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Date: Thursday, May 25, 1995
Contact:  Moya Benoit Thompson, AoA (202) 401-4541

National Aging Information Center Established

Fernando M. Torres-Gil, assistant secretary for aging in the Department of Health and Human Services, announced today the establishment of the National Aging Information Center (NAIC) which will compile and disseminate information on key aspects of aging to policymakers in the aging network.

Torres-Gil said, "The number of older persons continues to grow as government, the private sector and the public seek more comprehensive information about our aging society.

"The National Aging Information Center is an important new arm of Administration on Aging (AoA) which will provide the information needed to help our nation prepare a blueprint for aging policy,"Torres-Gil said. "We have designed the center to be responsive to the information needs of those who are working to chart out a new course for future aging policy."

NAIC will support efforts to improve public policies and programs that affect the lives of older Americans such as nutrition, home and community-based long-term care, and services for older women. The center will be utilized by researchers, service providers and federal, state and local government agencies. A wide variety of program and policy oriented materials in aging will be housed at NAIC, many of which are not available from any other single source. Services will include responses to written and telephone requests for information, and the distribution of such materials as bibliographies, analytical reports, statistical tables and copies of publications.

The NAIC computerized bibliographies and statistical databases will be nationally accessible via modem and the Internet. These databases will include information about the reports and other products developed by AoA-supported projects and other practical and policy-related materials. Statistical data will be available concerning services provided under the Older Americans Act programs, aging demographics and other information about our older population. The NAIC's collection of reports, publications, statistical data and other materials will be available for use on site in a reading room in Washington, D.C., or through the mail.

National and regional forums will be held to discuss results of key research and demonstration projects supported by AoA. In addition, NAIC will offer training and technical assistance to the aging network including State and Area Agencies on Aging. This training will enhance their capacities to collect program information on services provided through the Older Americans Act using the National Aging Program Information System.

The National Aging Information Center will be operational in the fall of 1995 and is being supported by a contract with Eagle Design & Management, Inc., a firm with extensive experience in the operation of information centers.

For further information about the NAIC, contact Saadia Greenberg of the U.S. Administration on Aging at (202) 619-3429.
