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Is there anything I can put in a birdbath to keep it from freezing?
— Harley Frakes
Hales Corners, Wisconsin

There are a number of commercial birthbath heaters on the market, as well as heated birthbaths. Retailers for either are easily found with a quick Internet search, or you might try your local garden supply shop. You can find out more about taking care of visiting winter birds in Bringin’ in the Birds, by Terry Krautwurst.

— Aubrey Vaughn, assistant editor


  • PhilipCarol1 2/16/2009 6:01:21 PM

    All of the commercial birdbath heaters I have found require electricity and wires - none of which I want to utilize. I have a wood stove for my primary heat. It is not uncommon for the power to go when it gets really cold, therefore anything requiring electricity would not work then...I discovered that A brick works great. I keep a couple in by my stove and when the temperatures drop to freezing, I put a brick on the stove to warm for an hour or less and then move it into the water. It helps to pour warm water in the bath first. From there, I switch out the brick - usually late in the day. It is the easiest and most planet friendly that I have found and the birds like to use it as a place to stand.

  • ozarkie 2/5/2009 8:05:26 PM

    Doctors Foster and Smith, a pet and wild animal supplies website, has low wattage (50 watts) bird bath heaters. Many others are much higher wattage and therefore more expensive to operate. I have the 50 watt model and it has been working fine this winter.

    The link to their heater is

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