PNSN > 2006 Tremor Episode > Special seismic studies of fall, 2006 deep tremor

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Cascadia Arrays For EarthScope (CAFE) -
Deep Tremor News: Oct, 2006 - ....         (Winter, 2006-2007)

This page will have frequent updates from observations and studies of Cascadia deep tremor expected during the fall of 2006. CAFE has several different goals including imaging the structure of the Cascadia subduction zone and a study of deep tremor associated with Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS).
News will be posted on this page (latest at the top) and references to figures from time to time.

Map of CAFE stations in operation as of Oct 10, 2006

NEWS (latest at the top)


The University of Washington seismic group began studying deep tremor associated with Episodic Tremor and Slip (ETS) events in 2003 using both the regional PNSN and small aperture arrays. With NSF funding we have recently installed Cascadia Arrays for Earthscope (CAFE) for both structural and tremor studies. As in the past we plan to collaborate closely with the seismologists and geodesists of the Pacific Geoscience Centre (Natural Resources Canada) and Central Washington University to follow the development of the next ETS.

Previous Studies of ETS by UW scientists

Other information about ETS
