University of Rhode Island
College of the Environment and Life Sciences URI Botanical Garden URI Botanical Garden
CEEC Links

CELS Kathleen M. Mallon Outreach Center

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URI Learning Landscape Field Trips at the Roger Williams Park Botanical Center

Now Booking Jan. - March 2009


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The Spring 2009 Master Composter & Recycler Training Program

April 1st- April 29th

Register Now!!

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Program Areas
Program Areas

Select link for details:
Master Gardener Program
The GreenShare Program
URI Energy Center
Youth Programs
Master Composter & Recycler Program
Coastal Landscapes Program
Pesticide Applicator Training Program
RWP Botanical Center
Plant Protection Clinic
Plant Pro
Gardening & Environmental Hotline
GreenShare Gardening Factsheets
Water Quality

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URI College of the Environment and Life Sciences

Sustainable Agriculture @ URI

URI Department of Plant Sciences

Program Areas

College of the Environment and Life Sciences
University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881 | Phone: 401-874-1000
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