Buffer Width Graph

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A design aid for determining width of filter strips. A graphical design aid was developed for estimating the width needed to achieve target trapping efficiencies for different pollutants under a broad range of agricultural site conditions.

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  • Dosskey, M.G., Helmers, M.J., Eisenhauer, D.E. 2008. A design aid for determining width of filter strips. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 63(4): 232-241.
  • Dumroese, R.K., Landis, T.D., editors. 2008. Forest Nursery Notes, Winter 2008. Lincoln, Nebraska: USDA Forest Service, National Agroforestry Center. Volume 28, Number 1. 38 p.
  • Dumroese, R.K., Landis, T.D., Luna, T., Hernández, G. 2008. Simple methods for raising tree and shrub seedlings in Afghanistan. Washington (DC): US Agency for International Development and USDA Foreign Agriculture Service, Office of Capacity Building and Development. 63 p.
  • Helmers, M.J., T.M. Isenhart, M.G. Dosskey, S.M. Dabney, and J.S. Strock. 2008. Chapter 4: Buffers and Vegetative Filter Strips. Pp. 43-58 in Upper Mississippi River Sub-basin Hypoxia Nutrient Committee, Final Report: Gulf Hypoxia and Local Water Quality Concerns Workshop. Special Publication. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan.
  • Islam, M.A., D.F. Jacobs, K.G. Apostol, and R.K. Dumroese. 2008. Transient physiological responses of planting Douglas-fir seedlings with frozen or thawed root plugs under cool-moist and warm-dry conditions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38:1517-1525.
  • Jacobs, D.F., A.S. Davis, B. Wilson, R.K. Dumroese, R.C. Goodman, K.F. Salifu. 2008. Short-day treatment alters Douglas-fir seedling dehardening and transplant root proliferation at varying rhizosphere temperatures. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38:1526-1535.
  • McCullough, M.C., D.E. Eisenhauer, and M.G. Dosskey. 2008. Modeling Runoff and Sediment Yield from a Terraced Watershed Using WEPP. Paper No. MC08-118. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
  • Perry, C.H., C.W. Woodall, G.C. Liknes, and M.M. Schoeneberger. 2008. Filling the gap: improving estimates of working tree resources in agricultural landscapes. Agroforestry Systems: DOI 10.1007/s10457-008-9125-6.
  • Schoeneberger, M.M. 2008. Agroforestry: working trees for sequestering carbon. Agroforestry Systems: DOI 10.1007/s10457-008-9123-8
  • Vidon, P., and M.G. Dosskey. 2008. Testing a simple field method for assessing nitrate removal in riparian zones. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 44(2):523-534. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2007.00155.x


  • Dosskey, M.G., M.J. Helmers, and D.E. Eisenhauer. 2006. Using soil surveys to guide the placement of water quality buffers. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 61(6):344-35
  • Ruark, G., S. Josiah, D. Riemenschneider, and T. Volk. 2006. Perennial crops for bio-fuels and conservation. 2006 USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum - Prospering in Rural America. 1-17 February 2006, Arlington, VA. [On-line].
  • Stewart, J.E., M.S. Kim, R.L. James, R.K. Dumroese, and N.B. Klopfenstein. 2006. Molecular characterization of Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium commune isolates from a conifer nursery. Phytopathology 96:1124-1133.


  • Bentrup, G. 2005. Visualizing agroforestry alternatives or pixel this! In: Brooks, K.N. and Ffolliot, P.R. (eds). Moving Agroforestry into the Mainstream. Proc. 9th N. Am. Agroforestry Conference. Rochester, MN. 12-15 June 2005 [CD-ROM]. Dept. of Forest Resources, Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
  • Bentrup, G. 2005. Getting the most out of riparian buffers. BufferNotes. February.
  • Bentrup, G. 2005. Visualizing buffer alternatives. BufferNotes. April.
  • Bentrup, G. and G. Wells. 2005. Picture this. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 60:144A-149A.
  • Bentrup, G., M.M. Schoeneberger, M.G. Dosskey, G. Wells, and T. Kellerman. 2005. Tool time: melding watershed and site goals on private lands. In: Brooks, K.N. and Ffolliot, P.R. (eds). Moving Agroforestry into the Mainstream. Proc. 9th N. Am. Agroforestry Conference. Rochester, MN. 12-15 June 2005 [CD-ROM]. Dept. of Forest Resources, Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
  • Buffler, S. 2005. Synthesis of design guidelines and experimental data for water quality function in agricultural landscapes in the Intermountain West. Logan, UT: Utah State University. 48p. Thesis.
  • Delgado, J.A., C.A. Cox, F.J. Pierce, and M.G. Dosskey. 2005. Precision conservation in North America. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 60:340-341.
  • Dosskey, M.G., D.E. Eisenhauer, M.J. Helmers. 2005. Establishing conservation buffers using precision information. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 60:349-354.
  • Fox, A.L., D.E. Eisenhauer, and M.G. Dosskey. 2005. Modeling water and sediment trapping by vegetated filters using VFSMOD: Comparing methods for estimating infiltration parameters. Paper no. 05-2118. Proc. of the 2005 ASAE Annual International Meeting. Tampa, FL. 17-20 July 2005. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
  • Francis, C.A., M.L. Schneider, P. Skelton, M. Schoeneberger, and G. Bentrup. 2005. Methods for designing future food systems in peri-urban areas. Proc. Visualizing Food and Farm Meetings. Portland, OR. 11 June 2005, Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society.
  • Guo, Qinfeng; Taper, Mark; Schoeneberger, M.; Brandle, J. 2005. Spatial-temporal population dynamics across species range: from centre to margin. OIKOS 108: 47-57.
  • Helmers, M. J., D.E. Eisenhauer, M.G. Dosskey, T.G. Franti, J.M. Brothers, and M.C. McCullough. 2005. Flow pathways and sediment trapping in a field-scale vegetative filter. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 48: 955-968.
  • Helmers, M.J., D.E. Eisenhauer, T.G. Franti and M.G. Dosskey. 2005. Modeling sediment trapping in a vegetative filter accounting for converging overland flow. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers 48: 541-555.
  • Perry, C.H., C.W. Woodall, and M.M. Schoeneberger. 2005. Inventorying trees in agricultural landscapes: toward an accounting of working trees. In: Brooks, K.N. and Ffolliot, P.R. (eds). Moving Agroforestry into the Mainstream. Proc. 9th N. Am. Agroforestry Conference. Rochester, MN. 12-15 June 2005 [CD-ROM]. Dept. of Forest Resources, Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
  • Schoeneberger, M.M. 2005. Agroforestry: Working Trees for sequestering carbon on ag lands. In: Brooks, K.N. and Ffolliot, P.R. (eds). Moving Agroforestry into the Mainstream. Proc. 9th N. Am. Agroforestry Conference. Rochester, MN. 12-15 June 2005 [CD-ROM]. Dept. of Forest Resources, Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.
  • Tomer, M.D., M.G. Dosskey, M.R. Burkart, D.E. James, M.J. Helmers, and D.E. Eisenhauer. 2005. Placement of riparian forest buffers to improve water quality. In: Brooks, K.N. and Ffolliot, P.R. (eds). Moving Agroforestry into the Mainstream. Proc. 9th N. Am. Agroforestry Conference. Rochester, MN. 12-15 June 2005 [CD-ROM]. Dept. of Forest Resources, Univ. Minnesota, St. Paul, MN.


  • Bentrup, G. and T. Kellerman. 2004. Where should buffers go? - modeling riparian habitat connectivity in northeast Kansas. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 59:209-213.
  • Dias, B.; Diaz, S.; McGlone, M.; Hector, A.; Wardle, D.A.; Ruark, G.; Gitay, H.; Toivonen, H.; Thompson, I.; Mulongoy, K.J.; Guariguata, M.R.; Straka, P.; Burianek, V. 2003. Biodiversity and linkages to climate change. Ch. 2, p. 19-29. In: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2003). Interlinkages between biological diversity and climate change. Advice on the integration of biodiversity considerations into the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto protocol. Montreal, SCDB, 154 p. (CBD Technical Series no. 10).
  • Ellis, E.A., G. Bentrup, and M.M. Schoeneberger. 2004. Computer-based tools for decision support in agroforestry: current state and future needs. Agroforestry Systems 61:401-421.
  • Franti, T.G., D.E. Eisenhauer, M.C. McCullough, L.M. Stahr, M.G. Dosskey, D.D. Snow, R.F. Spalding, and A.L. Boldt. 2004. Watershed scale impacts of buffers and upland conservation practices on agrochemical delivery to streams. p. 323-332 In: J. D'Ambrosio (ed.) Self-sustaining Solutions for Streams, Wetlands, and Watersheds. Proc. of the 2004 ASAE Conference. St. Paul, MN, 12-15 September 2004. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
  • Guo, Q., J. Brandle, M.M Schoeneberger, and D. Buettner. 2004. Simulating the dynamics of linear forests in great plains agroecosystems under changing climates. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34: 2564-2572.
  • Korn, H.; Ntayombya, P.; Berghall, O.; Cotter, J.; Lamb, R.; Ruark, G.; Thompson I. 2003. Climate change mitigation and adaptation options: Links to, and impacts on biodiversity. Ch. 4, p. 48-87. In: Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2003). Interlinkages between biological diversity and climate change. Advice on the integration of biodiversity considerations into the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto protocol. Montreal, SCDB, 154 p. (CBD Technical Series no. 10).
  • McCullough, M.C., J.L. Harper, D.E. Eisenhauer, and M.G. Dosskey. 2004. Channel aggradation by beaver on a small agricultural stream in Nebraska. p. 364-369 In: J. D'Ambrosio (ed.) Self-sustaining Solutions for Streams, Wetlands, and Watersheds. Proc. of the 2004 ASAE Conference. St. Paul, MN. 12-15 September 2004. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
  • Stahr, L.M., D.E. Eisenhauer, M.J. Helmers, M.G. Dosskey, and T.G. Franti. 2004. Green-Ampt infiltration parameters in riparian buffers. Paper No. 04-2223, Proc. 2004 ASAE/CSAE Annual International Meeting. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. 1-4 August 2004. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
  • West, E. and G. Ruark. 2004. A long, long time ago. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 59:105A-110A.


  • Bentrup, G., M.M Schoeneberger, M. Dosskey, and G. Wells. 2003. The fourth P: planning for multi-purpose riparian buffers. p. 26-37 In: Proc. of the 8th North American Agroforestry Conference. Corvallis, OR. 23-25 June 2003.
  • Bentrup, G. and T. Kellerman. 2003. Agroforestry and GIS: achieving land productivity and environmental protection. p. 15-25 In: Proc. of the 8th N. Am. Agroforestry Conference. Corvallis, OR. 23-25 June 2003.
  • Dosskey, M.G. 2003. Controlling flooding and water pollution with upland and streamside vegetation systems. p. 244-246 In: Proceedings of the Sino-U.S. Seminar on Water and Soil Conservation. Beijing, China. 3-4 November 2003. P.R. China Ministry of Water Resources and U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beijing, China.
  • Dosskey, M.G., M.J. Helmers, D.E. Eisenhauser, T.G. Franti, and K.D. Hoagland. 2003. Hydrologic routing of farm runoff and implications for riparian buffers. In: Proc. AWRA Conference Agricultural Hydrology and Water Quality. Kansas City, MO. 12-14 May 2003. American Water Resources Association, Middleburg, VA.
  • Francis, Charles; Bentrup, Gary; Schoeneberger, Michele; DeKalb, Mike. 2003. Integration of woody buffers at three levels of spatial scale in the urban/rural interface in Lincoln - Lancaster County, Nebraska. In: Proceedings - AFTA 2003 The 8th North American Agroforestry Conference; 2003 June 23-25; Corvallis, OR: 116-127.
  • Helmers, M.J., D.E. Eisenhauer, T.G. Franti, and M.G. Dosskey. 2003. Two-dimensional overland flow and sediment trapping in a vegetative filter. Paper no. MC03-304. Proc. 2003 Mid-Central Conference of ASAE. St. Joseph, MO. 4-5 April 2003. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI.
  • Helmers, M.J., D.E. Eisenhauer, T.G. Franti, and M.G. Dosskey. 2003. Sediment trapping in a vegetative filter accounting for two-dimensional overland flow. Paper no. 03-2309. Proc. 2003 ASAE International Meeting. Las Vegas, NV. 27-30 July 2003. American Society of Agricultural Engineers. St. Joseph, MI.
  • Hou, Qingjiang; Brandle, James; Hubbard, Kenneth; Schoeneberger, Michele; Nieto, Carlos, Francis, Charles. 2003. Alteration of soil water content consequent to root-pruning at a windbreak/crop interface in Nebraska, USA. Agroforestry Systems 57: 137-147.
  • Ruark, Greg. 2003. Agroforestry decision and planning tools for watershed management. In: Proceedings of Sino-US Seminar on Water & Soil Conservation; 2003 November 13-14; Beijing, China: Ministry of Water Resources, P. R. China, United States Department of Agriculture: 236-239.
  • Ruark, G., M.M. Schoeneberger, and P.K.R. Nair. 2003. Agroforestry - helping to achieve sustainable forest management. The Role of Planted Forests in Sustainable Forest Management: Report and Papers of the UNFF Intersession Experts Meeting. 25-27 March 2003, Wellington, New Zealand. (ISBN 0-478-07758-0). pp. 240-253.
  • Wells, Gary. 2003. Using vegetation to restore, stabilize, and protect stream channels. In: Proceedings of Sino-US Seminar on Water & Soil Conservation; 2003 November 13-14; Beijing, China: Ministry of Water Resources, P. R. China, United States Department of Agriculture: 233-235.


  • Bentrup, G. and T. Leininger. 2002. Agroforestry: mapping the way with GIS. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 57: 148A-153A.
  • Dosskey, M.G. 2002. Riparian buffers control water pollution: Need we know more? p. 253-255. In: W. Schroeder and J. Kort (eds.) Temperate Agroforestry: Adaptive and Mitigative Roles in a Changing Physical and Socio-Economic Climate. Proc. VII Biennial Conference on Agroforestry in North America and the VI Annual Conference of the Plains and Prairie Forestry Association. 12-15, August 2001. Regina, Saskatchewan. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Indian Head, Saskatchewan, Canada.
  • Dosskey, M. 2002. Best available science: What are the choices? In: Proc. Seminar on Agricultural Lands in Transition. Everett, WA. 11 March 2002. Law Seminars International, Seattle, WA.
  • Dosskey, M.G. 2002. Setting priorities for research on pollution reduction functions of agricultural buffers. Environmental Management 30:641-650.
  • Dosskey, M.G. 2002. Riparian forest buffers and water quality: future uses and information needs. In: Proc. SAF Annual Meeting. Winston-Salem, NC. 5-9 October 2002. Society of American Foresters.
  • Dosskey, M.G., M.J. Helmers, D.E. Eisenhauser, T.G. Franti, and K.D. Hoagland. 2002. Assessment of concentrated flow through riparian buffers. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 57:336-343.
  • Eisenhauer, D., M. Helmers, J. Brothers, M. Dosskey, T. Franti, A. Boldt, and B. Strahm. 2002. An overland flow sampler for use in vegetative filters. Paper no. 02-2050, Proc. 2002 ASAE Annual International Meeting and CIGR XVth World Congress. Chicago, IL. 29-31 July 2002, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
  • Helmers, M. J., D.E. Eisenhauer, T.G. Franti, and M. G. Dosskey. 2002. Modeling of two-dimensional overland flow in a vegetative filter. Paper no. 02-2165, Proc. 2002 ASEA Annual International Meeting and CIGR XVth World Congress. Chicago, IL. 29-31 July 2002, American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
  • Helmers, M. J., D.E. Eisenhauer, M. G. Dosskey, and T.G. Franti. 2002. Modeling vegetative filter performance with VFSMOD. Paper no. MC02-308, Proc. 2002 Mid-Central ASAE Meeting. St. Joseph, MO. 12-13 April 2002. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.


  • Bentrup, G. 2001. Evaluation of a collaborative model: a case study analysis of watershed planning in the Intermountain West. Environmental Management 27:739-748.
  • Bentrup, G., M.M. Schoeneberger, S. Josiah, and C. Francis. 2001. Ecobelts: reconnecting agriculture and communities - case studies. In: Steward W.C. and A. Lisec (eds). Proc. of the Ecospheres Conference. 10-12 June 2001. University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE. pp. 1-13.
  • Brothers, J., D.E. Eisenhauer, M.J. Helmers, M. G. Dosskey, and T.G. Franti. 2001. Modeling vegetative buffer performance considering topographic data accuracy. Paper no. 01-2125. Proc. 2001 ASAE Annual International Meeting. Sacramento, CA. 30 July - 1 August 2001. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
  • Dosskey, M.G. 2001. Toward quantifying water pollution abatement in response to installing buffers on crop lands. Environmental Management 28:577-598.
  • Helmers, M. J., D.E. Eisenhauer, J. Brothers, M. G. Dosskey, and T.G. Franti. 2001. Direction and concentration of surface water flow in a vegetative filter system. Paper no. 01-2070. Proc. 2001 ASAE Annual International Meeting. Sacramento, CA. 30 July - 1 August 2001. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, MI.
  • Schoeneberger, M.M., G. Bentrup, and C. Francis. 2001. Ecobelts: reconnecting agriculture and communities. In: Flora, C.B. (ed), Interactions Between Agroecosystems and Rural Human Communities. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. pp. 239-259.


  • Bentrup, G., M.G. Dosskey, K. Klenke, T. Leininger, M.M. Schoeneberger, and G. Wells. 2000. Landscape-scale planning for conservation buffers in the Corn Belt. In: ERIM International (eds), The 2nd Annual International Conference Proceedings on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry. 10-12 January 2000. Orlando, FL.
  • Bentrup, G., M.G. Dosskey, M.M. Schoeneberger, G. Wells, T. Leininger, and K. Klenke. 2000. Planning for multi-purpose riparian management. p. 423-426 In: P.J. Wigington and R.L. Beschta (eds). Proc. International Conference on Riparian Ecology and Management in Multi-Land Use Watersheds. Portland, OR. 28-31 August 2000. American Water Resources Association, Middleburg, VA.
  • Dosskey, M.G. 2000. How much can USDA riparian buffers reduce agricultural nonpoint source pollution? p. 427-432 In: P.J. Wigington and R.L. Beschta (eds). Proc. International Conference on Riparian Ecology and Management in Multi-Land Use Watersheds. Portland, OR. 28-31 August 2000. American Water Resources Association, Middleburg, VA.


  • Schmitt, T.J., M.G. Dosskey, and K.D. Hoagland. 1999. Filter strip performance and processes for different vegetation, widths, and contaminants. Journal of Environmental Quality 28:1479-1489.
  • Dosskey, M. and G. Wells. 1999. Planning Agroforestry Practices. Agroforestry Notes #20. USDA National Agroforestry Center, Lincoln, NE. pp. 4.
  • Henry, A.C., D.A. Hosack, C.W. Johnson, D. Rol, and G. Bentrup. 1999. Conservation corridors in the United States: benefits and planning guidelines. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 54:645-650.
  • Johnson, C.W., G. Bentrup, and D. Rol. 1999. Part 614.4 Conservation Corridor Planning at the Landscape Level: Managing for Wildlife Habitat. USDA, Natural Resource Conservation Service. Part 190 of National Biology Handbook.
  • Schoeneberger, M.M., G. Wells, and M.G. Dosskey. 1999. Working buffers - linking to landscapes. In: Land Management for the Future. Proc. of the 6th Conference of Agroforestry in N. Am. 12-16 June 1999. Hot Springs, AR.
  • Schoeneberger, M.M., G. Wells, M.G. Dosskey, G. Bentrup, and T. Leininger. 1999. Building better buffers: landscape considerations. Buffers for Water Quality Symposium. American Society of Agronomy Annual Meeting. 1 November 1999. Salt Lake City, UT.
  • Wells, G. and M. Dosskey. 1999. Buffer Practices: Overview and Planning. Part 4, Chapters 1 and 2 In: Core4 Conservation Practices: A Common Sense Approach to Natural Resource Conservation. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Washington, D.C.