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News Release

Thursday, May 16, 2003

Contact: HHS Press Office
(202) 690-6343


HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson today announced that Margaret J. Giannini, M.D., director of the HHS Office on Disability, was conferred The American University of Rome's Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa, in Rome, Italy on May 15. Dr. Giannini, long recognized for her work in the disability community, delivered the university's 2003 commencement address after receiving the award.

Dr. Giannini was selected for the honorary doctorate because of her commitment in the fields of pediatrics and gerontology, and her life-long dedication to improving the lives of persons with sensory, physical and developmental disabilities across the lifespan.

"Dr. Giannini's achievements are another indicator that HHS has the best and brightest working for America," Secretary Thompson said. "We're proud that she is part of the HHS family, and that she is leading our efforts on disabilities."

Since October 2002, Dr. Giannini has led the department's new Office on Disability, which is responsible for the coordination, development and implementation of programs and special initiatives within HHS that impact people with disabilities. Secretary Thompson created the new office as part of the department's response to President Bush's New Freedom Initiative, a comprehensive plan to tear down barriers that prevent people with disabilities from fully participating in community life.

Prior to leading the Office on Disability, Dr. Giannini was the principal deputy assistant secretary for aging at HHS' Administration on Aging. Previously, Giannini was the deputy assistant chief medical director for Rehabilitation and Prosthetics of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington, D.C. In 1979, Dr. Giannini became the first Director of the National Institute of Handicapped Research, now known as the National Institute of Disability and Rehabilitation Research.

Additionally, Giannini was a founder and director of the University Center of Excellence on Developmental Disabilities of New York Medical College, the first and largest facility for the developmentally disabled in the United States and the world.


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Last Revised: May 19, 2003