
Java in Action Downloads Help Center

Installing Java


How do I download and install Java for my Linux computer?

This article applies to:
  • Platform(s):
    Red Hat Linux, SUSE Linux, JDS
  • Browser(s):
    Netscape 6.2x, Netscape 7, Mozilla 1.4+
  • JRE version(s):
    1.5.0, 6.0

Follow these steps to download and install Java for Linux.
  1. Download
  2. Install
  3. Enable and Configure
  4. Test Installation

Linux system requirements

Platform Version Memory Browsers Diskspace
LINUX 32-bit
Intel IA32 Red Hat 9.0 64mb Mozilla 1.4+ 58 MB
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3.0 64mb
Red Hat Enterprise Linux WS 2.1 64mb
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES 2.1 64mb
Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 2.1 64mb
SuSE 8.2 64mb
SLEC 8 64mb
SLES 8 64mb
TurboLinux 8.0 64mb
Sun Java Desktop System, Release 1 64mb
Sun Java Desktop System, Release 2 64mb
AMD Opteron 32-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3.0
LINUX 64-bit
AMD Opteron 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS 3.0
Mozilla 1.4+ 56 MB

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Free Java Download button
  3. There are two types of installation packages. Linux RPM package or Linux self extracting binary file. Download the package that best suits your needs.

    Note: Linux RPM (Redhat Package Manager) uses RPM to install Java. In order to use this method, you need to have RPM available on your system. Otherwise use the other option.

Linux Download Options
  1. Click the appropriate Download button to download the package that best suits your needs. You can download the file to any of the directories on your system.
  2. After download verify:
  3. For Linux self extracting binary file
    • Name of the file is jre-1_6_0_02-linux-i586.bin
    • Size is approximately 15.8 MB
    For Linux RPM packages
    • Name of the file is jre-1_6_0_02-linux-i586-rpm.bin
    • Size is approximately 15.26 MB


  • Linux self extracting binary file
  • Linux RPM package

  • Note: For any text on this page containing the following notation, you must substitute the appropriate Java version number for the notation. <version>

    For example, if you are downloading update 1.6.0_01, the following command:
    would become:

    To install the Linux (self-extracting) file

    Follow these instructions:
    1. At the terminal: Type:
    2. Enter the root password.
    3. Change to the directory in which you want to install. Type:
      cd <directory path name>
      For example, to install the software in the /usr/java/ directory, Type:
      cd /usr/java/

      Note about root access: To install Java in a system-wide location such as /usr/local, you must login as the root user to gain the necessary permissions. If you do not have root access, install the Java in your home directory or a subdirectory for which you have write permissions.
    4. Change the permission of the file you downloaded to be executable. Type:
      chmod a+x jre-6u<version>-linux-i586.bin
    5. Verify that you have permission to execute the file. Type:
      ls -l

    Make sure the installation file has executable permission
    1. Start the installation process.Type:

      This displays a binary license agreement. Read through the agreement. Press the spacebar to display the next page. At the end, enter yes to proceed with the installation.

    type YES to agree to the license agreement
    1. Java is installed into its own directory. In this example, it is installed in the /usr/java/jre1.6.0_<version> directory. When the installation has completed, you will see the word Done.

    The installation completes
    1. Java is installed in jre1.6.0_<version> sub-directory under the current directory. In this case, Java is installed in the /usr/java/jre1.6.0_<version> directory. Verify that the jre1.6.0_<version> sub-directory is listed under the current directory. Type:

    Verify the installation filename

    The installation is now complete. Skip to the Enable and Configure section.

    To install the Linux RPM (self-extracting) file

    Follow these instructions:
    1. At the terminal: Type:
    2. Enter the root password.
    3. Change to the directory in which you want to install. Type:
      For example, to install the software in the /usr/java/ directory, Type:
      cd /usr/java

      Note about root access: To install Java in a system-wide location such as/usr/local, you must login as the root user to gain the necessary permissions. If you do not have root access, install Java in your home directory or a subdirectory for which you have write permissions.
    4. Change the permission of the file you downloaded to be executable. Type:
      chmod a+x jre-6u<version>-linux-i586-rpm.bin
    5. Start the installation process. Type:

      This displays a binary license agreement. Read through the agreement. Press the spacebar to display the next page. At the end, enter yes to proceed with the installation.

    type YES to agree to the license agreement
    1. The installation file creates jre-6u<version>-linux-i586.rpm file in the current directory.

    RPM unpacking completes
    1. Run the RPM command at the terminal to install the packages. Type:
      rpm -iv jre-6u<version>-linux-i586.rpm
    2. Java is installed in jre1.6.0_<version> sub-directory under the current directory. In this case, Java is installed in the /usr/java/jre1.6.0_<version> directory. Verify that the jre1.6.0_<version> sub-directory is listed under the current directory. Type:

    Verify the installation filename

    The installation is now complete. Go to the Enable and Configure section.

    Enable and Configure

  • Mozilla 1.4 and later
  • Mozilla 1.2, Netscape 6 and later
  • Firefox

  • Mozilla 1.4 and later
    1. Go to the plugins sub-directory under the Mozilla installation directory
      cd <Mozilla installation directory>/plugins
    2. In the current directory, create a symbolic link to Java ns7/ file Type:
      ln -s <Java installation directory>/plugin/i386/ns7/

    3. Example:
      • If Mozilla is installed in this directory:
      • and if the Java is installed at this directory:
      • Then type at the terminal to go to the browser plug-in directory:
        cd /usr/lib/mozilla-1.4/plugins
      • Enter the following command to create a symbolic link to the Java Plug-in for the Mozilla browser.
        ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0/plugin/i386/ns7
        / .
    4. Start Mozilla browser or restart it if it is already running. Note that if you have other Mozilla components (ie: Messenger, Composer, etc) running, you will need to restart them as well.
    5. Go to Edit > Preferences. Under Advanced category > Select Enable Java

    Mozilla 1.2, Netscape 6 and later
    1. Go to the plugins sub-directory under the Netscape directory
      cd <Mozilla1.2>/plugins
    2. Create a symbolic link to the ns7-gcc29/ file:
      ln -s <Java>/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29/

    3. Example:
      • If Netscape is installed at this directory:
      • And if the Java is installed at this directory:
      • Then type at the terminal to go to the browser plug-in directory:
        cd /usr/lib/Mozilla1.2/plugins
      • Enter the following command to create a symbolic link to the Java Plug-in for the Mozilla browser.
        ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0/plugin/i386/ns7-gcc29
        / .
    4. Start Mozilla browser or restart it if it is already running. Note that if you have other Mozilla components (ie: Messenger, Composer, etc) running, you will need to restart them as well.
    5. Go to Edit > Preferences. Under Advanced category > Select Enable Java

    1. Go to the plugins sub-directory under the Firefox installation directory
      cd <Firefox installation directory>/plugins

    2. In the current directory, create a symbolic link to the Java ns7/ file Type:
      ln -s <Java installation directory>/plugin/i386/ns7/

    3. Example:
      • If Firefox is installed at this directory:
      • And if the Java is installed at this directory:
      • Then type at the terminal to go to the browser plug-in directory:
        cd /usr/lib/firefox-1.4/plugins
      • Enter the following command to create a symbolic link to the Java Plug-in for the Mozilla browser.
        ln -s /usr/java/jre1.6.0/plugin/i386/ns7

      In the command line above, use ns7-gcc29 if Firefox was compiled with gcc2.9.

      If you install Firefox 1.5 or later, you can enable the Java Console menu item in the Tools menu. Change directories to the Firefox extensions directory, then unzip there.

      cd /usr/lib/firefox-1.4/extensions
      unzip /usr/java/jre1.6.0/lib/deploy/

    4. Start the Firefox browser, or restart it if it is already up.

      In Firefox, type about:plugins in the Location bar to confirm that the Java Plugin is loaded. If the version is Firefox 1.5 or later, click the Tools menu to confirm that Java Console is there

    Test Installation
    To test that Java is installed, enabled and working properly on your computer, run this test applet from our web site:
    Test your Java

    If you require further assistance, please make sure you check through our Help and FAQ sections thoroughly. We probably have a page that answers your question.

    You may find information on the following topics in the Help section:
    Installing Java
    Configuring Java
    Error Messages
    Applet Application

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