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Home Support Training Courses

Becoming a GBIF data provider

Becoming a GBIF Data Provider

Description of a GBIF training course


Implementation of the GBIF network requires knowing how to use the various software tools.  The most basic requirement is to set up a node and operate a data provider application on a server computer. One of GBIF's standards for data provision is the DiGIR protocol.  This is course covers installation of the DiGIR provider on both Windows and Linux platforms.

This course is often given together with a similar one-day course describing installation of the BioCASe unit-level provider, which is the other GBIF standard for data provision.

The DiGIR network is designed to serve primary data on species occurrences derived from museum specimens and observational records.  This training is designed to facilitate the development of a network of DiGIR providers serving primary data.  In most instances these servers will be hosted by the Natural History Collections or other institutions that hold this type if data. It would be expected that trainees already have access to these types of data sets or are preparing to train others that are willing to serve this type of information.

Target audience

The course is designed for:
  • Managers and system administrators of GBIF nodes.  Individuals from Participant nodes and data nodes are strongly encouraged to take this class and support is available, see below.
  • Database custodians and scientists who want to understand how GBIF data is provided.


The trainees should have technical competence, as described below.
  • Server operating systems covered (Linux/Unix and/or Windows 2000/XP): Basic to intermediate level of knowledge.
  • Relational databases: Basic knowledge of the concepts.
  • Internet: Basic knowledge of web servers such as Apache and IIS.  Basic knowledge of XML.

Overview of content

The trainees will first be given an introduction to the technology, see a full demonstration of the installation, then do the installation on their Windows workstations, and finally repeat that on a shared Linux server. For each training event, the coverage of these operating systems can be adjusted towards one or the other platform depending of the needs of the attendees.
  • Getting to know 30 min
    1. Introduce trainees and trainers 20 min
    2. Familiarise with the workstation and the available Internet connection 10 min
  • Introduction 90 min
    1. GBIF objectives and principles 10 min
    2. GBIF information system 30 min
    3. What are GBIF Nodes 20 min
    4. The DiGIR protocol  and the Darwin Core XML standard 30 min
  • Installation on Windows workstations 90 min
    1. What is the GBIF data provider package 10 min
    2. Install the data provider package 15 min
    3. Configuration of provider metadata 15 minutes
    4. Familiarise with the sample biodiversity database used on the class 15 min
    5. Definition of resources, including mapping of sample data to Darwin Core 35 minutes
    6. Optionally, repeat step 2 on a shared Linux server (all other steps are the same) 10 min
  • Lunch or dinner break
  • Introduction to GBIF Registry 60 min
    1. What is UDDI 20 min
    2. Registrering the installed providers in UDDI at GBIF 10 min
    3. Exploring the GBIF UDDI Registry 10 min
  • Accessing the data providers 30 min
    • Querying the installed providers using an existing search portal 30 min
  • Demonstrations and testing, as interests and available time dictate. 60 min
    • Alternatively, Introduction to GBIF Data Repository Tool. 60 min
    • Alternatively, demonstrate installation and use of GBIF Portal Toolkit  60 min
  • Discussion 30 min
  • Feedback 15 min


Material will be in English only for the time being.


Content duration is 7-8 hours. Total duration with breaks is 1 working day.

If BioCASe provider training is given at the same time, this course takes 2 days.

Available instructors and languages

Instructors for actual events of this course will be assigned from the list below.
  • Giorgos Ksouris (Greek, English)
  • Hannu Saarenmaa (Finnish, Swedish, English)
  • Maria Auxiliadora Mora (Spanish, English)
  • Patricia Mergen (French, German, English, Dutch, Letzeburg)
  • Frédéric Wautelet (French)
  • other (please contact us to be included here on a volunteer basis)

Venues, schedule and registration

See http://www.gbif.org/Support/training/schedule

For classroom requirements, see http://www.gbif.org/Support/training/hosting/classroom/#01.  The trainees are encouraged to bring their own laptops that fulfil the requirements.  Also lighter laptops that do not fulfil the requirements but may be used to access the server could be brought, but should not be  announced in registration.

Availability of financial support

This course is fundamental for GBIF operations and every GBIF Participant should have the knowledge covered by this course.  Therefore financial support available on a limited basis to attend this course. To be eligible, you must be in one of the following categories:
  1. Representative of a GBIF Participant that has never before sent anyone for this course. (Inquire with training@gbif.org if you are unsure if your node has already taken this course.)  You do not have to fill all the details of the application form if you are in this category; the nomination of  the Head of Delegation to GBIF or a Node Manager is sufficient.
  2. Observer from a country or international organisation that is not yet a GBIF Participant, but is considering to join, and needs a more hands-on experience and information about GBIF’s work.  You will have to fill all the details of the application form, and also send a letter of recommendation from your government or international organisation.
  3. Qualified individual from a developing country, in particular from the region where the workshop is given. This category of funding is usually subject to availability from GBIF Supplementary Fund and may not always be available. You will have to fill all the details of the application form, and also send recommendations. 
For details, see the general guidelines for applying financial support.

Release notes

Version 0.8, 2004-08-06  Send comments to Hannu Saarenmaa

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