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How do I resolve problems running Pogo games?

This article applies to:
  • JRE version(s):
    1.4.2_xx, 1.5.0, 6.0


Problems running Pogo games


Use these suggestions to resolve Pogo Game issues.
  • How to Clear the Web cache - Pogo games get stale in a Web browser, and clearing the Web browser cache weekly can help restart your game.
  • 'Java Corrupted or Misinstalled' - This happens when the runtime environment you are using is missing necessary components, or because your installation failed to complete properly. Reinstalling the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) can help fix this problem.
  • Configure your Web browser to use the JRE - If you install the JRE, but you do not configure the JRE to work inside your Web browser, your Pogo games will probably not run.
  • Error: Illegal Operation, MSHTML Error - Usually this is a problem running games with AOL, and not a JRE problem at all. If you are getting this error, go to Pogo's Help site for further information.
  • Pogo Games with Windows 95 - Although you might be able to run the latest JRE on Windows 95, Sun cannot guarantee that games will work. Windows 95 users should use the Sun 1.3.1_xx JRE. If the 1.3.1_xx JRE doesn't work with Pogo games, please let Pogo know about it.
  • MSN users - Even though MSN gamers have to use the Microsoft VM, others using Web browsers like Internet Explorer, Netscape, or Mozilla can definitely play games at using the JRE.

If you find these Pogo suggestions do not resolve your issue, please email Pogo and request further assistance.

If you require further assistance, please make sure you check through our Help and FAQ sections thoroughly. We probably have a page that answers your question.

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