We’ll see you in 2012!

Posted on November 28th, 2008 - 10:30 AM

About the author: Jeffery Robichaud is a second generation scientist with EPA who started in 1998. He serves as Chief of the Environmental Assessment and Monitoring Branch in Kansas City.

image of cows walking in toward a van driving through a fieldThe silly season is finally over for my staff. No more traveling to small towns off the beaten path. No more chatting with folks at the grain elevator or eating chicken-fried steak smothered in gravy. No more coaxing the locals (of the four hoof variety) to shift their stance to the right or to the left. We won’t be back this way for another 4 years.

No I’m not talking about the election; I’m talking about our work supporting the National Rivers and Streams Survey (NRSA). This survey helps citizens and governments measure the health of our waters, take actions to prevent pollution, and evaluate the effectiveness of protection and restoration efforts.

Next year Region 7 will be sampling larger rivers and then take a year off as the survey moves to coastal waters. We won’t see our favorite small streams until we do some recon in 2012 in preparation for visiting them again the following year. I would like to say a special thanks to all of those scientists across the country that helped to “GET OUT THE BOAT,” as part of this survey.

imaage of two men walking in stream with cows watching them from the bankA bit of parting wisdom for all of you future volunteers… I guarantee you getting a cow to change its position is tougher than getting a person. Just look at how distrustful these cows were of Shawn and Bray. They just wanted them to MOOOOOOOve on. Send all requests about the NRSA to riversurvey-ow@epa.gov. Send all complaints about bad puns to robichaud.jeffery@epa.gov.

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2 Responses to “We’ll see you in 2012!”

  1. cooler choice Says:

    keep up the great work NRSA


  2. Donald Chisholm Says:

    This is my idea to get more fresh water to the western states.
    Build a pipeline from the Pacific Oceon to Death Valley. DV is 285
    feet below sea level soonce thepipeline is full it would be a giant
    syphon sucking water into DV. DV is already owned by the U S Gov.
    and wouldn’t cost us anything. When flooded it would creat a salt lake about 3000 sq. miles big. DV is the hottest point in the 48 states so the water would evaporate at a very rapid rate. The
    prevailing winds are mostly eastward so the vapor would go over the Rocky mountains where alot of it would condense and come
    down as rain or snow. Lots of inexpensive fresh water. The lake
    could be used for boating,fishing and swimming.You could also
    divert water from the pipeline to other dry lakes and get more
    evaporation for more water vapor.
    Thank you and I hope you will look at this idea
    Donald Chisholm
    Madison, Wisconsin


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