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Wildlife at WorkSM

The Wildlife Habitat Council encourages employees to get "Wild at Work" by participating in a wildlife management team at their place of employment. WHC's Habitat Opportunities Report and Team Kit are valuable step-by-step guides for employees and employers as they establish, develop and manage a wildlife program, leading up to WHC accreditation. When corporations, conservation groups, the community and WHC come together to plan a wildlife habitat enhancement program, Wildlife at Work is in action. 

Wildlife at Work is the foundation of WHC, from which other programs spring, such as Corporate Lands for Learning and Wings of Wonder.

These strong community-based projects receive increased public recognition and environmental awards by related industry associations. WHC’s annual Registry of Certified Programs is recognized globally as a source for the press, general public and government representatives. 

Apply for Certification

of a WHC wildlife management program:

Improved employee morale
Stronger community relations
Increased public recognition
Potential for cost savings
Better relations with regulatory agencies
Compliance with ISO 14001 standards
Enhanced wildlife habitat
Protection and restoration of biodiversity
Opportunities for environmental education

The Wildlife at Work Team Kit provides a step-by-step guide for creating your own unique and successful program. From the development of a volunteer team to attaining international recognition for your efforts, the Team Kit contains a vast amount of information to aid you. Visit our publications section to view our flagship recognition services for members detailing habitat and environmental education efforts. 

The Wildlife Habitat Council offers many avenues for continued development of habitat programs and opportunities to link local restoration efforts with national programs. Our collaborative partnerships with conservation groups, industry organizations and federal agencies offer a commitment to land stewardship. Partnerships have many advantages, including leveraging resources, providing technical guidance and rewarding incentives for environmental innovation. WHC also works frequently within Canada, Central and South America, Europe and Southeast Asia to promote increased integration of global sustainability to protect Earth's biological diversity.

For more information, contact the Wildlife Habitat Council and we will provide a WHC wildlife biologist for your area. WHC's Wildlife at Work program is a proven method for developing voluntary programs that achieve numerous benefits. Over 1,000 sites worldwide continue to excel in their Wildlife at Work programs, proving that enhancement is an ongoing initiative.

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