Social Responsibility

Wildlife Habitat Council Projects

Several projects taking place on ConocoPhillips' properties indicate the enthusiasm and interest of employees in protecting and improving habitat for birds as well as other wildlife. These projects are being carried out under the rigorous land management guidelines of the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC), a nonprofit organization that helps landowners manage their unused properties in an ecologically sensitive manner for the benefit of wildlife.

ConocoPhillips' sites participate in each level of WHC programming from habitat enhancement and environmental education to nest monitoring and community outreach. Each year, ConocoPhillips is proudly represented in WHC's Corporate Homes for Wildlife Calendar, showcasing a particular site with a photo and brief description showing the great work being done on corporate land to enhance critical wildlife habitat. Below are the ConocoPhillips-WHC projects currently under way at company locations.

  • Bartlesville Projects
    The Hillside Wildlife Habitat Enhancement Area has been certified for habitat since 1991. The Eliza Creek Habitat Enhancement Project has been certified for habitat since 1999.
  • Sweeny Refinery
    The area has been certified for habitat since 1999 and has been certified for Corporate Lands for Learning since 1991.