Minerals Management Service
Minerals Management Service Receives Pioneer in Energy Education Award for Increasing Understanding of Ocean Energy Sources
cover of publication illustrating offshore energy
Image by MMS.
The Minerals Management Service's "Ocean Energy" booklet is one of the ways the agency shares its information and expertise with the education community and the general public.

The U.S. Department of the Interior’s Minerals Management Service has garnered an Education Pioneer Award for its efforts to educate the American public, including teachers and students, on ocean energy and the emerging opportunities for offshore alternative energy (wind, wave, ocean current, and solar) in U.S. waters.

The Ocean Energy Council and Ocean News and Technology Magazine, the sponsor of the award, presented it to MMS during the EnergyOcean 2007 Conference in Oahu, Hawaii. The award recognizes the agency’s ongoing outreach contributions toward educating the public on alternative ocean energy sources, technologies, and environmental considerations.

“MMS is honored to be recognized as an innovator in energy education,” MMS Director Randall Luthi said. “Given MMS’s expanded ocean energy authority, it’s important that the agency share its expertise and knowledge with the public so the nation can be engaged and make informed decisions regarding America’s energy future.”

Through an active outreach program, MMS shares information with the public on its ocean energy responsibilities and on issues pertaining to energy on the Outer Continental Shelf. MMS shares information through speaking engagements and exhibits at ocean and energy-related conferences, regional workshops and local community events throughout the country.

The agency’s alternative energy website also offers the public a wealth of information on ocean energy topics. A particularly popular section of the website is the OCS Alternative Energy and Alternate Use Programmatic Environmental Information Statement Information Center at

Among MMS’s variety of science-based educational resources, the agency’s “Ocean Energy” booklet continues to enjoy popularity among both the education community and the general public. Originally developed for teachers and students, this non-technical publication has been featured at the National Science Teachers Association Conference, the National Marine Educators Association Conference, and numerous State and local education conferences and events throughout the United States. MMS’s education partner, the National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project also includes the booklet as part of their national K-12 education program. The booklet is available on the agency’s website at

Through its Pioneer Awards Program, the EnergyOcean Conference recognizes individuals, companies, organizations and institutions that have made a significant contribution to the promotion, education and/or implementation of Ocean Energy around the world.

The MMS is responsible for managing the Nation’s offshore energy and mineral resources and the collection and disbursement of revenues associated with energy and mineral resource production from Federal and Indian lands. Under authority of Section 388 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the MMS will regulate alternative energy projects on the Outer Continental Shelf. Alternative energy includes wind, wave, ocean current and solar.

For additional information, contact Nicollete Nye, MMS, at (703) 7878-1011.

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UPDATED: December 03, 2007
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