.

Q. How do I test a backup?
A. Test your backup by importing in a client named “Backup.” If you have any doubts about a saved file, you can “test” it by importing the file into a client named “TEST.” Keep the “master” list backed up, and import a copy to test changes (for example, endorsements). If you are considering different types of insurance or endorsement options, consider saving a “master” copy of your inventory.  Importing from this master file and changing the client name or the inventory description will allow you to always start with the same plant list and then modify it for different scenarios.

Q. How do I name an exported file?
A. When exporting your file, it is best to give it a significant name.  A file named “Inventory” may make sense today, but how about two years from now?  “North Farm 5-21-06” will indicate which location as well as the effective date.  Naming your files wisely now will help when you are searching later.

Q. How can I import an inventory that is from two crop years earlier?
A. Since the inventory software only imports from the same crop year or one year earlier, you can “hopscotch” the inventory list.  Assume your inventory file is exported from crop year 2003 software.  Open the inventory software for crop year 2004, import, then export and rename.  Proceed through each year so that the data file is properly updated and converted from one year to the next.


Q. How do I fix an Autoexec error?
A. The error “AUTOEXEC.NT SYSTEM FILE IS NOT SUITABLE FOR RUNNING MS DOS AND WINDOWS APPLICATIONS” is related to your computer’s Autoexec file. This file may have been removed or altered by either a virus or other software. Following are some steps to resolve it. Please be very cautious in performing this repair, and always be sure your computer system is backed up before proceeding.
1. Run a virus scan to be sure your system is “clean.”
2. For your knowledge, the official, full length description from Microsoft can be found at, knowledgebase article #324767. The steps from that site which resolved this problem are #5, then #8 through 15, then #18.
3. Be cautious working in the following folders and with the existing files:
First, see if the necessary file even exists:
- Open My Computer
- Open your local hard drive where the windows operating system resides, usually Local Disk (C:)
- Open Windows folder, then System32 folder
- Look for a file named Autoexec.nt (you may possibly only see Autoexec depending on your settings) If the file does not exist, you should follow the steps from that Microsoft article to create a missing Autoexec file:
- Open Notepad (in the Start menu, usually under Accessories)
- On the File menu, click New
- From this document, Copy the following text:

@echo off
REM AUTOEXEC.NT is used to initialize the MS-DOS environment unless a
REM different startup file is specified in an application's PIF.
REM Install CD ROM extensions
LH %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe
REM Install network redirector (load before dosx.exe)
LH %SystemRoot%\system32\redir/
REM Install DPMI support
LH %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx
- In the Notepad document, Paste the text.
- On File menu, click Save As
- In the Save In box, be sure to select My Computer, then main hard drive (usually Local Disk (C:)), then Windows folder, then System32 folder
- In the File Name box, type in AUTOEXEC.NT and then click Save
- Restart your computer
If the file does exist, double-click on it to open the file, then:
- From this document, Copy the following text:

@echo off
REM AUTOEXEC.NT is used to initialize the MS-DOS environment unless a
REM different startup file is specified in an application's PIF.
REM Install CD ROM extensions
LH %SystemRoot%\system32\mscdexnt.exe
REM Install network redirector (load before dosx.exe)
LH %SystemRoot%\system32\redir/
REM Install DPMI support
LH %SystemRoot%\system32\dosx
- In the Notepad document, Paste the text.
- On File menu, click Save As
- In the Save In box, be sure to select My Computer, then main hard drive (usually Local Disk (C:)), then Windows folder, then System32 folder
- In the File Name box, type in AUTOEXEC.NT and then click Save
- Restart your computer

Q. Why does some text overlap on the report?
A. If you notice a report with overlapping columns or other similar problems, it most likely indicates a need to “Calibrate” the printer.  In the process of printing, there is a “Calibrate” button on the print dialog box.  This process only needs to be set once each time the inventory software is started.  Printing multiple reports only requires calibration before the first.

Windows Vista - Questions and Known Issues

Q. Can I install and use the DataScape software on my Windows Vista computer?
A. Users can safely install DataScape software for the 2010 crop year and later on a computer running Microsoft Windows Vista.

Q. My computer is running Windows Vista - what can I expect if I install DataScape software from crop year 2009 or earlier?
A. Under the direction of the USDA, the DataScape software prior to crop year 2010 was not certified to run under the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system. If you install pre-2010 crop year DataScape software on a computer using the Microsoft Windows Vista operating system, you do so at your own risk. Tests were performed with the 2008 and 2009 crop year DataScape software under the Microsoft Vista operating system. The following issues were found AND APPLY ONLY TO DATASCAPE SOFTWARE VERSIONS PRIOR TO THE 2010 CROP YEAR. ISSUE 1 – DIFFERENT USER LOGINS = DIFFERENT SETS OF INVENTORY OR APPRAISAL LISTS: One of the effects of the Windows Vista "user-specific" file storage is that inventory and worksheet data is now only available to the user who logged into Vista at the time of data entry. Under previous versions of Windows (95 through XP) DataScape data files were available to all users of the computer. Under Vista, the DataScape application is available to all users, yet the user entered data is not available under any other user log-ins. If a user logs in with a different login name than the person who entered the inventory or appraisal worksheet, he/she will not have access to the data entered. The inventory or worksheet data must be exported by the person who performed the data entry, which can then be imported by other users similar to using the data on different computers. ISSUE 2 -- UNINSTALLING: Since the uninstall procedure removes all DataScape program files installed in the Program Files area, the user-specific data files are not removed. The removal of these files would be necessary in the event of data corruption, where an uninstall/re-install would be used. Please note – this issue only affects users of pre-2010 crop year DataScape software installed on Windows Vista. Procedures to properly uninstall a pre-2010 version of DataScape software installed on a Microsoft Vista computer:

  1. Close the DataScape application if it is open
  2. From My Computer select "Uninstall or change a program" (or in Control Panels, select "Programs")
  3. Find the proper application in the list to be removed and click once on it
  4. Click on "Uninstall/Change" above the list
  5. Follow the instructions on screen to remove the application
  6. Open My Computer
  7. Double click on the main hard drive, usually "Local Disk (C:)
  8. Double click Users folder
  9. Double click the folder of the user who performed the initial software installation
  10. Type "VirtualStore" in the Search box (no space)
  11. Click on Advanced Search in the lower right window
  12. Check the checkbox in the half of the window labeled "Include non-indexed, hidden, and system files"
  13. Double click on the VirtualStore folder that shows up in the lower window
  14. Double click on the Program Files folder, then the Datascape folder
  15. You should see one or more folders which exist within the DataScape folder: (NOTE: Be sure to select the correct folder!)
    • To remove the 2008 crop year APPRAISAL software data, then right-click on the CS14 folder and select "Delete"
    • To remove the 2009 crop year APPRAISAL software data, then right-click on the CS15 folder and select "Delete".
    • To remove the 2008 crop year INVENTORY / ELIGIBLE PLANT LIST software data, then right-click on the DS14 folder and select "Delete"
    • To remove the 2009 crop year INVENTORY / ELIGIBLE PLANT LIST software data, then right-click on the DS15 folder and select "Delete"
  16. Right click on the Recycle Bin on the desktop and select "Empty Recycle Bin"
  17. The software application and the user specific data files have now been completely removed from the Vista machine. It is now safe to re-install the DataScape application.

For more information, contact Claire White or phone 816-926-5131.

Last Modified: 01/09/2009
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