Robyn's Resources for CSA




Description and Price

#1 - CSA Brochure
*First copy FREE!  
15¢ for each additional copy

The 8.5" x 11", two-sided, tri-fold brochure explains the CSA concept, philosophy, and general operation. Developed to provide interested parties with a first-look description of CSA. Good handout for prospective members.

#2 - Robyn Van En Brochure
*First copy FREE!  
15¢ for each additional copy

Tri-fold brochure defines the Robyn Van En Center and what it offers.  Includes a brief biography of Robyn Van En and defines the concept of CSA.

#3 - Formula to Create Community Supported Agriculture
Authored by Robyn Van En
Cost: $10.00

A remembrance of Robyn, the late founder of the CSA Movement in North America.  This 80-page handbook/ start-up manual includes sample budgets, job descriptions, community outreach tactics, bibliography, and more.  Information is dated, but extremely valuable from a historical standpoint. CSANA, 1996.

#4 - Building a Sustainable Business
Authored by The Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture with The Sustainable Action Network
Cost: $20.00

This 280-page manual is a business planning guide for alternative and sustainable agriculture entrepreneurs that follows one farming family through the planning, implementation, and evaluation process.   Limited number of copies available. SAN Publishing, 2003.

#5 -
The New American Farmer
Authored by Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Program
Cost: $16.00

This 160-page publication profiles 50 farmers and ranchers who have embraced new approaches to agriculture because of economics, concern for the environment, or a yearning for a more traditional, satisfying lifestyle.  Limited number of copies available.  SARE, 2003.                   

#6 - The New Farmer's Market
Authored by Vance Corum, Marcie Rozenweig, & Eric Gibson
Cost: $20.00

This 250-page publication offers farm-fresh ideas for producers, managers, communities, and CSA's interested in expanding their marketing possibilities. New World  Publishing, 2001.

#7 - Supplemental Information Bulletin:"Exploring Sustainability in Agriculture"

16-page bulletin defines sustainable agriculture by providing snapshots of different producers who apply sustainable principles on their farms and ranches.  SARE, 2004.

#8 - Supplemental Information Bulletin: "How to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch"

12-page bulletin outlines how to conduct research at the farm level, offering practical tips for crop and livestock producers.  SARE, 2004.

#9 - Supplemental Information Bulletin: "Meeting the Diverse Needs of Limited Resource Producers"

16-page bulletin provides a guide for agricultural educators who want to better connect with and improve the lives of farmers and ranchers who often are hard to reach.  SARE, 2004.

#10 - Supplemental Information Bulletin: "Transitioning to Organic Agriculture"

20-page bulletin lays out promising transition strategies, typical farming practices, and innovative marketing ideas. SARE, 2004.

#11 - Opportunities in Agriculture:   Diversifying Cropping Systems

20-page bulletin to help farmers design diverse crop rotation systems, choose new
crops and manage them with success.  Also included: sidebars about four successful diverse farmers, agroforestry sections, and an additional resource list.  SARE, 2003.

#12 - Reap New Profits: Marketing Strategies for Farmers and Ranchers

Contains many alternatives to marketing commodities through conventional channels, which are described, such as farm stands, farmers markets, pick-your-own operations, mail order, Internet, and restaurant sales.  SARE, 2003.                    

#13 - Smart Water Use on Your Farm
of Ranch
Cost: $2.00
This 16-page bulletin outlines soil, plant, and
water management and addresses water-
conserving techniques such as composting,
conservation tillage, cover cropping, crop rotation, rangeland drought strategies, irrigation, and water recycling.  SARE 2006.

#14 - Profitable Poultry: Raising Birds
on Pasture
Cost: $2.00
16-page bulletin illustrates farming experiences along with the latest research on raising chickens, and turkeys, using pens, movable fencing and pasture.  This bulletin sheds light on how to improve profits, the environment, and rural family life.  SARE 2006.

#15 - Biodiesel Homebrew Guide
by Maria "Mark" Alovert
Cost: $15.00

Everything you need to know to make your own Biodiesel fuel from waster vegetable oil.

#16 - From Asparagus to Zucchini: A Guide to Cooking Farm-Fresh Seasonal Produce, 3rd Edition  Authored by The Madison Area CSA Coalition
Cost: $20.00

This delightful cookbook offers 53 different vegetable and herb sections.  It includes nutritional, historical, and storage information, as well as cooking tips and specific recipes.  Also included are essays that address how our food choices fit into our economy, the natural environment, community, quality of life, and agricultural and social systems.  Excellent resource for providing CSA members with recipes for their seasonal produce.  MACSAC, 2004.

#17 - The Community Supported Agriculture Handbook 
Authored by Center for Sustainable Living, Wilson College
Cost: $10.00

Back by popular demand...this 80+ page guide gives valuable information on starting, operating or joining a successful CSA.  It inlcudes many resources such as crop calendars and budgets, sample brochures, newsletters and much more!


#18 -Recipes from America's Small Farms: Fresh Ideas for the Season's Bounty  Authored by Joanne Lamb Hayes and Lori Stein with Maura Webber
Cost: $20.00

This book contains favorite recipes from farmers from CSA members all across America and several high-profile chefs, including Rick Bayless (Frontera Grill), Peter Hoffman (Savoy), Roxanne Klein (Roxanne's), and Kevin von Klause (White Dog Cafe').  This book includes a chapter on meat, poultry, eggs, seafood and vegetarian and vegan recipes throughout.  Each chapter provides details about history, characteristics and nutritional qualities of specific fruits and vegetables.  Cooking techniques, useful sidebars and a glossary make this book an indispensable resource.

#19 - Maximizing Shareholder Retention in Southeastern CSAs:  A Step Toward Long Term Stability 
Authored by Deborah J Kane and Luanne Lohr, University of Georgia
Cost: $6.00
This 35-page publication is a great resource for any CSA, regardless of location, the information within can be generally applied to the CSA in any area.  One of the most sought-after resources at Robyn Van En Center (so many copies have been requested, it was only logical to put it into print and circulation), this publication offers priceless information on shareholder expectations of CSA, the CSA reality for shareholder and farmer, differences in structure and what CSAs offer, and ways to help the CSA farmer in keeping his/her shareholder happy and coming back to support the farm season after season.  University of Georgia, 1996.

#20 - The E.F. Schumacher Society: A Trio of Essays
Cost: $6.00

This 35-page packet contains three essays, replicated and compiled by Robyn Van En Center, titled "A New Lease on Farmland" (Susan Witt and Jay Rossier, 1990/2001), "Local Currencies: Catalysts for Sustainable Regional Economies" (Robert Swann and Susan Witt, 1995/2001), and "Land: Challenge and Opportunity" (Robert Swann and Susan Witt, 1995/2001).  The essays include such information as ways to earn a living from the land and how to do so successfully and sustainably in ways that preserve the land for future use in agriculture.  Also included are avenues to create diverse and stable regional economies consisting of many interrelated small, sustainable businesses, and extremely useful information on affordable access to land for farmers, ecologically sound land-use planning, and preservation of traditionally used lands by and for indigenous peoples.

#21 - Community Supported Agriculture on the Urban Fringe: Case Study and Survey  Written by: Rochelle Kelvin
Cost: $10.00
This 40-page publications includes a definition and history of CSA as well as case studies on finances and risk, crop production, and membership surveys.  It also offers a survey of 11 CSA Farms on the urban fringe, a hypothetical payment model for a cooperative CSA, and extensive discussions on long-term viability of CSA, CSA networks, and understanding CSA shareholders. Metro-Farmer Networks and Rodale Institute Research Center, 1994.                    

#22 - Community Supported Agriculture in the Mid-Atlantic Region: Results of a Shareholder Survey
Written by Lydia Oberholtzer
Cost: $6.00
This valuable 43-page publication offers a study approach to farmer interviews and a shareholder satisfaction and retention surveys, with results and discussions on the study.  It also includes a CSA Shareholder Survey Questionnaire, survey results by farm, and a correlation matrix of results on shareholder retention traits.  A great resources for those searching for up-to-date statistics and case study results of CSA farms and CSA shareholders! Small Farm Success Project and Future Harvest CASA, 2004.                 

#23 - Rebirth of the Small Family Farm: A Handbook to Sucure Success and Profits on the Family-Scale Farm
By Bob & Bonnie Gregson
Cost: $12.00
This handbook provides information on starting a successful organic farm based on the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) concept.this particular book was written for "non-farmers" to shed light on unfamiliar territory to those new to the realm of alternative agriculture.  It offers details on the use of specific tools, techniques, and how-to information, and includes models of diverse market farms/gardens.  IMF Associates; 65 pages.                       

#24 - A Farmer's Guide to the Bottom Line: A Handbook to Secure Success & Profits on the Family-Scale Farm
By Charles Walters
Cost: $24.00
This book offers insight into the the life experience of Acres U.S.A. founder, Charles Walters as a small farmer-entrepreneur.  Included are step-by-step guides to planning and implementing business practices for the small-scale, eco-friendly, family farm.  The book provides examples of folks who are making a living and profiting from their sustainable farm business, while at the same time, demanding a fair price for their labor.  This book is an entertaining and educational read.  Acres U.S.A.,  Publishers; 212 pages.

#25 - Farmer John's Cookbook: The Real Dirt on Vegetables   Authored by Farmer John Peterson and Angelic Organics
Cost: $30.00

Written by the manager of one of the largest CSA's in the U.S. (Angelic Organics), this book provides vibrant and tasty recipes as well as insight from nutrition experts, CSA shareholders, farm laborers, and, of course, Farmer John himself.  This wonderful 360-page book hosts colorful photos, new thoughts and ideas on farming and food production, and info on vegetables as they make their way from seed, to field, to the table.  Gibbs-Smith Publisher, 2006


#26 - Artisan Farming: Lessons, Lore and Recipes   By Richard Harris with Lisa Fox
Cost: $25.00
Artisan Farming is a beautifully written and very colorful account of the traditions of this artistic view of farming.  The book uses New Mexico's unique agricultural heritage and the revival of traditional, organic, and "artisan" farming as a way to shed light on this new trend in the ag world.  This "reading adventure" takes you to small farms, CSA organizations, farmers' markets, heritage seed exchanges, and further to show how the independent farming revival is alive and well, and not going away!  The book includes 25 tasty recipes, scenic driving tours of agricultural areas, as well as information on museums, events, farmers' markets, heritage seend exchanges, and other organizational resources and activities.  Gibbs-Smith Publisher, 2008; 148 pages. 

#27 - Sharing The Harvest: A Citizen's Guide to Community Supported Agriculture
Cost: $35.00
IT'S BACK!!!  And in a new highly revised edition by authors Robyn Van En and Elizabeth Henderson.  This 300-page book provides valuable insight into making Community Supported Agriculture a viable economic model as well as an excellent guide for farmers and food lovers alike.  It provides CSA start-up information and how to strengthen existing CSA operations.  Chelsea Green Publishing, 2nd edition: 2007.


#28 - Whole Measures: Tranforming Our Vision of Success 
DVD, guide & website included.
This 66-page guide book illustrates the creation of whole communities and the guiding principles behind this concept.  It also includes useful info on value-based practices such as community building, land stewardship, relationships between people and land, ecosystm health, and much more.  The concpets in this work can be applied across many disciplines; some outlined are community developers, farmers, conservationists, land-use planners, educators, and land trust agencies.  "Think of Whole Measures as a living document, never static, that helps people and organizations working for land and community transformation to better understand the role of land in shaping a healthier, happier, more responsible American culture" (quote from book, pp. 59). Center for Whole Communities, 6th edition: 2007.  


#29 - "CSA: Making A Difference" Video on VHS and DVD
15-minute video describing CSA.  Include interviews and footage from four different CSA farms.  Use to inform and attract a first-time audience.
                          #30A - DVD …….......$18.00
                          #30B -VHS tape ...…$12.00


#30 - "It's Not Just About Vegetables" Video on DVD
Produced & Directed by Mickey Friedman and John MacGruer, this 30-minute video filmed in 1986 during the birth of the first CSA in the U.S.  Footage includes discussion and relection from the founding members, Robyn Van En, Hugh Radcliffe, and Jan Vander Tuin.  It was filmed toward the end that very first CSA summer season on Indian Line Farm in western MA.  Robyn describes the video in her book, Basic Formula to Create CSA, "This video has proven to be the best way to present the CSA concept, intent and farming alternative to a community."  This is the first time this video has been available on DVD!


*When ordering, please be sure to include shipping fee of $6.00!
PA residents must add 6% sales tax to their order.

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