Pest Alert

Entomology - Nematology - Plant Pathology

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Pest Alert allows faculty of the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) to deliver timely information on new and reoccurring pest problems. Other important contributors to Pest Alert are the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and its agricultural regulatory unit, the Division of Plant Industry; and the Florida Department of Health with its arbovirus summaries and reports.

Pest Alert is not meant to provide a complete description of the pest, symptoms, possible damage and management guidelines. This detailed information often is found in the thousands of free and for sale UF/IFAS publications available at county Cooperative Extension Service offices or at the UF/IFAS EDIS Web site.

Additional information is available at other UF/IFAS Web sites that may be linked through a Pest Alert file. For example, Featured Creatures, a Web site of the UF/IFAS Department of Entomology and Nematology and the Florida Division of Plant Industry, contains detailed information on a number of beneficial and pest arthropods. Computer tutorials and knowledgebases on specific pests, groups of pests, and pesticide use are available at the UF/IFAS Buggy Software Web site. Other related sites include the WoodyBug, Whitefly and MCricket online knowledgebases.

Publications on pests new to Florida may not yet be available on the EDIS site or through UF/IFAS publications. In this case, Pest Alert, and UF/IFAS departmental or research center Web sites, may contain the only information available until UF/IFAS faculty can develop printed publications on these pests.

Pest Alert is not meant to function as an archive of all items ever listed. As files or links become outdated or are no longer relevant, the Webmaster reserves the right to delete items.

Most files in Pest Alert identify a contact for additional information. Please contact that individual or organizational unit for additional information, and not this site's Webmaster.

The information at this site can be cut and pasted into newsletters or other publications. Please do not change the wording regarding any control measures mentioned. If used in other publications, please include the following:
Information obtained through the UF/IFAS Pest Alert Web site at:

Subscribe to the Pest Alert-L listserv to receive brief notices of additions to Pest Alert sent directly to your mail box.
Click here for details on subscribing and UNsubscribing.

During the period 1 October 2007 - 30 September 2008,
the UF/IFAS Pest Alert Web site recorded
129,688 unique visitors, 263,552 page views and 86,678 PDF downloads.

UF/IFAS Entomology and Nematology For-sale Publications

Thomas R. Fasulo - Webmaster
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