United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Native American Indian Emphasis Program (NAIEP)

Manny T. Wei
Native American Liaison

USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service
2701 S. Banker, Suite 101A, Effingham, IL 62401
Ph: 217.347.7107 ext. 3 Fx: 217.342.9855
E-Mail: Manny

Calendar of Events
American Indian Heritage Month

American Indian/Alaskan Native Association for NRCS

Midwest SOARRING - An Illinois based native group interested in the protection of Native American graves and resources. Features articles by the Illinois Liaison/SEPM.

NAGPRA - Information about the Native American Grave Protection and Repatriation Act. Good review for conservationist, contractors, and artifact hunters.

American Indian Quarterly - Information on current events in Indian Country.

American Indian Movement

American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)

American Indian Program Council - AIPC, an interagency committee of federal employees, works to increase the visibility, recruitment & retention of American Indians in the federal workforce

Intertribal Timber Council (ITC) - a nation-wide consortium of Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Corporations, and individuals dedicated to improving the management of natural resources of importance to Native American communities

Bureau of Indian Affairs

National Congress of American Indians - serves to protect the rights of Indian Nations and native governments

Spirits of the Land Foundation - funds research to benefit humanity and conserve Planet Earth; charitable, educational repository for origin, culture, religion, and holistic herbs of indigenous people.

History of the Cherokee Indians - historical text, images, maps, and Native American links.

Chickasaw Nation

Index - American Indian Tribal Directory

Indian Summer Festival

U.S. Tribes and Organizations