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American Economic Recovery Act and Homeowners Assistance Program

Public Affairs:

  • UC Merced Campus and Community
  • Natomas Levee Certification
  • Natomas Levee Improvement Project 408 Permissions and 404 Permit
  • News/Public Notices
  • Prospector - District Magazine
  • FY2007 Annual Report
  • Press Releases

  • U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Flood Risk Management Planning Center of Expertise

    Regulatory Division:

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  • Regulatory Public Notices

    Contract With The Corps:
  • Contract With The Sacramento District
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  • Contracting Division Home Page
  • ***Hurricane Katrina Contractor Site

    Other Links:
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  • EngLink Interactive Site
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    Around the Services

    District Engineer Tom Chapman and San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency Executive Director James. B. Giottonini sign a cost-sharing agreement

    District Engineer COL Tom Chapman and San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency Executive Director James. B. Giottonini sign a cost-sharing agreement Feb. 19, 2009 to conduct a flood-protection feasibility study for the San Joaquin county area. The Sacramento District and SJAFCA will split the costs evenly for the study, which is expected to last three to four years. “It’s going to be a big challenge,” says San Joaquin Area Flood Control Agency Executive Director James B. Giottonini. “But we’re looking forward to working with Corps to achieve the level of flood protection we need.”


    Larry Smith of the Construction Operations Division is congratulated by Col. Chapman for receiving the Construction Management of the Year Award.

    Larry Smith of the Construction Operations Division is congratulated by Col. Chapman for receiving the Construction Management of the Year Award. {Story}

    In The News...

      Capt. Clay receives Meritorious Service Medal for accomplishments at Sacramento District


    On January 20, Captain James “Dave” Clay received the Meritorious Service Medal for his service as a Project Engineer in Construction and Operations Division and as a Project Manager in Programs and Project Management Division while assigned to the Sacramento District. Capt. Clay’s performance has contributed significantly to the success of the District’s Military Construction (MilCon) Program and reflects great credit upon him, the South Pacific Division and the United States Army.

    [  full story...  ]

      Sacramento District employees take time off from work to host

      19th Annual Children’s Christmas Party for less fortunate families

    Sacramento, CA (December 9, 2008) — Corps employees from the Sacramento District, in addition to volunteers from other organizations, hosted the 19th Annual Children’s Christmas Party at the Sacramento Grand Ballroom on December 9, 2008.


    The annual Children’s Christmas Party was started in 1990 when a group of volunteers from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers decided to take some time off from work and do something to give back to the community during the holiday season. This group of volunteers recruited some of their friends and they decided to donate their personal time and effort to provide a Christmas celebration that these Sacramento families’ likely wouldn’t be able to experience without the support and dedication otherwise.

    [  full story...  ]

    In The News Archives ...

    District Initiatives:

  • Three Rivers Levee Improvement Authority Levee Improvement Project 408 Permissions and 404 Permitt -

  • Lower Yuba River Pilot Gravel Injection Project -
    1. Environmental Assessment Section Memo
    2. Draft Environmental Assessment
    3. Appendix A Evaluation
    4. Appendix B Water Quality Certification Application
    5. Appendix C Species List
    6. Appendix D Special Status in Project Area
    7. Plate 1 Area Vicinity Map
    8. Plate 2 Project Area Map
    9. Plate 3 Location of Features
    10. Plate 4 Belt Conveyor Vehicle Specifications


  • Inspection of Completed Works and Rehabilitation and Inspection Program Summary:
  • Sacramento River Bank Protection Project
  • Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Initiatives
  • PL 84-99 Emergency Site Repairs
  • Hurricane Katrina
  • Lake Isabella Dam
  • Fast Facts of the Sacramento River
  • Draft EIS for the Success Dam Remedation Project

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