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Date: Monday, November 6, 1995
Contact:  Michael Kharfen (202) 401-9215

Clinton Administration Makes Awards
to Change the Culture of Welfare

HHS Secretary Donna E. Shalala announced today the award of cooperative agreements with eight state, city, and county agencies for innovative programs designed to change the culture of welfare. Each of the local agencies received $50,000.

"President Clinton is committed to sign a welfare reform bill that will help move people from welfare to work," said Secretary Shalala. "This administration has provided 35 states the ability to enact welfare reform with waivers. Even while Congress debates, these grants will help states change local welfare offices one office at a time."

The eight programs were selected from 42 applications submitted by state and local agencies. The programs will create and test various models for changing the focus of the Aid to Families with Dependent Children program from providing benefits to moving individuals to work.

These innovations will include a one-stop job center to transform a welfare office to a job skills and search office. Improved use of technology and staff and management training will equip workers to provide work skill orientations to recipients, to identify and match recipients with job opportunities, and to improve efficiency of managing information. Another effort will implement performance management standards to develop goals for moving people into work. Customer relations training will improve the quality of services provided to recipients, motivating both the worker and client to obtain work. Also, local welfare offices will develop partnerships with the private sector to expand work opportunities and encourage employer willingness to hire recipients.

"As President Clinton has said, welfare must be a temporary assistance program, not a way of life," said Mary Jo Bane, assistant secretary for children and families. "Everyone involved -- recipients, state and local officials, program administrators -- has a part to play to end welfare as we know it."

The recipients are:
